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Author: matz_rockz

anything to share,your thoughts,feelings anything under the sun....

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Post time 5-8-2004 10:07 AM | Show all posts

A little humour...


"Cash, cheque or credit?" I asked, after folding items the woman wished
to purchase. As she fumbled for her wallet, I noticed a remote control
for a television set in her purse. "So, do you always carry your TV
remote?" I asked. "No," she replied, " but my husband refused to come
shopping with me, so I figured this was the most legal evil thing I
could do to him."

I know I'm not going to understand women.
I'll never understand how you can take boiling hot wax, pour it onto
your upper thigh, rip the hair out by the root, and still be afraid of a

A man walks into a pharmacy and wanders up and down the aisles. The
sales girl notices him and asks him if she can help him. He answers that
he is looking for a box of tampons for his wife.She directs him down the
correct aisle.A few minutes later, he deposits a huge bag of cotton
balls and a ball of string on the counter. She says, confused,"Sir, I
thought you were looking for some tampons for your wife?" He answers, "
You see, it's like this, yesterday, I sent my wife to the store to get
me a carton of cigarettes, and she came back with a tin of tobacco and
some rolling papers; cause it's sooooooo much cheaper.So, I figure if I
have to roll my own, so does she."


A couple drove down a country road for several miles,not saying a word.
An earlier discussion had led to an argument and neither of them wanted
to concede their position. As they passed a barnyard of mules, goats,
and pigs, the husband asked sarcastically, "Relatives of yours?" "Yep,"
the wife replied, "in-laws."

A husband read an article to his wife about how many words women use a
day... 30,000 to a man's 15,000. The wife replied, "The reason has to be
because we have to repeat everything to men... The husband then turned
to his wife and asked, "What?"

A man said to his wife one day, "I don't know how you can be so stupid
and so beautiful all at the same time." The wife responded, "Allow me to
explain. God made me beautiful so you would be attracted to me; God made
me stupid, so I would be attracted to you!

A man and his wife were having an argument about who should brew the
coffee each morning. The wife said, "You should do it, because you get
up first, and then we don't have to wait as long to get our coffee." The
husband said, " You are in charge of cooking around here and you should
do it, because that is your job, and I can just wait for my coffee."
Wife replies, "No, you should do it, and besides, it is in the Bible
that the man should do the coffee." Husband replies, "I can't believe
that, show me." So she fetched the Bible, and opened the New Testament
and showed him at the top of several pages, that it indeed
says.......... "HEBREWS"  :lol

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Post time 10-8-2004 08:51 AM | Show all posts

something very meaningful to share with you..

Good or Bad hard to say?

Once upon a time, there was a king. The king liked one of his followers very much because he was very wise and always gave very  useful advice.  Therefore the king took him along wherever he went.

One  day, the king was bitten by a dog, the finger was injured and the  wound was getting worse. He asked the follower if that was a bad sign.  The follower said, Good or bad, hard to say'. In the end, the finger  of the king was too bad that had to be cut.

The king asked the follower again if that was a bad sign. Again, the follower gave the same answer, 'Good or bad, hard to say'. The king   became very angry and sent the follower to prison.

One day, the king went hunting in the jungle. He got excited when he was on the chase of a deer. Deeper and deeper he went inside the jungle.   In the end he found himself lost in the jungle. To make thing worse, he got captured by the native people lived inside the jungle.  

They wanted to sacrifice him to their god. But when they noticed that the king had one finger short, they released him immediately as he was not a perfect man anymore and not suitable for sacrifice. The king managed to get back to his palace after all. And he finally understood  the follower's wise quote, 'Good or bad, hard to say'. If he hadn't lost one
finger, he could have been killed by the native people.

He ordered to release the follower, and apologized to him. But to the king amaze, the follower was not mad at him at all. Instead, the follower said, 'It wasn't a bad thing that you locked me up.'

Why? Because if the king hadn't locked the follower up, he would have brought the follower along to the jungle. If the
native found that the  king was not suitable, they would have used the follower. Again, the quote 'Good or bad, hard to
say' stands.

The moral of the story -
Everything that happens in this world, there is no absolute good or bad.
Sometimes good things turned out to be bad things eventually, while bad things become a gain.
Whatever good things that happen to you, enjoy it, but don't have to hold too tight to it, treat it as a surprise in your life. Whatever bad things that happen to you, don't have to feel too sad or despair, in the end, it might not be a total bad thing after all.

If one can understand this, he or she will find life much easier.

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Post time 10-8-2004 10:25 AM | Show all posts
1 -  Live to relax!

2 -  Love your bed, it is your temple!

3 - Relax in the day, so that you can sleep at night!

4 - Work is holy, so don't attack it!

5 - Don't do something tomorrow, that you can do the day afterwards!

6 - Work as little as possible.  Let the others do what needs to be done!

7 - Don't worry, nobody died from doing nothing, but you could get hurt at work!

8 - If you feel like doing work, sit down and wait until that feeling goes away!

9 - Don't forget: working is healthy!  So leave it for the sick
Have A Great Day Ahead;)

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matz_rockz This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 10-8-2004 11:17 AM | Show all posts
over the weekend me went to botanic gardens with my family.

about 30 years back,my parents bawak my family to take photo kat sana.

i took photo of my kids  at the same pokok tembusu.

nostalgic betul.....bring back memories when we were small.

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matz_rockz This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 23-8-2004 03:29 PM | Show all posts
outgoing personality..........................always going out of the office
great presentation to bullshit
good communication skills.................spend alot of time on the phone
work ifs first priority.........................too ugly to get a date
active socially..................................drinks alot
independant worker.........................nobody knows what he/she does
quick thinking..................................offer plausible excuses
careful thinker................................won't make a decision
uses logic on difficult job..................gets someones else to do it
expess themselves well....................speaks english

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matz_rockz This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 23-8-2004 03:53 PM | Show all posts
part 2

meticulous attention to detail..................... a nit picker
has leadership tall or has a loud voice
exceptionally good judgement.....................lucky
keen sense of humour...............................knows alot of dirty jokes
career minded...........................................back stabber
loyal........................................................can't get a job anywhere else
plans for promotion/ drinks for all the boys
of great value to the organization................gets to work on time
relaxed attitude........................................sleeps at desk

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matz_rockz This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 17-9-2004 02:47 PM | Show all posts
Beza Lelaki & Wanita


Lelaki bujang kena tanggung dosa sendiri apabila sudah baligh manakala dosa
gadis bujang ditanggung oleh bapanya. Lelaki berkahwin kena tanggung dosa
sendiri, dosa isteri, dosa anak perempuan yang belum berkahwin dan dosa
anak lelaki yang belum baligh. BERATKAN ??!

Hukum menjelaskan anak lelaki kena bertanggungjawab ke atas ibunya dan
sekiranya dia tidak menjalankan tanggungjawabnya maka dosa baginya terutama
anak lelaki yang tua, manakala perempuan tidak, perempuan hanya perlu taat
kepada suaminya Isteri berbuat baik pahala dapat kepadanya kalau buat tak
baik dosanya ditanggung oleh suaminya. BERATKAN??!
Suami kena bagi nafkah pada isteri, ini wajib tapi isteri tidak. Walaupun
begitu isteri oleh membantu. Haram bagi suami bertanya pendapatan isteri
lebih-lebih lagi menggunakan pendapatan isteri tanpa izin ini. Banyak lagi
elaki lebih-lebih lagi yang bergelar suami perlu tanggung. Kalau nak
dibayangkan beratnya dosa-dosa yang ditanggungnya seperti gunung dengan
semut. Itu sebabnya mengikut kajian nyawa orang perempuan lebih panjang
daripada lelaki. Lelaki mati cepat kerana tak larat dengan beratnya
dosa-dosa yang ditanggung.

Tetapi orang lelaki ada keistimewaannya yang dianugerah oleh Allah SWT. Ini
orang lelaki kena tahu, kalau tak tahu kena jadi perempuan. Begitulah


Auratnya lebih susah dijaga berbanding lelaki. Perlu meminta izin dari
suaminya apabila mahu keluar rumah tetapi tidak sebaliknya. Saksinya kurang
berbanding lelaki. Menerima pusaka kurang dari lelaki. Perlu menghadapi
kesusahan mengandung dan melahirkan anak.
Wajib taat kepada suaminya tetapi suami tak perlu taat pada isterinya.
Talak terletak di tangan suami dan bukan isteri. Wanita kurang dalam
beribadat kerana masalah haid dan nifas yang tak ada pada lelaki.

Pernahkah kita lihat sebaliknya?? Benda yang mahal harganya akan dijaga dan
dibelai serta disimpan di tempat yang tersorok dan selamat. Sudah pasti
intan permata tidak akan dibiar bersepah-sepah bukan? Itulah bandingannya
dengan seorang wanita. Wanita perlu taat kepada suami tetapi lelaki wajib
taat kepada ibunya 3 kali lebih utama dari bapanya. Bukankah ibu adalah
seorang wanita? Wanita menerima pusaka kurang dari lelaki tetapi harta itu
menjadi milik peribadinya dan tidak perlu diserahkan kepada suaminya,
manakala lelaki menerima pusaka perlu menggunakan hartanya untuk menyara
isteri dan anak-anak. Wanita perlu bersusah payah mengandung dan melahirkan
anak, tetapi setiap saat dia didoakan oleh segala haiwan, malaikat dan
seluruh makhluk ALLAH di mukabumi ini, dan matinya jika kerana melahirkan
adalah syahid kecil. Manakala dosanya diampun ALLAH (dosa kecil).

Di akhirat kelak, seorang lelaki akan dipertanggungjawabkan terhadap 4
wanita ini: isterinya, ibunya, anak perempuannya dan saudara perempuannya.
Manakala seorang wanita pula, tanggungjawab terhadapnya ditanggung oleh 4 org lelaki ini: suaminya, ayahnya, anak lelakinya dan saudara lelakinya.

Seorang wanita boleh memasuki pintu Syurga melalui mana-mana pintu Syurga yg disukainya cukup dengan 4 syarat sahaja: sembahyang 5 waktu, puasa di bulan Ramadhan, taat suaminya dan menjaga kehormatannya.

Seorang lelaki perlu pergi berjihad fisabilillah tetapi wanita jika taat
akan suaminya serta menunaikan tanggungjawabnya kepada ALLAH akan turut menerima pahala seperti pahala orang pergi berperang fisabilillah tanpa
perlu mengangkat senjata.

MasyaALLAH...sayangnya ALLAH pada wanita ....

" Sesungguhnya orang yang beriman itu ialah yang percaya pada Allah dan
RasulNya. Kalau ada mereka pada suatu pekerjaan bersama-sama tidaklah
mereka pergi saja (meninggalkan majlis) sebelum meminta izin kepadanya.
(An-Nur:62) Pada hari itu (hari qiamat) manusia diberitahu akan segala yang
telah dikerjakannya dan yang telah ditinggalkan. Bahkan manusia itu,
anggotanya menjadi saksi terhadap dirinya sendiri, walaupun dia
berperi-peri memberikan alasan untuk membela diri "

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matz_rockz This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 17-9-2004 03:12 PM | Show all posts
Subject: Black Panties...

Karen lost her husband almost four years ago and still hasn't gotten out of her mourning stage.
Her daughter is constantly calling her and urging her to get back into the world.
Finally, Karen says she'd go out, but didn't know anyone.
Her daughter immediately replies, "Mom, I have someone for you to meet!

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Post time 18-9-2004 01:03 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by matz_rockz at 17-9-2004 02:47 PM:
Beza Lelaki & Wanita


Lelaki bujang kena tanggung dosa sendiri apabila sudah baligh manakala dosa
gadis bujang ditanggung oleh bapanya. Lelaki berkahwin kena tanggung dosa
sendiri ...

thanks matz, post ko very simple to understand....

ramai orang sekarang lalai, atau tak tahu, pasal layanan terhadap pompuan yang sebenarnya..

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matz_rockz This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 18-9-2004 01:16 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by deaf4ever at 18-9-2004 01:03 PM:

thanks matz, post ko very simple to understand....

ramai orang sekarang lalai, atau tak tahu, pasal layanan terhadap pompuan yang sebenarnya..

aku punya non muslim friend tanya aku...why must the muslim woman kiss the husband's hand....dia cakap buat gigni macam MCP gitu...

aku cakap,it is a sign of is not i am more powerful than you or something like that.....that you must kiss his hand...

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Post time 19-9-2004 12:20 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by matz_rockz at 18-9-2004 01:16 PM:

aku punya non muslim friend tanya aku...why must the muslim woman kiss the husband's hand....dia cakap buat gigni macam MCP gitu...

aku cakap,it is a sign of is not i am more po ...

mungkin dorang tak biasa nampak orang islam/orang melayu cium2 tangan ni...
tapi at least dorang tanya ye, jadi kita dapat cuba explain reason2 dia.

yang muda cium tangan yang tua....
anak murid cium tangan guru...

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Post time 21-9-2004 03:09 PM | Show all posts
إمساكية رمضان 1425هـ = 2004م باكي سيغافورا

OKT 2004        IMSAK        SUBUH        SYURUK        ZOHOR        ASAR        MAGHRIB        ISYAK        RAMADAN
15        21 5        5 31        6 48        12 52        4 06        6 54        8 03        1
16        5 21        5 31        6 48        12 52        4 06        6 53        8 03        2
17        5 20        5 30        6 48        12 52        4 06        6 53        8 03        3
18        5 20        5 30        6 48        12 51        4 07        6 53        8 03        4
19        5 20        5 30        6 48        12 51        4 07        6 53        8 02        5
20        5 20         5 30        6 48        12 51        4 07        6 52        8 02        6
21        5 19        5 29        6 47        12 51        4 07        6 52        8 02        7
22        5 19        5 29        6 47        12 51        4 07        6 52        8 02        8
23        5 19        5 29        6 47        12 51        4 08        6 52        8 02        9
24        5 19        5 29        6 47        12 50        4 08        6 52        8 02        10
25        5 18        5 28        6 47        12 50        4 08        6 52        8 02        11
26        5 18        5 28        6 47        12 50        4 08        6 51        8 02        12
27        5 18        5 28        6 47        12 50        4 08        6 51        8 02        13
28        5 18        5 28        6 47        12 50        4 09        6 51        8 02        14
29        5 18        5 28        6 47        12 50        4 09        6 51        8 02        15
30        5 18        5 28        6 47        12 50        4 09        6 51        8 02        16
31        5 18        5 28        6 47        12 50        4 09        6 51        8 02        17
NOV 2004                                                               
1        5 17        5 27        6 47        12 50        4 09        6 51        8 02        18
2        5 17        5 27        6 47        12 50        4 10        6 51        8 02        19
3        5 17        5 27        6 47        12 50        4 10        6 51        8 02        20
4        5 17        5 27        6 47        12 50        4 10        6 51        8 02        21
5        5 17        5 27        6 47        12 50        4 10        6 51        8 02        22
6        5 17        5 27        6 47        12 50        4 10        6 51        8 02        23
7        5 17        5 27        6 47        12 50        4 11        6 51        8 03        24
8        5 17        5 27        6 47        12 50        4 11        6 51        8 03        25
9        5 17        5 27        6 47        12 50        4 11        6 51        8 03        26
10        5 17        5 27        6 47        12 50        4 12        6 51        8 03        27
11        5 17        5 27        6 47        12 50        4 12        6 51        8 03        28
12        5 17        5 27        6 47        12 50        4 12        6 51        8 03        29
13        5 17        5 27        6 48        12 51        4 12        6 51        8 04        30

揥ahai orang-orang yang beriman telah diwajibkan ke atas kamu berpuasa sebagaimana telah diwajibkan ke atas orang-orang sebelum kamu agar kamu bertaqwa

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Post time 21-9-2004 03:28 PM | Show all posts
[quote]Originally posted by SweetCandy at 21-9-2004 03:09 PM:
إمساكية رمضان 1425هـ = 2004م

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Post time 21-9-2004 03:31 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by deaf4ever at 21-9-2004 03:28 PM:

posa nak dekat eh....

sc, ko buat topik baru pasal ramadan, then tampal ni timetable.....

nanti kita boleh ceta2 pasal bulan puasa

okie np, Dep later SC bukak topik pasal bulan ramadhan:ah:;)

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Post time 21-9-2004 05:38 PM | Show all posts
Sekarang cakap pasal bulan posa ni, Chic tengah fikir macam mana lah nanti. Sekarang Chic habis keje pukul 7, hari2 buka dalam MRT lah nampaknya...

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matz_rockz This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 22-9-2004 12:05 PM | Show all posts
A new vacuum cleaner salesman knocked on the door on the first
house of the street. A tall lady answered the door. Before she
could speak, the enthusiastic salesman barged into the living
room, opened a big black plastic bag and poured all the cow
duns onto the carpet.

"Madam, if I could not clean this up with the use of this new
powerful vacuum cleaner, I will EAT all this sh-it!", exclaimed
the eager salesman.

"Do you need chilli sauce or ketchup with that" asked the lady.
The salesman asked, "Why, madam?"

"We just moved in, there's no electricity in the house!"

Moral of the story.

Understand your customers need before making any recommendation "Do not jump the gun" or else you will get the shit.

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matz_rockz This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 22-9-2004 02:10 PM | Show all posts
Easy loving:

When Jenny met Michael, they were instantly attracted to each other. In

an exciting whirlwind of parties and romantic dates, they swept each other off their feet. They decided to get married and live happily ever after. Years
later the hormones had calmed down - and so had the fireworks. When the smoke cleared, the mismatches started to emerge. Her passion to shop and his  questionable money decisions created constant financial stress. He liked to hang with the guys at the bar. She loved to go to the theater with friends.

They disagreed on children and family values, especially religion.
Communication broke down. Eventually, they grew apart.
Sound familiar? A physical and chemical match is essential at the start,
but the excitement of a budding new romance eventually wears off. Making
thoughtful dating decisions can mean the difference between revolving
relationships and finding lasting love.

Dating experts outline seven areas where it's best if you match:

a.. Physical appearance

While physical appearance and attraction draw two people together at
first, remember that appearances can change. If working out and staying fit is important to you, will it bum you out if your mate doesn't share your quest for rock hard abs?

b.. Emotional maturity

Is this person emotionally mature and centered or are they still lugging around some trunk-sized baggage? How does your sweetheart relate to
family and friends? Is he or she emotionally supportive or have control issues?

Is your mate aware of his or her own issues and interested in addressing them?

c.. Lifestyle choices

this includes career and social lives, common interests, leisure-time
activities and energy levels. Would she rather join the bowling league or the
metropolitan symphony? Does he have lots of energy for activities with friends while she'd rather rest and chill out at home?

d.. Financial style

This is a hot bed for most couples. It includes income levels,
financial goals and views on handling money. How do you each want to spend, save and invest? Is one person a spender while the other saves? Is one person financially responsible while the other plays catch-up with child support and bills?

e.. Value structure

This match area is often overlooked but has a tremendous impact on
your life. It includes the big values: honesty, integrity, loyalty, views on
family and children, religion and spirituality, life goals and the treatment
and care for others. Does your mate follow through on her word? Would you say he's trustworthy? Will she always be there for you in a pinch?

f.. Marriage and sex

Everyone does not share the same idea of marriage. The big questions
to address are: What do you and your mate expect from marriage and sex? Is he or she looking for a soul mate? Do you both want close intimacy in friendship, communication and sex?

g.. Intelligence

Having similar education levels increases your chances of sharing
matching school and social experiences, intellectual interests and career
goals. What topics do you and your honey like to talk about? Conversation
limited to sports or shopping may get boring to someone who likes to ponder philosophy and bluster about business.

While you don't have to match exactly in each area, look at the big
picture and make sure you match closely enough in the important areas of your life.

[ Last edited by matz_rockz on 4-1-2005 at 05:05 PM ]

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Post time 22-9-2004 02:44 PM | Show all posts

got this from email

Satu pagi di stesen keretapi, ada satu makcik tu dia tanya petugas kaunter...
Makcik                :         "Anak, keretapi sampai jam berapa??"
Petugas kaunter         :                "Jam 2 Kedah, jam 5 Kelantan, jam 1 Penang, jam 7 Gemas.Makcik nak pergi mana?.."
Makcik                :         "Makcik nak melintas aja."

Bidin melihat rakannya, Wafdi.. sedang membuat kopi...kemudian memasukkan sebutir ubat panadol ke dalamnya. Dengan kehairanan Bidin bertanya kepada Wafdi...
Bidin        :         "Kenapa kau masukkan panadol dalam kopi tu?"
Wafdi        :        "Kopi ni panas.. bagi panadol.. kurang sikit panas dia.."

Suami isteri bertengkar. Tiba-tiba isteri terus kemas beg.
Suami        :         "Kenapa?"
Isteri        :         "Dah kahwin 10 tahun, rumah ni tak pernah aman. Saya dah tak tahan. Saya nak tinggalkan rumah ni!"
Suami kemudian masuk bilik dan keluarkan satu lagi beg.
Suami        :         "Betul jugak cakap awak. Saya pun fed-up dengan rumah ini. Saya ikut sama, boleh?!"

Seorang pemburu bertembung dengan seekor singa.Terperanjat, dia tak sempat mengangkat senapangnya.
Tiada pilihan, pemburu itu bertadah tangan dan berdoa.Ketika pemburu itu menjeling ke arah singa, dia ternampak bahawa singa itu juga sedang berdoa.
Pemburu        :         "Ah leganya........singa baik rupanya. Selamatlah aku."
Singa        :         "Ya.......singa yang baik selalu baca doa sebelum makan."

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matz_rockz This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 27-9-2004 12:08 PM | Show all posts
An English farmer buys several sheep, hoping to breed them for wool.
After several weeks, he notices that none of the sheep are getting pregnant, and phones a vet for help. The vet tells him that he should try artificial insemination.

The farmer doesn't have the slightest idea what this means but, not wanting to display his ignorance, only asks the vet how he will know when the sheep are pregnant. The vet tells him that they will stop standing around and instead will lie down, and wallow in grass when they are pregnant.

The man hangs up and gives it some thought. He comes to the conclusion that artificial insemination means he has to impregnate the sheep himself.

So, he loads the sheep into his Land Rover, drives them out into the woods, has sex with them all, brings them back, and goes to bed. Next morning, he wakes and looks out at the sheep. Seeing that they are all still standing around, he deduces that the first try didn't take, and loads them in the Land Rover again. He drives them out to the woods, bangs each sheep twice for good measure, brings them back, and goes to bed exhausted.

Next morning, he wakes to find the sheep still just standing round.
Try again. He tells himself, and proceeds to load them up, and drive them out to the woods. He spends all day banging the sheep and upon returning home, falls listlessly into bed.

The next morning, he cannot even raise himself from the bed to look out of the window. He asks his wife to look, and to tell him if the sheep are lying in the grass.


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Post time 27-9-2004 05:45 PM | Show all posts

Got this email today....interesting...

An article in one of msian tabloids.

      Dear Editor:

      I'm sorry but I would like to challenge some of your malay male
      readers. I am a White female who is  engaged to a Malay
      male-good-looking, educated and  loving. I just don't understand a
      lot of Malay  female's attitudes about our relationship. My man
      decided he wanted me because the pickings amongst Malay women were
      slim to none. As he said they were either too fat, too loud, too
      mean, too argumentative, too needy, too  materialistic or carrying
      too much excess baggage.  Before I became engaged, whenever I went
      out I was constantly approached by Malay men, willing to  wine and
      dine me and give me the world.

      If Malay  women are so up in arms about us being with their  men, why
      don't they look at themselves and make some changes. I am tired of
      the dirty looks I get and snide remarks when  we're out in public. I
      would like to hear from some Malay men about why we are so appealing
      and coveted by them. Bryant Gumbel just left his  wife of, 26 years
      for one of us. Charles Barkley,  Scottie Pippen, the model Tyson
      Beckford, Montell  Williams, Quincy Jones, James Earl Jones, Harry
      Belafonte, sydney Poitier, Kofi Anan, Cuba Gooding Jr., Don
      Cornelius, Berry Gordy, Billy Blanks, Larry Fishburne, Wesley Snipes,
      ...I could go on and on.  But, right now, I'm a little angry and that
      is why I wrote this so hurriedly. Don't be mad with us White women
      because so many of your men want us. Get your acts together and
      learn from us and we may lead you to treat y! our men  better. If I'm
      wrong, Malay men, let me know.

Disgusted White Girl,  
Somewhere in Bangsar.

      Read On.............

      This letter was written in response to an article:


      Dear Editor:
      I would like to respond to the letter written by A  Disgusted White
      Girl Let me start by saying that I  am a 28-year old Malay man. I
      graduated from one of  the most prestigious universities in England
      with a Masters Of Science Degree in Business Management. I  have a
      good job at a Multinational Corporation and have recently purchased a
      house and a brand new non-national car. So, I consider myself to be
      among the ranks of  successful Malay men. I will not use my precious
      time to slander white people. I just want to set the record straight
      of why Malay men date white women. Back in the day,  one of the
      biggest reasons why Malay men dated white  women was because they
      were considered easy. !

      The  Malay girls in my neighborhood were raised  traditionally. They
      were very strict about when they lost their virginity and who they
      lost it to. Because of our impatience to wait, brothers would look
      for someone who would give it  up easy without too much hassle. So,
      they turned to  the white girls. Nowadays, in my opinion, a lot of
      Malay males date white women because they are docile and easy to
      control. A lot of Malay men, because of insecurities,  fears, and
      overall weaknesses, have become  intimidated by the strength of our
      Malay women. We  are afraid that our woman will be more successful
      than us, make more money than us, drive nicer cars and own bigger
      houses. Because  of this fear, many Malay men look for a more docile
      woman. Someone we can control.

      I have talked to  numerous Malay men and they continuously comment on
      how easy it is to control and walk over their white women. I just
      want to set  the record straight. I want A Disgusted White Girl to
      know that not all successful Malay men date white women. Non-Whites
      like Ahmad Rashad, Denzel Washington, Michael Jordan, Morris Chestnut,  
      Will  Smith, Blair Underwood, Kenneth "Babyface" Edmonds, Samuel
      L. Jackson, and Chris Rock all married strong  Non-White women. And,
      to flip the script, there are numerous white men, in and out of the
      spot light, who openly or  secretly desire Non-White women over white
      women.  Ted Danson, Robert DeNiro, and David Bowie to name a few.

      I just don't want a disgusted white girl to be misinformed. Stop
      thinking that because you are white that you are  some type of
      goddess. Remember, when Non-White  Egyptian Queens like Hatsepshut
      and Nitorcris were  ruling Dynasties and armies of men in Egypt, you
      were over in the caves of Europe eating raw meat and beating each
      other over the  head with clubs. Read your history! It was the
      Non-White woman that taught you how to cook and  season your food. It
      was the Non-White woman that taught you how to raise your children.
      It was Non-White women who were breastfeeding and raising your
      babies during  slavery.

      It is the Non-White woman that had to  endure watching their fathers,
      husbands, and children beaten, killed, and thrown in jail. Malay
      women were born with two strikes against them: being Non-White and
      being a  woman. And, through all this, Still They Rise! It is
      because of the Malay women's strength, elegance, power, love and
      beauty that I could never date anyone except my Malay Queen. It is
      not just the outer beauty that captivates and draws me to them. It is
      not the fact  that they come in all shapes, sizes, colors and shades
      that I love them. Their inner beauty is what  I find most appealing
      about Malay women. Their strong spirit, loving and nurturing souls,
      their integrity, their  ability to overcome great obstacles, their
      willingness to stand for what they believe in, and  their
      determination to succeed and reach their highest potential while!
      enduring great pain and suffering is why I  have fallen in love with
      Malay women.

      I honestly  believe that your anger is geared more toward jealousy
      and envy than snotty looks. If this were not so, then why do you
      continuously go to tanning salons to  darken your skin? If you are so
      proud to be white,  then why don't you just be happy with your pale
      skin? Why do you continue to inject your lips, hips,  and breasts
      with unnatural and dangerous substances so you can look fuller and
      more voluptuous? I think that your anger  is really a result of you
      wanting to have what the  Non-White woman has.

      BOTTOM LINE: If I were looking for a docile woman,  someone I can
      walk over and control, I would give  you a call. But, unfortunately,
      I am looking for a  Virtuous Woman. Someone that can be a good wife
      and mother to my children. Someone who can be my best friend and
      understands my struggles. I am looking for a soul ! ; mate and;
      unfortunately, you do not and CANNOT fit  the bill.

      No offense  taken, none given.
      Malay Professional

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