ace, boocik dah cek kat website. sebenarnye yg u ada tu is called terrapins...
kuku panjang tu mmg anatomy dia, sbb yg kuku pjg tu jantan & kuku pendek tu betina...
"Is my Turtle a Boy or a Girl?" |
This is difficult to tell in most turtles, until they are older. The males of all turtles will have a longer, thicker tail, with the cloaca located closer to the tip of the tail, whereas females with have a smaller, thinner tail with the vent closer to the main part of the body. In some of the more commonly kept turtles, males will also have exceptionally long foreclaws; the females having smaller ones. You don't have to clip the claws/nails unless they cause a problem. So don't, unless it is necessary. The only problem I ever had was a turtle that had an ingrown nail. However, some older turtles may get nails that are curved to far inward or are just very long. In those cases you can clip them a little shorter to make things easier on the turtle. If you have to do this then do not clip the entire nail and be careful not to harm the turtle. Though, I don't think you will ever have to. If you have to clip the turtles nails but don't want to then a pet store or vet will do it for you. There are many websites that give information on caring for Terrapins.
[ Last edited by boocik04 at 6-6-2008 09:05 AM ] |