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Author: batu kikir

[Tempatan] Ekonomi, Politik dan Bencana Alam. Nak Tanya Pendapat Pelabur Hartanah Sekelian.

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 Author| Post time 8-6-2015 02:09 PM | Show all posts
Ai_kiu replied at 8-6-2015 12:53 PM
Aku pon mmg pantang spekulator flat PPRT.. cam haram pangai.. Ambil hak org susah.. Senang atas ke ...

Pakai BMW dan Merc............dok tadah flat PPRT. Memang hamjad sungguh.


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 Author| Post time 8-6-2015 02:10 PM | Show all posts
Acong replied at 8-6-2015 12:55 PM
bodoh laa ko nie......! sebelum PR take over selangor, banyak gila macai2 UMNO dpt kuota rumah PPR ...

Tak lah kategori "terror" as investor kau ni Cong. Takat investor flat PPRT je...

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 Author| Post time 8-6-2015 02:16 PM | Show all posts
Modngengade replied at 8-6-2015 01:53 PM
boleh jer sis....beli yg ni kalau boleh jgn beli yg mahal2  sebab susah nk dpt te ...

Kalau beli kondo RM500K...............bulan2 bayar dalam lingkungan RM2k for 30 years. Masuk maintenance fee RM300. Around RM2,500/month on average.
Rental untul kondo (area bukan KLCC atau BB).................harus dlm lingkungan RM1,500 je, shortfall RM1k. Kalau harga naik.......bolih la jual buat untung.


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Post time 8-6-2015 02:17 PM | Show all posts
kemaruk replied at 8-6-2015 02:01 PM
asal sentuh malaysia je, kengkunun malaysia berada di pusat gempa

bila plak aku kata malaysia berada di pusat gempa ? Kau nak twist perkataan aku plak dah, aku kata gempa kuat bleh berlaku kat boundary ring of fire sekalipun melalui kajian yang di buat , sebaliknya kau yang dok tekankan gempa kuat hanya di pusat gempa je ternyata anggapan kau yang salah .


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Post time 8-6-2015 02:18 PM | Show all posts
kwsn rumah saya ada shoplot baru dibina..cantik mmg cantik
tp baru shaja siap dah naik banner utk dijual

spekulator? flipper?

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Post time 8-6-2015 02:18 PM | Show all posts
batu kikir replied at 8-6-2015 02:09 PM
Pakai BMW dan Merc............dok tadah flat PPRT. Memang hamjad sungguh.

bangsa melayu ramai perangai camni...

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Post time 8-6-2015 02:24 PM | Show all posts
blastoff replied at 8-6-2015 02:17 PM
bila plak aku kata malaysia berada di pusat gempa ?  Kau nak twist perkataan aku plak dah, ak ...

butuh lu la kertu

habis tu ko yang gigih reply komen aku asal?

aku takde pon kate lembah kelang bebas terus dari gempa

cumanya, lembah kelang secara fakta sintifiknya takkan terima gempa yang kuat sebab JAUH dari pusat gempa

dah la reply tunjuk gambar ring of fire, bodo sungguh orang tua ni

harap2 anak2 ko tak terjangkit kebodoan ko ni

cakap berputar belit, nak cover malu lettew

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Post time 8-6-2015 02:26 PM | Show all posts
Acong replied at 8-6-2015 12:17 PM
sana sewa cashflow negatif........... mati laa nak top up loan......

pastu maintenance fee lagi ...

area mana cashflow positif acom???


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Post time 8-6-2015 02:35 PM | Show all posts
Edited by blastoff at 8-6-2015 03:19 PM
kemaruk replied at 8-6-2015 02:24 PM
butuh lu la kertu

habis tu ko yang gigih reply komen aku asal?

Kalau kau post kat forum ni sesapa pun berhak reply kat post kau hokehh, tak perlu nak minta kebenaran kau pun. Itu pun kau fail nak faham . Kuang3

Kau tau tengok peta kan, kau tengok peta kat bawah ni sabah yang dah di landa 6.0 gempa tu bukannya terletak betul2 di tektonik plate pun .

Malah tektonik plate ada kat filipina laa mana ada di sabah pun, tapi boleh lah plak sabah kena gempa sampai 6.0, itu memperlihatkan tak semestinya betul2 di tektonik plate je gempa jadi kuat .

Tektonik plate kat indon tu rasanya lebih dekat lagi dengan semenanjung kalau di bandingkan tektonik plate kat filipina dengan sabah , atau sama kedekatannya tu . So kalau sabah boleh kena 6.0 kenapa plak semenanjung tak bleyy ?  Nampak sangat kau ni merapu je lah  


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Post time 8-6-2015 02:38 PM | Show all posts
weyy kemaruk lagi kau kuat memaki hamun orang lagi teruk benak pemikiran kau di buatnya.

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Post time 8-6-2015 02:42 PM | Show all posts
blastoff replied at 8-6-2015 02:35 PM
Kalau kau post kat forum ni sesapa pun berhak reply kat post kau hokehh, tak perlu nak minta keben ...

susah nak cakap dengan babi macam lu ni

kan aku dah kata, lembah kelang jauh dari pusat gempa

yang ko tetiba letak gambar ring of fire pulak kenape?

ko nak kata aku salah le kan?? ko nak kata lembah kelang termasuk dalam pusat gempa???

cibai sungguh manusia bimbo macam lu ni

aku tak tolak kemungkinan KL dilanda gempa, tapi jadi pusat gempa jauh sekali

lain la bongaok macam lu, siap buat andaian "eh zaman dulu bla bla bla"


baru gugel pasal plat tektonik lettew

sebelum ni main hentam je buat andaian

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 Author| Post time 8-6-2015 02:43 PM | Show all posts
blastoff replied at 8-6-2015 02:38 PM
weyy kemaruk lagi kau kuat memaki hamun orang lagi teruk benak pemikiran kau di buatnya.

Aku ada maki orang ke blastoff?? Atau kau salah reply orang lain punya............tak pe dimaafkan.


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Post time 8-6-2015 02:45 PM | Show all posts
batu kikir replied at 8-6-2015 02:43 PM
Aku ada maki orang ke blastoff?? Atau kau salah reply orang lain punya............tak pe dimaafkan ...

aku tuju kat forummer kemaruk la, tak nampak ke perkataan kemaruk di post aku tu , kau ni la buat aku gelak je la jangan dok terasa la kalau aku tak  tujukan kat kau pun  

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 Author| Post time 8-6-2015 02:46 PM | Show all posts
Aku takut baca kemaruk punya reply. Relax la bro. Everyone, have their own opinion. Doesn't mean you have to agree, OK.

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Post time 8-6-2015 02:47 PM | Show all posts
kemaruk replied at 8-6-2015 02:42 PM
susah nak cakap dengan babi macam lu ni

kan aku dah kata, lembah kelang jauh dari pusat gempa

hahh dah sampai peringkat ulang tayang ni kira kau dah stuck kaw kaw dahh jawabnya

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 Author| Post time 8-6-2015 02:48 PM | Show all posts
Edited by batu kikir at 8-6-2015 02:50 PM
blastoff replied at 8-6-2015 02:45 PM
aku tuju kat forummer kemaruk la, tak nampak ke perkataan kemaruk di post aku tu , kau ni la bua ...

Tapi aku dapat "notice" reply dari kau. Itu je.

blastoff replied your post in the thread Ekonomi, Politik dan Bencana Alam. Nak Tanya Pendapat Pelabur Hartanah Sekelian..


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Post time 8-6-2015 02:49 PM | Show all posts
batu kikir replied at 8-6-2015 02:46 PM
Aku takut baca kemaruk punya reply. Relax la bro. Everyone, have their own opinion. Doesn't mean you ...

memaki hamun tak boleh di anggap sebagai opinion yang berilmiah , memaki adalah perbuatan dosa so dosa yang selalu di buat memang boleh memberi kesan kepada jiwa lalu menyebabkan jadi sukar nak memahami realiti. Apa yang aku kata adalah fakta agama sebagai teguran untuk dia .

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Post time 8-6-2015 02:50 PM | Show all posts
Edited by blastoff at 8-6-2015 02:55 PM
batu kikir replied at 8-6-2015 02:48 PM
Tapi aku dapat "notice" reply dari kau. Itu je.

ok , aku faham. Salahfaham tak di sengajakan , tak pe sama-sama kita lupakannya .  

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Post time 8-6-2015 03:26 PM | Show all posts
Edited by blastoff at 8-6-2015 03:33 PM ... de-earthquake-proof

How Are Buildings Made Earthquake Proof?
        One might imagine an earthquake proof building to be heavy and bulky to ensure that it's sturdy enough to defend itself from the force of an earthquake’s impact. We were fasincated to learn however that the more light-weight a building, the more impact it can absorb.

As Light as a Feather
According to REIDsteel, a wordwide structural engineering company who specialise in designing and creating stadiums and multi-storey car parks as well as earthquake proof buildings, the roof of such a building must be as light as possible. This can be done with profiled steel cladding together with a layer of added insulation. It’s also important that the floors of the building are made as light weight as possible. This means that its light, flexible structure is able to absorb and, if necessary, even bend with the impact, preventing the building from being damaged.
To ensure that a building is made earthquake proof it must be built on the correct foundations. Earthquakes often knock buildings from their foundations which caused architects to come up with the idea of placing the building above its base on a series of flexible springs and cushioned cylinders.

(The towering Burj Khalifa of Dubai: The tallest earthquake building in the world)
A variety of different types of cylinders are used but most common is the rigid lead core wrapped in alternating layers of rubber and hardened steel. The core centre provides vertical strength whilst the alternating layers of rubber and steel material provide horizontal resistance. These flexible but sturdy poles can be attached to the building with steel plates elevating it away from the damaging force of the earthquake’s impact whilst they absorb and move with the vibrations.
When the earthquake comes, the springs and cylinders will move with it rather than the whole structure of the building, minimizing the damage caused.
Energy Absorbing Structures
To effectively dampen impact energy, the building must be created with materials of a high ductility. This means that the materials must have the ability to undergo large processes of plastic malformations. Brick and concrete for example are not good materials to use when trying to make a building earthquake proof due to their low ductility; they absorb very little energy. The impressive Burj Khalifa building of Dubai, for example, has a unique structure which consists of an intelligent tubular system embedded with structural steel. This incredible building features an immense "mass dampener" within its peak which serves to dampen the motion created by earthquakes. This reduces impact which could damage the structure of the building or disturb its inhabitants.

Experiments, like the ones carried out by Simpson-Strong Tie shown above, show that buildings integrated with steel connectors have a higher ductility since the embedded steel increases the amount of energy which can be absorbed, allowing the entire building to bend under impact if necessary!
The creation of earthquake proof buildings involves a complex and expensive process which is crucial because people tend to be harmed by falling buildings rather than the earthquake itself.


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Post time 8-6-2015 03:28 PM | Show all posts
batu kikir replied at 8-6-2015 12:18 PM
Ada sekali tu aku terbaca reply kau kat thread mana ntah................kau sibuk menunggu lelong  ...

Itu, saya dan @kemaruk,  bukan Acong.
Ekonomi tak elok, duduk dediam, tunggu dan lihat.
Ada duit cash, simpan, rumah dan share market semakin turun.
Tunggu sampai ujung tahun 2015.
Mana tahu Najib akan turun dan political scenery akan stabelize......
Kalau ada duit cash, kitalah raja................

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