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Author: nightlord

Why are muslims killing each other?

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Post time 23-6-2013 12:35 PM | Show all posts
wkk5159 posted on 23-6-2013 11:27 AM
Someone here love to use the Prof Cole rancid pie chart to justify his claims, alright, i guess it i ...

Ha ha , what a long winded answer. You still have not address my point. The participants in the killings were christians per the data by Prof Juan Cole. This mean 2 things
(1) christians are killing each other be it religious or political violence
(2) separation of church and state does not help

I reproduce the pie chart by Prof Cole :

It still doesn't end there. The conflict by christians still tops the chart. Ex President George 'god spoke to me' Bush invaded Iraq and Afghanistan on the pretext of WMDs. More than a decade has passed .... where are the WMDs? Over a million of innocents have been killed in the process whch created instability in the region.

You in trying to be an apologist cites imperialism. Pssst .... it is imperialism by the christians? The following are some quotes by
(1) Gen Allenby , ww1 upon entering Jerusalem in 1917
Today the wars of the wars of the crusades are completed

Although he denied stating such
Excerpt from the book - Wood made Flesh : The Twelfth Imam by Paul M Perkins , pg 97

(2) Gen Gouraud entered Jerusalem in 1920 , kicked Saladin's tome and exclaimed
Awake Saladin , we have returned. My presence here consecrates the victory of Cross over Crescent

Excerpt from the book - Faith And Sword: A Short History of Christian-Muslim Conflict By Alan G. Jamieson , pg 8

Now we even have 'jesus rifle'. The ACOG scopes by Trijicon inscribed with biblical verses

The truth is that crazy christians like you will never be in peace until your crusade with the muslims is over. Its about time you come clean. Historical data has proven time and time again , christians are the most violent of all religious adherents.

Ha ha , got you again
Last edited by sam1528 on 23-6-2013 01:29 PM


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Post time 23-6-2013 12:35 PM | Show all posts
wkk5159 posted on 23-6-2013 12:05 PM
An old lecherous doggy ustazy is throwing a tantrum, how amusing !

Anything given by him is factual but others are fiction....

From the language he used, we are even more convinced he is more extreme than Al-Shabab ( same Sunni brethren like the serpent too !)

Mindless diatribe from you.

Provide data not harping and whining ..... which is all you aer good for .... ha ha

Last edited by sam1528 on 23-6-2013 01:27 PM


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Post time 23-6-2013 04:09 PM | Show all posts
The difference between a honest Samaritan intellects with substance and a diabolic delusional muslim charlatan is soooo......obvious !   


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Post time 23-6-2013 04:38 PM | Show all posts
There should be Death penalty For Apostates - Dr. Zakir Naik7/13/2009Should Apostates be killed? By Dr. Zakir Naik. Mullahs including Dr. Zakir Naik advocates that they have right to get converts from all the religions. While they ...


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Post time 23-6-2013 04:44 PM | Show all posts
Islam: "Whoever Changes His Religion - Kill Him" IV9/2/2009CNN Mon, March 27, 2006 An Afghan convert to Christianity undergoes tests that could see him avoid execution. ITN has more (March 27) ooo OOO ooo In Islamic law ...


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Post time 23-6-2013 06:50 PM | Show all posts
wkk5159 posted on 23-6-2013 04:09 PM
The difference between a honest Samaritan intellects with substance and a diabolic delusional muslim charlatan is soooo......obvious !    ...

Huh? You claim to be an intellect? Hmm
(1) trying to lie that deut17:12 is related to deut18:20 and twisting deut17:12 to mean that 'god to strike the person dead'
(2) not knowing that al shabab has been deemed an extremist orgainzation by the muslims themselves
(3) Do not even know what is data

Ha ha , all you have so far is just harping and whining. Can you provide any data to refute me? I reproduce Prof Juan Cole's data

Where is your data apart from examples here and there? Poor chap .... just harping and whining


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Post time 23-6-2013 07:05 PM | Show all posts
wkk5159 posted on 23-6-2013 04:38 PM
There should be Death penalty For Apostates - Dr. Zakir Naik7/13/2009Should Apostates be killed? By  Dr. Zakir Naik. Mullahs including Dr. Zakir Naik advocates that they have right to get converts from all the religions. While they ...

Did you listen to the video? Dr Zakir Naik equates apostasy to treason. This means the person leaves Islam and then does damage to the community. I do not understand what is the issue. This is what I have explained in post #57.

You are just going around in circles chasing your own backside. Ha ha .... you are just an aimless person who is only good in harping and whining


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Post time 23-6-2013 07:27 PM | Show all posts
wkk5159 posted on 23-6-2013 04:44 PM
Islam: "Whoever Changes His Religion - Kill Him" IV9/2/2009CNN Mon, March 27, 2006 An Afghan convert to Christianity undergoes tests that could see him avoid execution. ITN has more (March 27) ooo OOO ooo In Islamic law ...

Hmmm , Abdul Rahman the afghan? If you really know your argument , you would not have used this. This man converted some 16 years ago and this became an issue because he tried to gain custody of his daughters after his divorce. Then his wife reported him to the authority citing that he became christian and tried to take their daughters away. Everything was ok for the past 13 odd years and it blew up due to custodial battle. BTW , his own father was the one who took his wife and daughters away from him as this man is unstable.
DIVORCE proceedings bring out the worst in people. When Abdul Rahman tried to get custody of his daughters in Kabul, Afghanistan, his wife's family told the court that he was unfit to care for his children because he had converted from Islam to Christianity some 16 years ago. A zealous prosecutor, hearing of the case, charged Mr. Rahman with apostasy, a crime punishable by death under some interpretations of Islamic law.

Spiegel International is less favourable :
The interrogator has heard similar tall tales from asylum-seekers before, but this one is especially bizarre. The official notes that the man's statements were "unsubstantiated, contradictory and unbelievable," adding that Abdul Rahman Jawed made an especially "confused impression."

The German Rahman file, together with statements made by his brother, who has lived near Stuttgart since 1993, and a patient file from a clinic in Pakistan, tell a different story: that of the odyssey of a severely emotionally disturbed man who has been wandering aimlessly through the world for years, a man without a goal or a foothold. The file casts significant doubt on widely propagated theories that Rahman is a man driven by his faith and willingness to become a martyr. Instead, the file depicts a man driven by his psychoses and paranoia.

The medications apparently weren't working. Rahman obtained a divorce in 1995 after his wife decided that she had had enough. Jawid's father came to Pakistan to retrieve his daughter-in-law and his grandchildren.

Because of his history, even Rahman's brother refused to believe the stories Abdul tried to pan off on German authorities in 2000, especially the claims that someone had tried to kill him in Afghanistan.

In his first statement after arriving in Rome, Rahman said: "I know that I have lost my family, but that is the price I pay for my faith." However, instead of spending his first night praying in a country that guarantees freedom of religion, Rahman ate pizza and ordered one espresso after the next. Then he went to shave.

Christians like you can befriend these types. You can keep such people ..... no problems with us muslims

Last edited by sam1528 on 23-6-2013 07:33 PM


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Post time 23-6-2013 08:22 PM | Show all posts
A honest Samaritan intellect presents comprehensive analysis of a data such as;  Why i said this rancid pie chart by Prof Cole is dubious ? The above chart totally dismiss the millions massacred by Japan Imperial Army(Shintoism) in China and Asia Pacific in WWII. So much so for a so called "reputable" historian by the name of Juan Cole !  

But a diabolic delusional muslim charlatan is only good at concealing truth and propagating evil by barking; You are just going around in circles chasing your own backside. Ha ha .... you are just an aimless person who is only good in harping and whining, Ha ha , got you again, Ha ha .... liar liar .... pants on fire....

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Post time 23-6-2013 08:58 PM | Show all posts
sam1528 posted on 23-6-2013 07:27 PM
Hmmm , Abdul Rahman the afghan? If you really know your argument , you would not have used this. T ...

Really can't blame the evil shunned ears for not listening and understanding the phrase; "Only way to save Abdul Rahman is claiming that he is insane......"

Abdul Rahman is making a right move for renouncing Islam, he is one happy chap like the apostates in  

Afterall who in their right mind want to be a conscience deprived muslim like sam1528.........
Last edited by wkk5159 on 23-6-2013 09:00 PM


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Post time 23-6-2013 09:04 PM | Show all posts
sam1528 posted on 23-6-2013 07:05 PM
Did you listen to the video? Dr Zakir Naik equates apostasy to treason. This means the person leav ...

One imbecilic ustazy here can't even undertand simple English terms like Capital Punishment and Death Penalty.....truly amazing.

Debate with such idiot is indeed an insult to any brilliant forumer here, perhaps we all should start ignoring this imbecilic ustazy from now on.....


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Post time 23-6-2013 09:25 PM | Show all posts
Correction here, I was a philanthropist when i used the word "think" in my own sentence because the original site doesn't even imply the word "think", so the correct sentence should be;
78% of internet users voted that Islam is the most violent religion !

                                [+] serious ballot by dr132000                                
Religions have historically been behind much of the world's pain and sufferings.  Which religion is the best at causing pain, violence, and thus suffering?                       
Islam (Muslim) 78%
Christianity 15%
Judaism (Jews) 4%
I don't know 1%
Buddhism 0%
Hinduism 0%
Sikhism 0%
Jainism 0%


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 Author| Post time 23-6-2013 10:10 PM | Show all posts

Another example of killing of innocents by "good" muslims -

"PESHAWAR, Pakistan - Gunmen stormed a mountaineering base camp in northern Pakistan on Sunday and shot dead nine foreign trekkers and a Pakistani guide as they rested during an arduous climb up one of the world's tallest peaks, police said.

The night-time raid - which killed five Ukrainians, three Chinese and a Russian - was among the worst attacks on foreigners in Pakistan in a decade and underscored the growing reach of militants in a highland region once considered secure."

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 Author| Post time 23-6-2013 10:18 PM | Show all posts


Article link - ... death-to-apostates/

"Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi, host of a popular Al Jazeera television show and a highly influential Islamic cleric with a long history of poisonous views toward women, homosexuals and Jews, has now sanctioned the killing of those who leave Islam.

The 86-year-old Egyptian-born cleric, who has been called the spiritual and intellectual leader of Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood, aired his enlightened views on the deadly Islamic punishment for apostates on a recent broadcast of Shariah and Life — his long-running program that enjoys an estimated worldwide audience of 60 million viewers.

Qaradawi addressed his Al Jazeera viewers, quoting from a series of Koranic verses and hadiths, which read in part, “The punishment of those who wage war against Allah and His apostle is that they should be murdered or crucified…Kill whomever changes his faith [from Islam]…”

Moreover, according to Qaradawi, Islam’s diligent use of executing apostates had served to ensure Islam’s survival since the 15th century, telling viewers that “If they had gotten rid of the apostasy punishment Islam wouldn’t exist today.”

Unfortunately, Qaradawi’s on-air fatwa carries some considerable weight given his standing as one of the most influential Sunni Muslim clerics in the world, prominence gained as host of Shariah and Life, founder of the popular website IslamOnline and author of over 100 books on Islam.

Yet, while Qaradawi has studiously over the years tried to posit himself as the tolerant face of Islam, his efforts have been belied by his long-standing endorsement of, among other things, wife beating, Palestinian suicide bombers, and the killing of homosexuals and Jews.

For starters Qaradawi believes it acceptable under Islam to punish disobedient wives by using them as human speed bags, having once said that while beating a wife is “neither obligatory nor desirable” it is “acceptable as a method of last resort – though only lightly.”

For those who may be unclear as to what Qaradawi defines as “lightly,” one can reference his 1984 book, The Lawful and Prohibited in Islam, in which he wrote “a husband may beat his wife lightly with his hands, avoiding her face and other sensitive areas.”

While Qaradawi sees being cuffed around as the Islamic price a woman pays for being disobedient to her spouse, he also believes being raped is the Islamic price a woman pays for being immodestly dressed.

That enlightened view was offered by Qaradaw in 2004 when he was asked if raped women were punished under Islam, to which he opined:

“To be absolved from guilt, the raped woman must have shown some sort of good conduct,” adding, “Since Islam addresses women to maintain their modesty, as not to open the door for evil… for a rape victim to be absolved from guilt, she must not be the one that opens… her dignity for deflowering.”

While Qaradawi may eye beatings and rape as acceptable Islamic consequences for improper feminine behavior, his views on the consequences for being a homosexual or a Jew are far more deadly.

In 2004 Qaradawi wrote a fatwa on IslamOnline that offered burning or stoning as an acceptable punishment for those who practice homosexuality, adding, “While such punishments may seem cruel, they have been suggested to maintain the purity of the Islamic society and to keep it clean of perverted elements.”

Not surprisingly, Qaradawi holds Jews in the same esteem, views he clearly expressed on Al-Jazeera in 2009 during the Gaza when he said: “Oh Allah, take this oppressive, Jewish Zionist band of people. Oh Allah, do not spare a single one of them…Oh Allah, count their numbers, and kill them, down to the very last one.”

If Allah isn’t available to kill the Jews, Qaradawi has endorsed utilizing suicide bombers to accomplish the task, a position he expressed in a 2005 BBC interview in which he said:

    Allah Almighty is just; through his infinite wisdom he has given the weak a weapon the strong do not have, and that is their ability to turn their bodies into bombs, as Palestinians do…I consider this type of martyrdom operation as an evidence of God’s justice.

In fact, Qaradawi’s fondness for suicide bombing includes utilizing women as human projectiles, a position he articulated in a 2004 fatwa posted on his IslamOnline website, in which he wrote: “The committed Muslim women in Palestine have the right to participate and have their own role in jihad and to attain martyrdom.”

Though Qaradawi’s theological viewpoints may be par for the Islamic course, his disturbing message offers a small glimpse into the type of hate-filled programming that may become standard viewing fare for Americans when Al Jazeera America begins broadcasting into the United States this summer.

That unnerving prospect became a looming reality in January when Current TV co-founders Al Gore and Joel Hyatt engineered the sale of the leftist American news channel to the Qatar-owned Al Jazeera news channel for a reported $500 million.

For their part, Gore and Hyatt had rejected earlier offers from conservative Glenn Beck to buy Current TV because reportedly they felt who “the network goes to is important to us and we are sensitive to networks not aligned with our point of view.”

Of course, that should come as little surprise to those few who have watched the rogue’s gallery of leftist ideologues, crackpot entertainers and ex-Democratic politicians who have populated the airwaves of Current TV, luminaries such as Keith Olbermann, Joy Behar, Eliot Spitzer, and Jennifer Granholm.

Nevertheless, Hyatt and Gore did manage to find an ideological soul mate in the Al Jazeera news channel, an attraction, according to Hyatt, which rested on the fact that “Al-Jazeera was founded with the same goals we had for Current.”

That compatibility aside, for now it remains unclear if Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi will be accepted as part Al Jazeera America’s future on-air talent pool. What is far more certain, however, is that his hate-filled message would be more than welcome."

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 Author| Post time 23-6-2013 10:29 PM | Show all posts
You have to understand why i find it pointless, to quote so much from the Bible or the Quran so much, as i have to no need to remind either side in small quotes sometimes take the quote out of context. Unless the Surah or Verse can stand on its own.

Like muslims love to quote from the old testament - please understand that we Christians because of the arrival of Jesus and the writing of the new testament - Whatever you quote from the Old Testament is the reminder of the Jewish past that Jesus wish to correct and deliver them from the ruinous path they are taking. The Old Testament is the Jewish Torah.

And as for the muslims, you have to admit sometimes that there are downsides to your religion, the killing of apostates are SANCTIONED in most of the Muslim countries in the world, Malaysia and Indonesia are clear exceptions. But there is a penal code that says if a muslim apostates then he can be fined and put into a "rehabilitation" centre for up to 3 yrs. Many times taking the person away from family and children.

That is why Malaysian muslims have to begin taking a more global view of their religion.

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Post time 23-6-2013 11:09 PM | Show all posts
wkk5159 posted on 23-6-2013 08:22 PM
A honest Samaritan intellect presents comprehensive analysis of a data such as;  Why i said this rancid pie chart by Prof Cole is dubious ? The above chart totally dismiss the millions massacred by Japan Imperial Army(Shintoism) in China and Asia Pacific in WWII. So much so for a so called "reputable" historian by the name of Juan Cole !  

But a diabolic delusional muslim charlatan is only good at concealing truth and propagating evil by barking; You are just going around in circles chasing your own backside. Ha ha .... you are just an aimless person who is only good in harping and whining, Ha ha , got you again, Ha ha .... liar liar .... pants on fire....

Your above comment again shows that you are incapable to understand simple english. This is evidence that you didn't even read the article. An excerpt of it :
lets say 100 million (16 million in WW I, 60 million in WW II– though some of those were attributable to Buddhists in Asia– and millions more in colonial wars.)

These numbers have been incorporated in the data and he lumped it under killings in Asia. The fact is that christianity still tops in killings.

Where is your data to refute me? Again I reproduce the data by Prof Juan Cole :

Do you have any data to refute me? You are harping and whining. Additionally throw in lies here and there. Hint hint : where in deut17:12 ststes that the person would be struck dead by your biblical God. Appears that you are afraid to touch this with a 10ft pole. Ha ha .... got you

Last edited by sam1528 on 23-6-2013 11:16 PM


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Post time 23-6-2013 11:20 PM | Show all posts
wkk5159 posted on 23-6-2013 08:58 PM
Really can't blame the evil shunned ears for not listening and understanding the phrase; "Only way to save Abdul Rahman is claiming that he is insane......"

Abdul Rahman is making a right move for renouncing Islam, he is one happy chap like the apostates in  

Afterall who in their right mind want to be a conscience deprived muslim like sam1528.........

What do you mean Abdul Rahman , the convert to Christianity had to claim insanity? He was and still is insane. In fact Germany turned him away after interviewing him. The interviewer after cross checking with the people in Pakistan came to the conclusion that there is something wrong with this man.

Like I stated , no problems with us muslims. You can have this man. He is probably living well now,  funded by the church who regard him as a trophy catch ... you know converts from Islam to christianity. Apart from that , this man is useless.

Ha ha , these are the kind of people christians got , ie. converts from islam to christianity. On the other hand we muslims get converts from christianity , people like Dr Laurence Brown.
Last edited by sam1528 on 23-6-2013 11:24 PM


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Post time 23-6-2013 11:27 PM | Show all posts
wkk5159 posted on 23-6-2013 09:04 PM
One imbecilic ustazy here can't even undertand simple English terms like Capital Punishment and Death Penalty.....truly amazing.

Debate with such idiot is indeed an insult to any brilliant forumer here, perhaps we all should start ignoring this imbecilic ustazy from now on.....

Ha ha , now its capital punishment and death penalty? What are you blabbering about?

One thing I notice , you are so scared to even comment about the death penalty , being injunction from the bible.

You are again just whining and harping .... It appears that the one who comes back to be buttkicked is you and you only ... ha ha


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Post time 23-6-2013 11:30 PM | Show all posts
wkk5159 posted on 23-6-2013 09:25 PM
Correction here, I was a philanthropist when i used the word "think" in my own sentence because the  ...

Ha ha , bro 'mashimaru83' have answered this extremely well. You have no response to his argument

Oops .... except harping and whining ..... ha ha


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Post time 23-6-2013 11:31 PM | Show all posts
nightlord posted on 23-6-2013 10:10 PM

Another example of killing of innocents by "good" muslims -

"PESHAWAR, Pakistan - Gunmen stormed a mountaineering base camp in northern Pakistan on Sunday and shot dead nine foreign trekkers and a Pakistani guide as they rested during an arduous climb up one of the world's tallest peaks, police said.

The night-time raid - which killed five Ukrainians, three Chinese and a Russian - was among the worst attacks on foreigners in Pakistan in a decade and underscored the growing reach of militants in a highland region once considered secure."

Can you explain just who are the gunmen? They could have been bandits for all its worth.

Are you not critical in your thinking?

I thought I did request  you to comment on ex president George 'god spoke to me' Bush. Isn't that an invasion driven by religious motive? How many dead from that illegal invasion?

Last edited by sam1528 on 23-6-2013 11:33 PM


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