bagi aku jelah ikan ko tu... |
Reply #82 nafham's post
betul ni?
ni akuarium aku..
tu akuarium kat umah aku skang ni..cuma aku x ada lagi canister filter camko tu...
aku cuma ada top filter..tp sponge and bio ring sume ada kat top filter tu..
amacam? nk kasi kat aku x ikan ko...
[ Last edited by ummibest at 22-4-2009 13:52 ] |
opis mate aku ada bela discuss ni.. aku tgk gambar dia nyer discuss memang cantik2.. dia pun dah berjaya menjadi breeder discuss ni.. nanti aku nak belajar ngan dia lah.. |
nnt ko plak share kat cni yer... ;)Originally posted by baby77 at 22-4-2009 16:30
opis mate aku ada bela discuss ni.. aku tgk gambar dia nyer discuss memang cantik2.. dia pun dah berjaya menjadi breeder discuss ni.. nanti aku nak belajar ngan dia lah.. |
ok.. aku pun duk belajar gak ngan dia camner cara dia wat breed discuss ni |
lecehnya bela ikan |
Balas #89 ninja boy\ catat
mmg leceh tp klu kne pada caranya, mmg berpuas hati pd hasilnya.... |
oo ye ker..
kapel yg mana? x tau mana satu jantan mana satu betina..
mesti yg besar2 tu kan..
sbb yg kecik2 kurus tu mcm x baper nk membesar..
satu lagi kan..mereka x baper suka lah tetra bites tu..
mereka lebih suka cacing..
kalo yg tetra bites tu mkn n luah balik..
so kita pagi n mlm bagi mereka cacing..
bagus ker diet mcm tu? |
hahhahaha~ boley je. rajin2 lah cari info. yg kaler biru kilat cantik tu male. partner dia yg strip hitam tapi tak jelas atau lgsg takde. eh, susahlah nk ckp. pepandailah cari. partner lagi satu kaler oren female dgn yg mne tah. tak ingat. sume ikan slamat eh? dah takde tercungap2 mcm 1st time dulu?? |
Balas #95 ummibest\ catat
erk!! ikan2 tu baru lepas rawat 2mgg sblm dtg collect ari tu. mgkn tak hilang lagi kot cacing dlm badan. biasa kalau rawat, letak pil apa tah namanya utk internal disease dlm tank tapi dilarutkan dulu. setiap 1 mgg tukar air baru n letak pil tu lagi smp ikan2 tu berselera nak makan.
try google kaedah rawatan tuk internal parasit. ada byk cara. takpe, belajar dari susah2 lah nnt jadikan kita expert psl discus nie. |
rujuk sini. http://www.dallasdiscus.com/diseases.htm
There are some many ways to prevent and treat discus diseases. The following are just what works for us. We usually try to keep things simple.
The only prevention we use are garlic in beef heart mix for internal parasites (hexamita, etc.) Discus are very easily infected with parasites (wasting away and white feces.) Prevention is key with internal parasites. Other things are just to keep the water condition in stable range, feeding varieties of foods, etc.
All new fish that we get are quarantine for at least 3 weeks and monitored for diseases.
To sterilize equipments (i.e. tanks, nets, etc), we use regular household bleach. Rinse thoroughly afterward.
First, we will increase the water temperature to 86-88 F. Also, a higher ratio water change is done before treatment. The following are the medications that we use. These methods may not be the best, but it works for us.
1. Epsom Salt (Magnesium Sulfate) - for gastrointestinal bloating or before treatment of internal parasites. We usually use 1 Tablespoon/10 gallon. Works within 24 hrs. We repeat treatment for two more days if no results. Fish will start eating like mad after treatment.
2. Quick Cure (Formalin, Malachite green) or 37% Formalin alone- or any common medication with same chemicals. Just follow directions from bottle. We use them to treat external protozoan parasites, gill flukes, Costia, and Trichondina.
3. Methylene Blue - Use for fungal infections and ick. Also add to breeding fish to prevent fungal infection on discus eggs.
4. Praziquantel- Excellent medication for flukes and internal parasites (capillaria,etc). We have more success with this med and less side effects than Flubendazole, Piperazine or Albenazole. We pretreat with Epsom salt first to clean the GI tracts of fish. Praziquantel is not very water soluble. Therefore, we use a blender to dissolve them with water. Other hobbyists have used acetone to dissolve praziquantel. Dosage is 10 mg/gallon. One dose is effective for seven days. No water change is done during this time. Usually a second treatment is needed after seven days to prevent reinfection by dormant cysts/eggs.
5. Metronidazole - Used for protozoan internal parasites (i.e.Cryptobia,Hexamita,etc.) Also excellent antibiotic for gram negative bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract infections. With metronidazole, we mix them in small amounts of water. Then we soak them in dry foods (i.e. Tetra Colorbits, Hikari discus, etc.) Wait ten minutes until drug has soak into food before feeding. Again, we pretreat with Epsom salt 24 hrs before metronidazole treatment. We find that this pretreatment step with Epsom salt has a synergistic effect.
Other disease that we have no success with treatments are swim bladder type of diseases. We are lucky in that discus plague has not been a problem (knock on wood).
hari tu rawat discus guna kaedah yg no 5 tu, pil metronidazole. beli kat farmasi, 30sen sebiji. ada byk kt uma ni sbnrnya. lupa nk bg. tp yg baiknyer kalau dpt cari Epsom Salt. cuba cari hari tu, tapi tak jumpa. |
Balas #98 ummibest\ catat
susah2 beli yg tank plastik je ataupun letak dlm baldi... tak pastilah epsom salt tu mne nk dpt sbb cari kat farmasi pn, org farmasi tu tanya kita balik apa tu. |
Reply #99 nafham's post
epsom salt da dpt...kat watson jusco kat umah ada jual...
tp antibiotik tu pulak x dpt..ty da guardian n watson dua2 kata tu x boleh jual sesuka hati sbb dia antibiotik..kalo kat independant farrmasi ada kot..2day baru nk g cari kat inde farmasi...ikan oren yg kecik skali tu..dia la yg sakit..
today harap dpt pil tu..n boleh stat treatment..da letak ikan tu lam epsom salt da..
a ah beli akuarium kecik..tp bukan plastik sbb plastik kecik..beli kaca tp yg murah punya..lam rm45.. |
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