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Author: tora bora

Can God Become A Man? Can God Have A Son?

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Post time 9-2-2011 02:08 AM | Show all posts
Aren't you a Muslim sonny? You dare not even admit that Allah is god? What kind of Muslim are  ...
DavidW Post at 8-2-2011 23:31

Sonny has got priorities that needs to be kept in check. That I can respect. How about you Davido? You got any priorities that needs to be kept under lock and key and in check too??


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Post time 9-2-2011 02:10 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by m_fire at 9-2-2011 11:43

Reply 78# sky_ephemeris

The spiritual part of Muhammad s.a.w. & 'Isa a.s. originated right from the same source = AHMAD/The Praised One's/Prime Spirit/Holy Comforter/Holy Spirit/Roh Quddus or whatever... That's why 'Isa mentioned Ahmad, not Muhammad instead... he's actually talking about the spiritual part of Muhammad, not that physical part of him.

Yes! like 'Isa himself, Muhammad's physical part/body also behave like any mortal human being on earth. But, what about their spiritual part/being?

'Isa, Muhammad & all other prophet's profile data:
Physical being = ana basyarum mithlukum (i'm just a human being amongst you olz too)
Spiritual being = rohmatan lil 'alameen (the holy blesser for the whole Universe)

This combination (of spiritual part & physical part) is what we call: Insaan Kamil-Mukaamil @ Holy Divine Being.

Note: just don't worship them like God eyh? b'coz if we go through deep enough in Spiritualism, we'll know that they're are nor any different from us. And... don't ask any of this 'weirdo' kinda' stuff from those non-spiritual puak @ lobai junjong kitab @ yelling hukom fekah ke huluw and dalil naql-'aql ke hiler, they'll cut your head off

Ps: ok, i'll stop my mumbo-jumbo's story tale here. C&C's board otai will curse me like hell for my off topic-ing's craps

(posted by mobile)

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Post time 9-2-2011 07:10 AM | Show all posts
Muhammad is just a human being, and Jesus never stated the coming of muhammad. The Holy Spirit that He has mentioned is already arrived after few days Jesus resurrected, and this Holy Spirit is long existence way before the creation of the world nor humankind. This has been clearly stated in the bible, not 600 yrs after Jesus said so. Funny to see you guys always keep referring to portion of the bible to support your belief but denied the rest of it.

There is no portion truth, bro. It's the whole truth.


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Post time 9-2-2011 07:54 AM | Show all posts
Sonny has got priorities that needs to be kept in check. That I can respect. How about you Davido? ...
jfreemanns Post at 9-2-2011 02:08

Priorities like Muslim pretending not to be Muslim on the forum?

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Post time 9-2-2011 02:16 PM | Show all posts
Aren't you a Muslim sonny? You dare not even admit that Allah is god? What kind of Muslim are  ...
DavidW Post at 8-2-2011 23:31

did i step on your tail AGAIN mr DEBMEY cum mr DAVID?  which of my posts that ruffle your feathers?  hehe

so what if ME MUSLIM?  it wouldnt change my views on trinity/twoness, right?

and where's your thread on allah?  chicken?

anyhow me awaiting your intellectual explanation on wiki's masterpiece on JESUS = GOD or JESUS is ACTUALLY GOD THE SON cum GOD THE FATHER CUM GOD THE HOLY SPIRIT.  

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Post time 9-2-2011 02:21 PM | Show all posts
Sonny has got priorities that needs to be kept in check. That I can respect. How about you Davido? ...
jfreemanns Post at 9-2-2011 02:08

my priorities are simple - expose trinity/twoness' weaknesses and yakety yak on israeli PALESTINIAN conflict.  if these make me MUSLIM so be it.  

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Post time 9-2-2011 02:26 PM | Show all posts
Reply 83# kompia23

    salute man.  why?  coz you've stayed unruffle.  

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Post time 9-2-2011 02:30 PM | Show all posts
Priorities like Muslim pretending not to be Muslim on the forum?
DavidW Post at 9-2-2011 07:54

    so SONNY is a MUSLIM like those countless forummers out there who wanna expose trinity/twoness deception err weaknesses.  on with the show now.  wheres your so000oo00 easy explanation on trinity?  where?  

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Post time 9-2-2011 03:11 PM | Show all posts
Trinity is perfect sonny. What is there to expose?

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Post time 9-2-2011 03:23 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by sky_ephemeris at 9-2-2011 15:32
"Insaan Kamil-Mukaamil @ Holy Divine Being"

There you go, Sonny dear. Muslim themselves admit this but yet we are still accused as worshiping man although we just describing the perfect nature of Jesus Christ. Of course, you are not worshiping Jesus, dear. You are worshiping the Sole Creator of Universe which is God although I dunno which sacrament are you following as a Unitarian Christian, whether you celebrate Sabbath, Purim, Shmitah, eats not most of the seafoods, taking kosher foods, sub-termed under Halachic law and Rabbinical jurisdiction, and etc?

Did I mention anywhere here that Jesus is a god, a theo in Greek or dewa in Bahasa?
I did told everyone that when we recite our prayers for nossa Madre Santa Maria
from massals, we use Christotokos which means a madre do Cristos (ibu kepada al-Masih)
instead of reciting it with Theotokos (ibu kepada dewa, tuhan) like what you understood when seeing
Western branch of Catholics prayers.

Can everyone differentiate what is Christo (messiah) and Theo (dewa)?
However, still, those Western branch of Catholics are Christians to me

And Muslim friends, I do sometimes call Jesus the son of God when referring him. Not as the Son of God nor I call him Lord but lord just like in Arabic when you call Muhammad as your lord (saidina Muhammad). In Arabic I may call Jesus as saidina Yasu' al-Masih (our lord Jesus the Christ) There are differences in letters like capital letters and etc that shown what is that the matter I actually referring means to me.

The problem here is that, you are all accusing us because of the few terms used in English or Latin while when you translate everything back from your religious references to Muhammad, it will appears too that you are the worshiper of a man with divine revelation. Anyway, that won't change my faith to Jesus Christ as a MAJOR prophet whatsoever you want to accuse us in term of language usage. That is why I'm proposing, check back not only Western Christians theological bacground but also Eastern and Oriental branch of Christianity arguments background. Bila cakap pasal Kristian saja, saya tahu awak semua mesti akan rujuk ke Barat, memang tipikal sangat

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Post time 9-2-2011 04:43 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by sonny~~ at 9-2-2011 16:45
Trinity is perfect sonny. What is there to expose?
DavidW Post at 9-2-2011 15:11

    DECEPTIVELY perfect?  hold it O MOD.  lemme continue.

if trinity's perfect how comE wiki apologized for CONTROVERSIES?  and why should IT be developed?  well?  

from wikipedia
The doctrine developed from the biblical language used in New Testament passages such as the baptismal formula in Matthew 28:19 and took substantially its present form by the end of the 4th century as a result of controversies concerning the proper sense in which to apply to God and Christ terms such as "person", "nature", "essence", and "substance".[4][5][6][7]

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Post time 9-2-2011 05:01 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by sonny~~ at 9-2-2011 17:03
I do sometimes call Jesus the son of God when referring him. Not as the Son of God nor I call him Lord but lord just like in Arabic when you call Muhammad as your lord (saidina Muhammad).

inother words you dont treat jesus as GOD right?  but wiki said JESUS = GOD THE SON = GOD THE FATHER = GOD THE HOLY SPIRIT.  right?  can i say you dont believe jesus is GOD?  yes or no suffice.

Anyway, that won't change my faith to Jesus Christ as a MAJOR prophet whatsoever you want to accuse us in term of language usage.
sky_ephemeris Post at 9-2-2011 15:23

so which is which?  you believe jesus is GOD?  yes or no suffice.  

from wikipedia
God exists as three persons but is one God, meaning that God the Son and God the Holy Spirit have exactly the same nature or being as God the Father in every way.[3] Whatever attributes and power God the Father has, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit have as well.[3] "Thus, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit are also eternal, omnipresent, omnipotent, infinitely wise, infinitely holy, infinitely loving, omniscient."[3]

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Post time 9-2-2011 07:22 PM | Show all posts
There you go, Sonny dear. Muslim themselves a ...
sky_ephemeris Post at 9-2-2011 07:23

Dun wori Sista, i know many Muslims around the world are not really easy going with that terms Divine/Diva/Dewa/Dewata etc. These will trigger/remind  them about Dewa Hindu, Dewa Greek, Dewa Kayangan and so on... :)

Even if i interprete Divine as ketuhanan & god-like persona, they still raise their eye-brow along with :shakehead3: but if i say: 'kerohanian yg sempurna' or 'insaan yg sempurna lagi menyempurnakan' or the holy perfect being, they'll act like: ok fine, but no tuhan2 or dewa-dewi related eyh? :lol:

It's just a matter of 'khilaf' = pelbagai cabang or ragam pentafsiran istilah kata-bahasa you know... :)

(posted by mobile)

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Post time 10-2-2011 11:41 AM | Show all posts
Can i say you dont believe jesus is GOD?

You've got the answer in your question, Sonny The one that you displayed from wikipedia does not really reflect us the Eastern Catholic, Orthodox, and Apostolic Christians

All of the miracles, mukjizat anything that Jesus possesed came from the Divine source which is from God the Father

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Post time 10-2-2011 01:35 PM | Show all posts
You've got the answer in your question, Sonny  The one that you displayed from wikipedia do ...
sky_ephemeris Post at 10-2-2011 11:41

so you dont believe jesus is GOD right?  thats despite your previous post in which you said - That Diophysitism or twoness of natures of Jesus Christ is our position.  i take "twoness of natures' as believing jesus is god, hence the twoness or binitarian christianity.  anyhow you're a unitarian.  mark you jews our ancestors and jesus' people dont believe jesus is god.  we abide by the 10 commandments.  hence we're on right path.  welcome home  

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Post time 10-2-2011 03:24 PM | Show all posts
Why is your English so poor sonny. Where were you educated? In Malaysia?

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Post time 10-2-2011 08:42 PM | Show all posts
Why is your English so poor sonny. Where were you educated? In Malaysia?
DavidW Post at 10-2-2011 15:24

    whats my english got to do with lady SKY being unitarian?  hysterical - tantrum - heckling - AGAIN?  

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Post time 10-2-2011 10:54 PM | Show all posts
Your English really sucks. I have problem understanding what you are writing.
Were you educated in Malaysia?

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Post time 10-2-2011 11:14 PM | Show all posts
Your English really sucks. I have problem understanding what you are writing.
Were you educated in ...
DavidW Post at 10-2-2011 22:54

    lame excuse wouldnt keep trinity erect.  no sire  

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Post time 11-2-2011 01:27 AM | Show all posts
You mean your Muhamad get permanent erection in heaven?

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