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Author: makcikmengamok

Berkawan rapat ngan Laki Org..

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Post time 7-7-2009 03:34 PM | Show all posts
maybe sebab kat rumah salu sibok dier jadi bapak...or hubby..
dier kadang2 nak cari time for be friends with others..
yalah tapi aku ni rupa cam too beautiful  to be his friend nanti bini dia jadi jeles...abg ipar dia pikir lain
takut org salah sangka...biasalah...
makcikmengamok Post at 7-7-2009 03:22 PM

makcik..tepek ler pic sket....

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Post time 7-7-2009 06:00 PM | Show all posts
77# makcikmengamok

aku suka muka mamat kat avvy kau tu? ala2 bad boy gitu. Aku suka lelaki yg pakai celak, tp bukanlah cam al arqam. Mcm gaya2 Johnny Depp dlm Pirates of the Carribean.

Taste lelaki yg aku suka:
- tinggi (atleast a few cm taller than me)
- broad shoulders
- tanned
- mata deep-set eyes
- kalau boleh taknak lelaki yg adam's apple dia obvious sgt
- bibir sederhana tebal (lower lips thicker than the upper lips, bila french kiss nyaman and hangat je rasa)
- lidah mesti bersih dari sebarang residue
- rambut serabai macam baru lepas projek
- jari jemari mesti manly enough, bukannya halus mcm tgn perempuan
- jalan mesti tegak, tak suka jalan bongkok
- kalau boleh pakai subang
- strangely, i kinda of turned on by guys who have their eyebrows pierced
- lepas tu pakai jeans londeh sikit nampak underwear kat belakang (klu bole urban type of underwear cam Calvin Klain ke)
- jeans mesti lusuh tp bukan tak basuh ye
- punggung a bit tonggek (sbb aku suka ramas bontot masa tgh ML)
- kuku kaki and tangan mesti bersih

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 Author| Post time 7-7-2009 06:23 PM | Show all posts
makcik..tepek ler pic sket....
MrsJohn Post at 7-7-2009 15:34

tapi muka aku tak selicin cam dulu..
sebab kene makan penyakit..
nanti korg kutuk2

klu nak tengok...ko YM aku kol 11 malam ni..
aku buka webcam salu kol 11 malam...

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Post time 7-7-2009 07:06 PM | Show all posts
75# makcikmengamok
Thanks makcik.

I was trying to say that bila kita berkawan dgn suami orang, perlu tanya diri...klu dia dah ada isteri apasal dia nak kawan rapat juga dengan perempuan2 lain? Jenis apa ke dia ni. Ttg makcik pula, harus ada batasan kok2 kamu pula menolonh dia cheat on his wife....tak elok. Lelaki-perempuan nih bila dah berdekatan....tak kiralah kawan ke..kesudahannya akan ada suatu "attraction" untuk.....I leave it to should know better. If you nak cari pasangan hiduh, carilah dikalngan yang single. Buat apa nak robohkan masjid orang? Ingat it can also happen to you when and if you do get married.

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Post time 7-7-2009 07:25 PM | Show all posts
hari ko kawan laki orang...sok orang kawan laki ko....

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Post time 7-7-2009 07:31 PM | Show all posts
kalau kita kenal rapat seorang lelaki bujang yang kemudiannya berkahwin beranak pinak..
adakah korang akan teruskan hubungan persahabatan itu...
dan korang jugak masa itu bujang dan berkahwin, beranak pinak atau tak beranak.

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Post time 7-7-2009 08:05 PM | Show all posts
jahat gak ko neh..
tapi aku rasa nak guna ayat tu klu aku kene marah oleh bini org..

sumbat sekilo manjakani
makcikmengamok Post at 7-7-2009 02:23 PM

Aku bukan jahat mulut tapi fakta kenyataan kena la terima...sapa tertelan cili dia la terasa pedasnya..huhuhuhu...Betul pe,ko tgk kebanyakkan isteri2 ni bila suami dah ada gf or ada affair kat luar mula lah nak kelam kabut...serupa dunia nak kiamat..buat perubahan drastik..sampai suami pun naik pelik..tu tak termasuk guna jampi serapah lagi...Lemah betul kaum hawa ni kan..?

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 Author| Post time 7-7-2009 08:09 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by makcikmengamok at 7-7-2009 20:12
75# makcikmengamok
Thanks makcik.

I was trying to say that bila kita berkawan dgn suami orang, perlu tanya diri...klu dia dah ada isteri apasal dia nak kawan rapat juga dengan perempuan2 lain? J ...
hamizao Post at 7-7-2009 19:06

ohh tul gak..
sampai bergaduh nanti...
tapi aku kawan biasa2 jerk..
semua aku kawan...single..or dah kawen...

and maybe i'm too young..
klu umo aku 40 lebey berkawan ngan laki org tak pa kan..
ni maseh pucuk2 muda...memang org pandang serong..

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Post time 7-7-2009 08:29 PM | Show all posts
adui... macam 2 posting korang nehh... ada jugak yerk yg saja nak menempah masalah nak skandal2 dengan laki org ni. nanti laki cari number 3 n 4 tahu pulak nak salahkan number 3 n 4 yg gatal merampas laki dia. tapi time berskandal ngutuk bini tua tak pandai jaga laki dan dah nasib kawin jadi nombor 2 (heheheh.... macam ada kaitan jerk antara yg hidup dan mati)

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 Author| Post time 7-7-2009 08:37 PM | Show all posts
adui... macam 2 posting korang nehh... ada jugak yerk yg saja nak menempah masalah nak skandal2 dengan laki org ni. nanti laki cari number 3 n 4 tahu pulak nak salahkan number 3 n 4 yg gatal merampas  ...
smarties78 Post at 7-7-2009 20:29

biasala...semua salah..
si A salah sebab tak jaga somi..
si B salah sebab merampas..

actually maybe somi tu yg gatal2 nak cari yg muda..

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 Author| Post time 7-7-2009 08:38 PM | Show all posts
Aku bukan jahat mulut tapi fakta kenyataan kena la terima...sapa tertelan cili dia la terasa pedasnya..huhuhuhu...Betul pe,ko tgk kebanyakkan isteri2 ni bila suami dah ada gf or ada affair kat lua ...
edaladiva Post at 7-7-2009 20:05

ader yg dulu2 gemok....tetiba...buat sedaya upaya nak kuruskan badan..

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Post time 7-7-2009 08:46 PM | Show all posts
kalau kita kenal rapat seorang lelaki bujang yang kemudiannya berkahwin beranak pinak..
adakah korang akan teruskan hubungan persahabatan itu...
dan korang jugak masa itu bujang dan berkahwin, beran ...
faraway1 Post at 7-7-2009 07:31 PM

Kalau Aku kawan sampai bebila...fRIEND FOREVER...tapi make sure yg tak menyusahkan kita la...

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Post time 8-7-2009 07:16 AM | Show all posts
hari ko kawan laki orang...sok orang kawan laki ko....
craven Post at 7-7-2009 19:25

well said!  :pompom:  , but it can be interpreted the other way round..

alang2 berkawan biarla sampai kawin.. pedulikan yg no 1 tu, pastu kalo jadik mcm apa yg craven tu bgtau.. paham2 ajela..

sesetengah org pompuan neh nakkan somi yg dah established dan bukan budak muda belia yg asyik jiwang meleleh dan merembes..
kalo setakat suka2 tanpa ada apa2 keinginan/future, baik stop le.. buang karen jek..

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 Author| Post time 8-7-2009 07:38 AM | Show all posts
well said!  :pompom:  , but it can be interpreted the other way round..

alang2 berkawan biarla sampai kawin.. pedulikan yg no 1 tu, pastu kalo jadik mcm apa yg craven tu bgtau.. paham2 ajela..
ParinAmat Post at 8-7-2009 07:16

ahhhhhh tul tu..
yg single tu salu jiwang ngan merembes sajerk2..

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Post time 8-7-2009 11:56 AM | Show all posts
syok aper berskandal....ada thrill.........seperti berskandalism ngan laki orang....kalau bercinta ngan orang bujang atau duda...takdak thrill....straight forwad jer........takde halangan...bangkangan.....tak syok.

keep goin girl.............!!

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Post time 8-7-2009 12:57 PM | Show all posts
Berkawan dgn laki orang dan berskandal dgn laki org tu ada bezanya

klu takat berkawan je xde masaalah

tapi klu nak berskandal ni akan ada masaalahnya

tapi klu sanggup menghadapi risiko dan x kisah dgn pandangan masyarakat so go ahead ajelah

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Post time 8-7-2009 03:59 PM | Show all posts
biasala...semua salah..
si A salah sebab tak jaga somi..
si B salah sebab merampas..

actually maybe somi tu yg gatal2 nak cari yg muda..
makcikmengamok Post at 7-7-2009 08:37 PM

Sapa takmau yg muda..tanya lah laki mana pun..kalau dia cakap taknak tu maknanya dia tipu kita hidup2 la....Auwww

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Post time 8-7-2009 09:47 PM | Show all posts
aku pon kawan rapat ngan laki org gak..dan btul btul buat aku pening...
somi org tuh cam nak lebih .. nak hubungan yg lebih ...
aku tak interested nak scandal..
nak jd wife kedua pun .. tak interested langsung...
tapi ya.. aku sayang dia ...
aku rase tak salah kawan ngan laki org... sbb laki2 org yg lain pon aku kawan gak ..
tp sorang ni..special sket...sbb suke nengok dia hepi...kalo dia hepi...aku pon hepi...

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Post time 8-7-2009 11:38 PM | Show all posts
88# makcikmengamok

Apa maksudnya  - kawan biasa- tu? Ada yang tak biasa ke...heheh!
Ni ada beberapa definisi friendship/bekawan yang di petik daru Wiki:

Best friend (or close friend): a person(s) with whom someone shares extremely strong interpersonal ties with as a friend.

Acquaintance: a friend, but sharing of emotional ties isn'tpresent. An example would be a coworker with whom you enjoy eatinglunch, but would not look to for emotional support.
Soulmate:the name given to someone who is considered the ultimate, true, andeternal half of the other's soul, in which the two are now and forevermeant to be together.
Pen pal:people who have a relationship via postal correspondence. They may ormay not have met each other in person and may share either love,friendship, or simply an acquaintance between each other.
Internet friendship: a form of friendship or romance which takes place over the Internet.
Comrade: means "ally", "friend", or "colleague" in a military or (usually) left-wing politicalconnotation. This is the feeling of affinity that draws people togetherin time of war or when people have a mutual enemy or even a commongoal. Friendship can be mistaken for comradeship. Former New York Times war correspondent Chris Hedges wrote:
We feel in wartimecomradeship. We confuse this with friendship, with love. There arethose, who will insist that the comradeship of war is love — the exoticglow that makes us in war feel as one people, one entity, is real, butthis is part of war's intoxication. [...] Friends are predetermined;friendship takes place between men and women who possess anintellectual and emotional affinity for each other. But comradeship –that ecstatic bliss that comes with belonging to the crowd in wartime –is within our reach. We can all have comrades.[3]
As a war ends, or a common enemy recedes, many comrades return tobeing strangers, who lack friendship and have little in common.
Casual relationship or "Friends with benefits":the sexual or near-sexual and emotional relationship between two peoplewho don't expect or demand to share a formal romantic relationship. Inthe U.S., this is considered "a fling".
Blood brother or blood sister: may refer to people related by birth, or a circle of friends who swear loyalty by mingling the blood of each member together.
Open relationship: a relationship, usually between two people, that agree each partner is free to have sexual intercourse with others outside the relationship. When this agreement is made between a married couple, it's called an open marriage.
Roommate: a person who shares a room or apartment (flat) with another person and do not share a familial or romantic relationship.
Imaginary friend:a non-physical friend created by a child. It may be seen as badbehavior or even taboo (some religious parents even consider theirchild to be possessed by an evil spirit), but is most commonly regardedas harmless, typical childhood behavior. The friend may or may not behuman, and commonly serves a protective purpose.
Spiritual friendship:the buddhist ideal of kalyana-mitra, that is a relationship betweenfriends with a common interest, though one person may have moreknowledge and experience than the other. The relationship is theresponsibility of both friends and both bring something to it.

Makcik punya yang mana? Ke ada yang lain?

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Post time 9-7-2009 04:19 AM | Show all posts
Duduk Diantara  seorang lelaki dan seorang wanita yang bukan muhrim ialah syaitan ditengah tengahnya........

Sejauhmanakah kita berikan fokus pada amaran agama kita  ini dalam menjalinkan perhubungan keakraban dgn lelaki atau wanita yang bukan muhrim kita??????


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