Truth.8 posted on 24-10-2013 11:21 AM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
bukan method aku lah...saya cari punya cari tak jumpa satu ayat pun rambut palsu ini haram ...
Truth.8 tulis : "bukan method aku lah...saya cari punya cari tak jumpa satu ayat pun rambut palsu ini haram dlm Bible....aku keliru sebab muslim selalu cakap muhammad seal of all prophets sebab itu lah saya tanya..."
Maka dalam bible juga tak tulis najis ayam tu haram dimakan... maka apasal kamu tak makan najis tu sedangkan najis itu pun dari Allah jua?
Maka tidakkah jelas bahawa dalam hidup ini kita perlu membuat pilihan mana yang benar dan mana yang palsu... kadang kala susah nak tentukan mana yang benar dan mana yang palsu bila ada yang kita kata benar itu sebenarnya salah dan yang salah itu sebenarnya benar. Untuk tidak terpesong maka mintalah petunjuk dari Allah.
Memandangkan kamu tak pergi ke tread yang saya buka maka saya bawa ayat itu ke sini untuk kamu terangkan apa yang kamu faham tentang agama Allah jika benar kamu berada dipihak yang benar :
Allah berkata :
"Dan ketahuilah bahawa manusia pada mulanya tidak memeluk melainkan agama yang satu (agama Allah), kemudian dengan sebab menurut hawa nafsu dan Syaitan mereka berselisihan. Dan kalau tidaklah kerana telah terdahulu Kalimah ketetapan dari Tuhan mu untuk menangguhkan hukuman hingga hari kiamat, tentulah telah diputuskan hukuman di antara mereka dengan segeranya di dunia mengenai apa yang mereka perselisihkan itu." (AQ : Yunus : 19)
Truth.8 posted on 24-10-2013 11:21 AM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
bukan method aku lah...saya cari punya cari tak jumpa satu ayat pun rambut palsu ini haram ... bukan method aku lah...saya cari punya cari tak jumpa satu ayat pun rambut palsu ini haram dlm Bible....aku keliru sebab muslim selalu cakap muhammad seal of all prophets sebab itu lah saya tanya...
lagi saya keliru...ada segelintir ustaz kata haram ada yg ckp harus...hmmmm tidak kah ia nya ada kelemahan dlm agama kamu?
kamu asyik bertanya dan bertanya, apabila kami menjawab, kamu ignore lepas tu kamu tanya lagi soalan yang lebih kurang sama.
Soalan saya tak terjawab, posting #33 dan #37 kamu dah baca ke belum? Tolong reply sket.
btw saya tak faham kenapa kamu nak keliru sedangkan ianya agama kami, bukan agama kamu. Kamu keliru kenapa rambut palsu haram sedangkan dalam Bible takde?
Kamu tiada masalah untuk menerima Jesus itu anak tuhan walaupun Moses tidak pernah menyebut tentang hal ini di dalam kitab Perjanjian Lama. Kenapa kamu boleh terima 'pembaharuan' yg Jesus bawa, tetapi kamu question dan argue tentang 'pembaharuan' yang Muhammad s.a.w bawa?
Argument kamu sangat bias dan double-standard....
btw, saya akan tanya lagi skali.. posting #33 dan #37 kamu dah baca ke belum? Tolong reply sket. ![](static/image/smiley/default/smile.gif)
Truth.8 posted on 24-10-2013 11:25 AM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
when God gave laws to Moses...which is The Book of Leviticus...mostly about laws and rules , none ... when God gave laws to Moses...which is The Book of Leviticus...mostly about laws and rules , none were found about wig or fake hair...
hence, if muhammad says it allah laknat wearing wigs...clearly it contradict or be doubt he not seal of all prophets..
Moses also never mention about God having a literal son. If you say Muhammad's teaching is 'doubtful', then you are indirectly claiming your idea on "Jesus is God's son" as 100% fake and untrustworthy, because Moses did not mention about it. hence, "Jesus is the son of God" clearly contradicts Moses's teachings.
Why the double-standard? You've been here for so long, and your level of argument/discussion is still very low.
I'm disappointed. ![](static/image/smiley/default/sad.gif)
I am glad to be followers of Christ because there not such things of wig/or fake hair is forbid....in islam there is condition to wear fake hair yet is consider haram or laknat...
From the above view provide by muslims...i can conclude that God of Bible is not same character of god of islam...because when someone buy human hair mostly from peoples who poor to sell their hair to support, they are supporting/or helping this poor peoples. not only that , rather than throwing it...it been recycle for the purpose to used for peoples without hair...it kind blessing from Divine...why blessing ?because all belonged to Divine alone...so it kind apperciate to HIS work than calling it 'haram' or laknat... , well is islam point of view..
Thank you Lord for making me being Jesus followers....![](static/image/smiley/default/innocent0001.gif)
topic is closed officially by me Last edited by Truth.8 on 25-10-2013 12:22 PM
ok.. kalau dah tutup kat sini.. jom debat kat thread saya pulak kalau benar lah kristian tu agama yang benar.... ada berani ke truth.8? |
ct_og posted on 25-10-2013 12:46 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
ok.. kalau dah tutup kat sini.. jom debat kat thread saya pulak kalau benar lah kristian tu agama ya ...
kau nak cerita pasal benar ke??nanti saya cerita pasal islam, muhammad nanti...kamu maki hamun saya....dulu saya terima pm maki saya..
tak payah lah...aku dah lama di sini...kalau islam ini benar...dah lama saya terima islam..
Truth.8 posted on 25-10-2013 01:01 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
kau nak cerita pasal benar ke??nanti saya cerita pasal islam, muhammad nanti...kamu maki hamun say ...
Saya pun dah lama kat sini dan bukan saya yang PM dan maki kamu...
Kamu selalu mendakwa agama kamu aje yang benar dan Islam ini tidak benar... maka mengapa kamu tak mahu tunjukkan kebenaran agama kamu? Kalau benar dia agama yang benar maka mana kebenarannya? Atau adakah kamu pun dah was-was bila banyak sangat kamu tak boleh menjawab apabila orang Muslim bertanya?
Truth.8 posted on 25-10-2013 01:01 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
kau nak cerita pasal benar ke??nanti saya cerita pasal islam, muhammad nanti...kamu maki hamun say ...
kamu bukan benchmark tentang kebenaran Islam. kamu menolak Islam bukan bererti Islam itu salah.
kerana aku juga boleh cakap, jika kau berkata benar, dah lama dah kami semua masuk agama kau. ![](static/image/smiley/default/smile.gif)
Truth.8 posted on 25-10-2013 12:20 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
I am glad to be followers of Christ because there not such things of wig/or fake hair is forbid....i ...
so, you're officially admit that you're ignoring post #33 and #37?
so it's official that you don't want to learn about Islam, but rather you just wanted to 'provoke' and to 'troll' Muslims with your low-mentality.
Ok, I get it. Thread closed. ![](static/image/smiley/default/smile.gif) |
gunblade712 posted on 25-10-2013 03:31 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
so, you're officially admit that you're ignoring post #33 and #37?
so it's official that you d ...
hehehe... agaknya dia tutup bila sedar rambut palsu tu macam najis ayam je... sebab dua-dua tu tak ada dalam bible.. tapi kenapa yang satu tu dia nak pakai dan yang satu tu dia nak tolak sedangkan ke dua-duanya kepunyaan Allah... Dalam Islam telah jelas hukum ke dua-dua itu... maka kita boleh jawab kenapa orang Islam tak boleh makan tahi ayam seperti mana kita tak pakai rambut palsu... malangnya dia menolak untuk tahu kebenaran... |
ct_og posted on 26-10-2013 09:16 AM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
hehehe... agaknya dia tutup bila sedar rambut palsu tu macam najis ayam je... sebab dua-dua tu ta ...
Bible itu begitu indah sebab itu kami percaya isu berkaitan dengan rambut palsu tidak di sebut kerana memang boleh pakai pada mereka yg memerlukan .
Manakala , islam :
ada ustaz kata haram
ada ustaz kata harus
masing2 tidak sehaluan..
senang dan mudah...rambut adalah ciptaan dari DIA....dari DIA manusia memakai kerana perlu sebab botak, nipis dan penyakit....
dlm Bible juga ada berapa senarai makanan yg boleh di makan dan di larang, tatoo di larang, berpakaian kemas dan sopan di tempat ibadat dan lain..
itulah keindahaan ada pada ajaran kami ....
Last edited by Truth.8 on 26-10-2013 04:38 PM
SEPT13 posted on 26-10-2013 02:04 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
org2 mcm dorang ni kan dah di sebut dlm Kalam Allah.
Surah Al-Baqara
kamu ini bodoh ke? adakah kita cerita pasal makan?
kalau kau ini cerita pasal makan...kitab Bible lebih hebat dari quran sebab dlm Bible ada larangan makanan unta , arnah, udang, ketam, oyster, kerang...dan berapa lagi..bukan babi aja...
nak cerita pasal makan konon..pegi lah
gunblade712 posted on 25-10-2013 03:31 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
so, you're officially admit that you're ignoring post #33 and #37?
so it's official that you d ...
u find this thread provoke?? which is provoke?
some ustaz says ok
some says not ok
so now, who is provoke??![](static/image/smiley/default/icon_rolleyes.gif)
Truth.8 posted on 26-10-2013 04:32 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
Bible itu begitu indah sebab itu kami percaya isu berkaitan dengan rambut palsu tidak di sebut ke ...
Apa pula Bible kata mengenai dadah? Adakah dadah ada dibincangkan dalam Bible?
Truth.8 posted on 26-10-2013 04:42 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
u find this thread provoke?? which is provoke?
some ustaz says ok
some says not ok
some ustaz says ok, some ustaz says not ok?
That's because we follow the method as stated in post #33 and #37. We have no problem understanding this coz we understand the method outlined in my post #33 and #37.
It is important for anyone to understand the basic method of ruling in Islam in order to understand the differences of opinion.
See? This is why you're 'confused' (or claim to be in the state of confusion); you lack the basic knowledge. Worst, you ignore the knowledge when someone provided it for you.
Did you read those two postings (#33 and #37), or are you ignoring it? Please read it before you discuss with me further, I cannot discuss with those who ignores an answer when it is provided in front of him. ![](static/image/smiley/default/smile.gif)
Btw, kata thread closed? Closed ke tak closed ni? I'm confuse.
ct_og posted on 26-10-2013 09:16 AM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
hehehe... agaknya dia tutup bila sedar rambut palsu tu macam najis ayam je... sebab dua-dua tu ta ...
Saya ingatkan Truth.8 dah berubah, rupanya cara dia sama je macam dulu. I am very disappointed. ![](static/image/smiley/default/sad.gif)
gunblade712 posted on 27-10-2013 03:33 AM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
Saya ingatkan Truth.8 dah berubah, rupanya cara dia sama je macam dulu. I am very disappointed. ...
sorry i hve dispointed u but I am very very very confused on ur religion.
because...some uztaz giving their own view on the issue of rambut palsu when it says clearly haram and laknat...
My Bible kept silent ....so the Bible is prefect book...
how could u can convience me to accept islam when there is lot of loop holes in ur faith??
mashimaru83 posted on 27-10-2013 12:04 AM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
Apa pula Bible kata mengenai dadah? Adakah dadah ada dibincangkan dalam Bible?
Like I mentioned, the Bible is complete Book if one read with open mind. since there is no mention on the wig/fake hair...is alright to use. as for the drugs, since you have divert it, I can provide little information:
What's wrong with using street drugs like marijuana?
Answer: God wants everyone to have a good physical life (John 10:10
; 3 John 2) and then, through acceptance of His way of life, receive eternal life (John 3:16
). The connection human beings make with God is through our minds—the organ that allows us to determine and complete our actions.
Recognizing how vitally important one's mind is, Proverbs 4:23
says, "Keep your heart [mind] with all diligence, for out of it spring the issues of life." The problem with illegal drugs is that they destroy or impede our ability to think soundly. When we don't have a sound mind, it becomes much more difficult to have a relationship with our Creator.
Another problem with drugs is that they damage our health (www.news.com.au ). The Bible teaches us that because our bodies are to be the temples (places of residence) for God's Spirit, we need to take care of them. Doing so glorifies—shows respect to—God who made us (1 Corinthians 6:19-20
). Then there is the important addiction issue addressed below.
Q: It seems everyone around me is using drugs. What's wrong with just trying it once to see what it's like?
A: Many people have gotten hooked on drugs after deciding that they just wanted to try them once. So to chance this at all is utterly dangerous. Some drugs are physically addictive, affecting some people even more strongly than others. In addition, people get hooked on the high—the euphoric feeling they have while under the influence of the drug. It feels so good that they want to do it again and again and will do just about anything—including illegal and immoral behavior—just to get another "fix" so they can again enjoy the effects of the drug. A wise person will not take the chance of getting hooked, which amounts to idolatry—putting other things before God and his laws.
Sadly the character issue is often overlooked. But it is absolutely vital. God wants people to develop righteous character in this life in preparation for the next one. Righteous character is developed by determining right from wrong, choosing to do what is right and then following through with the proper action. It is a matter of character to choose not to do what is illegal, disrespectful of God and potentially damaging to our health and spiritual well-being.
Q: What's the difference between using alcohol in moderation and drugs?
A: God permits the use of alcohol in moderation and within legal limits (see Romans 13:1
; Judges 9:13
; 1 Timothy 5:23
)—legal issues being age, driving, location, etc. Christians are not to be "heavy drinkers," but to be self-controlled and moderate (Titus 1:7-8
; 2:3, New Living Translation). Moderation means using good sense so as to not come close to becoming drunk. Drunkenness is a sin that can keep a person out of God's Kingdom (1 Corinthians 6:9-10
Studies have shown that the moderate use of alcohol can actually be good for your health (www.hsph.harvard.edu ).
Drugs are a different story. Because their use causes intoxication (similar to drunkenness) and is detrimental to one's health, their use is inappropriate for people who want to honor God.
Since peer pressure is a major cause of youth trying illegal drugs, how can one resist this influence ? A. Learning to resist pressures to do what is wrong is an important part of being a Christian. The book of Proverbs, specifically written as advice for young people, says, "My son, if sinners entice you, do not consent" (Proverbs 1:10
). When we become adults, we are likewise to resist the world's temptations to sin.
One way to resist negative peer pressure is to spend time with people who don't tempt us to sin. Choose the right kind of friends and associates. God says not to keep company with a drunkard (1 Corinthians 5:11
). While we will undoubtedly meet and have to interact with people who break God's laws, if we are wise, we will spend the majority of our time with those who are also striving to live honorable lives.
Q: Doesn't God want young people to have fun?
A: God tells us to enjoy things that don't cause pain to us or others in the long run. He wants young people to enjoy their youth (Ecclesiastes 11:9
) and all that goes with it. This entails the excitement of learning, doing new things and spending time with others who share good values—as well as their knowledge of God (Psalm 5:11
), since this knowledge will be the key to getting the most out of life. God also encourages us to enjoy the weekly Sabbath and His Holy Days (Isaiah 58:13
; Deuteronomy 12:18
; 16:14).
Godly fun is fun we can tell our parents and, later even our grandchildren, all about. Godly fun is always in harmony with God's laws and is something one never regrets. Godly fun doesn't harm our bodies. (For ideas, see the article "Alternative Entertainment 101" from our April-June 2006 issue at www.verticalthought.org/issues/vt11/entertainment.htm .) VT
Last edited by Truth.8 on 27-10-2013 12:57 PM
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