Wuhan Mengaku Salah Kira Jumlah Mangsa Covid-19
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petik dari website WHO
Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreakCoronaviruses (CoV) are a large family of viruses that cause illness ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases.
A novel coronavirus (nCoV) is a new strain that has not been previously identified in humans.
On 30 January 2020, the WHO Director-General declared the novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) outbreak a public health emergency of international concern.
petik dari
https://www.businessinsider.my/w ... 020-4?r=US&IR=T
- in January 14, the World Health Organization (WHO) tweeted that there was “no clear evidence” that the coronavirus could spread between people.
- The tweet – soon proved wrong – is a symbol for WHO critics of how it mishandled and downplayed the pandemic.
- A new report by the Guardian says that the tweet was posted because an official worried that a WHO expert was issuing strong warnings that deviated from China’s messaging.
- A WHO source told Business Insider the message was posted to “balance the science out,” rather than for political reasons.
- The WHO has been accused of being too deferential to China. President Donald Trump echoed the criticism when he announced that the US would halt its funding.
sebarang tweet WHO buat kena hati2, "there was “no clear evidence” that the coronavirus could spread between people." ayat ni tak rejek kalu kate virus ini bleh jangkit antara manusia. Lagi pun tweet ini masa peringkat awal 14 Januari,
jadi fakta kena update ikut perkembangan dari semasa ke semasa
saya stuju Taiwan cam dianaktirikan, mungkin sbb Taiwan bukan ahli WHO.
Isu pendemik ini dah bukan lagi pure isu pendemik, ia jadi gelanggang pertarungan politik antara Amerika dgn China.
Media social elektronik macam forum bukan sekadar media sosial, dah jadi alat utk berpolitik benci
https://www.businessinsider.my/f ... -chinese-lab-2020-4
Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation’s top expert on infectious disease, on Friday, rejected a conspiracy theory that the novel coronavirus was created in and escaped a Chinese lab.
“We do not believe that any type of laboratory-based scenario is plausible,” an analysis published in Nature Medicine in mid-March said. The study, led by computational biologist Kristian Andersen of the Scripps Research Institute in California, compared COVID-19 to the six other coronaviruses known to infect humans. The analysis explicitly states that the evidence shows SARS-CoV-2 “is not a purposefully manipulated virus.”
The US intelligence community has also been investigating whether the virus was collected by researchers and then accidentally leaked from a Chinese lab but has found no evidence to date backing it up, according to Politico, which cited multiple sources familiar with the matter. US officials reportedly raised issues about a Wuhan-based lab’s security procedures in 2018, according to the Washington Post. |
forumer seharusnya melihat isu-isu secara objektif,
bukan ikut prejusdis,
pemikiran yg matang bukan senang dibawa bawa oleh pihak / negara yg tertentu
yg ada agenda tertentu |
ramai tak tahu nak analisa sendiri, terima sahaja,
secara tidak langsung ramai forumer dah jd cybertrooper free upah Amerika
atau diperguna tanpa sedar,
peringkat outbreak mula mula, ada yg kata konspirasi virus ini dibuat di Wuhan yg terletak di
tengah China tak jauh sangat dr Xinjiang,
plan nak bunuh org sana ramai ramai.
lepai tu kata pulak ada niat nak takluki dunia, guna senjata biologi,
tengok sekutunya Rusia dan North Korea tak jangkit pun.
takkan lah marahkan nyamuk sampai bakar kelambu,
China walaupun sedang giat usahakan perindustrian militer,
saya fikir depa pun tak mau berperang , sekadar menakutkan pihak lawan,
Presiden depa tgh promosi BRI dulu namanya OBOR, kalu perang jejaslah network perniagaan depa |
Virus yg jangkit di Wuhan jenis Variant Type B
"Forster and colleagues found that the closest type of COVID-19 to the one discovered in bats - type 'A', the "original human virus genome" - was present in Wuhan, but surprisingly was not the city's predominant virus type.
Mutated versions of 'A' were seen in Americans reported to have lived in Wuhan, and a large number of A-type viruses were found in patients from the US and Australia."
Variant Type A ditemui di Amerika , Type A digolongkan Type A bukan disbbbkan A for Amerika,
huruf A bawa maksud pembawa variant ini yg paling dekat dgn binatang yakni kelawar yg menjangkiti org
Author |
Post time 19-4-2020 05:03 PM
From the mobile phone
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sejahtera replied at 19-4-2020 11:30 AM
ramai tak tahu nak analisa sendiri, terima sahaja,
secara tidak langsung ramai forumer dah jd cyb ...
Isu covid-19, sampai sekarang the origin of the virus masih gagal diketahui. Sekarang dah berbangkit balik isu makmal ivw tu. Saintis china cakap virus yang kat pasar wuhan tu dah wujud kat ivw. Depa sendiri pun memang tidak membenarkan saintis luar masuk makmal biosekuriti tu.
IVW pulak dah start dolak dalih dan enggan beri ulasan hal itu. Kalau tengok bulan bulan dulu, depa cakap itu cuma khabar angin kan.
Pernah dengar cerita tahun lepas pasal laki bini dari china ni kerja kat kanada iaitu Canadian National Microbiology Laboratory. Depa hantar virus tu ke china pakai courier. Dah terbongkar, laki bini kena paksa balik china. Ni pun versi yang terkait juga dengan covid-19.
Saintis India pulak cakap ada penemuan gen aids dalam covid-19. Jadi menolak kemungkinan covid Berpunca dari semula jadi. Malah covid-19 dari buatan manusia turut disokong saintis2 negara lain.
Try tengok berita bulan 9 tahun lepas Pegawai di Tianhe Airport di Wuhan pernah buat latihan kecemasan untuk menghadapi wabak Coronavirus. Jadi persoalannya, kenapa latihan untuk covid ?
Bulan 10 tahun lepas kat New York ada buat persidangan event 201. Johns Hopkins Center & “Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Depa buat ujikaji dengan pakai simulasi dalam computer mengenai kesan kepada manusia sekiranya virus merebak. Komputer itu ramal anggaran 65 juta manusia akan mati akibat virus itu.
Tu belum lagi cerita pasai 10,000 askar dari 110 negara telah berada di Wuhan untuk menyertai acara sukan tentera. Bulan 10 tahun lepas juga.
Lepas tu CCP lancar pulak teknologi 5g kat wuhan dan bandar sekitar itu. Belum lagi cerita sindrom 5g yang Di war warkan.
Baik china atau us. Masing masing ada agenda. Tak mustahil juga depan gaduh gaduh manja, belakang tidu sebantal.
Semuanya boleh jadi |
Author |
Post time 19-4-2020 05:13 PM
From the mobile phone
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sejahtera replied at 19-4-2020 11:46 AM
Virus yg jangkit di Wuhan jenis Variant Type B
"Forster and colleagues found that the close ...
Cerita pasal ni ada 3 variant. A B C
A - America
B - Wuhan
C - Eropah
Ni yg aku baca itu hari |
Edited by Akumagoukioni at 19-4-2020 05:23 PM
Remyda replied at 19-4-2020 05:03 PM
Isu covid-19, sampai sekarang the origin of the virus masih gagal diketahui. Sekarang dah berbangk ...
Info mcm nie la bagus. Taking it in many perspective. Tp kalo ko tepek link kan bagus. Aku ade baca beberapa articles berkaitan contoh fort detrick lab tp x save dlm file. Aku nk refresh blk. |
Remyda replied at 19-4-2020 05:03 PM
Isu covid-19, sampai sekarang the origin of the virus masih gagal diketahui. Sekarang dah berbangk ...
Depa bkn buat latihan utk covid tp coronavirus. SARS pun coronavirus jugak. |
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