Originally posted by kikikukumalu at 2-8-2007 07:50 PM
nak tanya u all la apa yg u all slalu bg ur hamsters makan selain dr dry food or kuaci ke..thanx..
ida pnah bg makan kek kt hamster ida |
selera tinggi jugak hamster u kan.. dorang ble mkn pisang tak.. |
Reply #942 kikikukumalu's post
i pnah suapkn coklat, licin gak hamster i mkn
pisang lom pnh cube lg |
Reply #943 ida88's post
erk...rasanya coklat tak boleh diberi kat hamster..
sebab coklat boleh melekat kat pouches yang kat pipi tu dan kalau tak silap, boleh menyebabkan penyakit kat situ..
selanjutnya boleh dibaca di bawah ni...
Cheek Pouch Impaction
This occurs when the hamster is unable to empty one or both of their pouches and they are persistently full. This may occur if sticky food is given, if there are dental problems, or occasionally simply if the hamster stuffs in too much food! The pouches can be gently everted under light anaesthesia, emptied and cleaned, and any abrasions or abscesses that have formed because of the problem treated at the same time. It is important however to rule out any underlying cause such as dental malocclusions, or the impaction may reoccur.
Cheek Pouch Eversion
This is when one or both pouches becomes everted (ie inside out) and the hamster is unable to correct it themselves. This is more common in the dwarf species than in Syrians. The cheek pouch can gently be replaced using a small blunt object. If it is everted for too long it may become damaged or even necrotic, requiring surgery to remove dead tissue and replace the pouch. |
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Reply #935 kikikukumalu's post
makanan lain yang boleh bagi kat hamster ada banyak jugak..
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Reply #946 ida88's post
oo..mungkin kesannya lambat kot.. tak pun hamster ida spesies mutan..
biasanya yang saya tau la, betina yang lebih dominant dan suka mencederakan jantan..dalam kes ni, kesian betina tu... |
ya betul..benda2 seperti roti..kek dan seangkatan dgnnye tak boleh bg hamster mkn...derang akan simpan dlm pouch derang..tuh yg akan menyebabkan ada yg kene penyakit pouch bengkak..one more thing..kek diperbuat drpd butter..hamster adalah sgt kecil..kandungan butter dlm kek tuh dikira high colestrol gegiler utk hamster kita..mknn yg digorng pun sama..badan hamster kita tak boleh terima sbb terlalu berlemak...
coklat oso kenot...gula dlm nye sgt tinggi..boleh membahayakan kesihatan..just imagine..even hamster kita mkn kuaci sahaja sudah cukup menggemukkan derang...so jgn hanay bg hamster kita mkn kuaci sahaja..mealworm pun sama..bagus sbb high protein..but if berlebihan..hehe...pk sendirik ler erk..
[ Last edited by anizarina at 6-8-2007 07:37 AM ] |
Originally posted by izryana_ad at 3-8-2007 05:51 PM
COMEL NYER............ BEST DGR CITE RINA NIE..............
mmg best..bila balik kerja..letih2...bila tgk gelagat mengarut derang tuh,..hilang letih...kene lak kerja rina nie memerlukan rina berfikir sepanjang hari...mmg bila tgk derang nie..mmg boleh release tension laa.. |
hamster nie kalu bele susah tak?.. means time nak balek kg ?.... lagi satu, kalu bele kat bilik leh bebau tak?...huhuuhuhuh minat gak...nmpak comel ajerk... |
Reply #948 anizarina's post
wuhuu..good info..tankiuk.. |
Originally posted by anizarina at 6-8-2007 07:39 AM
mmg best..bila balik kerja..letih2...bila tgk gelagat mengarut derang tuh,..hilang letih...kene lak kerja rina nie memerlukan rina berfikir sepanjang hari...mmg bila tgk derang nie..mmg ...
mmg rina yg bele ke hamster tu................. mesti comel2 kan.............. |
Originally posted by ida88 at 6-8-2007 05:26 PM
smpi mak angkat ek? papehal rujuk je kt sini
ramai yg ley tlg
btul, x susah nk bela hamster ni
kecik, senang angkut gi memane
plg besh, ida ske tambah2 koleksi umah h ...
hehehe.... org len ambik baby wat anak angkat, idan n nauze leh la jadik mak angkat hamster coz tahu banyak hal berkenaan hamster nie
hehehhee.... |
Reply #958 bubpallo's post
bile bub dh bela nanti
bub sndri ley blaja dr hamster bub
x cayer, cube try
ida dulu mane tau pape psl hamster
ida blaja dr hamster ida sndri
kite sbg tuannye, knela bkenalan dgn hamster tu
perhatikn gerak geri die |
Reply #958 bubpallo's post
haha..jadi mak angkat?
saya jadi bapak angkat bley la..
btul kata ida tu..
bila dah bela hamster tu, memang mcm2 pengalaman boleh dpt..lagi bagus kalau tambahkan pengetahuan daripada mana2 artikel pasal hamster..
saya pun masih belajar psl hamster nih..sebab nak jaga betul2 hamster ni dari kecik sampai la tua bangka nanti.. |
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