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Author: obelisk

[Politik] Aib di Mekah : Lelaki Tinggal Di Jeddah Jwb Balik Status Kontroversi Saiful Nang

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Post time 27-9-2015 05:46 PM | Show all posts
Saiful nang ni opportunist....

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Post time 27-9-2015 05:48 PM | Show all posts
hanakikan replied at 27-9-2015 02:24 PM
Punya la nak bela arab dia tu smp keluar semua hadith

ujung2 salahkan syiah...
kalu kat tanah melayu setaraf dgn macai yg pung pang pung pang membeking tuan, ujung2 ini semua salah cina dapig

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Post time 27-9-2015 05:49 PM | Show all posts
Innrukia replied at 27-9-2015 05:46 PM
Saiful nang ni opportunist....

ayat2 sebegini tidak menjawab isu pun.
ini hanya deversion untuk kuburkan isu.
sebab umum tahu ummah suka hidup di alam fantasi.

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Post time 27-9-2015 05:52 PM | Show all posts
hzln replied at 27-9-2015 05:48 PM
ujung2 salahkan syiah...
kalu kat tanah melayu setaraf dgn macai yg pung pang pung pang memb ...

yang pasal stampede pun akak dah tengok ummah salahkan syiah iran jua.
2 ummah jah yang akan jadi kambing hitam dalam ugama sunni, sama ada yahudi atau syiah jah then setel segala masalah.
boleh cuci tangan tepuk tangan gembira.

nak bohong acik2 felda pprt sunni yang bodoh boleh la dek.

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Post time 27-9-2015 05:54 PM | Show all posts
saya yg tok skoloh tinggi dlm bidang agama tau yg dilarang msa kerjakan haji dilarang bergadoh, cabut pokok, bunuh binatang, ngesek....gitu2 lah...tak tau pulak saya membukak mata dgn realiti sekitaran dan bersuara mengeenainya itu pun termasuk dlm perkara yg dilarang juga...sebab hormat tanah suci katanya...ilmu agama saya terlalu cetek tak setanding dgn lobai ngaji mengadap kitab kat tanah ereb

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Post time 27-9-2015 05:55 PM | Show all posts
kaum Arab memang terkenal kaum yg suka pandang rendah kat bangsa bukan Arab.tak minat nak belajar n suka ambik kesempatan atas orang bukan Arab.contoh kalau bagi kontrak tak ikut kontrak.rakyat malaysia ,japan,korea .mat saleh ramai yg dah kena berniaga dgn depa. buat bangunan ,lrt,power plant .semua tak follow kontrak .nak mudah,murah,jimat,cepat tapi bayar tak ikut perjanjian.end up banyak company malaysia,japan,china,korea,mat saleh terlungkup meniaga dgn kalau bangunan runtuh,ke,terbakar khemah akak tak terkejut.tak ikut spek n sama jugaklah handle rakyat yg nak pergi mekah.

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Post time 27-9-2015 05:55 PM | Show all posts
Changa posted on 27-9-2015 05:49 PM
ayat2 sebegini tidak menjawab isu pun.
ini hanya deversion untuk kuburkan isu.
sebab umum tahu u ...

apa yg hang nk hakak reply
saiful nang ni mmg suka up isu2 yg tgh hot utk gain attention...
slalu pun gitu ja dia...

bumi Allah ni luas, di mana2 akan ada 'kekotoran' selagi ada manusia di situ...tak terkecuali mekah..
bkn ker kerosakan yg jadik di bumi hasil perbuatan manusia tu sendiri?


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Post time 27-9-2015 05:57 PM | Show all posts


Edited by Changa at 27-9-2015 06:00 PM
Innrukia replied at 27-9-2015 05:55 PM
apa yg hang nk hakak reply
saiful nang ni mmg suka up isu2 yg tgh hot utk gain attention...
s ...

habis tu pelacuran di mekah angkara elohim ke sis? bukan angkara manusia??

akak tak berminat nak follow heshe ini dan tak pernah follow pun namun akak mesti katakan apa yang heshe ucap kan itu memang betul pun.
tiada cacat cela nya. kalau dah benda betul takkan akak nak menidakkan pula walaupun akak tak suka heshe??
itu sentimen nama nya.

berkenaan soal isu semasa, fitrah manusia memang akan up kan isu pasal yang tengah relevan sekarang.
habis di timeline facebook akak or di wahtsap grup pprt akak mereka dok bercakap pasal history 5000 tahun lepas ke dek??
memang tak la kan??>

yabg ummmah dok menggelupor pasal jerebu sekarang semua nak gain attention ke sis?


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Post time 27-9-2015 05:58 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Senyum sinis jah lehat mamat caprut gigeh trying too hard nk jilat ereb ,dgn harapan ereb akan terima beliyai sebagai one of the maksumist..

Mesti melayu caprut ingt bangsa ereb di mecca nih xbernafsu kot duk tungeng2 bershalat jah kerja kan..its obvious hajj pon dah jd a lucrative source of moneh sis..klo da jd aset perniagaan ko pikir sundri la loopholes here and lakan

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Post time 27-9-2015 06:00 PM | Show all posts
so musibah yg kena kat rakyat mengerjakan haji tu ada kemungkinan tuhan nak tunjuk akibat,sebab n musabab human error n juga disiplin kontraktor yg tak ikut sop,downgrade kualiti kerja n safety.ada jugak dari segi nak buat untung rakyat yg sepatutnya tak perlu buat haji pun sumbat jugak by muasasah atau company dari negara mereka.jugak nak tunjuk islam yg diamalkan oleh orang islam itu tak menepati ciri ciri orang islam sepatutnya mengadap Allah sifat pentingkandiri.ibarat mekah adalah cerminan diri sifat manusia tersebut di luar tanah haram.semua kena muhasabah.pendiri haji,provider,penjaga mekah,kontraktor dan juga umat islam keseluruhannya.perlu berfikir dimanakah salah silap orang islam sehingga musibah akibat perbuatan manusia ..

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Post time 27-9-2015 06:00 PM | Show all posts
VioletsAre_Blue replied at 27-9-2015 05:38 PM
Tanya pemandu teksi?kelakarnya...cakap2 orang tanpa bukti kukuh layak ditong sampahkan saja

alah kalu dibagi bukti kukuh kang ummah berkokok pulak, lagi teruk agaknya...isskk isskkk issskkkk org gi mekah nak cari haji mabrur? seful nang cari pelacurrrrr? astaghfirullahalazim mesti gi haji dgn duit tak barakoh nih, hati didorong utk gi tempat moksiat bukan gi sejid buat ibadat...u can never win dgn ummah yg taksub dgn kuasa magis di tanah suci...    

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Post time 27-9-2015 06:02 PM | Show all posts
amansihat replied at 27-9-2015 06:00 PM
so musibah yg kena kat rakyat mengerjakan haji tu ada kemungkinan tuhan nak tunjuk akibat,sebab n mu ...

akak setuju dengan pendapat sister.

kata kunci di sini adalah muhasabah diri, jangan nak bongkak ego sangat konon kau lah ummah yang plaing maksom,
satu2 nya ummah yang akan masuk jannah firdausi pelbagai.
tolong hentikan drama2 hauk sebegitu.

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Post time 27-9-2015 06:05 PM | Show all posts
Changa posted on 27-9-2015 05:57 PM
habis tu pelacuran di mekah angkara elohim ke sis? bukan angkara manusia??

akak tak berminat na ...

tidak la akak menidakkan pulak komen dia.
timing tu tak kna... kalo dah dia rasa dia btl kekalkan aja komen dia tu...
udah kerap kes2 panas, dia keluarkan lps didebatkan dia padam ..

akak tadek fb dik...grup whatsapp akak byk sembang psl 1mdb jah...
psl kat mekah tadek plak yg gigih update
aduh hang nk kurbankan akak ka ptg2 ni

Last edited by Innrukia on 27-9-2015 06:08 PM


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Post time 27-9-2015 06:05 PM | Show all posts
tapi serius penjaga mekah patut kurangkan haji dari negara yg kurang berdisplin.contoh bagi merit sistem.negara yg displin tinggi kouta haji naik.negara rakyat kurang displin kuota kurang.kena bagi punish n reward kat bakal negara yg hantar rakytanya naik instead 2 juta.patut kurangkan ke 1 juta contoh.negara yg rakyat tak dengar kata kouta turun.macam tu tiap tahun negara akan berlumba lumba train rakyat masing masing jadi lagi displin nak pergi haji.

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Post time 27-9-2015 06:06 PM | Show all posts
unless penjaga mekah nak buat duit nak bagi hotel penuh sumbat semua negara yg rakyat tak berdiplin sumbat naik haji.asal boleh buat duit..

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Post time 27-9-2015 06:07 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
hzln replied at 27-9-2015 07:38 AM
Kami sebagai pelajar yang duduk tanah haram pun tidak sanggup nak tahu, dan nak dengar apatah lagi m ...

Emangnya plajr meleis yng dilempar ke mesir/middle east mostly stok2 kera sumbang yng bergaul sesama meleis......memang sarang pembiakan sunni ekstrimist yang maharaja sentap dan rasa diri alim banget...mana xnya kauuu, aku duk mecca hokkay,berjiran dgn elohim lagi.ko sape nk kutuk2 kejiranan di magical kingdom of mecca.

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Post time 27-9-2015 06:14 PM | Show all posts
Saudi Arabia Accused of Neglect Over Deadly Disaster at Hajj
Saudi Arabia faced new accusations of neglect Friday in the hajj disaster that killed over 700 people, the second tragedy at this year's pilgrimage overseen by the kingdom's rulers who base their legitimacy in part on protecting Islam's holiest sites.

Leading the criticism was regional Shiite powerhouse Iran, which always seeks an opportunity to undermine its Sunni adversary.

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said in New York that at least 140 Iranians were killed. He suggested that "ineptitude" by the Saudi authorities involved in organizing the hajj was to blame for the two accidents this month that have resulted in at least 830 deaths.

In Tehran, the Iranian Foreign Ministry summoned a Saudi envoy for the second time in as many days to hear protests over the incident, a vice president blamed Saudi "mismanagement," and thousands marched in the streets and denounced the Saudi royal family.

Saudi Arabia has spent billions of dollars and undertaken massive construction projects to make the annual hajj safer for the world's Muslims, and the last serious loss of life had occurred nine years ago.

In the worst hajj disaster in a quarter century, two huge waves of pilgrims converged Thursday on a street near a religious site in Mina, and 719 people were crushed or trampled to death, while 863 were injured. That followed an accident Sept. 11 in which a storm toppled a crane at the Grand Mosque in Mecca that killed 111 people.

While Saudi authorities are still investigating Thursday's accident, Health Minister Khalid al-Falih has blamed it on the masses themselves, telling a Saudi broadcaster that "some pilgrims had moved in the wrong direction amid the crowds."

But a survivor who spoke to The Associated Press said some Saudi guards only exacerbated the stampede at Mina by refusing to open nearby gates that could have relieved the crush.

The street where the incident took place is about 12 meters (36 feet) wide and lined with barricades, behind which are tents of hajj tour groups. Pilgrims move in one direction to and from a religious complex, where they throw stones at pillars representing the devil. On Thursday, the crowds apparently collided with each other at an intersection, the Interior Ministry said.

Survivor Mahfouz el-Taweel of Egypt told the AP he was in the crowd packed shoulder to shoulder that collided on the same street with another mass of people coming from a different direction. Those in the back were unaware of this and pressed forward, causing a crush of bodies, trampling and a stampede, the 52-year-old el-Taweel said.

"If they had barred people from coming the other way, this would not have happened," he said.

"I'm coming to perform the hajj, not to die," el-Taweel added. "These people deserve compensation. It's not just enough to say God's will and call them martyrs."

He said Saudi Arabia should share responsibility for the hajj with a multinational force from some of the countries that send large numbers of pilgrims, such as Egypt.

About 2 million pilgrims from more than 180 countries took part in this year's hajj, which ends Saturday.

Pakistan said eight of its pilgrims were killed in the accident, but 150 were still missing. Reports said at least 30 people were killed from Mali, 14 each from Egypt and India, five from Senegal, four from Turkey, and three each from Indonesia and Kenya.

The deaths of the Iranians ignited long-simmering anger Iran holds for Saudi Arabia over the authority the kingdom exerts over the hajj, especially after allegations in April that Saudi airport officials abused two male pilgrims from Iran.

Although hundreds of thousands of Iranians make religious trips to Saudi Arabia each year, Iran for a time stopped sending pilgrims. That came after Saudi security forces killed more than 400 people, mostly Iranians, in a 1987 clash sparked by protesting Iranian pilgrims.

Saudi Arabia fears the growth of Iranian political influence in the Middle East on the back of the Islamic Republic's nuclear deal with world powers. In Yemen's civil war, a Saudi-led, U.S.-backed coalition supporting the country's exiled president is bombing Shiite rebels there with links to Iran.

Hours after the hajj disaster, Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei urged Saudi authorities to accept responsibility for the tragedy, saying it was caused by "mismanagement." Iranian state-run media and government officials repeated that allegation Friday.

Rouhani, who is in New York for the U.N. General Assembly, told a group of editors that both accidents suggested "ineptitude" on the part of Saudi authorities. He speculated that more experienced military officials had been diverted to Saudi Arabia's military intervention in Yemen, leaving less-experienced personnel in charge of the organizing the hajj.

"These incidents, they do not conform to the normal parameters" of religious pilgrimages or rites, Rouhani said, and the authorities could be viewed as "not sufficiently responsible to be hosting" such large groups of people.

"We do not accept and have completely opposed" Saudi policy in Yemen, he said, rejecting Saudi Arabia's right to "interfere in Yemen's internal conflict." However he said Iran would not hesitate to engage in dialogue with Saudi Arabia "if we see a framework" for such discussions.

Iran's Cabinet held an emergency meeting, and First Vice President Ishaq Jahangiri said it was clear "the Saudi government is responsible for this disaster ... and has to provide answers." He added that "mismanagement is definitely the cause" of the tragedy.

Thousands of demonstrators in Tehran chanted, "Death to the al-Saud family," and Iranian state TV showed similar protests in other Iranian cities.

Ayatollah Mohammad Emami Kashani, a senior cleric in Tehran, called for the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, the world's largest body of Muslim nations, to take over administering the hajj.

"The Saudi government and authorities involved in hajj should appear before court and be held accountable," Kashani said. "They should not lie and say, 'It was because this or that, the weather was hot, it was the pilgrims' faults.'"

Saudi King Salman, who is overseeing his first hajj as ruler, holds the title of "custodian of the two holy mosques," which gives the monarchy great religious clout and prestige.

Iyad Madani, the secretary-general of the 57-nation OIC, backed Saudi Arabia. He previously served as the kingdom's hajj minister.

Madani "expressed hope that no party would seek to take advantage of the pilgrimage and pilgrims, and the incidents that might happen when these crowds of millions perform the same rituals at the same time, in a controversial context that would divide rather than unite," he said in a statement.

Hassan Nasrallah, leader of Lebanon's Iranian-backed Hezbollah group, said the Saudi government bears the responsibility for the accident and called for those countries that lost many victims to join the investigation to ensure there is no cover-up.


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Post time 27-9-2015 06:14 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Eeeiii ngeri tgk komen sorang sorang.

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Post time 27-9-2015 06:16 PM | Show all posts
Saudi Arabia Blames Deadly Stampede On ‘African Nationalities’


Muslim pilgrims and first responders gather around bodies of people crushed in Mina, Saudi Arabia during the annual hajj pilgrimage.
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A stampede has left at least 717 people dead during Saudi Arabia’s yearly religious pilgrimage. The deaths are the latest case of bad press for a country whose human rights record has been on display this week after Saudi Arabia was inexplicably named to a UN Human Rights panel while simultaneously sentencing a man arrested as a minor to death by beheading and crucifixion. Two weeks earlier, over 100 people were killed when a crane collapsed outside Mecca’s Grand Mosque.
Undergoing the pilgrimage, or ‘Hajj’ in Arabic, is one of the five central pillars required of all Muslims who are wealthy enough to perform the ritual. During Hajj, pilgrims march to Mecca from Medina – retracing the steps of the prophet Mohammad in 630 CE. Two million people attended last year.
Saudi officials have been blamed for causing the stampede, which is the sixth in 25 years and the second most deadly in that time. The largest death toll came in 1990 when more than 1400 pilgrims died. Officials have nonetheless sought to deflect the blame.
Prince Khaled al-Faisal, the head of the central Hajj committee, levelled a thinly-veiled racist attack at black pilgrims when he pitted the stampede on “some pilgrims with African nationalities,” the Independent reported.
The stampede was caused by overcrowding that resulted in panic after authorities closed two exits on a trail that led from one air-conditioned tent to another, the New York Times reported. Pilgrims told government employee Khalid Saleh that the exits were closed so “V.I.P. cars could pass.”
Shortly after the tragic incident, authorities blocked reporters from investigating the accident site. Saudi Arabia has come under intense criticism from regional rival Iran, who lost 131 nationals in the stampede.
“The Saudi government should accept its responsibility in this bitter incident,” Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, Iran’s supreme leader, said in a statement on Thursday. “We should not overlook that mismanagement and inappropriate conducts caused this disaster.”
“Hundreds of demonstrators protested in the Iranian capital, chanting ‘Death to the Saudi dynasty’,” Reuters reported.
Saudi authorities and pro-government media however remained defiant in the face of blame. They skirted responsibility by citing the belief that whoever dies while performing Hajj goes straight to heaven, the Times reported.

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Post time 27-9-2015 06:16 PM | Show all posts

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