Kawan Untuk Pergi Melancong Pt.4 - merged with cikanggun
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Reply dorby
Dorby...aku pun musykil, cuti dah la sket...pegi jejalan dah la berb ...
Blueberri Post at 26-6-2011 12:22 
tu r pasal..aku pun tertanye2 jugak..celah mane orang dapat cuti..tang duit gagah la jugak buat partime buat ot semua bagai..tapi tang cuti aku sendiri pun tk tahu nak cekau tang mane....
waaaaaaa company aku kedekot cuti 14 hari jek |
Reply dorby
aku kuli cabuk je dorby. tp policy company aku. annual leave pn 16hari je. pa ...
bdk2 Post at 24-6-2011 17:48 
ade partime tak??/ aku nak keje tempat ko jugak r |
Reply 1002# dorby
part time x entitle la OT convert jadik cuti. permanent staff je.,....actually, xde part time |
Reply dorby
part time x entitle la OT convert jadik cuti. permanent staff je.,....actuall ...
bdk2 Post at 27-6-2011 10:52 
ko keje ape ek bdk2?
aku nak tukar profesion lak |
Reply 1004# dorby
Ai and budak2 satu opis.. hehe... Co ni dia ada mcm peak period dlm 3 months mcmtuh hokey.. time ni kerje mcm nak mati dah.. huhuh... busyyyyyyyy gila gila punya.. smpai termenangis pun toksah cite la
Hahhaaha tapi semua OT tu leh convert ke cuti...Dulu2 ada staff dah habis peak period, dia cuti sebulan pi study leave, pastu cuti sebulan lagi pi holiday turki morocco semua.. hahaha gila byk cuti dia...
Kekeke.. itu lah serba sedikit opis kitorang nye policy.. hehehe |
Reply dorby
Ai and budak2 satu opis.. hehe... Co ni dia ada mcm peak period dlm 3 months mcmt ...
whiteberry Post at 27-6-2011 12:42 
wow besttttttttttttttttttt
huhu co. aku takde ot..kul 5.30 jek dah balik
boringgggggggggggggggggggggggg..kalo ddk lelame pun tkleh claim ot
sungguh tk bestttttttttttttttttttttt
nak kene cari keje lebih nak kumpul duit pi travel..hikhik..
whiteberry tempat u ade kosong tak hehehe  |
Reply 1006# dorby
Hahaha byk kosong.. easy come easy go gituhhh co ni... |
Reply dorby
Hahaha byk kosong.. easy come easy go gituhhh co ni...
whiteberry Post at 27-6-2011 13:09 
wah company ape ko keje ni? cam takut lak tetibe..kang kene masuk dalam board MPS..huhu |
Reply 1008# dorby
hahaha nanti iols pm ;p |
Reply dorby
hahaha nanti iols pm ;p
whiteberry Post at 27-6-2011 13:13 
ok roger
tu r kan cuti siket jelos tenok orang yang berjalan macam keje dorang 365 hari tu cuti..berjalan sepanjang tahun waaaaaaaaa aku mau jugak..ni plan baru 2 3 tempat jek cuti pun dah tak cukup..samapi kan cuti raya pun aku buat2 bz kat opis..sebb tkde cuti.. hu huk..sungguh tragis mengenangkan pasal cuti |
ok roger
tu r kan cuti siket jelos tenok orang yang berjalan macam keje dorang 365 hari ...
dorby Post at 27-6-2011 13:17 
bertabah jela....huhuhu |
Reply dorby
Hahaha byk kosong.. easy come easy go gituhhh co ni...
whiteberry Post at 27-6-2011 13:09 
nyampuk jap.. company glemer pun ade easy come easy go ehh....  |
Reply cmf_GAIA
gaia pun b'minat dgn iran?
melur_30 Post at 27-6-2011 08:19 AM 
yeah...of coz lah....Iran, Nepal, Tibet...smua nak gi |
nk tanya otai kaki jalan ni..
mcm mana korang basuh laundry korang waktu travel yg lama? ada cara yg mudah selain mendobi kt memana kedai? apa keperluan yg perlu di bawa..
bdk2 any idea. ko kan selalu merayap... |
Reply 1014# jojoba_beads
Hahhaa, bdk2 tgh bizi nak pi NZ esok  |
Reply 1012# azradiza
huhu azra mmg sgt teruk turnover company ni ok.. seriously... |
syok aaa .. keje mcm tu cuti byk ... aku lak ..nak cuti lama2 kene amik unpaid leave tuh pun subject to approval ..  |
nk tanya otai kaki jalan ni..
mcm mana korang basuh laundry korang waktu travel yg lama? ada car ...
jojoba_beads Post at 28-6-2011 11:56 
laundry is the best thing!! kat sana banyak jer kedai dobi...sumtimes murah gak...
unless u stay kat apartment ker...then u can just basuh tangan memana yg patut, especially undies!
undies leh jemur atas heater hehe...kejap jer kering...
haz kalau travel more than a week, after 5-6 days dah carik kedai dobi...ngan towel2 skali basuh!
kalau g time cuaca sejuk, baju tak kotor @ berpeluh..leh recycle jer..that's what i usually do.. |
Reply 1018# haz
Bkn ke dobi mhl. Ni nk jimat kos. Aku penah bc omputih rekemen bwk frebreez. Hehe |
Reply 1014# jojoba_beads
so far xpenah lg aku travel more than 1week...tp laundry ade kalo kat hostels. like spore kn ade hstel sediakan laundry....3dolar skali basuh kalo x silap...
utk nz ni pn, ade laundry.... |
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