Sakit after treatments for cancer (innalillah for her..)
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I don't wish to side anybody. My thinking on supplements is that, if our body is not strong enough ie. not getting enough nutrition from food, then we should & need to get supplements. For example, in my case, I have joint problems due to fracture. I cannot get enough nutrition for bone healing & cartilage from the food I consume. I have to take supplements.
As for cancer patients, my aunt had throat cancer. She could not eat properly. She became very weak. Not just because of the cancer, but also because the growth in her throat made it impossible for her to eat normally. Supplements were necessary for her to keep her strength up to endure her surgery. Her surgery was planned for 5 hours but it ended up being double than that (more than 10 hours).
Post-op she was fed through a tube straight to her tummy. After that liquid diet. Her surgery was in March this year. I just met her last night at a cousin's wedding. She looks well enough despite the ordeal she went through. I believe its a combination of factors, first of all its God's Will, followed by good medical care (credit goes to PPUM doctors, nurses and the whole team:pompom , supplements, nutritious food and follow-up care.
Don't just brush things off. Listen and evaluate. If you think the supplements can help then take it. But make sure you ask your doctors first if it is safe to be taken. I don't think supplements should be all and end all. Patients with chronic diaseases such as cancer require medical treatment. No amount of supplements can cure cancer. I know this for a fact because my sister works as a cancer researcher. She's got patents to her name. But cure for cancer still eludes her. |
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Post Last Edit by blackmore at 11-10-2009 14:33
takziah Mily...saya doa yg terbaik buat smua yg masih hidup dan yg telah meninggal dunia...
baru perasan thread ni....a very good discussion tp ada dok promote yg merapu......harap bijak pandai disini dapat memberi awareness pada forumer2 lain yg kurang mengetahui...tq
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