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Author: eltoro

Kenapa Sultan Sulu Darul Islam Tuntut Hak Atas Sabah ?

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Post time 25-2-2013 07:26 PM | Show all posts
kalau sabah tu mcm afghanistan takde sapa yg nak

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Post time 26-2-2013 10:55 AM | Show all posts
aku klu blh soltan2 dlm mylsia pn mau di abeskan.. ni nk ada soltn bru plk..apa kejadah. opss

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Post time 26-2-2013 11:33 PM | Show all posts
nanti keturunan Raja Brooke pulak tuntut sarawak...lagi haru!!

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Post time 27-2-2013 01:50 AM | Show all posts
Pajeri_Nenas posted on 25-2-2013 07:26 PM
kalau sabah tu mcm afghanistan takde sapa yg nak

      tapi katanya kat afghanistan tu bnyk minyak walaupun x de balak, us/nato minat sgt kat area tu sejak zaman pendudukan soviet union lagi.....lagi cite lanjut sultan sulu ni kat bod agensi keselamatan :


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Post time 27-2-2013 06:48 PM | Show all posts
Macam mana Sultan Sulu boleh terpikir nak rampas balik Sabah er, sedangkan dulu beliau sendiri yg pajakkan Sabah kat Syarikat Borneo Utara British (Raja Putih)... pada tahun 1946 syarikat ni menyerahkan Sabah dekat British... setelah tanah melayu mencapai kemerdekaan, pastu Sabah join persekutuan Tanah Melayu dan kini dikenali sbg Malaysia.... dan dah diiktiraf PBB dah pown. Ermmm pengikut beliau tak tahu sejarah kot. Persoalannya, kenapa Sultan Sulu nakkan Sabah balik??

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Post time 27-2-2013 09:10 PM | Show all posts
fikrisharif posted on 27-2-2013 06:48 PM
Macam mana Sultan Sulu boleh terpikir nak rampas balik Sabah er, sedangkan dulu beliau sendiri yg pa ...

sultan kiram tu sultan palsu..yang ada waris..dia tabalkan diri sendiri sebagai sultan..bese la orang tamak..dalam perjanjian asal oleh british...sultan sulu telah nyatakan perjanjian ni..sehingga masih ada bulan dan bintang..sabah kekal dengan british telah sah jadi pemiliknya,.pd masa yang sama sultan sulu pada 1930an tidak ada waris...sehingga presiden macapagal..tidak mengiktiraf sultan kesultanan sulu secara rasmi bubar..apabila filipina amik alih sulu,tawi2 dan basilan..yang tinggal hanya waris2 keluarga atau sanak bila sultan tu mangkat tiada waris..sanak saudara..sepupu sepapat,adik beradik..berebut nak jd sultan..tak pelik lah masa taun 1940an dan 50an..ramai klaim sultan sulu...pastu pertabalannya pon tak ikut adat istiadat sulu...ada keturunan tertentu yg layak..kira mcm ikut giliran bila membentuk persekutuan..suruhanjaya reid dan cobbold..sebulat suara iktiraf sabah milik malaysia sebab majoriti join malaysia...pada masa yang sama..adik2 beradik sulu ni tamak...tak pernah baca surat perjanjian..yang hanya tahu..tanah dan harta...

tp malaysia ni sebenarnya bukan byr pajakan tp pampasan..atas perjanjian tu...waris sultan sulu yang sepatutnya jadi raja sah pon diam2 je..sebab mereka ragui si kiram ni...

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Post time 1-3-2013 07:57 PM | Show all posts
2 anggota keselamatan malaysia terkorban..

bodoh gile kerajaan, main lg..
konon rundingan lah..
mane hishammuddin ngn zahid hamidi???
Last edited by cowey on 1-3-2013 07:59 PM


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Post time 1-3-2013 11:07 PM | Show all posts
Al-Fatihah kepada yg terbunuh tu...tapi apa motif Sultan Sulu ni serang Lahad Datu ? mls nak baca panjang2 ni

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Post time 2-3-2013 02:19 PM | Show all posts
                      ada pihak yg telah menangguk di air keruh.....ada dalang yg mengambil kesempatan ???

The following is a news report from the Philippine Daily Inquirer (  This is a Philippine news report so all references are to Filipinos and the Filipino government.

It says the Philippine government is aware of THREE groups who are behind Sultan Jamalul Kiram's adventure in Lahad Datu.   The three groups are :

    1.)      one small faction that is in it for the money

    2.)     an anti-Aquino administration group and

    3.)      the Malaysian political opposition.

Gov’t intel eyes 3 groups abetting Sulu sultan’s claim
By Nikko Dizon
Philippine Daily Inquirer
1:29 am | Friday, March 1st, 2013
10 262 27

Whether the heirs of the sultanate of Sulu acted on their own to reclaim Sabah or were instigated by an external force to do so, one thing is certain, according to government intelligence sources: It was a business that proved too big for the heirs to handle on their own.
The sources said that the Philippine government’s policy on Sabah is to keep it in the back burner.

But apparently “some people” want to push it forward now. And why now, at this time, is one of the questions government intelligence is looking into.

The sources consistently mentioned three groups that appear to have taken advantage of the decision of the Kirams to pursue their Sabah claim.

“These are groups that wanted to ride on the Kirams’ pursuit with their own interests in mind,” one of the sources said.

Another source added: “There are a lot who can gain from this, not just in the Philippines but in Malaysia as well.

These “external factors,” as an Inquirer source described the groups, are one small faction that is in it for the money, an anti-Aquino administration group, and the Malaysian political opposition.

“The Kirams planned to pursue their claim as early as last year. But they went to Lahad Datu also on the instigation of these groups,” the intelligence officer said.

The small group supposedly goaded the Kirams to ask Malaysia for a higher rent on Sabah. If Malaysia gives in, this small group would allegedly have a share of the increase.

The anti-administration group simply wants to discredit President Aquino and is using the peace process as a cause of disenchantment for the Kirams.

“All those who do not like P-Noy (the President’s nickname) have joined forces. This is one way to really test how this administration will react (to such an issue). Whatever happens in Malaysia, there will be a backlash on us,” one source said.

“In a way, whoever wants to disrupt the peace process or the gains of President Aquino has already won,” the source added.

The third group is allegedly the Malaysian political opposition, which is gearing up for general elections that may be called before June.

The intelligence officer said that one member of the Malaysian political opposition allied with Anwar Ibrahim was running for a post in Sabah.

Apparently, this politician was one of those who spoke with the Kirams. He supposedly gave the opposition’s support to the Kirams’ claim to Sabah,” the source said.

November meeting

The source also believed that in their meeting in November last year, the Kirams decided to “reclaim Sabah or at least ask for a compensation for Sabah that is commensurate to the land’s value today, and for the royal family to be given due recognition by Malaysia.”

But it is being Tausug that is keeping Sultan Jamalul Kiram III, his family, and their subjects stubbornly pressing their renewed claim to Sabah, even to the extent of defying President Aquino, one of the Inquirer sources said.

“This is the last stand of Sultan Jamalul. Being Tausug, they already gave their word they would pursue their claim. This is now do or die for them just to keep their word of honor,” the source, a senior military officer, told the Inquirer.

But for another security administrator analyzing the events of the past three weeks, the Kirams appear to be quite edgy of late.

“They are confused. The government is hopeful that we can buy more time, find a diplomatic way out,” the source said, referring to the government’s efforts to help settle the standoff between Malaysian security forces and an armed group led by Jamalul’s brother, Agbimuddin Kiram, in Tanduao village in Lahad Datu town now in its third week.

Kiram unity

The Inquirer’s sources are from the diplomatic and defense establishments. They asked not to be named as they were not authorized to speak to journalists about their analysis of developments in the so-called journey home to Sabah of the Kirams.

The source said the Kirams decided to unite because they felt left out of the peace negotiations between the Aquino administration and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front, which signed a premilinary peace deal last October.

Calling gov’t attention

“The Kirams wanted to get the attention of the Philippine government,” the source said. “For so many years, the family felt they have been exploited in politics. Sultan Jamalul was goaded to run for senator in 2010 but he lost. Then their letter to President Aquino (in 2010 before he assumed office) got lost,” the source said.

The source said the Kirams and their followers “conceived the details of the plan to go to Lahad Datu” in late January this year.

“In February, a small group of the Kirams’ followers left for Lahad Datu, followed by Raja Muda Agbimuddin,” the source said.

The estimated 70 firearms now in the hands of the group holed up in Tanduao are owned by residents in Lahad Datu, Tausug and Badjao holding Malaysian identification cards, the source said.

Malaysian security forces have encircled Agbimuddin’s group but are holding action, with the grace period for the group to leave having been extended three times and a fourth being requested by the Philippine government.

Malaysians careful

The Inquirer’s military source said the impasse continues because the Malaysians are extra careful in dealing with Agbimmudin’s group.

“They are all Muslims and they know that if there is violence, it would go on forever. There are 800,000 Filipinos in Sabah. It would be a huge problem in Sabah if violence erupts. The Malaysian security forces may end up dealing with guerrillas or a rido,” the source said, using a Muslim term for clan war.

sumber :

Last edited by laxmanall on 2-3-2013 02:27 PM


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Post time 2-3-2013 09:22 PM | Show all posts
the_killer posted on 27-2-2013 09:10 PM
sultan kiram tu sultan palsu..yang ada waris..dia tabalkan diri sendiri sebagai sultan..bese la or ...

British guna taktik menipu tuk dapatkan sabah...macam perak gak...cina punya taik,negeri melayu tergadai.....

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Post time 3-3-2013 03:25 AM | Show all posts
    perkara2 misteri sebelum berlaku insiden pencerobohan sabah ini..... ... amp;fromuid=1850607   

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Post time 3-3-2013 10:13 AM | Show all posts
Ya!!! Memang benar! Sejarah telah membuktikan Kesultanan Sulu pernah memerintah Sabah. Akan tetapi lelaki yang mendakwa dirinya sekarang adalah Sultan Sulu & Borneo Utara iaitu "Sultan" Jamalul Kiram terlupa sesuatu, "baginda" atau dia mungkin terlupa pada tahun 1878, datuknya sendiri telah mengadakan perjanjian dengan Syarikat Borneo Utara British (SBUB) dan akhirnya bersetuju untuk "menyewakan" negeri Sabah (Borneo Utara) kepada SBUB dan akhirnya menyerahkannya kepada British (Sebelum pembentukan Malaysia).

Yang menariknya, apakah yang Sultan Sulu lakukan ketika Sabah dijajah oleh Jepun? Jika benar "Baginda" mempunyai hak di Sabah, adakah "baginda" pernah menghantar "Tentera Diraja Sultan Sulu" untuk membebaskan Sabah? (Seperti yang berlaku di Lahad Datu sekarang) Jawapannya TIDAK!!! Malah sebelum Malaysia ditubuhkan pada 16 September 1963. Sultan Sulu ketika itu iaitu Sultan Muhammad Esmail E. Kiram I sendiri telah menyerahkan 'hak' pemerintahan baginda di Borneo Utara kepada Filipina yang ditadbir Presiden Macapagal pada 12 September 1962 untuk menghalang pembentukan Malaysia. Ini secara tidak langsung menunjukkan Sultan Sulu ketika itu "tidak serius" dan bersikap "lepas tangan" dan akhirnya pada 1989 kerajaan Filipina telah mengugurkan tuntutan mereka keatas Sabah demi memperbaiki hubungan Diplomatik dengan Malaysia.

Malah sehingga sekarang, Kerajaan Malaysia tetap & masih membayar Rm5300 kepada Sultan Sulu sebagai wang saguhati, tetapi "baginda" mendakwa wang saguhati tersebut tidak cukup kerana "baginda" berhak mendapat 50% wang hasil ekonomi Sabah. Mungkin "Baginda" belum sedar yang penduduk Sabah sekarang tidak pernah mengiktiraf "baginda" sebagai Sultan Borneo Utara lagi kerana Sabah sekarang adalah milik penduduk Sabah dan bukannya milik kesultanan Sulu lagi.


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Post time 3-3-2013 12:05 PM | Show all posts
Jamalul Kiram x layak panggil sultan... dia ni barua je sbnrnya... aku bengang giler dgn mamat ni... kalo ada dpn mata aku rs nak terajang dia.. x sedar diri punya org tua..... sbb ko sorang bnyk masalah yg dtg.....

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Post time 4-3-2013 10:45 PM | Show all posts
Apa beza Sulu, Tausuq dan bersuluk???

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Post time 5-3-2013 12:48 AM | Show all posts
          aku rasa tujuan kump sulu ni serampang 2/3.....   mata iaitu:

  1.) create unrest spt kat selatan filipina & jajah sabah
  2.) cubaan menjatuhkan kerajaan presiden filipina sekarang kerana isu jabidah mass.....  dulu

          rupanya kiram ni ada cita2 nak jajah sabah sejak 17 april 2011 lagi .....cube korang bace komen guest : ... rs-drop-Sabah-claim

     harap ATM/polis ketatkan kawalan kat sume kaw sabah, s'wak & semenanjung !!! rakyat juga perlu waspada...

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Post time 5-3-2013 03:14 AM | Show all posts
Soalnya, siapa yg tuntut Sabah dan siapa yg tuntut IC utk duduk di Sabah?

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Post time 5-3-2013 11:43 AM | Show all posts
Selasa Mac 5, 2013

Fakta Kesultanan Sulu

Jamalul Kiram III

KESULTANAN Sulu adalah sistem monarki tradisional Islam orang-orang Tausug yang meliputi wilayah Basilan, Palawan, Sulu dan Tawi-Tawi di Filipina iaitu Wilayah Autonomi Islam Mindanao (ARMM) dan bahagian timur Sabah.

Ia diasaskan pada tahun 1457 oleh ulamak bernama Sharif Abu Bakar, yang menyandang gelaran Sultan Shariful Hashim selepas mengahwini Paramisuli iaitu seorang puteri tempatan.

Beliau kemudiannya memperkenalkan Kod Undang-undang Sulu (Diwan) pertama berdasarkan al-Quran, dan memperkenalkan institusi politik Islam serta penyatuan Islam sebagai agama rasmi negara.

Pada 1675, setelah tentera Sulu berjaya menyelesaikan perang saudara di Brunei, Sultan Sulu dihadiahkan dengan Borneo Utara (kini timur Sabah).

Bagaimanapun pada 1878, Sultan Sulu memajak Borneo Utara kepada Eropah.

Perjanjian itu menyatakan bahawa pajakan adalah kehendak sendiri dan ia sah sehingga akhir zaman.

Kesultanan Sulu menerima pembayaran serahan tahunan bersamaan dengan 5,000 dolar Malaya, yang kemudiannya meningkat kepada 5,300 dolar Malaya pada 1903.

Borneo Utara berada di bawah naungan British dari akhir abad ke-19.

Kawasan berkenaan mendapat tempoh singkat kemerdekaan sebelum menjadi sebahagian daripada Persekutuan Malaysia pada tahun 1963.

Sejak itu Malaysia membayar RM5,300 sebagai bayaran serahan setiap tahun kepada Kesultanan Sulu.

Keturunan bekas Sultan Sulu tidak merebut kembali wilayah berkenaan, sebaliknya bersetuju untuk menerima pembayaran serahan berdasarkan perkiraan sebelumnya.

Keadaan ini berlanjutan sehingga beberapa minggu yang lalu.

Kesultanan Sulu kemudiannya berada di bawah kawalan Sepanyol tetapi pada 1885 mereka menandatangani Protokol Madrid dengan Britain dan Jerman bagi melepaskan apa-apa tuntutan ke atas Borneo Utara.

Kesultanan itu berakhir apabila Sultan Jamalul Kiram II menandatangani Perjanjian Carpenter pada 22 Mac 1915, di mana dia menyerahkan semua kuasa politik kepada Amerika Syarikat.

Filipina, bagaimanapun terus mengiktiraf Kesultanan Sulu sebagai sebuah entiti berdaulat sehingga kematian Sultan Mohd Mahakuttah A. Kiram pada tahun 1986.

Kini terdapat sekurang-kurangnya 11 pihak menuntut gelaran Sultan Sulu, termasuk Sultan Jamalul Kiram III.


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Post time 6-3-2013 04:31 PM | Show all posts
Syd posted on 5-3-2013 11:43 AM
Selasa Mac 5, 2013

Fakta Kesultanan Sulu

Baron von Overbeck bayar sultan Brunei 12, 000 setahun dan bayar sultan sulu 5000 setahun. Jadi siapa pemilik sebenar sabah?


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Post time 7-3-2013 02:58 AM | Show all posts
        ......aku adakala tertanya2 adakah bunyi tembakan yg didengar army pd awal kejadian adalah tembakan dari orang kiram sendiri thdp ahli2 pasukannya yg ingin menyerah diri ??? begitu juge dgn kejadian pd hari 2 polis terkorban, adakah bendera putih tu tanda tdpt pengikut2nya yg ingin menyerah diri tetapi telah ditembak oleh para sniper kiram yg telah berada di beberapa tempat strategik yg x diketahui oleh pengikut2 nye ini (yg ingin surrender) langsung menembak juga kpd sume anggota kita???   adakah ini sebenar2 'trap' ???  jadi sebab tu la kiram x bekalkan sume pengikutnya dgn senjata api krn kiram hanya percaya orang2 nya shj.......even x silap aku ada satu laporan berita kat filipina menyatakan tuan punya rumah tempat kiram buat base tu da terbunuh ??? jadi ni tentu la bermakna x sume gol sulu/tausuq ni menyokong kiram ??? .....jadi jika mrk meninggal juga, rasanya mrk juga gugur sbg syuhada ......wallahualam......   

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Post time 7-3-2013 09:06 AM | Show all posts
sultan sulu kiram III ni berapa umurnya??
mungkin beliau dah nyanyuk dan terlupa pasal sejarah & perjanjian pajakan ect tu kot?

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