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Author: xyla73

[tvN/Netflix] Alchemy of Souls - Lee Jae Wook, Jung So Min, Go Youn Jung

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Post time 17-8-2022 02:32 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by sitisbp at 17-8-2022 03:22 PM
kartieka replied at 17-8-2022 12:51 PM
sila2 citer psl jang gang...ntah nape iols still rsa dia ni bkn the culprit walau dr asal rsa ko l ...

Baik. Since janggang going to make another entrance in the upcoming episod ..mari ulangkaji sikit hehe.

Janggang practicing aos in secret for a year. Some believed he started because of hogyeong asking him to save buyeon.  But  If hogyeong asking help at 13th month of pregnancy...and buyeon is born same as janguk...then janggang already  practicing way before her pregnancy. So i rasa he already unsealed the ice stone before ho gyeong ask for help. Btw ice stone ada 1 shj based on cerita master lee.

Jinmu was his assistant/servant back then knew about it. Most probably jinmu is the one who mentioned it to the fatally ill king. He was already on his 8th petrified soul shifter when he was called by the king.

Janggang diperintahkan utk switch body dgn king sakit ni for 7 days. Ample time for the king to impregnated dohwa. But janggang not aware that there is critical factor that jeopardise his chance of getting his body back. The physical form of the king is very weak. In the king weak body, janggang cannot call out his energy at all to use the soul ejector n perform another aos  to go back. Barely able to move he resorted to teach jinmu the spell of aos.

So 9mth later, janguk was born under the king star...same as buyeon.  This is when cho chung become soul shifter n petrified.

Masa  ni janggang masih pegang the ice stone sbb dia call back buyeon dead soul remember (hogyeong termentuoned dkt parkjin pasal buyeon birth accidently sama dgn prediction)..

Puzzle masih belum terjawab...adakah dia involved shifting chochung soul? If yes, why he just stand there while looking at chochung running wild and killed by park jin? Why he did not try to subdue chochung n used the ice stone to revived him? From gilju we know jinmu manipulated cho chung n naksu. So apa yg jinmu buat sebenarnya kat cho chung? Janggang terlibat ke tak? Will janggang revealed the secret in the  next episode??

But masa jinmu n queen talk about janguk n janggang by the lake, it seems that queen not aware details of janguk birth.
She said " the one born with the king star has entered songrim"

Jinmu said " his father janggang, performed sorcery by unsealing the ice stone, and his birth was the result of that sorcery. That child is a disaster to song rim".  Dia tak mentioned ya janguk anak king lama..cuma ckp hasil sorcery je sbb tu lahir masa ada king star.

Queen:"why do u think janggang choose to do what he did ?  he could have made his son king, and used ice stone to master hwansu. Then he would have ruled the world. Why he closed janguk gate of energy and sealed the ice stone"?

Jinmu:  " because he was weak. He sealed everything n fled. Because he did not have what it takes to handle it all".
Masa ni flashback janggang meratap jasad cho chung yg dah petrified.

Janggang bukan jahat mcm jinmu n shaman choi..gila kuasa. Janggang practicing aos rasanya sbb nak tolong org. Dia percaya sorcery if used for good intent is okay. Sama mcm prinsip janguk ( sbb janguk nak selamatkan naksu). So when it caused many misfortune n grief he regreted it and sealed the ice stone again. The damage was irreparable to dohwa, janguk, cho chung n naksu. Sapa ckp janggang merantau tu sbb nak  cari repay for his mistakes (tak habis ulangkaji haha).

Jinmu masa ni must have established partnerships with shaman choi. Sbb shaman bong pun mentioned yg shaman choi kena tangkap n throw herself in a fire tu around 20yrs ago. Timeline lebih kurang je dgn masa janggang practice sorcery aos. Walopon masa tu janggang is the dwanju of cheonbugwan, how much does he involved in shaman choi case we do not know yet.

The ice stone most probably was sealed by janggang after chochung death. 10 or so years later we know jinmu get his hand on the ice stone by using buyeon to locate it.  Does jinmu knew about buyeon birth was also involving sorcery? Or is it because he knew it and blackmailed hogyeong with that knowledge?

And i dont understand why jinmu kasta dia bawah shaman choi? Is it sbb shaman choi know the spell n can controlled the ice stone while jinmu cannot? Or in the family tree shaman choi is his elders/ assumed  both are choi clan.

Ok sambung. Janggang sealed gate of energy janguk actually mmg apa yg sepatutnya di buat utk sesiapa yg melanggar undang2 songrim by practicing forbidden sorcery. Janggang pun sepatutnya kena sealed jugak n tak bleh jd mage termasuk keturunan dia. Jinmu n hogyeong walopon tau secret ni tp sbb masing2 terlibat so tutup mulutnkalu tak sama2 kena hukum. Cuma jinmu mmg aim nak mansuhkan undang2 dia n shaman choi blh bebas practicing mcm sblm keturunan dia kena banned lps buat havoc 200yrs ago tu.

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Post time 17-8-2022 03:31 PM | Show all posts bahaya bg harapan end game.
Dlm interview lain, jaewook kata ending yg tak disangka2.

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Post time 17-8-2022 04:38 PM | Show all posts
sitisbp replied at 17-8-2022 02:32 PM
Baik. Since janggang going to make another entrance in the upcoming episod ..mari ulangkaji sikit  ...

waaaahhhh..btl2 study ni... sblm tu, uols rsa sape laki pertama jin hogyeong...sbb kalau kita tgk blk, dia pernah ckp kat choyeong sila cari laki yang blh bantu kamu nnt...

n hogeong tu mcm x mesra sgt dgn laki sekarang (ayah cho yeon) adakah sbb ayah cho yeon ni x berkaliber sgt ke atau ada kaitan dgn kehilangan bu yeong yg menyebab kan dia acah2 gigih g cari anak yg hilang itteewww

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Post time 17-8-2022 04:46 PM | Show all posts
sitisbp replied at 17-8-2022 02:32 PM
Baik. Since janggang going to make another entrance in the upcoming episod ..mari ulangkaji sikit  ...

Janggang practicing aos in secret for a year. Some believed he started because of hogyeong asking him to save buyeon.  But  If hogyeong asking help at 13th month of pregnancy...and buyeon is born same as janguk...then janggang already  practicing way before her pregnancy. So i rasa he already unsealed the ice stone before ho gyeong ask for help. Btw ice stone ada 1 shj based on cerita master lee.

clear...cuma iols x sure pas dia tkr body dgn king tu, dia masih practice aos ke dia insof pas king pregnant kan do hwa...gaya mcm dia still guna ice stone lg lepas tu sbb tu hogyeong mnta tlg dia psl bu, ice stone yg shaman choi guna skang ni ialah ice stone jang gang yg bwah jagaan jinyowon ke..sbb xde sape tau mana ice stone tu kan simpan kan..n kalau u igt, hogyeong x kasi park jin masuk jinyowon, smpai park jin kna instruct yul yg masuk tuk bwa kuar jang uk n mudeok

Jinmu was his assistant/servant back then knew about it. Most probably jinmu is the one who mentioned it to the fatally ill king. He was already on his 8th petrified soul shifter when he was called by the king.

yeee..jin mu mmg dasar penjahat

Janggang diperintahkan utk switch body dgn king sakit ni for 7 days. Ample time for the king to impregnated dohwa. But janggang not aware that there is critical factor that jeopardise his chance of getting his body back. The physical form of the king is very weak. In the king weak body, janggang cannot call out his energy at all to use the soul ejector n perform another aos  to go back. Barely able to move he resorted to teach jinmu the spell of aos.

i rsa jin mu pya level mmg x lh control ice stone tu psl dia blh buat aos je smpai la skang ni..

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Post time 17-8-2022 04:49 PM | Show all posts
sitisbp replied at 17-8-2022 02:32 PM
Baik. Since janggang going to make another entrance in the upcoming episod ..mari ulangkaji sikit  ...

Janggang bukan jahat mcm jinmu n shaman choi..gila kuasa. Janggang practicing aos rasanya sbb nak tolong org. Dia percaya sorcery if used for good intent is okay. Sama mcm prinsip janguk ( sbb janguk nak selamatkan naksu). So when it caused many misfortune n grief he regreted it and sealed the ice stone again. The damage was irreparable to dohwa, janguk, cho chung n naksu. Sapa ckp janggang merantau tu sbb nak  cari repay for his mistakes (tak habis ulangkaji haha).

yup..jang uk mmg ank jang gang...sbb prinsip dorang sama psl kalau utk kebaikan apa salah guna ilmu hitam..gituh

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Post time 17-8-2022 04:49 PM | Show all posts
nanti samb, iols nk samb kaji jap

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Post time 17-8-2022 06:49 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by sitisbp at 17-8-2022 08:33 PM
kartieka replied at 17-8-2022 04:38 PM
waaaahhhh..btl2 study ni... sblm tu, uols rsa sape laki pertama jin hogyeong...sbb kalau  ...

I takde idea sapa bapak buyeon.
So far semua watak yg dah keluar mcm tak mungkin sbb takde hint hogyeong dendam ke sedih ke apa.
Tak tau la kalu ada missed ..jenuh combing semua script lines kehkehkeh.
Yg ada teori is skandel dgn chochung sbb takde penampakan mak naksu hahaha. Masa malam chochung run wild tu the lady yg hide naksu tu rasanya maid je.
Tapi hogyeong mmg mcm hiding big secret. Selain dr dia guna ice stone (janggang), utk lahirkan buyeon , dia mcm ada dendam dgn songrim. Dok ckp songrim ambil relic tak pulang etc, tak suka kena ikut ckp songrim, ego melangit.

Dia mcm tak puas hati sbb kuasa songrim mcm lg besar dr dia..contoh master lee boleh je buka pintu jinyowon panggil gwigu keluar.  Jinyowon ni priestess bukan mages mcm songrim n lain2 tu.

Laki dia yg skrg terlibat dgn kehilangan buyeon tu betul kot sbb tu acah2 gigih cari. Dia kan mmg ada connection dgn jinmu. Entah2 dia konon bw buyeon jjcm n pass kat jinmu pastu buat2 kena kidnap ke apa.
Susah sikit nak specu sbb missing link bapak buyeon tak tau sapa n bila plak yg bapak cho yeon ni kawin dgn hogyeong. Memula ingatkan dia soul shifter tp  gwigu tak attack dia so dia clear dah. Kita takde info timeline event2 ni. Kita cuma tau its 10 years after janggang sealed the icestone.

Tambahan specu... mungkin apak  buyeon dah mati. Mati natural ke mati kena bunuh ke...lepas tu apak choyeon masuk daun sebagai pengganti.

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Post time 17-8-2022 07:23 PM | Show all posts
Edited by sitisbp at 17-8-2022 07:31 PM
kartieka replied at 17-8-2022 04:46 PM
Janggang practicing aos in secret for a year. Some believed he started because of hogyeong asking  ...

..gaya mcm dia still guna ice stone lg lepas tu sbb tu hogyeong mnta tlg dia psl bu, ice stone yg shaman choi guna skang ni ialah ice stone jang gang yg bwah jagaan jinyowon ke..sbb xde sape tau mana ice stone tu kan simpan kan..n kalau u igt, hogyeong x kasi park jin masuk jinyowon, smpai park jin kna instruct yul yg masuk tuk bwa kuar jang uk n mudeok. specu based on timeline, dia masih guna. Or maybe dia dah returned lps swap body balik dgn king. Tp hogyeong bg balik sbb nak selamatkan buyeon. Still kita tak tau if mmg dlm simpanan jinyowon, apa alasan janggang masa mula2 dia pinjam kan? Tapi selepas  buyeon n janguk lahir, dia tak pulangkan ice stone tu, then cho chung run wild, dia nyesal dia pi sealed n campak dlm lake tu. So yes, ice stone yg shaman choi pegang is the same ice stone yg janggang guna.
Masa park jin tanya master lee betul ke ice stone dah dimusnahkan, takde jawapan yg clear kan. Dah la seketul je pun bukan ada 2, 3 ketul. So confirm la master seo n seolran tak dpt musnahkan pun ice stone tu ..cuma dpt sealed n hide je. Hide kat jinyowon ke?  Kita saspek mcm tu la. Tp kalau bukan kat jinyowon, katalah kat tasik yg sama janggang sealed balik icestone tu, mcm mana janggang get his hand on ice stone mula2 tu? Sapa yg detect energy ice stone tu? Ho gyeong ke? Ke janggang sendiri dah sampai level spell yg blh detect?
If specu yg memula mmg simpan kat jinyowon then maybe sbb tu la selepas tu hogyeong lg berhati2 tak bg org masuk especially mages yg dah level tinggi. Mcm yul dia belum blh lawan energy n guna spell dlm jinyowon sbb tu dia yg dibenarkan masuk. Mages high level yg blh kawal relic dia tak bg.

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Post time 17-8-2022 08:36 PM | Show all posts
Ohemgee...the best edit so far for me.
Guna plak lagu fav si zayn malik dgn sia.
On point sgt lagu n clip2 yg dia masukkan.


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Post time 18-8-2022 09:48 AM | Show all posts
Menyambut kemunculan Janggang


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Post time 18-8-2022 10:06 AM | Show all posts
iols x lh buka ig kt opis so x nmpk apa uols tepek..geram nyerrrrrrrr

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Post time 18-8-2022 12:17 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
kartieka replied at 18-8-2022 10:06 AM
iols x lh buka ig kt opis so x nmpk apa uols tepek..geram nyerrrrrrrr

Alahai. Ni reels wajah2 close up janggang dlm aos heheh.

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Post time 18-8-2022 07:24 PM | Show all posts
Episode 17 & 18 extended teaser with english sub.


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 Author| Post time 21-8-2022 12:00 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Apa ni? Jin Ho Gyeong bunuh anak sendiri…anak yg dia merayu2 sgt kat Jang Gang suruh hidupkan balik…kiranya Bu Yeon ni byk kali jugak dah mati…masa dlm kandungan, lepas Jin Mu ambik dia sebab nak cari ice stone (iols rasa either Jin Mu atau bapak Cho Yeon bunuh dia time ni but somehow she survived) and now…walaupun tau Bu Yeon/Mudeok hidup balik, but still rasa ralat pulak bila tgk yg buat demo nak matikan & hidupkan balik Mudeok tu Jin Ho Gyeong sendiri…

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Post time 21-8-2022 12:18 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
xyla73 replied at 21-8-2022 12:00 AM
Apa ni? Jin Ho Gyeong bunuh anak sendiri…anak yg dia merayu2 sgt kat Jang Gang suruh hidupkan balik ...

Bongok kan hogyeong. Dia dah suspicious dah kat soli/ buyeon celop tu tp kan tp still convinced herself nak jugak percaya. Dia pun dah notice jinmu sneakily trap her tp sbb tau dia pun salah guna ice stone utk lahirkan buyeon dia ikut je ckp jinmu. She was haunted dgn her own guilt tu sbb guna sorcery tu yg hilang pendirian. Bak kata janggang ke janguk.."jangan cuba or libatkan diri dgn sorcery, the darkness will consume u".. niat nak selamatkan anak tp lepas tu, anak tu yg jd mangsa ketamakan dia (used by jinmu). Now sbb nak tutup kesalahan dia, dia ikut ckp jinmu walopon tau salah. Tu la yg jd kat janggang, nak tolong org tp sbb melawan hukum alam semulajadi, tetap akan ada repercussion. Dia yg menyebabkan bini sendiri kena rape, reputasi bini dia hancur, anak yg lahir subject to be ridiculed, tutup gate energy..habis masa depan budak tu. Eh now2 merempat jd alcoholic..bangang janggang ni. Ko punya try test aos tu sampai skrg tak habis lg chaotic kesannya. Owned your mistake la..geram betul tgk muka serabut tu.

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Post time 21-8-2022 12:39 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by sitisbp at 21-8-2022 01:01 AM

Anyway some of our speculation dah terjawab / confirmed dlm epi17.

1) jinmu connected dgn shaman choi masa kejadian cheonbugwan nak tangkap n terbakar sbb she practicae sorcery apa benda nama tu kat gaema village.

2) ice stone mmg asaLnya disimpan dlm jinyowon chamber.

3) Hogyeong give the ice stone to janggang utk selamatkan buyeon, On her 13th mth pregnancy.

4) Janggang did not return the ice stone...instead he sealed and throw it into the lake.
5) Buyeon mmg betul memory loss. Masa kena cekik tu dia dpt balik memori tu tp tak tau la bebetul mati ke tak? If mati both soul naksu and buyeon mesti keluar.

6) Queens soul still kept alive. How she did not petrified without the ice stone? How Eunuch kim bg energy?

7) jinmu knew about hogyeong used ice stone to revive buyeon.

8) shaman choi nak soul.shift ke soli.

9) Master seo tak musnahkan pun ice stone. Cuma sealed shj.

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Post time 21-8-2022 01:17 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Yg belum terjawab:

1) Bila mula2 janggang ambil ice stone? Curi or minta izin?
2) janggng pulangkan balik ice stone slps aos dgn king ke? Then hogyeong bg balik utk hidupkan buyeon.

3) Apa jd kat seol ran lps performed rites dulu tu? Kenapa master seo nak selamatkan dia? Mati ke, sakit, cedera?

4) kenapa shaman choi rank above jinmu ?

5) mcm mana hogyeong boleh kawin dgn adik shaman choi? Sapa bapak buyeon.

6) how cho chung get involved/ drag becoming a soul shifter that run wild. What is jangganf role in it?

Janguk explained the word of heart is master seo gong confession.

" he wrote that he left something behind  in hopes to keep her by his side"
" it shows the foolishness and heartache of a man who was willing to go against the law of nature to save a love one."

Kenalah tunggu next epi nak tau kejadian ni.
Patutla master lee tak jawab bila park jin tanya betul ke ice stone dulu dah dimusnahkan.

Words of heart "" it shows the foolishness and heartache of a man who was willing to go against the law of nature to save a love one"..... ini exactly apa yg janguk nak buat. To get ice stone for mudeok. Very the auspicious la... mcm a warning la. Same warning yg janggang bg ke janguk.

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Post time 21-8-2022 01:22 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Belajar word baru
Definition of apothecary

1: one who prepares and sells drugs or compounds for medicinal purposes


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Post time 21-8-2022 09:07 AM | Show all posts
ep 15

hmm...jahat  betul So-Yi tu, i mean tahulah dah terjebak and there is no way back for her  , tapi kalau dah tahu diam diam jelah siapa mudeok tu, u think Mudeok is stupid not to identify who you really are , ke?

anyways you akan dilaukkan oleh Jinmu anyways.

So, babak last sekali tu best because , itulah masa Mudeok/Naksu akan serap tenaga semaksimum mungkin daripada ibunnya and   nnow dia dah dapat energy , lagipun tengoklah element  element ni semasa ibu dia nak  cekik dia - dah nampak the traces of the gloomy  dark skies above, dah ade petir so...these signs are showing that someone is having a great energy potent enough  to call up the elements back - ice stones tu dikatakan ade power nak kumpul kuasa mengawal element cosmology tu , so sekarang mudeok dah ade kat situ - she is from the ice stones, Naksu dalam mudeok - gaining energy from mudeok juga, she needs the ice stones too, and then dikatakan ice stones tukan nama  ice, so  daripada asal air so the skies will take them back, dalam ep yg lelepas tu.

so, the best is yet to come...

i suke nasihat Jang Gang kat Jung Uk , tentang sorcery amalan ilmu sihir, mula mula appealing and curious but then lelama ia toksik je to your soul...cuma Jang Gang ni patutnya Jung Uk kena cakap penakut nak confront masalah sendiri yg dia juga mulakan and implicate on others pulak nak selesaikan ...

Jang Gang tahu pun banyak benda tapi dia sorokkan , semasa Unanimous Gatherings og the magi . then kita tahu yg park Jin pun macam seolah olah tak dimaklumkan pun on certain things

bagaimana Jinmu tahu pasal ice stones yg Jin Ho Geyong gune masa  nak selamatkan baby Bu Yoen tu beats me...

yg figure out semuani adalah the 3 seasons gang minus Cho Yeon , sebab dia tak terlibat dalam discussion malam  tu antara Mudeok, jung Uk and Seo Yul.. kelakarlah  Mudeok , garang betul dia...takut Seo yul hahahah

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Post time 21-8-2022 10:40 AM | Show all posts
Finally they put it together..soli = fake buyeon

Impatient n demanding mudeok
Scared panicking seo yul
Janguk out of the loop of whats going on previously...but have to reign his surprised n jealousy to get answer from seo yul. Good acting janguk.. your face say it all


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