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Author: tobby

Syria..Apa yang berlaku sebenarnya???

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Post time 15-4-2012 02:12 PM | Show all posts
Base US kat riyadh tu , ibu negara dan bandar terbesar di saudi arabia ! Tengok ayat2 yang aku merahkan kat artikel bawah ni tu , terutama ayat nih  "giving the American troops the chance to easily support their potential invasions in the area"  .... eeee mengerikan aje laaa ..... Belum memadai kau kata ?
blastoff Post at 15-4-2012 13:53

Dari segi logiknya Amerika juga perlukan Saudi, sebab tu dia perlu ada 'base' kat saudi jika ada sesiapa nak serang Saudi.

Buat apa saya nak berhujjah mempertahankan Saudi? Kan saya dah kata mereka tu sekutu Amerika juga, cuma kebelakangan ni sokongan kepada Amerika dah berkurang. Jikalau anda tak percaya, tak mengapa, bukan paksaan pun. Kalau nak berhujjah isu semasa, memang jadi panjang sebab sumber media tu sendiri ada banyak, ada yang betul, ada yang tak betul, ada yang samar-samar.

Anda mempunyai daya pemikiran kritis yang begitu baik, saya akui dan saya lihat bagaimana anda berhujjah dengan begitu baik secara logik berkaitan 'Babi Haram' di sub board.

Saya bukannya mempertahankan siapa-siapa, cuma saya ajak sama-sama berdoa untuk kebaikan semua (orang Islam). Zaman ni banyak fitnah yang melanda.

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Post time 15-4-2012 02:13 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by blastoff at 15-4-2012 14:14

Ok la ni mai kita pakat2 cari kat internet apa fatwa yang ulamak2 seluruh dunia dah keluarkan pasal pengkalan2 tentera amerika kat saudi arabia ni dan pasal kerjasama erat tak hengat oleh pemimpin2 saudi arabia dengan pemimpin amerika nih .... dan fatwanya adalah ..... let the drum roll begin .....

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Post time 15-4-2012 02:15 PM | Show all posts
Reply 82# blastoff

Ok...mungkin boleh buat thread baru pasal Amerika-Saudi, sebab thread ni pasal Syria...

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Post time 15-4-2012 02:22 PM | Show all posts


Kami memfatwakan bahawa adalah HARAM berkhidmat dalam bentuk apa jua kedudukan terhadap Pihak Tentera Syiria buat sementara waktu. Adalah suatu tangungjawap untuk memisahkan diri daripada Pihak Tentera bahkan kalian mesti menentang tindakan mereka!tobby Post at 15-4-2012 12:45

kenapa ada double standard dalam mengeluarkan fatwa ? Kenapa dengan askar2 amerika yang sentiasa membunuh orang2 awam di merata negara tu boleh pulak kerajaan arab saudi bekerjasama erat tak mau2 ? Kenapa fatwa yang sama tak di keluarkan untuk kerajaan arab saudi menghentikan segala bentuk kerjasama dan bantuannya pada askar2 amerika ?

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Post time 15-4-2012 02:24 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by blastoff at 15-4-2012 14:37
Reply  blastoff

Ok...mungkin boleh buat thread baru pasal Amerika-Saudi, sebab thread ni pasal S ...
mnm77 Post at 15-4-2012 14:15

Ia di panggil isu berbangkit so ia ada kena mengena dengan thread ni .... ia berkait dengan apa yang berlaku di syria juga, kerana keseluruhannya merupakan plan amerika dengan bantuan para pemimpin "sunni" untuk menjadikan keseluruhan rakyat negara2 arab sebagai pelarian atau paria dari iraq hingga ke syria dan akhirnya arab saudi . Lihat dari perspektif yang lebih luas. Apa yang berlaku memperlihatkan double standard,  tindakan kebanyakan umat Islam memperlihatkan mereka melihat dengan sebelah mata dan tak adil langsung ( tak semua la gitu )  !

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Post time 15-4-2012 03:19 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by blastoff at 15-4-2012 15:28

Ni berita tiga hari yang lalu , memperlihatkan betapa eratnya hubungan ketenteraan kerajaan saudi arabia dengan kerajaan Amerika ... so pasai pa tak dak fatwa ulamak mana pun yang mengharamkan kerjasama militari lagu nih ?   Pasai pa kat tentera syria saja itu haram ini haram ? Pasai pa double standard dalam berfatwa?  


Saudi defense minister meets Obama, stresses strategic ties

Thursday, 12 April 2012

Saudi Defense Minister Prince Salman bin Abdul Aziz and U.S. president Barrack Obama stressed in their meeting the strong and strategic partnership that ties the two countries. (Al Arabiya)

By Pierre Ghanem

In the midst of security concerns preoccupying the Gulf region and several upheavals throughout the Arab world, Saudi Defense Minister Prince Salman bin Abdul Aziz visited Washington to discuss key issues and stress strategic cooperation.

Both Abdul Aziz and U.S. president Barrack Obama stressed in their meeting the strong and strategic partnership that ties the two countries, according to a White House statement.

The Saudi embassy in the United States said bin Abdul Aziz discussed several bilateral and regional issues and held a “fruitful dialogue.”

The United States and Saudi Arabia cooperate on several levels, on top of which are regional security, the war on terror, and energy. The two countries have maintained this strong relationship throughout different American administration and Saudi King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz visited the White House in 2010.

The U.S. signed last year a deal to provide Saudi with 80 F-15 warplanes. Saudi also takes part in annual military exercises with the U.S. in the states of Nevada and California.

Prince bin Abdul Aziz’s visit comes at a time when concerns over Iran’s nuclear program are remarkably increasing and also at a time when more cooperation between U.S. and Saudi is required to face that danger.

Military cooperation between Saudi Arabia and the United States is made easier because both countries follow a similar military structure, said Anthony Cordesman of the Center for Strategic and International Studies.
According to Cordesman, both the United States and Saudi Arabia follow the same military structure that constitutes a forceful deterrent to any threat.

However, Cordesman added, the Saudi Arabian army is not yet ready to face missile threats and that is why it needs to buy new anti-missile technologies and the same applies to other Gulf countries.

For Cordesman, Saudi Arabia has been forming a strong security force that contributed to maintaining stability in the region. This stability, he argued, is also linked to the abundance of energy sources.

U.S.-Saudi cooperation is not confined to political and security issues, but also extends to energy. The flow of Saudi oil contributes to the security of the United States and this is expected to last till 2035 at least.

The United States and Saudi Arabia need each other and this becomes clear in the way each of them stresses the significance of its strong ties with the other and the parity between both. It is against this backdrop that Prince Salman bin Abdul Aziz paid Obama a visit in Washington.

(Translated from Arabic by Sonia Farid)


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Post time 15-4-2012 03:31 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by mnm77 at 15-4-2012 15:33
awat tak dak sapa nak lancarkan jihad ? Aku dengar cengkerik berbunyi .... senyap sunyi aje mana ulamak yang dok riuh suruh lancarkan jihad kat syria nih ? Awat ulamak tu tak nasihat kan para pemimpin saudi arabia agar TUTUP la pengkalan tentera US yang berlambak2 tu haa .
blastoff Post at 15-4-2012 14:01

Sebenarnya ada Ulama, termasuk Ulama Saudi sendiri yang bangkitkan isu pengkalan US di Saudi, tetapi suara mereka tenggelam. Ada kedengaran Ulama ditangkap jika berdoa di khalayak umum. Yang agresif pula, macam Osama, diburu kerajaan Saudi sendiri dan juga Amerika... akhirnya?

Dari segi hubugnan ekonomi memang Amerika dan Saudi saling memerlukan. Dari segi hubungan diplomatik, ada yang Saudi tak setuju dengan Amerika, tapi sebab nak jaga hubungan ekonomi, maka terpaksalah berbaik-baik dengan Amerika.

Kerajaan Saudi tak boleh dikaitkan 100% dengan tindakan dan suara Ulama yang tidak kedengaran umum. Permainan politik memang boleh mengelirukan ramai orang...

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Post time 15-4-2012 03:37 PM | Show all posts
Ia di panggil isu berbangkit so ia ada kena mengena dengan thread ni .... ia berkait dengan apa yang berlaku di syria juga, kerana keseluruhannya merupakan plan amerika dengan bantuan para pemimpin "sunni" untuk menjadikan keseluruhan rakyat negara2 arab sebagai pelarian atau paria dari iraq hingga ke syria dan akhirnya arab saudi . Lihat dari perspektif yang lebih luas. Apa yang berlaku memperlihatkan double standard,  tindakan kebanyakan umat Islam memperlihatkan mereka melihat dengan sebelah mata dan tak adil langsung ( tak semua la gitu )  !
blastoff Post at 15-4-2012 14:24

Mungkin juga Amerika sedang plan supaya Sunni-Syiah bergaduh, lebih senang mereka nak ngap kedua-dua sekali. Lihat di Iraq....

Apapun, rakyat Syria sendiri yang lebih memahami situasi negara mereka....

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 Author| Post time 15-4-2012 05:02 PM | Show all posts
Saya tak menyebelahi mana-mana pihak.

Mungkin ni jawapannya: Yang Syiah banyak lari ke Syria ...
mnm77 Post at 15-4-2012 12:53

x kiralah mana pemimpin pun. mana yg perangai mcm firaun wajib dijatuhkan.

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 Author| Post time 15-4-2012 05:49 PM | Show all posts
pembunuhan demi pembunuhan oleh rejim Assad.

كيف سنلعب مع أطفالنا ونراهم يضحكون بين أيدينا وهذا الأب رأى أطفاله هكذا ....!!!
how could we play with our children while this man saw his kids scattered like this.


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Post time 15-4-2012 09:01 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by blastoff at 15-4-2012 21:29
Mungkin juga Amerika sedang plan supaya Sunni-Syiah bergaduh, lebih senang mereka nak ngap kedua-dua sekali. Lihat di Iraq....

Apapun, rakyat Syria sendiri yang lebih memahami situasi negara mereka....mnm77 Post at 15-4-2012 15:37

Kerajaan Amerika dengan bantuan kerajaan Saudi dari sudut logistik ketenteraan sedang melaksanakan pembunuhan secara rambang yang dipanggil "targetted killings" umat Islam di Pakistan dan Yemen pada SETIAP HARI , yang memberi makna pembunuhan umat islam secara sistematik tanpa mengira usia tiap-tiap hari  !

Sesiapa saja yang CIA gelarkan sebagai "islamist militant" akan di bom menggunakan drone tanpa bicara, tanpa mahkamah, tanpa juri ,tanpa hakim, tanpa undang2 lagi dah ....kalau kau rasa undang2 ISA kat M'sia kejam maka undang2 rimba zaman jurassic park yang kerajaan Amerika dan kerajaan Saudi Arabia nih amalkan lagi super duper gaban kejam kekdahnya !

Bukti terpampang di depan mata akan kekejaman kerajaan saudi arabia tapi tuptup kerajaan assad plak yang di hukum sebagai pembunuh rakyatnya tanpa perbicaraan tanpa hakim tanpa undang2 tanpa bukti kukuh , so dia pun suffer nasib sama macam umat islam kat pakistan dan yemen nampak gayanya ....! Kena tuduh aje terus bersalah tak mau2 dah tanpa banyak soal lagi dah plak ? Gitu lah perangai kebanyakan umat Islam akhir zaman nih, mudah sangat percaya pada propaganda kerajaan Amerika .

Kau baca artikel kat bawah ni .... implikasi amat hebat dari kekejaman polisi kerajaan Amerika bermakna hukuman mati kepada SEMUA UMAT ISLAM TANPA MENGIRA USIA DI MANA SAJA !


CIA Drones Kill Large Groups Without Knowing Who They Are

The expansion of the CIA’s undeclared drone war in the tribal areas of Pakistan required a big expansion of who can be marked for death. Once the standard for targeted killing was top-level leadership in al-Qaeda or one of its allies. That’s long gone, especially as the number of people targeted at once has grown.

This is the new standard, according to a blockbuster piece in the Wall Street Journal: “men believed to be militants associated with terrorist groups, but whose identities aren’t always known.” The CIA is now killing people without knowing who they are, on suspicion of association with terrorist groups. The article does not define the standards are for “suspicion” and “association.”
Strikes targeting those people — usually “groups” of such people — are called “signature” strikes. “The bulk of CIA’s drone strikes are signature strikes,” the Journal‘s Adam Entous, Siobhan Gorman and Julian E. Barnes report.

And bulk really means bulk. The Journal reports that the growth in clusters of people targeted by the CIA has required the agency to tell its Pakistani counterparts about mass attacks. When the agency expects to kill 20 or more people at once, then it’s got to give the Pakistanis notice.

Determining who is a target not a question of intelligence collection. The cameras on the CIA fleet of Predators and Reapers work just fine. It’s a question of intelligence analysis — interpreting the imagery collected from the drones, and from the spies and spotters below, to understand who’s a terrorist and who, say, drops off the terrorists’ laundry. Admittedly, in a war with a shadowy enemy, it can be difficult to distinguish between the two.

Fundamentally, though, it’s a question of policy: whether it’s acceptable for the CIA to kill someone without truly knowing if he’s the bombsmith or the laundry guy.

The Journal reports that the CIA’s willingness to strike without such knowledge — sanctioned, in full, by President Barack Obama — is causing problems for the State Department and the military.

As we’ve written this week, the high volume of drone strikes in the Pakistani tribal areas contributes to Pakistani intransigence on another issue of huge importance to the U.S.: convincing Pakistan to deliver the insurgent groups it sponsors to peace talks aimed at ending the Afghanistan war. The drones don’t cause that intransigence. Pakistan’s leaders, after all, cooperate with the drones and exploit popular anti-American sentiment to shake down Washington. The strikes become cards for Pakistan to play, however cynically.

The State Department is sick of it. It fears the rise of really anti-American leadership in Pakistan, riding into power on a wave of outrage over the drones. The Journal reports that earlier this year, the State Department gained greater say over targeting. So did the military, which fears Pakistan cutting off the supply routes to Afghanistan that run through its territory.

The CIA is still in control. Not only has it beefed up its drone patrols to 14 “orbits,” each consisting of three Predators or Reapers, but it’s moved many of its drones out of Pakistan and onto Afghanistan bases.  That’s a statement of unilateral control, even as it gives the Pakistanis a bit more insight into drone operations.

“It’s not like they took the car keys away from the CIA,” an anonymous senior official tells the Journal. “There are just more people in the car.”

And the basic question — Who should be targeted? — hasn’t changed. The default answer, to put it bluntly, is: Whomever the CIA can. Clive Stafford Smith, a human rights lawyer, points to a consequence: A young man named Tariq was killed in a drone strike with his 12-year old cousin, Waheed Khan, while driving their aunt home.

Tariq was a good kid, and courageous,” Stafford Smith writes. “My warm hand recently touched his in friendship; yet, within three days, his would be cold in death, the rigor mortis inflicted by my government.”

As long as the CIA — now backed by the military and the State Department — has a free hand to wage the secret drone war in tribal Pakistan, it will continue to bottle up al-Qaida and its allies, degrading the threat they pose. They will also kill more Tariqs and Waheeds. And because the drone war remains a classified CIA program, the CIA will not have to account for its actions to anybody, least of all the U.S. or Pakistani publics.

Photo: U.S. Army Central Command

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Post time 15-4-2012 09:13 PM | Show all posts

U.S. drones attack militants in Pakistan, Yemen

By Mark Hosenball

WASHINGTON |         Sat Mar 31, 2012 5:29am EDT

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S.-operated drones carried out deadly missile strikes against suspected al Qaeda targets in Pakistan and Yemen on Friday, U.S. government sources said.

There was no connection between the targets in the two locations, other than the fact that both sets of militants who were attacked were believed to have had some connection with al Qaeda affiliates, according to the sources.

Reports from Aden said that at least five suspected al Qaeda militants traveling in a car in southern Yemen's Shabwa province were killed when a drone strike set their vehicle on fire. Witnesses said a second drone hit an empty building.

In Miranshah, the main town in Pakistan's North Waziristan region, a drone strike killed four suspected militants and wounded three others, local intelligence officials and militants said. An intelligence official claimed the dead men were local Taliban militants.

Both drone strikes are understood to have been conducted as part of a long-running campaign intended to kill and disrupt al-Qaeda using missile-firing drones operated by the Central Intelligence Agency, which declines comment on such operations.

U.S. officials cited the latest drone attacks as a refutation of recent news reports suggesting the United States was curtailing drone operations.

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Post time 15-4-2012 09:19 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by blastoff at 15-4-2012 21:35

So bersiap sedia lah wahai umat islam di seluruh dunia sekelian untuk di tuduh sebagai "islamist militant" pada bila2 masa aje lalu di bom oleh drone2 tanpa belas kasihan lagi dah seluruh keluarga anda termasuk sesiapa saja yang berhampiran anda tak kiralah haiwan atau manusia  ... apabila ia boleh berlaku di yemen dan pakistan maka ia boleh berlaku di memana saja di dunia !

Kerajaan Assad kejam ? Sekurang-kurangnya dia tak pi bunuh umat islam di merata negara setiap hari dengan bom2 dari drone2 yang tak mengenal mangsa ittew yang mampu merobek dan meledakkan dari orang tua, wanita hingga ke baby dalam buai !

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Post time 15-4-2012 09:31 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by blastoff at 15-4-2012 21:36

put yourself in their shoes for once .... apa anda rasa apabila anda sedap2 travel dalam kereta bersama famili anda lalu seluruh kereta anda meletup hanya kerana anda disyaki oleh CIA sebagai militan islamik .... di syaki aje tapi anda dan seluruh keluarga anda dah berkecai kena bom !

Kemudian anda dan seluruh famili anda termasuk baby anda yang sedang menyusu masuk dalam statistik sebagai islamik militan yang terkorban lalu kerajaan amerika dan kerajaan saudi arabia menarik nafas lega kerana musuh mereka dah mati berkecai dalam pengeboman itu !

Apakejadah punya kejamnya sampai tahap tu sekali !

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Post time 15-4-2012 09:57 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by blastoff at 15-4-2012 21:59

Ish ish ish , ropa-ropanya US drones dah beroperasi dah kat asia tenggara nih, dah pun berjaya membunuh the so called " islamic militants" yang merupakan bekas para pejuang mujahideen yang nakkan negara Islam tertegak ! Tak perlu masuk mahkamah tak perlu perbicaraan , once suspected always guilty kekdahnya

La ni time pejuang abu sayaf untuk kojoi , esok2 ni sapa pulak yang akan bergelar islamik militan yang bakal menerima ledakan bom dari drone2 ittew ?


US drones circle over the Philippines
By Jacob Zenn

A United States-supported airstrike that destroyed with causalities an Abu Sayyaf hideout on the remote island of Jolo in the southern Philippines represented the first known use of the unmanned aerial assault craft in the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) counter-insurgency operations against terrorism-linked rebel groups.

The drone attack early this month reportedly killed 15 Abu Sayyaf and Jemaah Islamiyah operatives, including three most-wanted terrorist leaders - Zulkifli bin Hir (alias Marwan), Gumbahali Jumdail (alias Doc Abu), and Mumanda Ali (alias Muawayah) - and raised the level of US-Philippine military cooperation.

Marwan was the most wanted foreign terrorist in the Philippines, with the US State Department offering a US$5 million reward for information leading to his capture. A Malaysian national, he was formerly  a member of the Indonesia-based JI's central command, known as the markaziyah,  and a founder of the Kumpulan Mujahidin Malaysia, an organization comprised  mostly of former Soviet-era Afghan mujahideen who advocated for the overthrow of  then Malaysian prime minister Mahathir Mohammed's government and the creation of  an Islamic State

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Post time 15-4-2012 10:01 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by blastoff at 15-4-2012 22:02

Looks like the drones are getting closer to us here in malaysia ! Masih rasa selamat lagi kah ? Masih terus nak menyangka bahwa apa yang menimpa umat islam di pakistan dan yemen takkan sesekali menimpa kita di Asia tenggara nih ? Masih nak marahkan presiden syria aje walaupun dah jelas sangat dah yang dia di cop itu ini hanya kerana dia anti ngan kerajaan amerika itu  ?

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Post time 16-4-2012 08:12 AM | Show all posts
So blastoff, siapa yang bunuh rakyat Syria tu?

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Post time 16-4-2012 08:59 AM | Show all posts
kalu iktkan fakta2 korang..nampak gaya arab saudi dah lama membelakangi agama...dia dah berpelukan ngan amerika kan...baik kaabah tu pindahkan aja ke tanah lebih suci...malaysia co0ntohnya

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Post time 16-4-2012 09:01 AM | Show all posts
tapi tak apa...sekurang2nya bersyukurlah...kaabah akan terlindung selagi amerika berpelukan ngan arab saudi neh  

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Post time 16-4-2012 09:20 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by mnm77 at 16-4-2012 09:26
tapi tak apa...sekurang2nya bersyukurlah...kaabah akan terlindung selagi amerika berpelukan ngan ara ...
putput Post at 16-4-2012 09:01

Haramain (Makkah dan Madinah) tetap akan terjaga, ni dari Hadith Sahih, Malaikat tetap jaga 2 kota suci itu.

Bukan semua perkara yang Saudi setuju dengan Amerika, ni contoh:
Saudis 'refuse to let America use bases for attacks on Iraq'
SAUDI ARABIA has told Vice-President Dick Cheney that American forces will not be allowed to use the kingdom's territory to launch military strikes against Iraq.

Launching a war on Iraq would be "catastrophic" for regional security, Al-Watan, a local newspaper, reported.

Saudi Arabia served as command centre for the 1991 Gulf war in which an American-led coalition drove Iraqi forces out of Kuwait. A military onslaught against Saddam Hussein would be hard to imagine without the use of Saudi bases.

Mr cheney met Crown Prince Abdullah, Saudi Arabia's de facto ruler, on Saturday as part of an 11-nation tour.

The newspaper said that, instead of using force, Washington should lead international efforts to make Iraq comply with UN resolutions. ... ttacks-on-Iraq.html

Sebab tu US dah tak berapa percaya kat Saudi, tapi disebabkan hubungan 2 hala dan MINYAK, maka permainan politik tetap berlaku...

WAllahu a'lam

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