Originally posted by KuCeEku at 15-3-2006 01:55 PM
tak de gambo lagi ke....nak cuci mata ni.....
Awat ko dah tersuka kat Clark Kent yg baru ni, ker (Brandon)?!! Tapi aku lagi suka Tom Welling jadik Clark Kent... just cam tak sesuwei plak bila Tom menyarung sut Superman... yaksss!!!:kant:
Kesimpulannya Tom sesuwei masa jadi Clark.... and Brandon sesuwei banget masa jadik Superman... hehe... |
knp yek kalu bertukar jadi superman rambut mesti sepesen jer....
ceeku pun suka tom welling jadi clark kent.....cuma nak nengok gambo brandon ni lagi.... |
aku makin teruja nak tengok Superman Return... selepas tengok TV spotnyer.. hmm.. ni posternya..

suka tgk kate bosworth. cute jer minah ni.. |
after ngk 2nd trailer for this movie..baru terase sket nak gi ngk this movie ler. |
hmmm...kena tgk trailer lu... |
kat mana nak tengok trailer terang sket?
aku tengok kat yahoo movies kelabu la |
Reply #87 ShadowChaser's post
rasanya tengok kat site apple trailernyer terang + cantik sket @ gi ler kat official websitenyer...
Superman 2006

thanx ayu..nice
remake superman satu ke lebih kurang? lawan lex luthor balik tu |
tgk trailer 2 ..macam tak best aje jalan cerita dia...setakat effect dia aje makin improve |
superman returns nih bukan remake superman ler.it is a new story ler. it tell the story after superman when away frm metropolis then he came back.everything has change ler.pasai lex luthor tuh dh semmg nyer lex is superman nyer villain no.1 ler.arch enemy superman. |
just wanna share some interesting information, taken from Wikipedia on Superman Returns
At the San Diego Comic-Con, Bryan Singer showed a five minute montage of clips from the film to over six-thousand viewers, who were so enthused by the footage, they gave it a standing ovation and had Singer show it again. |
Originally posted by carrim7 at 21-5-2006 03:44 PM
superman returns nih bukan remake superman ler.it is a new story ler. it tell the story after superman when away frm metropolis then he came back.everything has change ler.pasai lex luthor tuh dh s ...
ooo gitu..aku ingatkan remake cause last time i check, lex's still in prison...
..tapi superman pegi mana? merajuk ke?
banyak soalan lak aku ni.. |
Reply #93 ShadowChaser's post
Superman ilang pasal dia balik kampung kat Planet Crypton yang dah musnah. Balik semula ke Metropolis, awek dia si Lois tu dah ada anak sorang pun. Org2 Metropolis pun dah terbiasa dah ngan ketiadaan dia sbg hero. Pastu si jahat Lex Luthor tu plak bebas dari penjara... & kesudahannya sama2 le kita tengok kat wayang bermula 29 Jun nanti yek... (Cewahhh... promot cam aku ada share plak kat TGV/GSC.. hehe) |
Originally posted by aryoung at 26-5-2006 11:11 AM
Superman ilang pasal dia balik kampung kat Planet Crypton yang dah musnah. Balik semula ke Metropolis, awek dia si Lois tu dah ada anak sorang pun. Org2 Metropolis pun dah terbiasa dah ngan ketiada ...
mcm best je storyline dia...hmmm, awek dia pun dah kawin |
cam best je...tak sabar nak tengok! superman n lois lane pon hensem dan lawa. Kate bosworth tu, gf orlando bloom kan? |
brandon ni ada iras2 chcistopher reeve lah plak...pandai derang cari |
Reply #97 greyrose's post
Yeap.. dorang mmg cari yg iras2 Reeve. Infact, Bryan Singer sendiri memang nak cari muka fresh, sama cam sejarah Christopher Reeve dulu yg mula glamer setelah berlakon Superman. Kalau nasib baik bolehlah si Brandon ni glamer sama cam Reeve lepas jadi Superman ni.. Tu la pasal, Tom Welling, Ashton Kutcher, Josh Hartnett, Jude Law yg hensem gila babas sumer tuh terkeluar daripada senarai calon.. hehe |
Originally posted by aryoung at 26-5-2006 02:04 PM
Yeap.. dorang mmg cari yg iras2 Reeve. Infact, Bryan Singer sendiri memang nak cari muka fresh, sama cam sejarah Christopher Reeve dulu yg mula glamer setelah berlakon Superman. Kalau nasib baik bo ...
sama kes dgn James Bond,tapi aku x minat james bond...heheheh....hero paling poyo. sorry, jgn marah aku:nyorok: |
Reply #99 greyrose's post
mane leh mare kat ko..
takpe, JB bukan org mlayu..lagi pun JB baru tu memang cikai je..JB paling tak ensem dan macho
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