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Author: Magika

Pilihanraya Sarawak 2011 : Barisan Nasional menang majoriti 2/3

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Post time 13-4-2011 08:12 AM | Show all posts

org sarawak kena undi pakatan kalau tak kena label pakai cawat...

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 Author| Post time 13-4-2011 08:24 AM | Show all posts
Police and Army Go To vote

KUCHING, April 12 (Bernama) — The first vote in the 10th Sarawak state election will be cast tomorrow as police and security forces personnel take to the ballot box first with three days to go to polling day (Saturday).

Postal voters number 18,363 of the 979,796 on the electoral roll.

The next 72 hours will see campaigning going into overdrive as Barisan

Nasional (BN) defends its ground against the opposition spearheaded by Peninsular-based DAP and Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR).

Sarawak Chief Minister Tan Sri Abdul Taib Mahmud said today that the BN would win more than two-thirds majority on Saturday because bumiputeras continue to back the government.

Taib, who is Sarawak BN chairman, said that he also sees some change in Chinese-dominated so-called black areas and older Chinese voters were more serious about weighing the community’ representation in the government.

Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak, who is national BN chairman, and his deputy, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin, will continue with their offensive in the interior Dayak areas and Chinese urban towns.

They are scheduled separately to swing by Miri where the Sarawak United People’s Party (SUPP), the Chinese component of the state BN, is locked in an intense fight for the Chinese-dominated seats there against the DAP.

Among the seats is the Piasau constituency which being defended by SUPP president Tan Sri Dr George Chan.

The Prime Minister is also scheduled to visit Sibu before returning to Kuala Lumpur on Friday.

Meanwhile, Parti Cinta Malaysia (PCM), which is making its debut in the election with 10 candidates, said Sarawakians should not vote for the opposition front of DAP, Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) and PAS.

Party vice-president Huan Cheng Guan of the Penang-based PCM said if the opposition front took over Sarawak, the parties involved would import their people to Sarawak to “cari makan” (for bounty).

He said the DAP had done the same thing in Penang when they won the state in the 2008 general election and treated the locals badly.

Sarawak Police Commissioner Datuk Mohmad Salleh said another 250 permits were issued in the last 24 hours and he again reminded the political parties not to touch on racial sensitivities. — BERNAMA

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Post time 13-4-2011 08:29 AM | Show all posts
zentrum's period 2 prediction:

bn 27
pr 26
snap 14
bebas 4

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Post time 13-4-2011 09:09 AM | Show all posts
Reply 903# hzln

    lately.. kalau ikut PRK lepas2 ni... prediksi berubah pada hari pengundian tu...

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Post time 13-4-2011 09:25 AM | Show all posts
sure ada terputus bekalan letrik masa tgh kira undi nanti...
o bot bawak peti undi karam
tak pon peti undi dibuang dr heli


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Post time 13-4-2011 09:26 AM | Show all posts
Reply  hzln

    lately.. kalau ikut PRK lepas2 ni... prediksi berubah pada hari pengundian tu. ...
atira Post at 13-4-2011 09:09

    ini pun dah byk berubah jugak ni, banding dgn period 1....tapi tak brp pasti period 1 dari bila ke bila, period 2 dari bila ke bila

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Post time 13-4-2011 09:29 AM | Show all posts
Reply 906# hzln

    tak salah aku...
yg first before penamaan calon..
yg second selepas penamaan calon...
baru dua kali ke??

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 Author| Post time 13-4-2011 10:41 AM | Show all posts
Ini artikel terbaru dari Freemalaysiatoday... meramalkan sekurangkurangnya 8 kerusi akan dimenangi pembangkang

Now the force is with BN
Zainal Epi
| April 13, 2011

The tide has changed direction and is now flowing with – and not against – the Barisan Nasional.

KUCHING: Something happened along the way. The opposition advances were abruptly pushed back as the Barisan Nasional (BN) forces regrouped and counter-attacked.

The BN has changed its tactic and is now shoring up its defences around the Malay-Dayak majority seats. Although it is not putting up much of a struggle for the Chinese-majority seats, the Chinese voters are also having second thoughts about giving all the seats to the DAP.

Hopefully, the change of strategy may stop the Pakatan Rakyat from capturing seats in the Malay-Dayak heartland considered the bastion of the ruling BN. In the last few days, the Pakatan army has made considerable progress in chipping away the walls around the heartland. It came to a stage where observers feel the BN has a 50-50 chance of keeping its grip on the vast Malay-Dayak fortress.

The opposition, especially the DAP, has been pounding the BN in the 15 Chinese urban areas and initial battlefield reports indicated the defences are softening up. Emboldened by their rapid progress, the opposition is even making inroads into the Malay-Dayak territory, thus presenting a grave threat to the BN.

Realising the growing danger, observers believe BN went back to the drawing board and drew up a new fighting strategy to halt the march of the Pakatan horde.

With only days to go before polling on Saturday, the state BN is putting up a stout defence of the Malay-Dayak heartland and its hard work is showing positive results – the Malays and the Dayaks are inching up closer to the BN.

Najib ‘pull’ factor

Although resentment against Chief Minister Taib Mahmud is still running high, the Chinese community recognised the need for a representative in the state cabinet after the election.

They acknowledged that without a Chinese minister in the cabinet, they will not be able to channel their grievances and problems to the government.

A Chinese voter said going by this argument – that a Chinese representative must be in the state cabinet – the DAP may not end up winning all the 15 Chinse-majority seats.

“We understand the need for a representative in the cabinet and so I feel the Chinese voters may not give all the seats to the DAP,” said the voter who wanted to remain anonymous.

Then there is the Najib “pull” factor. Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak has rejuvenated the BN team with his tireless visits and walkabouts. His charisma and strong personality are attracting rural voters who see him as a leader who could be trusted to make changes in the state leadership.

Najib, as some rural voters said, knows how to “talk” to them – and make them feel important.

In short, there is growing acceptance of Najib, which is bad news for the Pakatan allies.

The two issues – a Chinese representative in the state cabinet and Najib’s guarantee that Taib will go – have tipped the scale in favour of the BN. Observers say the state BN will retain its two-thirds majority while losing eight seats or slightly more to the opposition.

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 Author| Post time 13-4-2011 11:00 AM | Show all posts

Pegawai polis menunaikan tanggungjawab dengan mengundi di IPK Kuching, Sarawak

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Post time 13-4-2011 12:05 PM | Show all posts
Rakyat Sarawak waspada 'kail berduri'

ANAK SELUANG Kulim, Kedah.

UMPAN jinak di air tenang, kail berduri bersalut umpan. Sesal dahulu pendapatan, sesal kemudian tidak berguna.

Dua ayat seloka orang-orang Melayu jelas mengingatkan kita agar apabila melakukan sesuatu, mestilah berfikiran bijak agar tidak menyesal di kemudian hari.

Kepada saudara-saudaraku di Sarawak Bumi Kenyalang, janganlah termakan pujuk rayu puak-puak yang menaburkan gula dan madu kepada anda. Kami di Kedah sudah terkena. Kami telah termakan kail berduri bersalut umpan.

Kami tidak mampu lagi untuk melepaskan diri. Kami tertipu dengan janji 'kalih' yang dilagukan oleh puak-puak Pakatan Rakyat sewaktu pilihan raya 2008 dahulu.

Tidak ada satu pun janji yang ditaburkan oleh puak ini kepada kami ditunaikan. Alih-alih, air yang sangat penting bagi umat manusia dinaikkan tarif sebanyak 20 peratus.

Kerja kosong untuk anak-anak muda yang baharu lepas belajar juga tidak ada. Banyak kilang tutup kerana berhijrah ke negara lain, tetapi pemimpin PAS masih mengatakan banyak kilang datang melabur di Kedah, terutamanya di Kulim.

Memang kami rasa agak marah kepada kerajaan terdahulu, tetapi kami langsung tidak terfikir kerajaan baharu ini lebih teruk.

Kerajaan baharu menjanjikan bulan dan matahari kepada kami. Memang benar begitu. Waktu malam lampu jalan tidak dipasang, hanya mengharapkan cahaya bulan untuk menerangi jalan raya pada waktu malam.

Sampah sarap juga tidak dikutip dan taman-taman perumahan dipenuhi sampah. Kerajaan PAS mengatakan pendapatan kerajaan negeri meningkat, tetapi ke mana wang tersebut dibelanjakan?

Baru beberapa hari menjadi kerajaan, yang mereka pentingkan ialah menukar kereta resmi Exco kerajaan negeri. Mereka tidak selesa naik Proton Perdana, mereka lebih gemar naik Toyota Camry 2.4L 24V. Hebatkan?

Oleh itu wahai saudara-saudaraku di Sarawak Bumi Kenyalang, janganlah sudah terhantuk baru terngadah. Tidak ada gunanya sesalan, kalau nasi sudah menjadi bubur.

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Post time 13-4-2011 12:17 PM | Show all posts
mungkin pembalasan tuhan terhadap humno...

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Post time 13-4-2011 12:25 PM | Show all posts
Edisi mari belajar mengeja


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Post time 13-4-2011 12:34 PM | Show all posts
Nampak nama ASAJAYA ni ... teringat nama lama nya ... NONOK.

Dulu ada operasi askar nama NONOK BAUK (Bau)  BUSOK (Buso)

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Post time 13-4-2011 03:50 PM | Show all posts

Media diarah tidak lagi siarkan perhimpunan Pakatan

Apr 13, 11 2:50pm

BN yang kini dilihat semakin goyah menjelang pilihan raya negeri Sarawak 16 April ini, terus memperkuatkan cengkamannya ke atas media arus perdana .

Dengan portal berita, termasuk Malaysiakini dan Sarawak Report, yang telah menerbitkan laporan kritikal mengenai ketua menteri, Tan Sri Abdul Taib Mahmud, tidak dapat diakses akibat serangan siber, rangkaian televisyen telah diarahkan jangan menyiarkan rali dan ceramah-ceramah Pakatan Rakyat.

Sumber yang rapat dengan gergasi media yang dikaitkan dengan Umno itu - Media Prima - memberitahu Malaysiakini bahawa semua rangkaian televisyen miliknya telah diarahkan supaya tidak menyiarkan ceramah harian Pakatan yang berjaya menarik kehadiran ribuan orang.

“Visual rali mega tidak sama sekali boleh disiarkan meskipun ia berkaitan dengan pilihan raya,” kata sumber dalaman itu.

Media Prima memiliki semua rangkaian televisyen swasta percuma di negara ini -TV3, ntv7, 8TV and TV9.

Selain televisyen, akhbar Cina juga diberi tekanan selepas BN dikatakan mungkin tumbang di beberapa kawasan yang mempunyai pengundi majoriti masyarakat Cina.

“Walaupun belum diberi arahan, kita mesti berhati-hati dengan laporan berita. Saya tidak fikir, kita mampu lagi memberi liputan pada ratio 60:40 bagi BN dan Pakatan, kita sekarang terpaksa menukarnya kepada 70:30,” kata seorang editor akhbar harian Cina.

“Sejak dua atau tiga lalu, liputan ke atas kami telah berkurangan dengan begitu ketara sekali,” kata seorang pekerja kempen DAP.

bukti jelas BN mmg bacul!

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Post time 13-4-2011 04:13 PM | Show all posts
With Pakatan Rakyat making final pushes by launching a series of public rallies ahead of the Sarawak state elections, the fast-falling Barisan Nasional regime has responded in an illicit manner.
For the past two days, popular news portals and Malaysiakini were completely clamped down when 'distributed denial-of-service attacks' (DDOS) were launched.
The recent round of cyber attacks on the alternative media drew parallels between a falling Hosni Murbarak and the Barisan Nasional government. The former Egypt president resorted to cutting off the internet when his government was falling to a historical Egyptian revolution.
Founder of, Clara Brown said that: “clearly BN do not find themselves in a position to answer our findings and arguments, so they have taken the cheat route instead. She went on the mention, “their methods of attacking us have all be very expensive, but highly counter-productive and have caused them to look pretty foolish in the process."
With the alternative media being freely available to members of the public, Prime Minister Najib Razak and his Barisan Nasional government has no choice but to resort to such dirty tactics. The crackdowns were timed just when the Sarawak state election is around the corner - on Saturday.
Near to non-existence of freedom of media in Malaysia
With mainstream newspapers and media under complete control of the government, the opposition is already at a massive disadvantage going into a round of elections.
Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim recently pleaded in a rally at Sarawak for a 5-minute coverage to be given to his Pakatan Rakyat coalition leaders on TV3 every night.
His sarcastic tones were to imply how the likes of TV3, RTM, Utusan Malaysia and New Straits Times were being utilized as propaganda tools to smear and discredit the Pakatan Rakyat. What more when the smears and taunts are mostly baseless accusations, with words of PR leaders being twisted to satisfy cravings of their Putrajaya bosses.
Even after 53 years of independence, freedom of media remained to elude Malaysians, as Malaysia ranked a lowly 141 in the Press Freedom Index, which was published in 2010.
With this round of crackdowns on the alternative media and coupled with soon-to-be enacted Parliament acts which will restrict and filter internet publications, Malaysia is definitely on their way to join the likes of Iraq and North Korea in terms of press freedom.
Intimidating the voters
The Barisan Nasional government has also turned to all sorts of intimidation. In a recent interview, a local who spoke of the tyrannical acts of the BN had refused to be named in fear of the coalition that has ruled Malaysian for more than 5 decades.
But he said, "if workers from big companies have those small opposition flags on their car, someone from BN will go to the employers and threaten them."
It is evident from this flag issue, BN is treating the Sarawakians like how Murbarak treats the Egyptians or Gaddafi the Libyans. It also shows how Sarawakians are being victimized and have been intimidated through the years.
In fact, a lot of instances of physical intimidation and threats in rural areas carried out by the Barisan Nasional have not been made known to the public. Knowing that the majority of the rural natives are vulnerable and illiterate, BN took full advantage by exploiting their weaknesses and bullying them.
Barisan Nasional has taken Sarawakians for granted, treating them as fixed deposits for far too long. Indeed, this round of state elections is the golden opportunity for Sarawakians to rise up and let their voices be heard.

Taib = Mubarak!

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Post time 13-4-2011 04:23 PM | Show all posts
BN bacul

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Post time 13-4-2011 04:26 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by zidlan at 13-4-2011 16:27

kecut perut pun bermula

BN perlu tingkat usaha menangi kerusi di bandar: Najib

KUCHING: Barisan Nasional (BN) perlu meningkatkan usaha untuk memenangi kerusi di bandar-bandar pada pilihan raya negeri Sarawak, Sabtu ini memandangkan calon yang diketengahkan adalah baik dan hebat, kata Datuk Seri Najib Razak.

"...(BN) kena kerja lebih daripada biasa. Kita mempunyai calon yang baik dan hebat untuk menang," kata Perdana Menteri.

Najib berkata tidak dinafikan bahawa kemampuan BN untuk memenangi kerusi di kawasan bandar merupakan ujian yang terbesar.
Malah, pengundi di bandar perlu memberi kepercayaan kepada BN untuk menjamin masa depan mereka berdasarkan program transformasi yang sudah mula dilaksanakan, katanya pada sidang berita selepas menghadiri program bersama rakyat di Sadong Jaya dekat sini hari ini.

Perdana Menteri berkata untuk mencapai matlamat tersebut memerlukan sokongan menyeluruh.
"Kita sudah memperkenalkan gagasan 1Malaysia, satu pendekataan semua kaum akan mendapat pertimbangan adil," katanya.

Pada pilihan raya negeri 2006, BN kalah sembilan kerusi, termasuk beberapa kerusi di bandar iaitu Pending, Pandungan, Kota Sentosa dan Batu Lintang.

Najib yang tiba di sini malam tadi untuk lawatan kerja selama empat hari hingga Jumaat ini, telah memulakan program bertemu rakyat di pekan Pusa, Serian pada sebelah pagi ini sebelum melawat ke Pekan Sebuyau. - BERNAMA

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Post time 13-4-2011 04:28 PM | Show all posts
walau apa pun BN tetap menang besar

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Post time 13-4-2011 06:58 PM | Show all posts
bn akan memang gak...

malu ah kalau pm tpm menteri2 jentera kerajaan media seme kempen untuk bn tapi tak leh menang...

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Post time 13-4-2011 07:16 PM | Show all posts
awat najib ni kalut sangat, Taib releks jer

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