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Author: Peliktapibusuk

#neno kawen akhirnyaaaa

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Post time 2-4-2017 12:02 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
adelea replied at 2-4-2017 10:12 AM
podacit .. in denial comment .. buruk giler serba serbi.

Gambar sari and nabilah, pakai phone  ...


Kenapa ko panas hati sgt

Yg hak ko kata puja puja berseri2 tu pun bercerai gak.. Phuiiiii

N bila fasha nak kawen ngan sajat

Mcm sesuai je depa berdua tue

Clubbing sesama

Nati blh pilih sape yg nak beranak

Single mom kepala hotak dia..

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Post time 2-4-2017 01:19 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by adelea at 2-4-2017 01:23 PM
oklatu85 replied at 2-4-2017 12:02 PM

Kenapa ko panas hati sgt



helllo kau yg stupidooooo
panas hati bila org compare nora

agung sgt ke nora sampai x leh di compare ???
bukan aku yg panas hati kau yg panas hati
sbb x tahan nora kena kutuk sbgai pengantin paling sloppy and haukkkk

ko baca balik komen org lain kat FB and blog2 ..
public yg bukan forumer pn kutuk nora ni kaw kawww baik kawin baik tak tak kawen

because of what ???

because she do not know how to carry herself as a public figure, type people who baling batu sembunyi tangan ... bunuh hidup org lain for her to look good silently. She always think that she is perfect but she is not. Always tell people taht she is humble but she is not by action.

klu tidak xde la org komen , nora just do whay she want to do, negative comment wont change her mind. Konon2 look like she is firm, tegas with what she want .. but she i just conniving bitch like her ex mother in law yang self proclaimed she is PROMiNenT people ... wasssaiii.


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Post time 2-4-2017 01:58 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
adelea replied at 2-4-2017 01:19 PM


Istighfar byk2 u... marah betul u kat nora...

Setiap org ade pandangan masing2... org luar nk kutuk majlis die itu dah out of her control.. yg penting utk family dan close friends happy meraikan the couple...

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Post time 2-4-2017 02:00 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
adelea replied at 2-4-2017 01:19 PM


Nora bunuh hidup sape

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Post time 2-4-2017 02:28 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
adelea replied at 2-4-2017 01:19 PM


As u told earlier
Hanya allah je yg tahu
But the way cara kamu komen tue mcm kamu tau segala suar dalam nora

Nampk sgt kamu ni ada kaitan dkt ngan fasha
Sebb tu tahu segala menda

Stupid sebb ko x blh nak bezakan majlis keraian tuk close family n friend dgn majlis yg open tuk org lain..

Kalu komen tu lantak la org nak kutuk pun
Tp ni asal blh je nak kutuk..

Cara kamu ckp tu mcm ko tu hidup sempurna sgt
Konon sema ikut tertib.. Tp tgk ayt ko dlm forum ni sema ckp macam hidup x ada pedomen je..

Enuf said dgn ko nie.. Sebnrnye ko da malu sgt kan sebb benda yg ko kutuk nora tu sema da terpalit kt fasha .. Bodoh again

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Post time 2-4-2017 02:29 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
adelea replied at 2-4-2017 01:19 PM


And for info.. Nora x penah mengaku dia humble

Lain la ibuk taik tu sikt2 nak up diri.. Strong la itu la ini la .. Ended up.. Terkinja2 ngan pondan..

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Post time 2-4-2017 02:42 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
adelea replied at 2-4-2017 01:19 PM


Ahahaha ha....
Orang luar nak comment mcm mcm lantak le
Yg penting all people that matter were at  the wedding, blessed by all.Tears were shed....tears of relief n happiness.
Bagi I karatz fasah,family fasah n fasah herself memang dah berjaya membuat orang pandang serong terhadap family PS dan Nora herself
Macam macam dah dicanangkan
Memang target Nora supaya dibenci...
Insecure betul. Dah berjaya musnahkan rumahtangga nora, self proclaimed best woman win ...sentiasa sakit hati dgn nora tak abis abis.

I nampak wedding tu ok je
Tak ada le paling hauk as u said...
Memang le tak perfect
Banyak je pujian ...tetapi as hater paling tegar you chose to blind yourself
Yg I nampak karatz pasah sourgrapes
Kesian betul karatz pasah
I lagi kesian dgn pasah
Birthday dia yg ada budak2 kecil tu pun ada yg berpakaian terlalu menjolok mata

Orang luar nak komen pun bukan tau luar dlm Nora
Yg tau people close to PS n family Ned sayang sangat kat dia
Tentu ada sebab mereka sayang...mereka bukan buta mata atau buta hati
Come on la tunjukkan lah Pasah yg baik hati, humble n cantik jelita dapat kawin dgn family yg akan sayang dia mcm princess. Make sure the wedding will be perfect.
Tak sabar tunggu hari itu
Kita pun kesian tengok dia n karatz. Harap harap lepas dpt cinta baru....jgn dengki dgn nora lagi ye

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Post time 2-4-2017 02:45 PM | Show all posts
meroyan pulak karatz sado yg sorg ni...dah mcm sado pulak meroyan ke hulu hilir kata diri dia perfecto tp nan hado jah

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Post time 2-4-2017 03:12 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
oklatu85 replied at 2-4-2017 02:28 PM
As u told earlier
Hanya allah je yg tahu
But the way cara kamu komen tue mcm kamu tau segala sua ...

Dah lama I rasa dia ada kaitan dgn pasah. Dulu i notice comments dia sangat childish. She suka cakap nora hipokrit...jendul dll
Now comments dah bertambah matured dan bertambah berperisa dengki.
Dah kurang kata nora jendul sebab anak anak pasah dah terkenan jendul kut

I memang kesian sangat dgn nasib fasah sekarang...tapi diri dia dan karatz dia yg merosakkan kan hidup dia juga
Sepatutnya family n supporters nasihatkan lah dia jgn meroyan n mengaibkan family in law n ex husband. Ini tidak...makin mencurah minyak. Menggelar PS macan macam
Konon PS self proclaimed Prominent.
Memang TS prominent pun
Since my childhood pun I dah tahu who TS n PS...MB, Speaker etc. Selalu keluar tv n magazines.
Infact i respect PS...she boleh je just enjoy her life with husband's earnings tapi dia rajin berniaga. Bukan mengabih boreh jo

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Post time 2-4-2017 03:22 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
ghalibboy replied at 2-4-2017 03:12 PM
Dah lama I rasa dia ada kaitan dgn pasah. Dulu i notice comments dia sangat childish. She suka cak ...

I rasa dia ni mama botox.. I ada terbaca dalam satu thread tu.. Dia suh org faham yg jejai gilakan fasha.. Sebijik mcm cara mama botox tulis kat ig nak suh org dgr ckp dia jer

Kalu mmg btl dia ni mama botox..
Mmg biol la org tua nie
Ni la didikan dr kecik yg x baper btl
Smpai turun ke anak sendiri
Sibuk ludahkan org
10 kali org ludahkan dia balik

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Post time 2-4-2017 03:38 PM | Show all posts
hoi bahlol ni thread fasah ke nora

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Post time 2-4-2017 03:40 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by ezyezyezy at 2-4-2017 04:13 PM

Mungkin ada orang tak tahu maksud PROMINENT tu...
TS n PS dah lama well-known drpd kawan kawan Pasah yg pasah kata prominent tu
Sebelum ada internet pun TS n PS dah pun famous...

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Post time 2-4-2017 03:42 PM | Show all posts
gigihnye nak tengok perkahwinan orang kekal berapa lama

dah takde life gamaknye..

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Post time 2-4-2017 03:50 PM | Show all posts
kuat betul penangan nora dan fasha ni ..

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Post time 2-4-2017 03:51 PM | Show all posts

baik kita doakan rumah tangga NENO aman bahagian hingga jannah ... utk fasha plk semoga berjumpa jodoh yg dpt bahagiakan dia dunia akhirat ..

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Post time 2-4-2017 03:56 PM | Show all posts
kalau betul kita suka dan syg seseorang tu kita patut nasihatkan dia apa yg sepatutnya dia buat .. jgn main sokong sembarono .. last2 sape jg yg frust kn ..  nora dh move on dan insyaAllah jumpa kebahagniaan dia .. skrang ni fasha plk ..

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Post time 2-4-2017 04:14 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by adelea at 2-4-2017 08:30 PM

seriusss !
terus hnagkut geng kavadi attack my post
terus kuar nama retis yg x patut di sebut disini

insecure sgt kekdahnya ,accept jer la hakikat wedding dia hauk, btw nora tetap jendol and now plus dah macam sado macam sorg artis yg korg kutuk kutuk . Kalau korg rasa yg aku tulis selama ni macam aku ahli kuarga org yg dekat sgt ngan artis tu korg mmg silap besar. sbb aku x kenal pon sapa2 retis ni. Terpulang korg nak caya ke , sbb korg pon pernah tuduh au byk nick kat forum, aku suh korg listkan takde plak .So malas aku gaduh ngan org macam korg xde manfaat .Bagi aku Nora, tetap hipokrit sloppy jendol and she is conniving bitch , yes bukan sbb jemyma or rayfal jendul xkena mengena all babies jendol , proportion kepala baby and body mmg kepala lebih besar and it will be adjusted propotionately as they grew up. Korg ni mesti xde anak , ataupun kurang membaca. Hanya tau belek hal famili org jer. If i could write , you won't be able to digest and read it carefully because you will read it in anger emotion, and every single words that you read might turn very ugly from your perspective. So stop picking fight with others and learn to accept. Nora is not someone innocent anymore.  

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Post time 2-4-2017 05:10 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
oklatu85 replied at 2-4-2017 02:29 PM
And for info.. Nora x penah mengaku dia humble

Lain la ibuk taik tu sikt2 nak up diri.. Strong  ...

Fasha strong?? Haha..Lawak wei..

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Post time 2-4-2017 05:15 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
oklatu85 replied at 2-4-2017 02:29 PM
And for info.. Nora x penah mengaku dia humble

Lain la ibuk taik tu sikt2 nak up diri.. Strong  ...

dia ckp ngn cermin can la sbb tak keh terima wedding Nora tu perfect

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Post time 2-4-2017 05:24 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Dah mengaku bukan org terdekat
Tp cara ckp tu mcm tau nau hal dlm kain org lain
Then yg sibuk kutuk n belek perihal keluarga PS nora tu apa cer..
Ni kes tepuk air dlm dulang.. Pastu percik muka sendiri

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