i think promo yg with accommodation tuh lagi tempting.. ade survey ticket sahaja paling murah bout rm1200++... yg with accommodation about 1600++..
so u guys might consider to buy flight+hotel... |
i think promo yg with accommodation tuh lagi tempting.. ade survey ticket sahaja paling murah bout r ...
fadhil Post at 22-11-2010 12:26 
Salam, fadhil, yg promo flight + hotel ni (free & easy ke)? |
i think promo yg with accommodation tuh lagi tempting.. ade survey ticket sahaja paling murah bout r ...
fadhil Post at 22-11-2010 12:26 
fadhil, u jmpa brapa hb tu? share sket... |
Salam, fadhil, yg promo flight + hotel ni (free & easy ke)?
hajar53 Post at 22-11-2010 12:29 
aha.. i think so....
sorry... sy x study sgt yg paris nih... usha gitu2 je kat website AA...
x de plan nak pergi next year... |
aha.. i think so....
sorry... sy x study sgt yg paris nih... usha gitu2 je kat website AA ...
fadhil Post at 22-11-2010 12:38 
mummy pn xde plan nak g memana next year; only this Jan e g beijing..pastu dh xtau nak g mana...tu yg tgk paris ada promo, terpk nak g ke x...fadhil, u plan p mana next year? u ke yg buat turkey tu? mummy dh lupa dh... |
bape hb yg ade lagi promo date nii.. tak jumpe punn..
beep Post at 22-11-2010 12:24 
mummy pn sama!!! xjumpe pon!!! |
fadhil, u jmpa brapa hb tu? share sket...
mummywiffy Post at 22-11-2010 12:31 
td tgk gitu2 je... dlm bulan feb-march...
sorry..x ingat tarikh... duk click2 next day... tgk yg mane murah... |
Reply 913# fadhil
ko jengok2 je ke fadhil?? xtergoda ke? hehe..... aku tumpang seronok tgk org suka dpt tiket murah, aku pun xplan nak pi......tunggu2lah dulu... |
i think promo yg with accommodation tuh lagi tempting.. ade survey ticket sahaja paling murah bout r ...
fadhil Post at 22-11-2010 12:26 
mula2 ingat nak amik ni tapi when i check the hotel, it is 30mins drive from Paris....kalau dalam paris itself
the hotel yang paling murah starts with RM2000++.. |
Reply 906# beep
beep, try september dates and above...tadi i check still ada. price dalam RM1500++.... |
akakkkk hazzzzz!!! thanks for your head-up im going to Paris next year!!!!!! did my booking via mobi ...
fairy_fairy Post at 22-11-2010 09:36 
adikkk!!!! so when r u going..?????? u got the tickets so cheap!
i can't go laa next year coz am going to melbourne already....
so most probably will be going in 2012...gonna repeat london & paris!!!
gonna save up a lot for that trip insyaAllah!  |
aku cuba2 dpt tiket RM1.5k++ tarikh nih; 31/5-9/6...(cuti sekolah) sapa2 nak pegi tu grab je la tarikh nih, berbaloi... |
aku tunggu promo utk dec/januari |
Reply 917# haz
booked 16/09 - 22/09....hari tu my friend ajak pegi korea but when i checked the date time puasa
la pulak so i said tak yah laa..then akak bagitau AA nak pegi Paris baik terus pigi sini!!! kekekekeke
now waiting for AA pegi usa pulak!  |
Reply 917# haz
yup!!! must save a lot for the trip kak...hopefully ringgit will remain strong against
GBP and Euro  |
Reply haz
booked 16/09 - 22/09....hari tu my friend ajak pegi korea but when i checked the date ...
fairy_fairy Post at 22-11-2010 14:01 
ohh tadik i checked for the same dates kot...tak pun few days earlier....
konon2 nak celebrate bday kat sana laa haha....
tapi takper....i would really save up a lot this time around...
so bley laa shopping2 sket yeayyyy!!
aritu pegi mmg backpack jer...so no shopping ngarut2  |
mummy pn xde plan nak g memana next year; only this Jan e g beijing..pastu dh xtau nak g mana... ...
mummywiffy Post at 22-11-2010 12:42 
mummy..next year x plan g mane2.. initially turkey april 2011... tp i x jadi.. but the group yg dah plan tu..still nak pergi...
dec nih ade meeting...
nanti plan europe/paris tahun2 depan la... time tuh me pergi ber3 laa kot.. with fadhil junior..  |
ramai ke dah buking ke paris ni??
jelesnyaa |
ramai ke dah buking ke paris ni??
jelesnyaa |
slalunya time nov, jan-feb low season, boleh dpt hotel rate murah sket |
| |