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Post time 20-6-2010 04:11 PM | Show all posts
Mungkin satu2 nya pemain  Malaysia yang berani bermain di liga luar negara kini...

'Namun sebenarnya terdapat seorang pemain tempatan iaitu Stanley Bernard Stephen Samuel, bekas penyerang Kuala Lumpur dan UPB-MyTeam yang kini beraksi bersama Sporting Clube De Goa dalam saingan Liga India.

Stanley, 24, yang mula beraksi bersama kelab itu sejak Januari lalu berkata, keinginan untuk beraksi di peringkat lebih tinggi membuatkannya berani membawa diri ke India sebagai salah seorang pemain import kelab tersebut.

“Segalanya bermula apabila seorang jurulatih dari kelab Mohun Bagan kebetulan bercuti ke Kuala Lumpur dan menyaksikan kelibat saya beraksi dalam satu perlawanan bersama UPB-MyTeam.

“Kemudian dia mencadangkan nama saya kepada jurulatih kelab Sporting Clube De Goa dan saya dipanggil untuk menyertai sesi pemilihan pada November lalu dan setelah mereka puas hati, saya ditawarkan kontrak selama satu musim.

“Saya buat semua ini kerana cintakan bola sepak. Seminggu pertama saja ibu dan bapa saya datang menemani saya di sini dan selepas itu saya terus hidup berdikari hingga ke hari ini,” katanya ketika dihubungi di Goa baru-baru ini.

Bekas pemain skuad B-23 kebangsaan itu beraksi sepenuh masa ketika Sporting Clube De Goa bersaing di peringkat suku akhir dan separuh akhir Piala FA India sebelum dia mengalami kecederaan hamstring.

“Kini saya baru saja kembali beraksi sejak minggu lalu dan berazam membantu kelab menduduki tempat yang lebih baik dalam baki saingan liga yang akan berakhir Mei depan.

“Saya juga berpeluang meningkatkan mutu permainan kerana perlu bersaing dengan ramai pemain import yang berkualiti. Jadi saya berhajat untuk terus beraksi di sini pada musim depan,” katanya.

Stanley turut sempat mengajak mana-mana pemain bola sepak tempatan untuk mencuba nasib di Liga India kerana baginya, inilah peluang untuk mereka turut beraksi pada saingan Liga Juara-Juara Asia jika kelab yang diwakili layak beraksi di kejohanan tertinggi peringkat Asia itu.

“Setakat ini, yang saya tahu Syed Adney Syed Hussein (penjaga gol Kelantan) ada menyatakan hasrat untuk mencuba nasib di sini pada masa akan datang. Kita kena ada satu kelompok pemain yang berani untuk mencuba.

“Jika mereka mahu meningkatkan karier bola sepak, perlu ada keberanian cuba beraksi di liga luar. Gaji yang diterima juga agak tinggi dan berbaloi.

“Memang difikirkan saya sendiri rindu dengan suasana di Kuala Lumpur kerana saya membesar di kawasan bandar dan kini hanya berada di Goa yang kedai-kedainya sudah tutup seawal 9.30 malam.

“Tapi disebabkan bola sepak, saya korbankan semua itu demi mencapai cita-cita menjadi seorang pemain profesional yang berjaya,” kata Stanley.'

- KOSMO! Ahad, 11 April 2010 (Page 56 & 57)

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Post time 21-6-2010 12:57 PM | Show all posts
'' C. Ronaldo Junior ” becomes Malaysian tourism ambassador

Malaysian soccer player Tam Sheang Tsung, 13, grabs media's attention when he is training in Brazil.

BOOTED UP ... Tam looking good to make the news in the J-League.

Tam Sheang Tsung, the first Malaysian to be recruited into the JLeague Division 2 Yokohama FC Under-15 team, is no stranger to the hard training regime.

Young soccer player Tam Sheang Tsung, also known as “ C. Ronaldo Junior of Malaysia ”, who is currently training in Brazil, grabs high attention from Brazilian media because of his Malaysian identity.

The media that rushed to interview 13-year-old Tam called him “ Miura Kazuyoshi of Malaysia ”. At the same time, Tam took the opportunity to introduce the beauty of Malaysia to the Brazilians.

Miura Kazuyoshi was a famous Japanese international player. He used to play for the Japan Professional Football League, which Tam is currently playing for. Miura was about the same age with Tam when he was sent to Brazil to learn “ samba soccer ”. He was among the first group of Japanese players being sent to Brazil. Since then, he became well-known to the world.

Tam's appearance in the Sao Paulo team has reminded Brazilian sport reporters of Miura. The reporters even praised him for having similar skills with Miura.

Four Brazilian newspapers and radios had conducted interview with Tam so far and Tam answered all their questions in fluent Portuguese.

Tam told Guang Ming Daily through email that the Brazilian reporters were interested in Malaysia and they kept asking about the country's conditions. As the Asia spokesperson for Aero Mexico , he was proud of himself to have introduced his nation to the foreigners through the interviews.

" His skills are impressive and he always plays hard. "

He said that San Bernado has trained many soccer stars and Brazilian media usually focus on special players. That was why, he got their attention. However, he still felt unbelievable.

“ So far, not many Malaysians have been trained in Brazil. Brazilian reporters are curious to see a Malaysian player there. Moreover, many reporters are here because of the Kendo World Competition held in Sao Paulo. They are searching for special topics, and they found me, ” said Tam.

Tam said that Brazilians live for soccer. Their spirit encouraged him to do the best. He wished to stay in Brazil for another year and continue his secondary education there.

However, the Japanese may not “ let him go ”. He might able to only extend for another month instead of staying there for a longer period.

Tam has got the attention from the Malaysian government, too. The Malaysian Embassy in Japan wishes to meet him in October. Meanwhile, some of the soccer associations in Malaysia also wish to watch his skills in Japan.

However, the plan is temporarily unable to be implemented as Tam is currently training in Brazil. It is believed that the Malaysian government will have more interests in him after he has mastered the “ samba soccer ” skills.

In addition, Brazilian media reported that Tam's Brazilian coach thinks that he is brilliant and he may become a star in the future. His skills are impressive and he always plays hard. He possesses the Japanese spirit of “ always do the best ”.

The reports also said that Tam's skills have improved a lot since he has started the training in Brazil. He has gradually got used to the “ samba soccer ” that focus on striking.

When Tam was being asked whether he will play for Malaysia or Japan in the future, he modestly said that it is not appropriate for him to answer the question now as he thinks that his current skills have not yet reached the level of these two countries. He wishes to make his plan only after his skills have been improved.

- The Star -


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Post time 21-6-2010 12:57 PM | Show all posts
Ole, Brasil !


TAM Sheang Tsung, the first Malaysian boy who made it to the Yokohama FC Under-15 team in February, has now taken his footballing career even further. He has been sent by the club to undergo an intensive course with Sao Bernado FC Under-20 team in Brazil – the home of the number one national football team in the FIFA World Rankings.

Just about a week ago, a 32-hour business class flight took Sheang Tsung away from Tokyo, where he was born and raised, to Sao Paolo, Brazil.

“ I was very eager to see Brazil, home of the five-time (football) world champion, ” he said in an e-mail interview.

His replies to this interview was translated from Japanese to English by his father, Tam Yun Tong. The lad speaks Japanese and Mandarin, and he took Portuguese classes before leaving for Brazil.

Football has been Sheang Tsung’s passion since he was seven. The family has been living in Tokyo for 15 years, where Sheang Tsung’s parents run the Rasa Malaysian Cuisine Restaurant.

Tam Sheang Tsung showing off his skills on the field.

Sheang Tsung, 13, was featured in The Star in March for being the first Malaysian to enter a Japanese football club.

He was headhunted by the Japanese Football Association and the Sports Network Japan, an agency for the Japanese Olympic Committee, to be trained in preparation for the 2016 Olympics.

Yokohama FC is currently in the Division 2 of the J-League, finishing 10th during the 2008 season.

The Form 1 student in Ginza Junior High School can take his mind off textbooks and exams for the time being, as it is winter holiday in Japan currently.

His Brazilian stint is for two months, but if he impresses the club they might extend his stay to one year.

“ I will have to play hard and play smart for that, ” he said determinedly.

Sheang Tsung used to train with Yokohama FC on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays back in Tokyo, but in Sao Bernardo FC, he has to train even harder.

His tight schedule includes at least four training sessions a day, from Monday to Friday. Saturday is match day, where the footballers slug it out with other teams.

His only day off of the week is usually spent watching football matches in the city with his teammates, under the supervision of their Brazilian coach.

Sheang Tsung with his new friends in Brazil.

During his free time, he tries to watch as many matches as possible.

The young teen was quick to identify the difference between the two clubs’ training styles.

“ Here, they emphasise more on individual stamina and technique. The Brazilians play to win – they cannot afford to lose or else the players will be out of job, ” he observed.

Sheang Tsung has yet to meet any famous Brazilian footballers but he was told that Roberto Carlos (who currently plays for Turkish club Fenerbahce FC) and former national player Bismarck Barreto Faria would visit Sao Bernardo FC soon.

In Sao Bernado FC, Sheang Tsung plays along Brazilians and Koreans, a fun yet difficult experience.

“ I am inspired by their fighting spirit, ” he said.

Sheang Tsung lives and breathes football in Sao Paolo as he is surrounded by people who are “ crazy about football ”.

“ No football, no life, ” he declared.

He misses home, he says, but whenever he longs for his mother’s pan mee, or Japanese cuisines like yakiniku (grilled meat) or sukiyaki (steamboat) with Matsuzaka beef, or even Milo, he turns to the love of his life for comfort – football.

“ I endure it by playing football, ” he said. But perhaps his newfound favourite, Brazilian churrasco (grilled meat), is comforting consolation too.

“ It’s fantastic ! ” he said.

The teenager dreams of playing with British footballer Frank Lampard from Chelsea one day, and playing in European clubs someday.

“ Most players aim to be professional players in Europe for better salaries and opportunities. If they are successful, their family will enjoy a luxurious life, ” he said.

For now, he is intent on learning to play football the samba way.

- The Star -


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Post time 21-6-2010 01:24 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by HangPC2 at 22-6-2010 15:38
Berita Penuh
al-tapahi87 Post at 20-6-2010 16:11

Pemain negara tiada cita-cita

PEJAM celik, sudah 16 tahun sebenarnya pemain-pemain bola sepak di negara ini bergelar pemain profesional.

Sepatutnya dalam tempoh yang boleh dikatakan agak lama itu, peminat bola sepak tempatan kini sudah boleh mendengar nama-nama pemain bola sepak Malaysia beraksi di serata dunia atau paling tidak pun di peringkat Asia atau Asia Tenggara.

Bola sepak sebenarnya menawarkan gaji yang lumayan. tetapi sehingga ke hari ini, pemain negara masih tidak sedar dengan hakikat tersebut.

Di Eropah, semua pemain mempunyai cita-cita tinggi kerana ia akan menjanjikan mereka pendapatan lumayan.

Namun perkara seperti itu tidak berlaku sama sekali kepada pemain-pemain negara ini nampaknya begitu ‘ sayang ’ untuk meninggalkan tanah air.

Apakah sebenarnya yang menjadi batu penghalang kepada pemain profesional negara ini untuk mencapai cita-cita yang lebih tinggi.

Adakah mereka takut untuk menempuh cabaran luar atau tidak yakin dengan kemampuan diri ?

Tidak mahu berjauhan dengan keluarga, tidak pandai berkomunikasi bahasa asing atau nak senang cerita tidak mempunyai cita-cita ?

Bagi legenda bola sepak negara, Santokh Singh, dia berasakan bahawa pemain-pemain bola sepak profesional negara ketika ini tidak mempunyai impian untuk memajukan diri mereka.

“ Lagi satu, mereka ini mempunyai mentaliti yang berasakan cukuplah sekadar dapat beraksi dalam Liga Malaysia dan meraih sebanyak mana kejuaraan tempatan,” kata Santokh kepada Kosmo! baru-baru ini.

Santokh, 58, yang beraksi untuk Selangor sebelum bersara pada tahun 1985 menambah, kualiti pemain-pemain tempatan dan liga tempatan tidak akan meningkat sekiranya semua pihak yang terlibat tidak mempunyai impian.

“ Zaman saya dahulu biarpun ramai pemain kita yang bagus-bagus, mereka ini tidak mempunyai peluang. Saya sendiri, kalau ada peluang memang begitu teringin nak beraksi di England.

“ Tapi hanya sesetengah pemain yang mendapat peluang beraksi contohnya Yip Chee Keong, Chow Chee Keong dan Lim Teong Kim yang beraksi di Liga Hong Kong dan Liga Jerman.

“ Jadi benda ini mudah saja, kalau pemain sekarang hanya nak main dalam Liga Super, Piala FA dan Piala Malaysia, sampai situ sajalah tahap mereka, ” jelas Santokh.

Hal yang sama turut disokong pengkritik sukan terkemuka negara, Prof. Emeritus Tan Sri Dr. Khoo Kay Kim yang menganggap atlet tempatan sudah tidak mempunyai kegharaihan untuk mencapai mutu yang lebih tinggi termasuklah pemain bola sepak.

“ Dahulu skuad bola sepak kita boleh kalahkan Korea Selatan untuk layak ke Sukan Olimpik 1972 dan 1980. Tapi kini Korea Selatan sudah berjaya mara ke separuh akhir Piala Dunia 2010 dan di mana pula kedudukan kita ?

“ Memang jelas, pemain-pemain bola sepak sekarang tiada impian, ” kata Kay Kim yang tidak mahu terlalu gembira dengan kejayaan skuad negara memenangi pingat emas pada Sukan SEA 2009 di Laos.

Kay Kim turut berasakan generasi pemain bola sepak profesional negara ketika ini sudah tidak boleh diselamatkan lagi dan perubahan perlu dilakukan segera di peringkat sekolah bagi memastikan generasi pemain pada masa akan datang berjaya ditukar mentaliti mereka.

“ Kalau betul-betul nak naikkan semula mutu bola sepak, kita kena kembali ke sekolah. Dahulu setiap sekolah ada satu atau dua padang, sekarang padang pun tiada. Lagi satu sistem persekolahan sekarang lebih tumpukan akademik, ” ujarnya.

“ Saya tak tahu nak kata apa. Bagi saya, mereka ini tiada cita-cita untuk beraksi di luar negara. Sebab apa, itu saya tidak tahu. Mungkin kerana ‘ homesick ’, tak boleh tahan dengan budaya asing atau tak biasa dengan makanan luar.

Bagi pihak Persatuan Bola Sepak Malaysia (FAM) selaku badan induk bola sepak di negara ini, mereka sebenarnya hanya boleh membantu pemain profesional ini menguruskan perpindahan selain menjadi ejen pemasaran bakat.

Setiausaha Agung FAM, Datuk Azzuddin Ahmad berkata, semuanya terletak kepada pemain itu sendiri yang sepatutnya mempunyai inspirasi untuk meningkatkan karier mereka dengan beraksi di saingan liga luar negara.

“ Pada peringkat awal mereka kena letak sasaran untuk main di liga sekitar Asia Tenggara seperti Singapura atau Indonesia.

“ Kemudian mengorak langkah ke saingan yang lebih tinggi seperti liga di negara Timur Tengah, Jepun atau Korea Selatan dan seterusnya ke Eropah.

“ Perkara ini kita kena mulakan sedikit demi sedikit. Mula-mula kena ada dua atau tiga pemain beraksi di luar, barulah rakan-rakan mereka akan ikut jejak tersebut.

“ Saya pun tak tahu kenapa pemain kita susah sangat nak mencuba bakat mereka di liga luar. Itu kena tanya mereka sendiri. Kita boleh lihat, beberapa pemain Singapura kini sudah mencuba nasib beraksi di Liga Indonesia, ” kata Azzuddin.

Azzuddin turut memberitahu, penghantaran skuad bawah 21 tahun (B-21) negara ke Slovakia selama tiga bulan bermula Februari lalu sudah menampakkan hasilnya.

“ Salah sebuah kelab di sana yang menentang Harimau Muda telah memberi kita tawaran untuk menghantar dua atau tiga pemain bukan saja dari skuad B-21 untuk menjalani sesi pemilihan di kelab mereka.

“ Perkara ini akan saya susul apabila berkunjung ke Slovakia sekali lagi selepas ini. Mungkin dari sini kita boleh lihat pemain kita menjadi pemain mana-mana kelab di Slovakia, ” jelasnya.

Bagi jurulatih skuad kebangsaan, K. Rajagobal pula, pasukan negara akan tampil lebih kuat sekiranya ramai pemain-pemain kebangsaan kita mencuba untuk beraksi di saingan liga luar negara.

“ Saya tak boleh nak paksa pemain, itu terpulang kepada individu itu sendiri. Tapi jika ditanya impian saya, saya mahu lihat pemain kita berani mengambil cabaran beraksi di luar negara.

“ Buktikan yang anda mampu bersaing dengan pemain-pemain luar. Ini akan melahirkan satu generasi yang lebih bagus dengan pemain kita akan mendapat lebih keyakinan apabila beraksi di pentas antarabangsa,” kata Rajagobal.

Jelasnya, langkah menghantar pemain untuk berlatih dalam tempoh yang singkat di luar negara tidak mendatangkan manfaat sebaliknya seseorang pemain itu perlu beraksi sepanjang musim bersama kelab luar.

“ Saya lihat di sini, pemain-pemain Harimau Muda yang sedang berada di Slovakia, mereka sepatutnya menggunakan pengalaman selama tiga bulan di sana untuk memikat mana-mana kelab.

“ Jika ditawarkan peluang, terima saja kerana bagi saya ini salah satu cabaran untuk mereka bersaing di peringkat lebih tinggi dan apabila pulang mewakili negara, satu peningkatan dapat ditampilkan, ” ujar Rajagobal.

Mungkin generasi Akmal Rizal Ahmad Rakhli, Rudie Ramli, Fadzli Saari dan Juzaili Samion yang beraksi bersama Strasbourg (Perancis) dan SV Wehen (Jerman) kira-kira sedekad lalu merupakan individu terakhir yang beraksi di saingan liga luar.

Namun sebenarnya terdapat seorang pemain tempatan iaitu Stanley Bernard Stephen Samuel, bekas penyerang Kuala Lumpur dan UPB-MyTeam yang kini beraksi bersama Sporting Clube De Goa dalam saingan Liga India.

Stanley, 24, yang mula beraksi bersama kelab itu sejak Januari lalu berkata, keinginan untuk beraksi di peringkat lebih tinggi membuatkannya berani membawa diri ke India sebagai salah seorang pemain import kelab tersebut.

“ Segalanya bermula apabila seorang jurulatih dari kelab Mohun Bagan kebetulan bercuti ke Kuala Lumpur dan menyaksikan kelibat saya beraksi dalam satu perlawanan bersama UPB-MyTeam.

“ Kemudian dia mencadangkan nama saya kepada jurulatih kelab Sporting Clube De Goa dan saya dipanggil untuk menyertai sesi pemilihan pada November lalu dan setelah mereka puas hati, saya ditawarkan kontrak selama satu musim.

“ Saya buat semua ini kerana cintakan bola sepak. Seminggu pertama saja ibu dan bapa saya datang menemani saya di sini dan selepas itu saya terus hidup berdikari hingga ke hari ini,” katanya ketika dihubungi di Goa baru-baru ini.

Bekas pemain skuad B-23 kebangsaan itu beraksi sepenuh masa ketika Sporting Clube De Goa bersaing di peringkat suku akhir dan separuh akhir Piala FA India sebelum dia mengalami kecederaan hamstring.

“ Kini saya baru saja kembali beraksi sejak minggu lalu dan berazam membantu kelab menduduki tempat yang lebih baik dalam baki saingan liga yang akan berakhir Mei depan.

“ Saya juga berpeluang meningkatkan mutu permainan kerana perlu bersaing dengan ramai pemain import yang berkualiti. Jadi saya berhajat untuk terus beraksi di sini pada musim depan, ” katanya.

Stanley turut sempat mengajak mana-mana pemain bola sepak tempatan untuk mencuba nasib di Liga India kerana baginya, inilah peluang untuk mereka turut beraksi pada saingan Liga Juara-Juara Asia jika kelab yang diwakili layak beraksi di kejohanan tertinggi peringkat Asia itu.

“ Setakat ini, yang saya tahu Syed Adney Syed Hussein (penjaga gol Kelantan) ada menyatakan hasrat untuk mencuba nasib di sini pada masa akan datang. Kita kena ada satu kelompok pemain yang berani untuk mencuba.

“ Jika mereka mahu meningkatkan karier bola sepak, perlu ada keberanian cuba beraksi di liga luar. Gaji yang diterima juga agak tinggi dan berbaloi.

“ Memang difikirkan saya sendiri rindu dengan suasana di Kuala Lumpur kerana saya membesar di kawasan bandar dan kini hanya berada di Goa yang kedai-kedainya sudah tutup seawal 9.30 malam.

“ Tapi disebabkan bola sepak, saya korbankan semua itu demi mencapai cita-cita menjadi seorang pemain profesional yang berjaya, ” kata Stanley.

- Kosmo -


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Post time 22-6-2010 12:02 AM | Show all posts
Thanks for the update..

Ini ada lagi info dapat dari Wikipedia...

Tadashi Takeda (Fagiano Okayama FC)
Brendan Gan (Sydney FC)

Kedua-dua org pemain nie layak untuk beraksi buat Malaysia sebab ada kerakyatan M'sia sebelah Mak/Bapak far, belum pernah main untuk negara lain..

Brendan Gan punya profail agak mengujakan..pernah menang award  peringkat Jr..
Tapi kalau Australia/Japan tawar diorg main, agak2 diorg nak tolak tak?? ada peluang pegi World Cup..

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Post time 22-6-2010 12:05 AM | Show all posts
Sydney FC midfielder Brendan Gan earns $80,000 contract

Strong prospect...Sydney FC youngster Brendan Gan has made the breakthough to the first team and been rewarded with an improved contract. Picture: Mark Evans Source: The Daily Telegraph

WHEN midfielder Brendan Gan joined Sydney FC's National Youth League team this season, he was only thinking about his development, not the money.

"It was petrol money anyway," Gan said yesterday.

But after a meteoric rise to the first team and starting in the past four A-League games, Gan yesterday was given an upgraded two-year contract believed to worth about $80,000.

"It (the National Youth League) was the perfect opportunity for my development," Gan said.

"I thought if I got some time in the A-League it would be awesome and I'd take it from there.

"What's happened has all been very exciting."

Coach John Kosmina never had any doubts about the player's ability. "He's a player of the future and just so energetic," Kosmina said.

Apart from his high workrate, Gan has already scored two quality goals.


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Post time 9-7-2010 05:23 PM | Show all posts
kalau malaysia boleh hantar player melayu kat area arab saudi pun dah kompetatif dah liga dia orang...takde masalah makanan,cuma bahasa arab jelh tak khatam...player dia orang pun bertaraf dunia...kalau player malaysia yang bukan melayu tu, bolehlh mencuba nasib di liga jepun ke korea selatan ke slovakia...masalahnya FAM tak pernah nak buat perubahan...

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Post time 11-7-2010 12:17 AM | Show all posts
Tam scores in J-League


[email protected]


AS A football player, 15-year-old Tam Sheang Tsung has been looking forward to the World Cup.

Tam goes on record as the first Malaysian to play in the J-League when he joined the Division 2 side Yokohama FC.

Tam, who is currently playing for the Sagan Tosu JC, was at Menara Star recently for an interview. He was accompanied by his mother Ang Hui Chin.

He spoke in Japanese and a smattering of Mandarin, which his mother helped to translate into English.

England supporter : Tam’s dream is to play in the World Cup in the near future.

He was surprised and happy to see the flags of all the participating countries in the ongoing World Cup hanging on the walls and ceiling of The Star’s editorial department. Tam was also pleased to get his hands on a copy of The Star’s World Cup pullout.

“ The World Cup craze in Malaysia is the same as in Japan, ” he said.

He was especially excited when he saw a poster of one of his favourite players Frank Lampard. He is also a fan of Didier Drogba.

“ Lampard has stamina and has a knack for scoring goals while Drogba has good techniques and physical strength and is a good striker.

“ My favourite football club is Chelsea. I support England but I think Brazil may have a shot at winning the World Cup this time around, ” he said, adding that he hopes to play in England.

Tam, who turned 15 last month, has been catching the World Cup action with family and friends.

Although Tam finds the vuvuzela trumpets annoying, he feels that it adds to the atmosphere.

As a footballer Tam said he is more critical when watching the game.

“ I learn a lot about football from him, such as terms like ‘ offside ’, ” said his mother.

Tam was back in Malaysia to attend to family matters. More-over, he was also out of training after sustaining a rib injury during training.

According to Ang,they normally return to Malaysia three or four times a year but this time around they returned after almost a year because of Tam’s busy training schedule.

“ Not much has changed since the last time I was here, but I’ve noticed some positive improvements.

“ I’m looking forward to eating Pan Mee and drinking iced Milo. Milo is not commonly available in the supermarkets in Japan, ” Tam said.

Off the field, Tam likes singing and listening to music, citing Lady Gaga, Taylor Swift and Japanese girl group AKB48 as his favourite stars.

On orders from the doctor to keep away from playing football due to the injury, Tam admitted to have secretly played a game or two.

Because of his passion for the game, football is always on his mind.

When asked if there is anything he would like to do in Malaysia, he said: “ I hope to be able to have a friendly game with Malaysian players of my age group. ” Turning around he assured his mother that he was fit to play despite carrying an injury.

Last weekend, Tam celebrated Father’s Day by going out for a family dinner.

Like all aspiring footballers, Tam’s dream is to play in the World Cup in the near future.

“ I hope to play in the World Cup one day. ”

- The Star -


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Post time 25-7-2010 02:57 PM | Show all posts
Malaysian boy plays for British football club

2010-07-22 15:51

KUALA LUMPUR : A 13-year-old Malaysian gifted footballer, Ash Hameed from Selangor, has signed a two-year contract with the Queens Park Rangers Football Club (QPR) in April this year.

Ash's father told the Sin Chew Daily in an exclusive interview that Ash started to receive free training for two years after signing the contract with the QPR on 10 April this year and the contract would only be expired in June 2012.

Ash, a left-foot striker, first raised the attention of various football clubs after helping the Crest Academy win the Middlesex Watkin League Cup for Brent Schools under-12s with a five-goal burst.

Ash's father used to be a player of the Malaysia youth football team under-18s and the Selangor football team (1988 to 1990). He decided to send Ash to England after discovering his son's high talent in playing football.

He said: " I have been giving him basic football skill training since he was young. I sent him to the local Brazil Football Centre when he was six years old.

Many coaches of the centre told me that Ash was gifted. They also suggested that I should send him to England for training.

" I brought Ash to England in 2008 and we faced some difficulties at the beginning. We had looked for many schools before Ash was accepted by the Kodak Football Club. The youth training centre of the Arsenal Football Club had also given him a training offer. "

" Ash is a Liverpool fan and his dream is to represent the club one day. However, I am a fan of Manchester, a Liverpool's sworn army. Although we are supporting different teams, it does not affect our relationship, " he said.

He also said that Ash had been selected as one of the eight best players of the QPR and was informed to play in an invitation tournament under-15s of an Europe football club. The participating teams included famed teams like Barcelona. However, the QPR did not send the team to play in the end and he believed that it was due to sponsorship problems.


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Post time 25-7-2010 03:49 PM | Show all posts
Ash bonanza clinches the cup for Brent

[email protected]

23 June 2010

NEWCOMER Ash Hameed made an immediate impact with a five-goal burst to seal the Middlesex Watkin League Cup for Brent Schools under-12s.

The Crest Academy striker replaced the injured Gianni Crichlow for the borough's final game of the season and played a major part in securing the trophy with a 9-0 thrashing of Ealing Schools.

Captain Dean Benzaken, from JFS, was also on target, along with Kyle Palmer, Christian Whittingham and Ricky German - one of three under-11s who were drafted into the squad.

The resounding victory also meant that Brent completed their league campaign undefeated and manager Keith Young said: " I hope we can maintain the standards we have set for ourselves next season.

" Brent Schools ' Football Association, the parents and the schools that have given us such great support all deserve a lot of credit. Working together, we have really done the borough of Brent proud."

Brent's season also included a 9-0 London Cup win over a previously unbeaten Havering side before they were edged out 5-4 in a cracking quarter-final clash with South London.

Brent squad : Terrance Prempe (St Gregory's), Kyle Palmer, Joshua Bonds (Wembley High), Dean Benzaken (JFS), Ramayne Pennant, Illia Pevovic, Chay Williams (Claremont), Kevin Aouidef, Christian Whittingham, Gianni Crichlow, Perry Allen (Preston Manor), Corey Wilkie (Kingsbury), Romario Martin, Ramone Raphael (Alperton), Ash Hameed, Hannad Nur (Crest Academy), Rico Hylton, Kevin Holden (Kingsbury), Abu Bello (Queen's Park).


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Post time 8-2-2011 12:12 PM | Show all posts

Stanley Bernard Samuel
- Nov 2009 - July 2010 - Sporting de Goa, India
- 2010 - Persibo Bojonegoro (trial), Persisam Putra Samarinda (trial)

- 2011 - Sabah

Safee Sali
- Feb 2011 - Pelita Jaya

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Post time 24-4-2011 12:08 AM | Show all posts
Haziq Zikri Elias

Cerita 2009..skang main kat Harimau Muda kot

Malaysian teenager Haziq offered contract by Histon FC

Malaysian teenager Haziq Zikri Elias has been offered a contract by English Conference club Histon.

The 18-year old midfielder was playing for Stevenage in the U19 league when scouts targeted him and it seems as though The Stutes are likely to snap him up.

Malaysia U19 coach, Ong Kim Swee, said it would be great for football in the country if Haziq turned out for a league side.

"Haziq has proven that he is the next star in Malaysian football. The professional stint will make him a better player, and Malaysian football will gain from his exposure,” Ong said ahead of Haziq’s return for national team training.

"Stevenage has given good reviews about Haziq and the offer to turn professional says it all. I will get a better picture about the offer when he is here tomorrow.

"I've been monitoring his progress and I believe he's ready to attend trials with my team. He will get a week to acclimatise and we will see how it goes from there."

England-based Haziq to join Harimau Muda

PETALING JAYA: England-based youngster Haziq Zikri Elias is set to join the Harimau Muda (national Under-19) squad for two major international assignments this year.

The 18-year-old Haziq, who plays for Stevenage Borough FC in the Conference National League in Hertfordshire, will attend trials here tomorrow.

Harimau Muda coach Ong Kim Swee said that Haziq was no stranger to him.

“He was with me in the Bukit Jalil Sports School (BJSS) Under-16 team, who won the Youth Cup in 2007,” he said yesterday.

“Since he left for England, we have kept tabs on his progress. He now plays in the first 11 with the Stevenage Under-19 elite team.”

Kim Swee said that he hoped Haziq would fit into their plans for the Asean Football Federation (AFF) Under-19 championship in August and also for the Asian Football Confederation (AFC) Under-19 qualifying rounds in November.

He added that besides Haziq, they would also put four other newcomers on trials.

They are D. Saarvindran (BJSS), Wan Zack Haikal Wan Nor from (Felda United), Mohd Fakhurazi Musa (T-Team) and Mohd Khairul Izzuwan Rosli (Kelantan).

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Post time 31-7-2011 09:25 AM | Show all posts

Pilih skuad kebangsaan secara terbuka: Annuar
Oleh Hasnira Hassan
[email protected]

PENJARING terbanyak, Attica Baptis Matron (kanan) dan 'Pemain Terbaik Final' yang juga peledak gol kemenangan Sabah, Sihaya Ajad memperaga trofi masing-masing, petang semalam.

PENYERTAAN pemain skuad senior kebangsaan untuk kejohanan utama harus dibuat secara terbuka pada masa akan datang, bukan eksklusif kepada pasukan projek tertentu saja.

Timbalan Presiden Persatuan Bola Sepak Malaysia (FAM), Tan Sri Annuar Musa mengemukakan cadangan itu rentetan kekalahan Harimau Malaya kepada Singapura dengan agregat 6-4 pada pusingan kedua kelayakan Piala Dunia, baru-baru ini.
Menurutnya, pemilihan harus dibuat secara merit berdasarkan pemain yang mempamerkan persembahan terbaik semasa dalam liga dan tidak terhad kepada saingan tempatan saja.

“Ini termasuk memanggil mana-mana pemain warga negara Malaysia, sama ada menerusi ibu atau ayah tetapi cemerlang di liga luar. Saya tahu, kita ada beberapa pemain seperti ini di Australia dan Eropah,” kata Anuar merujuk peraturan fleksibel FIFA.

Begitupun, pembangunan bakat muda menerusi program projek tetap diteruskan.

Menurutnya, semua maklum balas diterima selepas kekalahan negara baru-baru ini, akan dibincangkan bersama Jawatankuasa Pembangunan Pasukan Kebangsaan.

Terdahulu, Annuar menyampaikan hadiah kepada pemenang Liga Bola Sepak Wanita Kebangsaan yang diungguli Sabah selepas menewaskan Polis 1-0 pada final di Stadium MBPJ, Kelana Jaya.
Sihaya Ajad yang terpilih sebagai Pemain Terbaik Perlawanan Akhir, membolehkan Sabah membawa pulang RM10,000 selepas meledak gol kemenangan pada minit ke-56.


Final: Sabah 1 Polis 0
Penentuan ketiga: Kuala Lumpur 4 Kedah 2

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Post time 10-8-2011 12:12 PM | Show all posts
Reply 2# Hang

betul tu
menjadi coach bayern tu
bukan senang

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