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MissMamamia75 posted on 29-3-2014 10:51 PM 
Dr Blog si Cipan
MH370 : Kenapa Gong Kedak?
Bhai/DeeDee semua...
make up your mind, bitch!!
pesawat ini mendarat di gong kedak, maldives atau diego garcia?
ke mendarat di semua airport tersebut or mana2 airport pantang nampak dari udara sebegitu??
hyie posted on 29-3-2014 02:50 PM
kowser sangat nak kena ulang balik
Kapten: pok pek pok pek...ada satu saluran berita b ...
sekarang gak i terjun..
sapakah reporter itu sehingga nmpk dia memotong kata2 kapten. adakah bukan kamarul bahrin
tp thanks. cnn x kan saman lah awani. banyak je org laen besar2 menyebut nama cnn terang2 |
cendol posted on 29-3-2014 11:06 PM 
Aku ni SR.. tp aku ada baca kat fb psl ada yg related dgn mangsa update status kat AJ minta maaf psl ...
cer tepek sket pics dari fb ummah caprut pprt tu, kot2 bleh buat stok melahar kat sini |
Changa posted on 29-3-2014 11:16 PM
make up your mind, bitch!!
pesawat ini mendarat di gong kedak, maldives atau diego garcia?
Only Allah know where it really landed.. |
Changa posted on 29-3-2014 11:16 PM 
make up your mind, bitch!!
pesawat ini mendarat di gong kedak, maldives atau diego garcia?
Hati kecil saya mengatakan mereka berada di Diego Garcia sekarang ...
tapi itu perasaan saya sahaja...
tidak semestinya betul
karena buat apa mahu ke lautan hindi
tidak ada apa di sana ... kecuali Diego Garcia ...
jetrofa posted on 29-3-2014 11:09 PM 
Ok la to admit ai tak tengok pun PC najib hri tu just baca kat news the next day...so news tu yang ...
nk claim survivor mcmn kalau debris@serpihan mh370 pun x jumpa. mh370 kt mn pun x tau.
so, tunggu je la smpi jumpa baru blh kuar statement baru 
tinker_bell posted on 29-3-2014 10:45 PM 
kak..ping tak transmit apa2 data..tak ada location..tak ada apa..satelit cuma dpt maklumat burst f ...
tapi ID tetap betul kan sis?
ai dont know more about satelit..
yang ai tau, kalau dia ping pada satu titik lokasi, maknanya, that plane lalu di situ. betul?
keadaan tuh tak penting time lalu that way point.. yang penting, dia ada lalu situ..
** copy n paste
1. Apa yang terjadi pada kes kehilangan Kapal Terbang?
Jawapannya Hijack.
Laporan Media PM Najib Fasa 1 ialah Hijack. Seluruh dunia mendengarnya.
2. Siapa yang Hijack?
Ialah siapa yang boleh mematikan Transponder.
1. Ada 20 penumpang yang berkhidmat dengan Freescale Semicondutor.
2. Ada 2 orang penumpang Passport palsu
<<A US technology company which had 20 senior staff on board Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 had just launched a new electronic warfare gadget for military radar systems in the days before the Boeing 777 went missing.>>
3. Hijack ke mana?
1. Long Teing, Laos - Air Base Camp CIA (complete with Hangar 18) - inilah The Most Secret Place On Earth
2. Kerana dari tempat Transponder mati ianya hanya melintasi ruang udara Cambodia.
3. Tiada laporan dari Laos dan Cambodia tentang MH370.
4. Teori Deigo Garcia - Lautan Hindi - Taliban Rampas?
Teori ini semuanya saya sangkal kerana:-
a. Bagaimana KT lalu ruang Udara negara seperti, India, Thailand, Indonesia, China dll - tidak ditembak oleh Tentera Udara negara berkenaan sehingga ia boleh sampai ke Afghanistan atau Lautan Hindi?
b. Kesemua teori tersebut tak menjawab tentang siapakah yang matikan transponder?
c. Jika Transponnder termati sendiri akibat keroskaan - menurut Mr Crack Habibie - KT mesti meletup! Bila meletup mesti ditempat terakhir Transponder tak berfungsi. Bukan di Lautan Hindi.
d. Teori ke sana bagi tujuan DIVERSION!
5. Kenapa Hijack MH370?
International Political and Business Conspiracy
6. Bagi tujuan?
a. The Oil Factor - Pertelagahan di Spratly. Kawasan Kepulauan Spratly ada Simpanan Crude Oil keempat terbesar di dunia.
ESOK <<On 30 March, 2014, the Philippines will submit its memorial to the International Tribunal on the Law of the Seas (ITLOS). Its case is solely a maritime dispute, and not territorial in nature.>>
<<PH to take China dispute to UN tribunal>>
b. The Stealth Technology
<<Freescale Semiconductor, the technology company, has not said much since 20 of its employees disappeared along with Malaysia Airlines Flight MH 370 earlier this month.>>EPOCH Times 27/3/2014
<<The disappearance of four members of a patent semiconductor traveling on Malaysia Airlines MH370 makes the famous billionaire Jacob Rothschild as the sole owner of the important patent.>>
c. The Malaysia POLITICAL Factor - Whos is The Hidden Hands
Riza Aziz, Produser kepada Pengarah Filem Terhebat Martin Scorsese adalah bakal PM Malaysia? PM Office kini dikuasai Rosmah Mansor? Benarkah? Adakah Rosmah Mansor bertindak sebagai Correspondence (on Malaysia side) yang bersama Konspirator USA (ruj: Peter King camp)
d. US Political Factor
Peter T King - orang yang paling sibuk tentang MH370 adalah Calon Presiden USA 2016 (republikan)
e. ASEAN Political / Economy Factor
Kenapa Perjanjian Autonomi Mindanao tiba-tiba? Vietnam dan Filifina kini politically pro US.
Rakan dagang terbesar Malaysia = China. |
razhar posted on 29-3-2014 10:51 PM 
puan tukang masak..sila terima fakta yang 'debris' tu ditabur oleh kapal2 yang menggunakan peluang ...
tu lar..
dorang tuh tak ada kerja lain gamaknya..
nak wat lawak la tuu
kelana36 posted on 29-3-2014 02:55 PM
setiap plane ada identity code tersendiri, mengikut aircraft registration dan manufacture seriel n ...
Oh. So maknanya xde possibility la diorg salah tgk ping. Ok thx for info bang kelana |
tinker_bell posted on 29-3-2014 10:56 PM 
tak semestinya..projection hanya satu je..sbb coverage hanya diego garcia/indonesia/indian ocean.. ...
ye ke 1 aje?
ai carik2 balik yang data immasat bagi dalam bentuk titik2 tuh..
tak jumpa pula..
semua pakat2 hilang..
MissMamamia75 posted on 29-3-2014 10:51 PM 
Dr Blog si Cipan
MH370 : Kenapa Gong Kedak?
Bhai/DeeDee semua...
nak address blog cipan plisss
Changa posted on 29-3-2014 10:58 PM 
sebegitu la kot, akak tak rasa dgn ping data mereka boleh detect pesawat itu zig zag ke tidak, pin ...
so negara2 lain tak mau kasik ke data setelit mereka?
mender pakat2 ramai yang bimbo neh?
NURMIMIE posted on 29-3-2014 11:19 PM 
tapi ID tetap betul kan sis?
ai dont know more about satelit..
ianya bergantung kepada satelit mana yg terima ping itu dan di mana cerapan satelit itu pada tika itu.
daripada situ mereka dapat arc yg koridor utara selatan dahulu itu.
FanTasyCreaTioN posted on 29-3-2014 03:14 PM
ni iols refer kat link2 tersebut yer uols
sekali not yet in heaven k..how?
statement najib tu inconclusive banyak leeways..tp selepas statement tu... ucap takziah.. separuh tiang..
tu signify apa pula. siap diskusi status isteri dan anak
kesemua tu merujuk kepada ended.in southern indian ocean lah
klu ended tengah tu...maka patotnya slim chance for survivors
walo bagaimanapon,inmarsat pon da lepas tangan. maka bolehla semua2 kembali pada teori..kapal tu x terhempas kat indian ocean (slps 21 hari xdr satupon confirmed debris,maka amat lah ganjil)
skali lg,wild goose chase..
announce je la cpt,ini us punya kerja. x payah announce terang2..hint2 sudeh..nnt ramai penganalisa cari boleh decode |
satriastendet posted on 29-3-2014 03:19 PM
nk claim survivor mcmn kalau debris@serpihan mh370 pun x jumpa. mh370 kt mn pun x tau.
so, tung ...
tp dah boleh claim insurance
tanpa death cert
makin menarik plot |
lorelai posted on 29-3-2014 11:26 PM 
sekali not yet in heaven k..how?
statement najib tu inconclusive banyak leeways..tp selepas sta ...
gila la klau nak terus terang us punya koje....
cendol posted on 29-3-2014 03:06 PM
Aku ni SR.. tp aku ada baca kat fb psl ada yg related dgn mangsa update status kat AJ minta maaf psl ...
eee x sukanya
org amek kesempatan..
dia mcm keluarga terdekat ke ape..
sanggup plak dok hotel jauh2 |
edee_91 posted on 29-3-2014 11:08 PM 
tak sokong mana2 pon.. tak jugak bangkang teori mana2..
selamat tak jawapan tu?
hahahaha ya ampun selamat sangat2 ..
meh nak tanyer lagi.. teori maner yang abang edee lebih percaya?
hahaha nak nengok kat ne nak lari melencong menjawab 
Credit To :
29 March 2014| last updated at 10:50PM
KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia constantly upholds to the principle of responsibility in taking any action or decision relating to the missing Malaysia Airlines (MAS) Flight MH370 incident.
This was stressed by Acting Transport Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein when responding to various queries and accusations hurled at the search and rescue (SAR) operation that entered the 22nd day today. The main issues that were raised included how the Malaysian military radar did not detect the plane, which did an 'air turn-back' in the early morning of last March 8, was Flight MH370.
"That was still very premature speculation at that time. I can confirm that we need to re-look and play back the possibility. We have asked the military to play back because the standard operating procedure (SOP) was not triggered off. It was only when we played back, we saw those dots. That is not known by anybody. "I am sharing with the Malaysian media my experience. At the early stage when they told me that one per cent possibility (that spotted dots were MH370) I said continue your search," he told a special media conference for Malaysian journalists here today. He said the SAR operation conducted by international bodies eventually detected the plane's final signal that was recorded by satellite, which narrowed the search area to the southern corridor.
part ni best .. kalau nak bacer penuh.. click kat link yer ..
"It is easy to make accusations, it is easier to speculate but we have to take action with responsibility. I feel we have done the best we can," Hishammuddin said. "If you say I am witholding information, what information am I witholding? If, at the end of the day, there is something about the pilot or terrorism. What if when we find the black box then we find it is a terrorism plot," he said, adding that the government would then be accused of being irresponsible in saying things now without corroboration.
hahaha makin best .. pandai nyer Hishamuddin  "We are not being ridiculed that badly because those, who are involved also do not know the answer. Are the search assets in the Indian Ocean ours?
"We have images in the South China Sea taken from Chinese satellites, we return and repeat the search and announce the negative result," he added. -- BERNAMA
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