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Author: Syd

Istana Bawang 3 : Kate Middleton vs Meghan Markle

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Post time 12-4-2019 12:40 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
234126 replied at 11-4-2019 10:38 PM
Wait, Kalau la meggot nak use her last minute emergency trick dia ckp baby tu stillborn, adekah di ...

stillborn pun akan disiasat sama spt baby yg lahir hidup.
if they find her not pregnant.. x boleh lari la sis.. tetap kena katuk tengkok tu dengan kapak or kena lock up kat London Tower kalau undang2 lama tu masih wujud

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Post time 12-4-2019 12:43 AM | Show all posts
lotionmilo replied at 12-4-2019 12:23 AM
Cakap pasal tiara ni. Teringat kak ros. Time bila dia pakai tiara? Haha

Back to the topic,  tet ...

ha'ahkan, mcm byk jugak koleksi kakros. barangkali kucing tokjib si Kiki tu pun ada sebijik

ai tak rasa surrogate mom tu berani. silap2 di 'suicide'kan atau mati eksiden. iyalah mana tahu esok2 jual cerita kat newspaper psl surrogacy.

btw baby hasil benih biracial+full white =3/4 kokesen jd automatik kulit putih la kan. takdanya keluar mcm rupa wakanda forever. kalau anak Sussex keluar ropa aryan, sugars esp. kulit hitam akan terkedu. sejak fetus lg, our baby our baby... nah kau, keluar kokesen yg dikutuk2 selama nih.


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Post time 12-4-2019 12:49 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
234126 replied at 11-4-2019 10:45 PM
Secara halus mmg meggot tu dah byk di-cut oleh BRF. But meggot ni cunning dia twist cerita konon d ...

she thought she was smart..

QE x bg pinjam jewelleries, dia counter kata QE bg dia pinjam segala perhiasan..

QE x bg titles dia counter kata they dont want titles walhal dlm hati menyumpah2 x dpt HRH titles.

QE nak jemput Trump, beriya dia kata sekrg nak beranak private.. see.. blom apa2 dah nak join state dinner la iteww..

QE nak bg medic team terbaik dia counter kata x mo. Follower dia yg dungu kata black doc tu x tau mcmana nak sambut baby biracial

oh woow.. byk betul dia buat sgt cunning. Mlm td terbc kat LSA, masa gmbr kahwin dia dgn family tu, dia cuba berdiri dekat dgn Charlotte dan mcm nak bergesel lengan dia dgn Charlotte tapi Camilla perasan apa dia buat, terus dia interfere, dia panggil charlotte.. Meggot nak tunjuk the world kononnya Lottie rapat dgn dia.

byk la benda dia buat.. maybe org kata usaha utk meraih brf attention but for me usaha untuk musnahkan brf sbb brf x layan meghan gets what meghan wants gitu.  


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Post time 12-4-2019 12:52 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
solarlunar replied at 11-4-2019 11:47 PM
OT jap. Tp I suke btol tgk Will and Kate pandang each other during Royal Ascot 2017

Mmg rare d ...

PDA dgn hubby  in  Alexander McQueen..
no wonderla Louis lahir pd 2018 hahaha betul2 on the heattttt gitu...

love your OT

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Post time 12-4-2019 01:00 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
dani-rox replied at 12-4-2019 12:14 AM
baru gugel, tiara Spencer nih yg dijual pd rege usd250k

oh my.. gorjesnyaaa..
since the Spencer dah bukan kat takhta sayang kan kalau tiaras ini usang begitu sja.

mungkin syarat state dinner nie ketat sikit kot. nak pinjam spencer punya tiara mungkin family spencer x kasi.. bukan boleh percaya makcik tu..

anyhow.. spot on dani.. they can worship kuin belengas, hose koyak, kasut size x betul, kasut kotor, siap ada dandruff flakes lagi bila ada majlis. dan fashion rambutnya sentiasa berbentuk bun.. malas sgt ke dia nak perm rambut? ke takut extension dia tercabut kalau buat gitu?

aieeeee.. ceridak ompuan yaaa.. depan camera garu tuut tuut.. lama kali nya sik cek ke doktor.. hhahahaha


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Post time 12-4-2019 01:01 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
kepingbewok replied at 12-4-2019 12:20 AM
aku xrasa grandma sesenang nie kena game dgn meggot and ph.

in grandma we trust!

I think tour ke US dgn baby itu adalah strategy utk meggot to produce baby tu pd QE. Mak surrogate baby tu masih lagi disembunyikan somewhere oleh meggot and dia punya backers

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Post time 12-4-2019 01:01 AM | Show all posts
namieamuro replied at 11-4-2019 02:31 PM
harry dgn oprah bergabung utk issue kempen mental health..iols tatau nk happy ke nk kecewa sbb kelak ...

kempen mental health, Heads Together adalah idea Kate tp mcm biasa laki bini pencurik buat muka sadin

One of the campaigns working to do just that is Heads Together, a foundation that aims to promote mental well-being and end the stigma surrounding mental health. It was started in 2016 as a joint effort between Prince William, Kate Middleton, and Prince Harry. It was originally the Duchess’s idea: “It was Catherine who first realized that all three of us were working on mental health in our individual areas of focus,” Prince William said in a speech on World Mental Health Day. “She had seen that at the core of adult issues like addiction and family breakdown, unresolved childhood mental health issues were often part of the problem.”

sama mcm idea garden design Kate

ditiru dan coba ditenggelamkan oleh si narc


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Post time 12-4-2019 01:05 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
lotionmilo replied at 12-4-2019 12:23 AM
Cakap pasal tiara ni. Teringat kak ros. Time bila dia pakai tiara? Haha

Back to the topic,  tet ...

the surrogate mother is actually his real mother or guardian kalau ikut undang2 uk sbb dia yg melahirkan baby tu.. nama dia termaktub dlm sijil kelahiran as mak budak tu. ini I bc dr umah twitter yg dok kat uk

kalau dia refuse nak bg kat meggot, meghot x boleh paksa dia sbb right dia as a mother lg tinggi banding penyumbang telur dan sperm.. unless dorg ada perjanjian before perempuan tu setuju jd surrogate menyatakan terms terms perjanjian.

kalau bb tu twins, boleh ke meggot nak jaga? baby bagak dia PH tu pun x terjaga hahaha

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Post time 12-4-2019 01:05 AM | Show all posts
eva replied at 12-4-2019 01:00 AM
oh my.. gorjesnyaaa..
since the Spencer dah bukan kat takhta sayang kan kalau tiaras ini usang b ...

baru baca psl tiara spencer nih... rupa2nya Kate dan MM mungkin tak akan dpt pinjam sbb selaku isteri2 prince, dia org ada tiara yg akan diberikan/dipinjamkan oleh QE. Tapi MM dah kena kansel, so howww??

kutu kali, bak kata urg ctok penyakit s*ndal


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Post time 12-4-2019 01:11 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
dani-rox replied at 12-4-2019 12:18 AM
ai jangka nama baby Sussex: Doriana, gabungan Diana (#1 obsession MM) dan Doria (token black mother  ...

Charlotte Doriana Chelsea
Charlotte sbb Queen Charlotte the first biracial Queen. Meggot walau masuk brf tp x jejak rank bakalan Queen, so ambik berkat nama Queen Charlotte je la.

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Post time 12-4-2019 01:15 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
dani-rox replied at 12-4-2019 12:43 AM
ha'ahkan, mcm byk jugak koleksi kakros. barangkali kucing tokjib si Kiki tu pun ada sebijik

terkedu.. hahaha..
dorg je yg agungkan bb tu bakalan hitam..
maybe dia cari surrogate biracial jugak kot dani.. nak match match the story..

kang ambik omputeh ketara pulak menipu sugars dia.. harus dia ambil biracial juga utk jd surrogate.

but the thing is.. what if baby tu ikut muka surrogate dia? lagi haru

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Post time 12-4-2019 01:17 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
dani-rox replied at 12-4-2019 01:01 AM
kempen mental health, Heads Together adalah idea Kate tp mcm biasa laki bini pencurik buat muka sa ...

I feel for Kate.. dia punya brainchild.
the sussex have nerve war warkan dgn Oprah about this.. kurang asam.
mesti x bg credit kat Kate. Menyampahnya.

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Post time 12-4-2019 01:22 AM | Show all posts
dulu2 boleh la bersangka baik ps Harry. Nak kata dia jd mcm tu sbb mak mati awal, tengok abg dia ok jah. Harry ni cth anak manja, bila tua mnyusahkan org. kejadah umur dah mid 30s pun tak reti pikir.
Dgn kerjasama Oprah, nampak sgt dia dan MM lebih cenderung utk mengambil hati Americans. Charities yg disokong pun kebanyakan dari sana. Pedulik hape dgn British ppl kan.
Sebelum MM, Harry dah try tekel Margot Robbie dan JLaw. Dia dari dulu lg berangan nak lebih popular dari abgnya. Dahlah William bakal jd raja dan lahirkan tiga waris, apa lg yg tinggal utk Harry? Tentulah jd kesayangan rakyat terutamanya US - King of ppl hearts gituh hahaha
Bersatu tenaga dgn manusia narc dan otak scammer mcm MM, maka jadilah apa yg berlaku sekarang. BRF marah dan benci? So be it. BRF hancur pun hancurlah. Biar apak dan abgnya tak merasa jd king.
Harry has nothing to lose. Masa tu dia menikmati hidup sbg royal yg setaraf dgn H'wood A listers, bersama isterinya yg acah2 liberal, feminist humanitarian itu.

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Post time 12-4-2019 01:23 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
dani-rox replied at 12-4-2019 01:05 AM
baru baca psl tiara spencer nih... rupa2nya Kate dan MM mungkin tak akan dpt pinjam sbb selaku ist ...

hoorayyyy.. no tiara for grifter!
.QE betul2 sakit ati kan..
bygkanlah brg kemas pun QE x bg pinjam..
woow.. betul betul QE sakit ati dgn meggot.

iboh malas meggot.. mun sik ada duit nak ke doktor, beli la brg pakei betangas koh. Mun d tangas, alu mati segala kutu tuut tuut nyaa ..betanggas bagus juak utk slim down segala lemak

sori ye non sarawakian, I ngate kat meggot suruh buat tangas utk bunuh kutu kat tuut tuut dia hhaha

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Post time 12-4-2019 01:24 AM | Show all posts
eva replied at 12-4-2019 01:11 AM
Charlotte Doriana Chelsea  
Charlotte sbb Queen Charlotte the first biracial Queen. Meggot w ...

Mungkin Charlene utk beli jiwa Raja Charles, pemegang tabung $$$

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Post time 12-4-2019 01:30 AM | Show all posts
eva replied at 12-4-2019 01:15 AM
terkedu.. hahaha..
dorg je yg agungkan bb tu bakalan hitam..
maybe dia cari surrogate biracial  ...

kalau benih datang dari surrogate mother, mungkin la. tp kalau benih MM, susah sket... silap2 keluar mcm muka Samantha atau Thomas Markle

ney tauk, urg tua nak ka pernah madah jgn bencik gilak time pregnant takut baby keda muka urg ya hahaha


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Post time 12-4-2019 01:31 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by eva at 12-4-2019 01:38 AM
dani-rox replied at 12-4-2019 01:22 AM
dulu2 boleh la bersangka baik ps Harry. Nak kata dia jd mcm tu sbb mak mati awal, tengok abg dia ok  ...

masalahnya.. He is into a deep shite.
I bc byk benda about her tp paling terkejut kaitan dia dgn NXVIM sex cult kat Canada dan Epstein kat USA. Semuanya berkaitan dgn SOHO.

kalau mcm nie sangkut pautnya.. rather than jd King of people, the Sussex ni bakal jd sumpahan Americans berkurun2 kalau dorg juga terlibat dgn skandal yg I sebut di atas. Eww.. suda pasti meggot la paling terkait becoz she was a yacht gal.. yachting pelbagai org termasuk VVIP. dia x takut ke org akan dedahkan dia.

sbb tu I think dia cuba raih simpati and fan base kat the state.. sebelum semua terburai, baik org puja puji dia dlu.. strategy dia pelik.. tp megsy cult dia punya teruk.. x terjangkau akal waras bila dorg berhujah.

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Post time 12-4-2019 01:33 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
dani-rox replied at 12-4-2019 01:24 AM
Mungkin Charlene utk beli jiwa Raja Charles, pemegang tabung $$$

Kalau doriana x lawa.. she can try Dorito

or Louise, salah satu nama Charles adalah Louis

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Post time 12-4-2019 01:38 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
dani-rox replied at 12-4-2019 01:30 AM
kalau benih datang dari surrogate mother, mungkin la. tp kalau benih MM, susah sket... silap2 kelu ...

terpaksa telan pil kalau muka ikut Grandpa Tommy or Aunt Sammy Markle..

tp I prefer the baby kulit putih caucasian tp muka tok tok muka Doria, dan ikut hidung penyek mcm nenek nya.. baru fair and square.. tiket meal dia x boleh muka mat salleh nnt dia akan jd sombong sgt tentang anak itew


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Post time 12-4-2019 01:39 AM | Show all posts
lepas berbulan selak kot sana selak jaket sini, usap perut, tendangan feminist embryo, pergi lawat rumah org tua siap cakap, "i'm very pregnant". ujung2 beranak secara private pulak.

See... Announcement drpd dua ekor tu jah. Takda Her Majesty, Prince Philip, Prince Charles etc. Sedeeyyh.

It is understood there will be an announcement when The Duchess goes into labour and one at some point following the birth. It is also understood that the couple will pose for a photograph at some stage following the birth but it will not be a mass media photocall.

Teori baby bantal akan jd kenyataan, and the baby pics are going to be exclusive for a price $$$ of course.


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