morning uols...
pav...cpt2 la baiki TV...hehhe...kt umah ada 1 TV x guna..klu umah dekat leh la aku bg pinjam dulu...semangat New Moon neh heheh
td kn jalan2 jumpa nih..skima tol muka Rob
How to Be (Joe Hastings 2008) OST
01. Opening Credits - Joe Hastings
02. Chokin' on the Dust Pt. 1 - Robert Pattinson
03. "It's not your fault" - Joe Hastings
04. Hell Awaits - Rollercoaster Project
05. "You don't actually have things all that bad" - How To Be
06. Old Man - Love
07. Chokin' on the Dust Pt. 2 - Robert Pattinson
08. "Sometimes we all need a little help" - Joe Hastings
09. Dr. Ellington Arrives - Joe Hastings
10. "Visualize a time" - Joe Hastings
11. Jam Session - How To Be
12. 1996 - Rollercoaster Project
13. Nikki's Song - Mike Pearce
14. Puzzle - Joe Hastings
15. Cemetery - Joe Hastings
16. Off Licence - Joe Hastings
17. Process 1 - Rollercoaster Project
18. Clear Spot - Captain Beefheart & His Magic Band
19. Hammond Song - The Roches
20. Final Call - Joe Hastings
21. "You're not a nobody" - How To Be
22. Doin' Fine - Robert Pattinson
23. End Credits - Joe Hastings
1046# amka
kite dh tgk citer ni.. sian die dlm citer ni kurang kasig syg
Sometimes I wondered if I was seeing the same things throughmy eyes that the rest of the world was seeing through theirs. Maybe there was aglitch in my brain - Bella Swan, Twilight
1048# amka
british.. die mcm xde arah dlm citer tu.. sian..
cane nak bg? nak kasi time tgk new moon sesame ke?
Sometimes I wondered if I was seeing the same things throughmy eyes that the rest of the world was seeing through theirs. Maybe there was aglitch in my brain - Bella Swan, Twilight
1044# amka
yg sama cam kite Edward je...
sex only after marriage
preserve woman's virtue
bella nak bukak baju pn dia tak kasi
rob ngan kristen... mintak mahap
dia terang2 ckp dlm interview
kalo dia ada gf...'i probably want to sleep with her...unlike edward'
and..'loving yr gf without sex is like loving ur pet...or dog' |
1048# amka
british.. die mcm xde arah dlm citer tu.. sian..
cane nak bg? nak kasi time tgk new moon sesame ke?
pavlova Post at 16-11-2009 10:36
nk bagi apa?...x phm :re: |
1046# amka
citer ni rob dpt award 'best actor' kt europe film festival
tak ingt negara mana
tp mmg kesianlah watak si arthur tu
tp lawak...mmg lawak |
1046# amka
citer ni rob dpt award 'best actor' kt europe film festival
tak ingt negara mana
tp mmg kesianlah watak si arthur tu
tp lawak...mmg lawak
cheesepastry Post at 16-11-2009 10:53
kira nyer nih set cter2 tuk film festival la?...klu ada rob leh gak layan...korang tgk kt aner? |
amka...ko dah tgk rob blakon bdk nerd tak?
lg comel
'bad mother's handbook' |
1051# amka
xyah paham.. kite yg salah paham
Sometimes I wondered if I was seeing the same things throughmy eyes that the rest of the world was seeing through theirs. Maybe there was aglitch in my brain - Bella Swan, Twilight
amka...ko dah tgk rob blakon bdk nerd tak?
lg comel
'bad mother's handbook'
cheesepastry Post at 16-11-2009 10:56
nk tgk...tp nk donlot kt mana? |
Post Last Edit by pavlova at 16-11-2009 11:01
1054# cheesepastry
uish... xtau pon citer ni..
thanks for the info
dh jumpe!!!! citer ni kuar 2007...tgh dload!
Sometimes I wondered if I was seeing the same things throughmy eyes that the rest of the world was seeing through theirs. Maybe there was aglitch in my brain - Bella Swan, Twilight
1055# pavlova
ooo..heheh..sowi..aku pon blur maklumlah monday blues huhuuh |
1059# amka
dh PM
Sometimes I wondered if I was seeing the same things throughmy eyes that the rest of the world was seeing through theirs. Maybe there was aglitch in my brain - Bella Swan, Twilight
1059# amka
dh PM
pavlova Post at 16-11-2009 11:27
TQ pav |
1057# pavlova
the haunted airman ko dah tgk pav?
citer ni cam boring sketlah |
x sabar2 la nk tgk citer new moon nie....
tgk trailer mcm best jer..... |
| |