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Author: Greenbottle3

Potter Hater

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 Author| Post time 11-8-2005 07:07 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by drBaBy at 11-8-2005 05:12 PM:
u have great collections of books on islam eh...yet i dont see any signs or symptoms that u are practising...leave alone practising, menghayati pun tak penilaian melalui cara anda menu ...

hmmm...still very very angry huh...?

well, dear cik drBaby...always love ladies with spirit...and you have plenty...the only problem is you're trying to defend something indefensible...stop being silly...

don't understand why  are you so worked up defending jk rowling your grandmother??...err...jangan mara...

i tought you'd be grovelling at my feet thanking me for crusading for people to read GOOD books..and make malaysia a less stupid nation...yes malaysians by and large are not very sophisticated in their reading taste...reading manga, mastika, urtv and feel proud of it!!! gooood loooord!!!!

you call me chauvinistic?? know what , you're partly right... i don't think women are such good writers in general...there are much much fewer good women writers compared to men... ini mesti buat awak lagi naik angin...but it's true... even in COOKING! are better...look around...who are the best chef... chef wan is a man..though sometimes i mistake him for a woman...err...just joking...

ps...cik sherrinna...yes..feisal tehrani may be good ...though i've never read him...i know that his thesis was on "Gabriel Garcia Marquez's Hundred years of solitude"... anybody reading marquez (not the guy with this nick who posted funny nonsense here)...must be good...

and i dare say feisal tehrani will fall over laughing if he reads that people here  are proud reading silly mags like mastika etc...

and there's another good writer in malay ..uthaya p sankar...a tamil at that!!..he writes good children stories too... but nobody fall head over heel like some do over  potter.... for him....

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Post time 11-8-2005 08:19 PM | Show all posts
Faisal Tehrani boring giler (bukan personaliti, tapi buku tulisan dier)... Uthaya Sankar flash in the pan, after sasterawan pulau cinta tulisan dia tak meruntun jiwa langsung.

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Post time 11-8-2005 08:58 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Greenbottle3 at 11-8-2005 01:30 PM: ritchie blackmore...

aku jantan lah... and 200% don't sexually harass me......

but being hetero doesn't stop me reading GOOD gay books though... currently I'm readi ... helluva long "resume", i'm so friggin'  impressed ;)  

GB, while i can understand your noble intention, but judging from your opening post & the way you responded to all these comments,  i dont think you gonna get your message across , ever. Am surprised that all these insults on other people's reading preferences came from an "elite" person with great taste in books & who has seen different sides of  the world more than anyone else here. A lil acknowledgement would  not hurt your egolah..Tak baiklah macam tu. Kalau GB lebih receptive rasanya sedikit sebanyak they will ponder and take your suggestions/comments positively.

Honestly, i don't read Harry Potter but i don't mind reading it only if i have 48 hours to kill  & run out of books to read. But thats because i have different interests in reading.  I may not be an avid and  sophisticated reader like you or others  but  i do have my own preferences and it can range from anything, tak kiralah apa including what you called "trash" asalkan yg sesuai ngan akunyer interest ..It cud range from Gila-gila, Hai, Mangga , Media Hiburan , URTV hehe jangan marah bang.. to those written by Grisham, Sheldon,  Paton, Solzhenitsyn, Irving, Tolstoy, Styron, Lamb, Marquez, Faulkner etc etc..Though i have not been reading much lately sebab limited time, work & exams..uh-oh plus there's Akademi Fantasia & Malaysian Idol ;)

Lastly,  this piece of post from ya on my favourite magazine..can't you be any more subtle than this?  It sure did PMO.

and dear dear me!! defending stupidity and rubbish like mangga!!! this stupid magazine and the like  ought to be BANNED...because they can only harm the making them stupid...

p/s Ekcheli, aku pon masih blur (or rather don't give a rat's ass) apa yg dikatakan good books tu. Buku yg meninggalkan kesan yg sungguh profound sampai berhari2, berbulan2 dok ingat karakter2 dlm buku tu? Buku yg buat kita terasa berada dalam cerita tu sendiri, you could feel /touch apa yg didescribekan? Buku yg hanya menggunakan 2-3 bait perkataan dalam satu sentence tapi memberi seribu makna? Books that could transform you into another person, whether good or bad? Buku2 yg ditulis oleh penulis2 yg diiktirafkan sebagai yg terhebat , walaupon pada hakikatnya kau tak tau apa kejadah yg kau baca albeit 2-3 kali kau khatam buku tu? Buku yg buat kau rasa ghairah sedangkan ia bukan buku porno?

[ Last edited by Lana on 12-8-2005 at 07:13 AM ]

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Post time 11-8-2005 09:39 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Lana at 11-8-2005 08:58 PM: helluva long "resume", i'm so friggin'  impressed ;)  

GB,  while i can understand your noble intention, but judging from your opening post & the way you responded ...

oh yeah..i should also  include malay [quote] porno [unquote ]  in the list..

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Post time 12-8-2005 02:02 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Greenbottle3 at 11-8-2005 13:30: ritchie blackmore...
aku jantan lah... and 200% don't sexually harass me...... sexually harass u??..  ...lermakkkkk...gurau2 manja pon ko interpret as sexual harassment...majuk arr aku gini...:cry::cry::bgrin:

Originally posted by Greenbottle3 at 11-8-2005 13:30:
do i sound self centered? egotist?... big headed? be it! I just want malaysians to be better readers... that's my crusade... and to reiterate... don't fall for cheap hype and going bonkers over silly things...

...oh...greenie ku nak jadi crusader rupanya!!!:clap::clap::clap:...alahai dear...kalau nak jadi crusader...bukan gini caranya sayang oiii!:no::no:...aduuhhhh!!!!..meh aku peluk cium ko kejap..:hug:...greenie...nak jadi crusader...kena ada taktik dia sayang...crusaders are not known for their offensive nature..but..more to their defensive characteristics...eerrr...a characteristic which unfortunately you have none my love...:malu::pmuka::kant:...

...seriously...kalau nak crusade pon kenalah ada strategi kan??...kena blajar sikit tentang cara pemikiran masyarakat tu...minat mereka...kelemahan dan kekuatan mereka...nie semua kita kena tau...and kita kena tahu macam mana nak tackle nie semua...

....nie hang tidak...masuk main bedal jer...nak step come and conquer jer...:ketuk::ketuk:...mana dorang bley angkat dear???...:cak:

Originally posted by Lana at 11-8-2005 20:58:
GB,  while i can understand your noble intention, but judging from your opening post & the way you responded to all these comments,  i dont think you gonna get your message across , ever. Am surprised that all these insults on other people's reading preferences came from an "elite" person with great taste in books & who have seen different sides of  the world more than anyone else here. A lil acknowledgement would  not hurt your egolah..Tak baiklah macam tu. Kalau GB lebih receptive rasanya sedikit sebanyak they will ponder and take your suggestions/comments positively.

...well...aku agree ngan si budak Lana nie...eerrr..greenie...ko pi menuntut ilmu sikit ngan dia macam mana nak jadi a crusader sebelom ko perjuangkan ko nya crusade nie...tapi ingat...jangan plak menuntut ilmu2 lain...aku nie jeles orangnya tau..:devil:

...niat suci ko untuk menaikkan taraf bangsa melayu dan their reading standard nie sangat2 aku puji...peluk cium ko lagik satu ahh!!:hug:...tapi...gaya dan cara ko tu yang tak kena kena fine tune sikit cara ko melakukannya...

...ko tengok...dari postings2 ko ramai yang bersetuju yang ko nie seorang yang...eerrr...kerek......i think drbaby has given an excellent profile of yours...and im sure ramai yang setuju...not becos they are potter's fans...and certainly not becos they hate u...but becos thats what u potrayed yourself to be...thats the picture of u that u have painted for us...and im sure darling...u are not that kind of person kan???...i cant be falling in love with that kind of man kan???...oh tidak!!...tidak!!...:geram::geram:...i refuse to believe that!!:malu::malu:

...:siok::siok: arr...apa yang aku dah meroyan nie???...why am i so involved padahal satu buku potter pon aku tak pernah aku kalau aku ada mengguris perasaan ko ngan cara penulisan aku...bukan nak sexually harass ko......just that i like to do things differently...tak suka serius2 sangat...tak bley handle aku...apa2 pon...cuma aku harap ko dapatlah merendahkan diri sikit...lower yourself sikit...sikit their standards...dan janganlah berkali2 mengatakan yang orang melayu nie bodoh...(walaupon aku agree to a certain extent yang melayu nie bodoh)...ish...tapi pple dont like to be reminded of their stupidity...hmmmm..why do i feel like theres an irony here ek???...anyway...dear...give it another try ok...this time with a different twist....your ego and super ego....ko leave them behind...together with your collection of books...dont give up on them...on your race...reach out to them...insyaallah...ko kan berjaya... greenie dear...walau apa terjadi...aku tetap sayang kat ko...:nyorok::bgrin:

[ Last edited by blackmore on 12-8-2005 at 02:14 AM ]

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Post time 12-8-2005 05:57 AM | Show all posts
i quote this from a forumnist:

....Kita hanya bisa memberi pendapat atau nasihat. Sama ada org mau menerima pendapat atau nasihat kita, itu terserah pada diri masing2. Manusia punya hak dan punya kebebasan utk mengatakan 'tidak' atau 'tidak mau'. Kita punya hak utk menyuarakan pendapat kita, mereka juga punya hak utk menyuarakan pendapat mereka. Menurut Ibu, jikalau kita mau pendapat kita - dan diri kita - di hormati orang, maka kita harus belajar utk menghormati pendapat dan diri orang lain. Seharus nya kita jgn ngotot, jgn memaksa org utk menerima atau menelan kata2 kita. Setiap isu bisa di liat dari bbrp penjuru atau sudut dan dari berbagai aspek dan perspektif. Kadang2, ia juga bersifat subjektif dan kita sebagai manusia harus bersikap objektif. Bersyukur lah kalau orang sudah mau mendengar kata2 yang keluar dari mulut, hati dan fikiran kita. Tetapi ingatlah, setiap kata2 kita mencerminkan dunia pengetahuan kita dan pengetahuan kita tentang dunia.

Belajar lah utk menerima seseorang itu seadanya. Jgn memaksa dia utk menjadi apa yg kamu mau. Dunia ini luas terbentang. Byk yg bisa kita pelajari walau dari seekor semut sekali pun. Dunia ini juga penuh dgn masalah. Dan salah satu masalah nya adalah terlalu ramai manusia yg hanya pintar berkata2 tetapi dalam waktu yg sama, mereka tidak pintar mendengar kata2. Ketahuilah, mendengar dgn baik adalah satu seni. Maka itu perbaikilah seni pendengaran mu.

Keluarlah mencari ilmu, perbanyakan lah membaca dan melihat. Belajar lah utk bergaul dgn manusia, tidak kira bangsa, agama atau negara. Gunakan lah mata, telinga dan akal mu dgn baik. Adakala nya apa yg kamu lihat tidak saperti apa yg kamu sangka dan begitu sebaliknya.

Selamat mencari ~
Mom, Ibu, Mahameru  

p/s:i dunno whether it's relevant or not. i don't read good/quality books in
     my life and so this might be the-oh-so-lame statement.
     the last time i read a good book, rasanya buku Under the Banyan Tree
     by Sheldan J. Segal. tapi tak tau la tu quality book atau tidak.
     citer pun pasal 'pokok' je.

[ Last edited by moncherie on 12-8-2005 at 06:04 AM ]

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Post time 12-8-2005 06:29 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by blackmore at 12/8/05 02:02 AM: sexually harass u??..:2l ... is becoming hazy in here too....kewl ... kewl...:bgrin:

I get what both sides are trying to impart...sometimes no need for sugar-
coating or sweet talks...

hope this healthy debate is giving both party mutual understanding or
respect of each other message

ps. hope the haze here will not allow a state of emergency too

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 Author| Post time 12-8-2005 09:34 PM | Show all posts

kau buat aku geli dan gatal gatal seluruh badan...apa ke hal kamu nak peluk cium aku...kan aku macam kau...jantan....kalau kau nak cium drBaby supaya dia sejuk sikit adalah logik sikit...but i think drbaby ni masih naik minyak...or is it ...turun minyak? be careful...

back to topic...

apa lah kamu semua hentam aku yang berkata yang benar?...why accusing me as arrogant...I'm right and you guys are simple as that....just take it like a man or woman.....kalau kamu semua masih berdegil menegakkan benang dan kain yang basah...well...what can I can lead a horse to the trough...but can't force them to the saying goes...

doesn't hurt improving our reading habit...why crucify me?'s true what is good or bad is subjective...but there are basic or even shall i say a priori(?) understanding of what constitute good and bad.... i have some postings discussing what is literary fiction and a few others...try to scroll down  this book forum and check my threads and hopefully all of you will think more kindly of me.....

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Post time 12-8-2005 10:22 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Greenbottle3 at 12-8-2005 09:34 PM

kau buat aku geli dan gatal gatal seluruh badan...apa ke hal kamu nak peluk cium aku...kan aku macam kau...jantan....kalau kau nak cium drBaby supaya dia sejuk sikit adalah logik s ... what makes u think aku nie jantan greenie dear????:kerek::kant:...

Originally posted by Greenbottle3 at 12-8-2005 09:34 PM
apa lah kamu semua hentam aku yang berkata yang benar?...why accusing me as arrogant...I'm right and you guys are simple as that....just take it like a man or woman.....kalau kamu semua masih berdegil menegakkan benang dan kain yang basah...well...what can I can lead a horse to the trough...but can't force them to the saying goes...

doesn't hurt improving our reading habit...why crucify me?

...huk alah greenie!!...siapa yang nak crucify ko???...jangan salah faham greenie...orang  hentam ko bukannya pasal ko berkata yang  benar...tetapi...orang hentam ko kerana cara penyampaian ko tu lah!!...memang arrogant...memang sombong...abis camna??...kalau satu dua jer yang menganggap gitu bolehlah ko cakap yang dorang nie bias against u...tapi...generally...sapa2 yang masuk kat sini...baca postings ko...lihat gaya dan cara penyampaian ko tu...eeerrr...aku dare say yang dorang berpendapat yang ko nie seorang yang tidak mahu mengalah...tidak mahu mengambil kira pendapat orang lain...dan sampai sekarang ko masih nak menang jugak.....ko masih nak orang akur dan bersetuju ngan pandangan dan pendapat ko...regardless whether dorang setuju ke tidak...i think u will only stop when semua orang setuju bulat2 ngan pandangan ko...nasib baik gak lah dorang nie semua ada baca2 thrash dan junk books...dapat gak dorang at least ada pikiran sendiri dan sedar yang tiada sapa berhak terhadap minda dan cara pemikiran mereka...and im glad to noe that these thrash readers  sedikit sebanyak ada nilai2 dan ciri2 yang menunjukkan mereka menghormati pandangan dan pendapat orang lain...

...anyway one questions who is rite and who is wrong here...kita sama2 memberi pandangan dan pendapat...and like u have witnessed...tak semua orang yang berpendapat seperti ko...(sebab tu benda nie tak game game) ....but...its not becos dorang baca thrash and ko baca quality books yang menyebabkan timbulnya  percanggahan pendapat dan pandangan...but...just simply due to the fact that we are unique individuals...with our very own unique characteristics..inclination  and mindset...and i truely thank god for that  **pheww!!**....:pray:

[ Last edited by blackmore at 12-8-2005 10:24 PM ]

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Post time 13-8-2005 12:40 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Greenbottle3 at 12-8-2005 09:34 P's true what is good or bad is subjective...but there are basic or even shall i say a priori(?) understanding of what constitute good and bad.... i have some postings discussing what is literary fiction and a few others...try to scroll down  this book forum and check my threads .......

GB, i've heard of all these "rule-of-thumbs" before..good lit/book  posesses  artistic quality yada yada...expression of life in words of truth and beautylah , that move your imaginationlah, a whole new experiencelah.. magiclah  bla bla bla...but the truth is , i don't really care..i read what i wanna read ..and i read what i think  could offer me  that sense of enjoyment & satisfaction/fulfilment.. a good book to me may be a boring book to others..cos , like blackmore said, everyone  is unique and has different  inclination..& the way one was brought up, social surroundings, objectives in life , past experiences  etc etc  could  also influence his/her choice of books..

but your suggestion to check the threads will not go unnoticed...when i have the time and mood, that is..;)

Originally posted by Greenbottle3 at 12-8-2005 09:34 PM
hopefully all of you will think more kindly of me.....

then stoop a me, it works..



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 Author| Post time 13-8-2005 10:32 AM | Show all posts
Blackmore? awak bukan jantan?..cewek ye?..kalau begitu dan kamu masih ahh...anak dara...peluk lah daku kuat2....

arrogance is a matter of a certain extent...and misperception...i can't see where i'm wrong ...that's why I'm defending what i say..awak kata apa yang saya kata tu benar...but you said basically my TEKNIK is wrong.... well, some people prefer cakar harimau... some dont...

drbaby tu sampai baling pinggan mangkuk kata saya macam2 tak islamik la, bodoh sombong la...apa macam?...i take a man...

my original point is:

1) baca lah apa2 nak baca...tapi jangan lah sampai tertipu dengan hype
2) bacaan ringan dan sampah tidak memenafaatkan kita...kenapa kita tak improve taste dan lain2...
3) mengapa kecoh nak defend bacaan  'ringan'  &merapu??...grisham,kinsella, mcnought...mengapa nak defend bacaan macam mastika mangga dan lain yang buat otak jadi bubur?...
4) saya kata dan masih berpendapat oleh kerana kita jenis macam ni lah standard , kualiti dan suka membaca orang kita berada di tahap yang rendah dan memalukan...we should change..
5) kalau kita di dodoi dengan silly books...otak kita pun terpengaruh dengan silly tastes dan outlook...tak heran lah benda lain pun kita tak pandai nilai...filem2 yusuuf haslam pun boleh pergi tengok tanpa rasa diperbodohkan...
6)dengan tidak mengasah untuk improve "aesthetic" taste kita...kita  tidak akan  dapat menilai dan mengenal  apa itu bacaan yang berkualiti...

but okay la....sebagai pengulung saya nak petik sikit dari buku 'alice in wonderland"....

"What is a Caucus -race?" said Alice; not that she much wanted to know, but the Dodo had paused as if  it tought that somebody ought to speak, and no one else seemed inclined to say anything.
     "why". said the Dodo, "the best way to explain it is to do it."(And, as you might  like to try the thing yourself some winter-day, I will tell you how the Dodo managed it.)
     First it marked out a race -course, in a sort of circle ("the extent and shape doesn't matter," it said,) and then all the party were placed along the course, here and there.There was no "One, two, three, and away!" but they began running when they liked and left off when they liked, so that it was not easy to know when the race was over. However when they had been running half an hour or so, and were quite dry again, the Dodo suddenly called out "The race is over!" and they all crowded round it, panting and asking "But who has won?"
     This question the Dodo could not answer without a great deal of thought, and it stood for a long time with one finger pressed upon its forehead (the position in which you usually see Shakespeare , in the pictures of him), while the rest waited in silence. At last the Dodo said "Everybody has won, and all must have prizes."

page 33
The Penguin complete Lewis Carroll



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Post time 14-8-2005 01:33 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Greenbottle3 at 13-8-2005 10:32 AM
Blackmore? awak bukan jantan?..cewek ye?..kalau begitu dan kamu masih ahh...anak dara...peluk lah daku kuat2....

arrogance is a matter of a certain extent...and misperception... ...

...heh...the caucus race....oouucchh!!! now kita dah tak berwawasan plak???....hehehe...macam2 jer lah ko nie greenie...anyway...terserah pada masing2 lah...masing2 mempunyai matlamat dalam membuat sesuatu...

...eerr...tak mo..aku tak mo peluk ko lagi...aku dah majuk...:jeler::bgrin:


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Post time 16-8-2005 01:21 PM | Show all posts
ahahha...comel la blackmore nih. sangat suka reply blackmore. yang org lainnyer malas sket nak baca. baca yang awal2 je. actually masa awal2 tu cam nak setuju sket. sbb pelik kenapa diorg ni sanggup beratur dr awal2 utk apa2 benda yg diorg sgt fanatik. such as AF ke football ke apa2 la. not just harry potter. tapi melihat kepada cara penyampaian jadi tak berminat nak bersetuju. and greenie..orang bijak tak mengaku bijak sayang(gal pompuan so bleh panggey sayang?). orang pandai tak kata pandai. sebab bila kita dah jumpa banyak ilmu kita akan tahu sebenarnya lagi banyak benda yang kita tak tau. get it. ilmu di muka bumi ni sangat luas. yang kita tau sikit sangat.

I'm not saying about potter kay. but about your attitude. nak tegur orang ada caranya, nak ubah orang pun ada caranya. buatlah cara yang disenangi. firstly with our attitude. kalau kita menunjukkan pekerti yang baik orang pun automatik akan respect dan belajar mencontohi kita. why not start with your family. try to teach them the good of reading the quality books. then, boleh train jiran2. masyarakat, negara and so on. i'm not saying your opinion are not good. in fact, memang sangat2 bagus. cuma pendekatan yang diberikan, as u can see, berapa ramai yang terima?

about potter. gal pun tak baca jugak buku tu sebab cam tak berminat sangat. tapi tgk jugak la movie dia. just camtu2 la. and i have one friend yang mmg sangat fanatik dengan potter. seronok tgk dia bersemangat bercerita pasal potter. sampai nak tau macam2. dan dapat gak menambahkan byk vocab dia. kan ke bawa satu kebaikan tu. and may i remind you don't even say peope opinion are right or wrong. setiap org mempunyai pandangan yg berbeza. walaupun mungkin kita rasa pandangan dia tak betul tak perlu sampai nak kata 'I'm right, u wrong.' mungkin boleh explain dgn cara lain kan.

respect what you are trying to do. respect blackmore more for the great attitude. :hug:



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 Author| Post time 16-8-2005 06:21 PM | Show all posts
ah well.... i'm trying to be  open, candid... no beating about the bush...and i realize that NONE agrees swith my apologize if i hurt anybody's feelings... my mistake....i'm gone.....bye....

oh...but i'm RIGHT though...he he he...

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Post time 12-1-2018 10:36 AM | Show all posts
Edited by seribulan at 12-1-2018 09:45 AM


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