Artis terkenal lancarkan koleksi tudung baru di Zouk. Apa kata caritizen? Yay or
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hahahha khennnn nampak sgttt!!!!
rospinki replied at 27-2-2018 08:03 AM
Pegi disco? terbayang zaman 90an..skrg org panggil disco lagi ke? Barangkli tokey zouk kasi spesel o ...
Dia tak mampu bayar 8kali ganda klu buat event launching ni kat tempat lain.. means nak sewa lighting neon tu mesti mahal so alang2 lampu camtu je ada kt disko sewa jela Zouk tu hahahah |
kosukeconan replied at 27-2-2018 10:36 AM
i request benang pattjurap kawen yach kat benang utama bodgos!
benang hajbitch boleh pulak kat sini ...
aku setuju 18 ribu persent!!!!
dari smlm aku menuntut supaya benang fattzura kat bodgos papan utama!
meanwhile kisah lopbij letak je kat subbod sendu or kat bod lawak jenaka lopaland land of the benaks |
miemiecha replied at 27-2-2018 08:08 AM
so zouk dah open utk hijabista terkinja2?
Menangis arwah ustaz haron din tgk dia ni klu masih ada lagi.. |
perkenalkan diri pelissss...whoareyusssssss 
aku penah dengar, labuh kan tudung tu untuk tutup tek pompuan yg membugar..
kalu tek yg sekecik xxs ni x payah la tutup... lelaki tgok pun x de nafsu....
ni aku penah dengar la.... x tahu lah betul ke ajaran islam mcm tu...
Edited by haisanor at 27-2-2018 11:19 AM
agak terkejut bila hajah launch kat zouk... urban sangat kot! asalnya niat jual tudung untuk tutup aurat, tapi kali ni terbalik macam new launching tudung khusus untuk wanita muslim nak masuk club pulak. sama2 tanggung saham la hjh kalau pasni orang pakai tudung NH gi kelab.
yang pkai tudung hitam tu mcm nad..ndvism tu..
Edited by eyelineronfleek at 27-2-2018 11:20 AM
Daphne's response :
"Because I was there hosting the event at the said venue, I feel I need to say something here. Lofa anticipated some backlash and she explained to all who attended her decision in choosing the venue. They looked at other venues too, but looking at the whole picture - budget, logistics and practicality - they found that to be the best option. There was no alcohol served. No one was smoking. I didn’t even see anyone vaping, at least from where I was. There was no posters or inkling of alcohol , cigarettes shown or in display. The events teams ensured that- and posters of the Be Lofa collection were put up instead. What outside people may not have seen were the videos showns, displaying 8 iconic mentors Lofa looks up too. She shared 10 inspiring BE texts and her affirmation of the week that has kept this successful entrepreneur going. The dance was a Lip Sync Battle and Heads Up Game which I monitored and hosted. It was fun and harmless."
Errrmmm orang yg cause the contoversy tak cakap pape. Orang lain plak yg tolong address the issue. Haiya Lopa, whatever brings in the cash , huh?
Can't really fault Daphne for saying what she said. I expected Lofa to know better.
Dia cuba nak berdakwah dlm kelab mlm ke? |
bukan_ustazah replied at 27-2-2018 11:09 AM
Topi nasi tu pun macam hajah jugak! opportunist and social climber!! Jenis nak kena puji jee siapa ...
Over tau org tanye die kenape x senyum dlm gmbr, terus dibahan netizen dalam satu ig post khas. Eleh, hati tisu tapi bajet outspoken podahhh. |
c_apple replied at 27-2-2018 09:56 AM
Benaks cakap nak tegur pun bule pm dm bagai
Tak perlu kondem in public mengaibkan lopak
Menari menganjur pastu post kat ig x memalukan la? |
ffbeauties replied at 26-2-2018 11:43 PM
Dah ada dah yg cakap dekat ig dia. “Dia tak menari pon. Just duduk tengok”.
Habis tu sape yg an ...
Dorang ckp lofa taktau pun. It's her birthday bash.
Kepala hotak birthday bash. Launching tuding baru kot. Agak2 la nak backup |
OMG, timeline FB iolls harini penuh dengan posting boikot Neelofa...... wrong step this time ahhh? |
Rainrein replied at 27-2-2018 11:07 AM
Lobenaks, what say yu?
Nak putar cemana lagi untuk sucikan hajbir nih?
Dah siap putar spin sampai kering dah haaaa
Siap abis org lain salah and kena tempias
Tang org lain tak bising
Tang hajjah kesayangan org kecam
Acik Daphne sudah keluar statement.....
Tarak org cakap itu tempat dangerous.... tapi ramai yg kata itu tempat tarak sesuai untok launching kerudung naelofa..Image Modest fashion.
Juga si Neelopa ikon muslimah with 5 juta followers....seorang Hajjah.
acik2 yg tak pernah dengar atau tahu ape itu Zouk...sekarang semua sudah tau. Lagi2 si sherot...very bangga ok .
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c_apple replied at 27-2-2018 03:21 AM
Dah siap putar spin sampai kering dah haaaa
Siap abis org lain salah and kena tempias
Tang org l ...
Lobenak ni memang otak tinggal kat jamban ke ek. Bangang x bertepian.
MatDeghem replied at 27-2-2018 10:48 AM
Lagi internal conflict agak nya ....
Sudah gaduh ka dengan LB yg lain? |
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