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Author: sutera_abadi

Travelling Between S'pore and Malaysia / JB

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Post time 3-6-2008 09:07 PM | Show all posts

Reply #878 sutera_abadi's post

ayat lu power beb..

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Post time 3-6-2008 09:36 PM | Show all posts
June 3, 2008         
50km fill-up rule in JB to take effect next week

Malaysians who drive Singapore-registered cars will not be exempted from rule
By Hazlin Hassan, Malaysia Correspondent

SORRY, NO FILLING UP HERE: Enforcement officials and a petrol station attendant in Kubang Pasu district, in Kedah, turning away the driver of a Thai-registered car travelling from Bangkok to Kuala Lumpur yesterday. -- PHOTO: THE STAR/ASIA NEWS NETWORK

KUALA LUMPUR - IT IS confirmed: Malaysia will ban sales of petrol to Singapore-registered cars in parts of southern Johor starting from next Monday.

Domestic Trade Minister Shahrir Samad said this yesterday amid confusion following reports that the ban had been postponed. Deputy Premier Najib Razak was quoted in those reports.

Datuk Shahrir also said Malaysians who work in Singapore and drive Singapore-registered cars will not be exempted from the ban.

They will have to join Singaporeans in driving 50km from the border before they can fill up their tanks.

The ban on fuel sales within a 50km radius of Malaysia's borders will be in place until August, when a more permanent system will replace it, Mr Shahrir told a news conference.

Yesterday, the ban was enforced near the Thai border in the north.

'Most of these foreign vehicles come to our country just to fill up on petrol, so there is no value added,' he said, referring to drivers from Singapore and Thailand.

'A bona fide tourist would also spend money in the country.'

When asked if the government would set up a system enabling Malaysians driving Singapore-registered cars to buy subsidised petrol in southern Johor, he said: 'I have great sympathy for them. As Malaysians who are paid in Singapore dollars, and are prepared to buy Singapore cars... they should be able to be inconvenienced.'

He added that 50km was 'not that far' to drive for a refuel.

He declined to comment on Singaporeans who say they are willing to pay the full market price for fuel so that they can buy it in Johor Baru itself.

The minister had indicated previously that this was a proposal being considered by the government.

'This (the ban) is a temporary measure, not a permanent one, and this will continue until the restructured fuel subsidy plan is announced in August,' he said.

Mr Najib said on Sunday that an anti-inflation Cabinet committee would meet today to review the plan.

When asked about Prime Minister Abdullah Badawi's comments yesterday that the government will announce its fuel subsidy plan tomorrow, Mr Shahrir said: 'This announcement is an incremental step towards the total restructuring in fuel subsidies in August.'

However, he declined to elaborate on what the new system would entail.

The current ban will affect 296 petrol stations in the northern states bordering Thailand, and 197 in Johor.

In the northern states of Perlis, Kedah, Perak and Kelantan which border Thailand, policemen and anti-smuggling officers have been deployed at petrol stations to monitor the ban, Mr Shahrir said.

Thousands of Thais and Singaporeans cross the borders daily to fill their tanks and take advantage of subsidised fuel, which is expected to cost the government RM56billion (S$23billion) this year.

Mr Abdul Wahid Bidin, acting president of the Petroleum Dealers Association of Malaysia, said 90per cent of the usual customers of some fuel stations near the northern border were from Thailand.

'There are complaints from the dealers that they've got no business, no customers at all,' Mr Abdul Wahid was quoted as saying by the Associated Press.

Regular petrol in Malaysia costs RM1.92 a litre, cheaper than the 31.59 baht (S$1.32) in Thailand and S$2.10 in Singapore.

[email protected]

dgn tak secara langsung.....sapa yg drive naik johor tu terpaksa fill up full tank...
syarikat2 minyak singapura patut tq banyak2 pada kerajaan malaysia...

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 Author| Post time 3-6-2008 10:40 PM | Show all posts
hissss... mestilah...
dulu, kini dan selamanya beb....
kepimpinan melalui teladan...
kita mesti cemerlang, gemilang dan terbilang...
tapi jangan kuat temberang suaa...
Originally posted by SweetCandy at 3-6-2008 09:07 PM
ayat lu power beb..

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 Author| Post time 3-6-2008 10:43 PM | Show all posts
nampak gaye nye terpaksalah kena beli pam...
nak kena sedut minyak dari kete m'sia transfer masuk kete s'pore...
Originally posted by fatz at 3-6-2008 09:36 PM
dgn tak secara langsung.....sapa yg drive naik johor tu terpaksa fill up full tank...
syarikat2 minyak singapura patut tq banyak2 pada kerajaan malaysia......

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Post time 4-6-2008 07:35 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by fatz at 3-6-2008 09:36 PM
June 3, 2008         
50km fill-up rule in JB to take effect next week

dgn tak secara langsung.....sapa yg drive naik johor tu terpaksa fill up full tank...
syarikat2 minyak singapura patut tq banyak2 pada kerajaan malaysia...

now no longer 3/4 tank... nak observe tambak sesak ke lengang minggu ni....

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Post time 4-6-2008 07:36 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by sutera_abadi at 3-6-2008 10:43 PM
nampak gaye nye terpaksalah kena beli pam...
nak kena sedut minyak dari kete m'sia transfer masuk kete s'pore...

oklah tu.. save jugak

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Post time 4-6-2008 08:02 PM | Show all posts

Reply #883 sutera_abadi's post

wa sokong sama lu..

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Post time 4-6-2008 11:33 PM | Show all posts
S'porean motorists take Malaysia's petrol price hike in stride
By S Ramesh, Channel NewsAsia | Posted: 04 June 2008 2219 hrs

SINGAPORE : In a much anticipated move, petrol prices at stations across the causeway will go up by over 40 percent from June 5.

The current pump price of RM1.92 (S$0.81) will go up to RM2.70 (S$1.13) per litre, while diesel will cost RM2.58 (S$1.08) per litre.

From June 9, Singapore-registered cars will only be able to fill up in Malaysia after they cross the 50-km mark from the border.

Many Singaporeans took the latest announcements by the Malaysian government in their stride.

"It's reasonable since everything is going up. I am only pumping about RM25, so it is not much of a difference to me. The impact isn't really there," said one Singapore motorist.

"At RM2.70, it's still worth it for Singaporeans to come here. It's S$2.17 in Singapore," said another.

"It will not affect the Singaporeans, but for the Malaysians, they will be affected," said a third.

Market watchers said Malaysia's petrol prices are currently among the cheapest in this region. But if Malaysia decides to sell petrol at full market prices, then each litre could cost as much as RM4 per litre.

And when that happens, probably in August, many Singaporeans said they would think twice before filling up their tanks in Malaysia.

Besides the price hike, the Malaysian government is silent on whether Singapore cars can still top up within the 50-kilometre radius of the border. - CNA /ls

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Post time 6-6-2008 09:26 AM | Show all posts

Singapura : 6 Jun 2008


Pemandu S'pura dijangka kurangi perjalanan ke Johor kerana tidak dapat banyak berjimat

Azahar Mohd
dari Johor Bahru

PEMANDU dari Singapura akan terus mengisi minyak di Johor Bahru setelah larangan penjualan bahan api kepada kenderaan asing ditarik balik.

Namun para pemandu akan mengurangkan kekerapan perjalanan ke Johor Bahru kerana penjimatan besar yang diraih sebelum ini kini berkurangan setelah harga petrol mencecah RM2.70 ($1.14) seliter.

Mereka yang masih meneruskan rancangan ke Johor berkata mereka berbuat demikian kerana mahu turut berbelanja di Johor atau mempunyai sanak saudara di sana.

Demikian rata-rata pandangan sekitar 20 pemandu ketika diminta mengulas tindakan kerajaan Malaysia menarik balik larangan kenderaan asing mengisi minyak di sana.

Menteri Perdagangan Dalam Negeri dan Hal Ehwal Pengguna Malaysia, Datuk Shahrir Samad, berkata larangan itu tidak perlu kerana pengguna kini terpaksa membelanjakan RM2.70 untuk seliter petrol dan RM2.58 bagi diesel selaras dengan usaha kerajaan untuk mengurangkan subsidi bahan api.

Encik Foo Jee Khoon, 60 tahun, yang ditemui di stesen minyak Esso di Larkin, berkata beliau akan mengurangkan perjalanan ke Johor Bahru kepada sekali seminggu.

'Selepas dihitung sekiranya saya mengisi 15 hingga 20 liter minyak, penjimatan yang diraih hanya $12 hingga $17. Itu belum ditolak $1.20 dan RM2.90 yang perlu dibayar bagi melalui pusat pemeriksaan di Singapura dan Johor.

'Usah lupa juga kesesakan trafik yang perlu dihadapi pemandu Singapura,' ujarnya.

Encik Ghazali Ahmad, 38 tahun, dari Serangoon Avenue 2, berkata beliau akan terus ke Johor kerana mempunyai ramai saudara di sana.

'Saya sering melawat saudara saya di Muar dan Ayer Hitam. Lantas kenaikan harga minyak ini tidak banyak menjejas rancangan perjalanan saya,' ujarnya.

Encik Saaban Yusop, 47 tahun, yang menetap di Choa Chu Kang, pula berkata beliau ke Johor bukan sahaja untuk mengisi minyak, malah untuk berbelanja di sana.

'Setiap minggu saya ke sana untuk makan dan berbelanja di Jusco, Giant dan Pasar Larkin. Mengisi minyak cuma satu bonus saja,' katanya.

Encik Joshua Wang, 24 tahun, yang memandu kereta Kia Carnival, berkata beliau sekeluarga ke Johor untuk berbelanja.

Beliau dan keluarganya tidak bercadang untuk menukar perjalanan mingguan mereka ke Johor.

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Post time 12-7-2008 10:01 AM | Show all posts
Singapura : 12 Julai 2008         

Hisham Hasim

PENGGUNAAN borang imigresen bagi warga asing untuk memasuki negara jiran Malaysia mungkin dilaksanakan semula mulai 16 Julai ini.

Notis-notis pengumuman memberitahu warga asing mengenai pelaksanaan semula borang imigresen itu telah kelihatan di pondok-pondok imigresen Malaysia.

Seorang pegawai Jabatan Imigresen Johor mengesahkan kepada Berita Harian semalam bahawa notis-notis pemberitahuan tersebut telah diletakkan di Link Kedua.

Ia akan diletakkan di Koswe Tambak Johor mulai semalam.

Menurut pegawai tersebut, arahan itu datang daripada Jabatan Imigresen Federal di Putrajaya.

'Kad putih' itu perlu dilengkapkan warga asing sebelum mereka dibenarkan untuk memasuki Malaysia, tetapi Januari lalu pengisian borang imigresen berwarna putih itu telah dihentikan buat sementara waktu.

Ini dikatakan untuk membolehkan Jabatan Imigresen Malaysia menguji sebuah sistem imigresen baru, yang dipanggil Sistem Imigresen Malaysia atau SIM.

Walaupun borang itu tidak diperlukan, setiap pasport akan tetap dicop sewaktu keluar masuk negara tersebut.

Tidak diketahui pula sama ada borang kad putih yang sama akan terus digunakan kembali apabila keperluan itu dimulakan semula.

Usaha Berita Harian semalam untuk menghubungi para pegawai kanan Jabatan Imigresen Johor gagal.

Kakitangan jabatan tersebut yang menerima panggilan akhbar ini berkata 'mereka (pegawai kanan) sedang menghadiri mesyuarat di Putrajaya, Kuala Lumpur'.

Pihak kami juga gagal untuk mendapatkan respons daripada Kedutaan Malaysia di sini.

Beberapa orang yang dihubungi melahirkan berasa terkejut tentang perkembangan terbaru itu.

Cik Saudah Atan yang sering berulang-alik ke Johor Bahru untuk berbelanja dan mengisi minyak kenderaan berkata beliau sangkakan penggunaan kad putih tersebut akan dihentikan sama sekali.

'Payah juga setiap kali hendak mencari dan mengisi borang tersebut.

'Ada kalanya borang yang diberikan sedikit saja dan kita harus mengambilnya lagi setiap kali memasuki JB,' katanya.

Encik Faizal Ajis pula berpendapat penggunaan semula kad putih itu akan mengembalikan kesesakan lalu lintas di tambak Johor.

'Kekeliruan mungkin timbul dan ada pemandu yang lupa mengisi kad.

'Dan pihak imigresen pula mungkin akan mengambil masa yang lebih lama untuk memeriksa pasport kami,' ujar beliau.

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Post time 17-7-2008 01:27 PM | Show all posts

Reply #890 fatz2's post

Aiya so lecehlah...

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 Author| Post time 18-7-2008 01:30 PM | Show all posts
Shuttle Bus Services 19.07.08 - 10.08.08 (saturday & Sunday ONLY)
From Besides Woodlands MRT Station (opposite the Taxi stand Next to the Power Station)
To City Square, Johor Bahru

Justy Register on line at  and obtain the confirmation slip as proof prior boarding.
First-come-first-served basis


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Post time 18-7-2008 10:33 PM | Show all posts
July 18, 2008         
Hotline for S'poreans to call when in trouble in Johor

JOHOR police have set up a hotline for Singaporeans to call if they run into trouble or fall victim to crime in the Malaysian state across the Causeway.

The 24-hour line - 07-2212999 - will be manned by staff who can handle calls in English, Malay, Mandarin and Tamil.

Johor police have promised to respond to a call for help within 15 minutes.

The hotline was set up following a recent dialogue between the Malaysian High Commissioner to Singapore, Mr N. Parameswaran and Johor police chief Mokhtar Shariff.

They discussed various steps to take to counter crimes in Johor and to create a safe environment for both Malaysians and foreign visitors.

'The High Commission hopes that the serious efforts being continuously undertaken by the Johor Police authorities would help reduce the incidence of crimes in Johor state and would also create conditions conducive to the easier movement of people and goods between Malaysia and Singapore,' said a statement from the Malaysian High Commission here on Friday.

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Post time 19-8-2008 01:47 AM | Show all posts
White cards comeback
Long queues as several visitors unaware of rule change, 7 months after forms were scrapped

By Tan Weizhen

CUSTOMS areas in Johor Baru were filled with long queues and confused Singaporeans yesterday, about 48 hours after Malaysia began requiring all visitors to fill in embarkation cards.

Most people who spoke to The Straits Times said the requirement, which came into effect last Friday, had led to longer waits for visitors travelling across the Causeway.

'There is so much hassle now,' said administrator Colin Cheong, 60. 'I've got to fill in so many details on a card for just a short visit to Johor Baru.'

Early last month, Malaysia announced that all visitors would have to fill in white immigration cards with information such as their name, nationality and passport number.

The news came just seven months after it scrapped the forms and replaced them with a paperless system that saw Customs officers simply stamp the passports of travellers. The country has not revealed the reasons behind the decision to reinstate the cards.

Most Singaporeans interviewed, especially frequent Johor Baru visitors, said the reversal was bewildering.

'It is very confusing. The Malaysian authorities should make up their minds,' said Ms Denise Ng.

The 43-year-old was halfway through the queue with her daughter at the Malaysian Customs when she realised that an immigration card was needed to enter the country.

'Not everyone is up to date with these frequent rule changes and if people didn't know, they would have to queue up twice,' she said.

The Straits Times visited the border crossing yesterday and saw several people caught in the same predicament.

Many were clustered around ledges, filling in their cards, which were available at a nearby counter. It was manned by Custom officials, who did not hand out the cards or inform travellers of the need for them. There was, however, a makeshift paper sign labelled 'white cards'.

Another traveller, Ms Julia Wang, 28, said: 'I think the Customs officials should clearly indicate there is a change in ruling and actively give out the cards to people in the queues.'

Others said the requirement to fill in the cards slowed the queues noticeably.

'The queue today was at least three times longer than when I last came on a Friday,' said Mr Huynh Trung Dung, a postgraduate student in Singapore. His view was echoed by the majority of other travellers.

Business owner Ismail Ali, 34, who drove into Malaysia yesterday, said: 'It's a good thing I didn't throw away my immigration cards from last time.'

However, at least one, a 60-year-old librarian, had another take on the rule change. 'We're in their country and should respect their rules. Perhaps they want to test both paper and paperless systems and see which works better.'

About 250,000 people enter Malaysia via the Causeway daily, and another 30,000 use the Second Link in Tuas.

[email protected]

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 Author| Post time 20-8-2008 03:16 PM | Show all posts
main-main betul lah kerejaan M'sia ni....
macam beskot... kejap ada.... kejap takde...
kejap perlu... kejap tak perlu...
leceh betul.....  

Originally posted by fatz2 at 19-8-2008 01:47 AM
White cards comeback
Long queues as several visitors unaware of rule change, 7 months after forms were scrapped
By Tan Weizhen ...

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Post time 20-8-2008 11:02 PM | Show all posts

Reply #895 sutera_abadi's post

dorang kang malaysia boleh..hehehe

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Post time 1-9-2008 01:28 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by sutera_abadi at 20-8-2008 03:16 PM
main-main betul lah kerejaan M'sia ni....
macam beskot... kejap ada.... kejap takde...
kejap perlu... kejap tak perlu...
leceh betul.....  

mungkin pasal CIQ baru nak siap jadi diorang dah mula implement balik mender neh..

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Post time 1-9-2008 01:30 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by sutera_abadi at 18-7-2008 01:30 PM
Shuttle Bus Services 19.07.08 - 10.08.08 (saturday & Sunday ONLY)  From Besides Woodlands MRT Station (opposite the Taxi stand Next to the Power Station) To City Square, Johor Bahruhttp://i ...

bagus lah.. tp kalau tambak jammed rabak ayoooooooooo.....

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 Author| Post time 10-9-2008 11:35 AM | Show all posts
Oitt cik abang... promotion dah abis laa....
Shuttle Bus Services 19.07.08 - 10.08.08 (saturday & Sunday ONLY)

Originally posted by Dunhill. at 1-9-2008 01:30 PM

bagus lah.. tp kalau tambak jammed rabak ayoooooooooo.....

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 Author| Post time 10-9-2008 11:37 AM | Show all posts
mungkin jugak lah kan....
sepatutnya sistem makin maju dengan adanya tempat baru yg lagi canggeh kan!!!
hmm.... ntah lah..

Originally posted by Dunhill. at 1-9-2008 01:28 PM

mungkin pasal CIQ baru nak siap jadi diorang dah mula implement balik mender neh..

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