thanks susAmerica for translation from soompi
HS tweets~~
koohs 구혜선
제가 방법을 몰라,또는 제게 글을 남겨주시는 감사한 분들이 늘어나다보니 하나씩 답변을 못해드릴때가 많은데요.보내주시는 고운말씀들 꼼꼼히 읽고있습니다.영광입니다.! 우연히 길에서라도 마주치면 잘 해드릴께요. 봄되면 짜장면 먹어요.우리.
Because so many more of you are leaving me your kind words and because I do not know the mechanical how-to, I am finding it difficult to answer each and everyon of your messages. But I am grateful to you. I want you to know that I read each and every one of your thankful words in detail. It is an honor for me.! If we accidentally run into each other on the streets, I will treat you nicely. When spring comes, let's eat jjajang-myun. Together. (jjajang-myung is noodles with black bean sauce.) |
thanks susAmerica for translations from soompi
ok~ai tempek semua translation dari kaka sus...tktaw yg mana satu nk tempek...ai tempek jer yer...dh konpius dah
GHS tweets~~
tweet about GHS's 6th and new puppy.
7:00 AM Nov 17th via twtkr '복숭아 나무'라는 새 시나리오 작업을 마쳤습니다.두달 된 막내 '땅콩'이가 주변을 맴돌며 간섭을하는데요.요 녀석,엄청나게 까부네요.저는 곧 스물여덟이 됩니다.저도 녀석처럼.언제까지 까불고 싶습니다.청춘! http://twitpic.com/37inwt
I just completed a new scenario script,Peach Tree. Two-month old youngest 'ddang-kong' (=her new puppy's name is Peanut)is circling around and interrupting me. This rascal is extremely playful. I am soon to be 28 years old. Like this rascal, I want to be that playful as long as possible. YOUTH!
GHS tweeted again twice after her message of gratitude:
제가..어느날..갑자기..막...짜장면을 함께 하자고 찾는날이 올것 같은데요. 그날 뵈어요. 물론 짜장면은 제가 사야지요^^탕수육도 시키겠습니다. 기분입니다!!
14 minutes ago via twtkr
I...someday...suddenly..impulsively...there will surely be a day when I want to find a place to eat jjajangmyun (noodle with black bean sauce) together. See you then. Of course, I will buy jjajangmyun^^I will also order tangsooyook (crispy pork cutlet with sweet sauce). I feel like it!!
일단 첫번째 짜장면 미팅 장소는 부산으로 하겠습니다.!
For now, I will designate the first jjajangmyun meeting place to be at Busan.!
5 minutes ago via twtkr
(It appears that GHS is feeling extremely good. Maybe she really wants to keep her promise to her fans about jjajangmyun? Maybe because she finished another scenario script? Or did she complte the edit and give title to her vampire story? Such a prolific writer!Or is she feeling good for other reasons? keke I wonder...How can she just decide on a Busan place to eat jjajangmyun? Is she going there soon? She is cute and funny!!) |
thanks to natali and credit to susAmerica for translations from soompi
디자인코리아2010 인 한남(DESIGN KOREA 2010 in Hannam)
단순한 전시 공간, 기존의 레지던스 프로그램, 오픈 스튜디오는 진부하고 지루하다.
Simple exhibit corner, existing residence program, open studio is authentic and boring.
30일간의 디자이너들의 동거가 시작된다.
For 30 days, designers will start living together.
‘디 자인코리아2010’이 선정한 힙 플레이스(hip place) 한남동 일대에 개성과 열정이 넘치는 다양한 분야의 디자이너들이 자신들의 작업 공간이자 생활 공간으로 사용하는 10여채의 가택을 상시 개방하여 대한민국 디자인의 현재와 미래를 대중과 함께 할 수 있는 새로운 장이 열린다.
The location of Design Korea 2010 is a hip place at Han Nam dong. sumary: It appears that various national designers (creative people) will live openly for the public to see them work and live showing their creativity and passion, the present and future. (OMG, it seems to resemble American shows where group of people live in a same house for the entire world to see!!! and GHS is participating! I did not know she had the time to do it!!)
‘리얼버라이어티 타운페스티발’형식의 이번 행사는 트랜드세터이자 얼리어답터, 패셔니스타라고 할 수 있는 재치 있고 감각 있는 국내외 디자이너들이 가택에 실제 거주하며 자신의 창작 활동은 물론 일상 생활까지 여과 없이 공개하고 공존할 수 있는 장으로 생동감 있는 이슈와 예측 불가능한 헤프닝 행사가 끝날 때까지 이어질 것이다. The format of this event is in the style of 'Real Variety Town Special'. Many designers considered to be trendsetters, early adapters, fashionistas and who possess witty sensibilites will reside together. Not only will they work on their creative work but also display their everyday activities without any filtering. They must do this until the program ends, no matter what, whether things seem impossible or other issues arise. (OMG!)
디자이너 와 여러분 모두가 직접 참여하여 하루하루 유니크하고 크레이티브한 공간으로 변해가는 한남동 일대와 매일매일 벌어지는 재미와 즐거움의 이벤트로 가득 채워질 이번 행사는 전 세계 최초로 시도되는 디자인코리아만의 축제가 될 것이며 참여하는 모든 이들의 영혼을 디자인 할 수 있는 행사가 될 것임을 확신한다.
올 겨울 뜨거운 열정의 디자인의 세계로 빠져보자.
Designers and all of you can directly participate. You can witness how the unique and creative corners of Han Nam dong will change everyday. Many enjoyable and interesting events will take place at this event. This is an event tried by the entire world and will be the Design Korea's only festival. Everyone who participates will be designing and creating their souls. We guarantee it. This winter, fall into the hot passion of the designers world.
디자인코리아2010 인 한남(DESIGN KOREA 2010 in Hannam)
2010.11.06~2010.12.30 ==November 6~December 30, 2010 (This means that GHS started already and it may mean that Absolute Darling will not start filming this year. )
오전10시부터 오후10시까지(개별 이벤트의 경우 추후 고지)== (viewing time) 10AM~10PM (In case of individual events, later notified)
한남동 일대 ==Han Nam dong district.
구혜선, 3%, DAREZ, 고상우, 로리킴, 조원석, 파파버블, 김한규, 김하윤, 김새롬, 이권, DIZI,
빈_민규, 까레닌 박민정, STUDIO315, 잔치집, nanan, 박일호, 이진준, 한평화,
수리수리마하수리, 하태임, 강선미, 0-check, Project M.Y(목영교) 등등 참여
Those who are participating are: GHS, 3%, DAREZ, GO SangWoo, Lauri Kim, Jo Won Suk, PapaBubble, Kim HanGyu, Kim Serom, etc....
2010 코리아 드라마 페스티벌=2010 Korea Drama Festival
배우 구혜선 ‘연예인 사랑의 봉사단 자선바자회’
cre http://www.kookhakne...html?idxno=5758
Summary: GHS is participating in a program to give to the neighbors who are having hard time especially to help out the teen parents, summer educational programs for the disadvantaged. The event is started by the bntNews who is celebrating the opening of their post in Japan. The event will take place at HyunDae Dept Store from Nov 20~26th. The article also mentions that GHS has been secretly giving her time in her spare time with visually impaired children. She has also gone secretly to a children's center when they were receiving medical help. For this event, Big Bang, 2NE1, GHS and baseball player Choo ShinSoo, Wheesung, etc will partcipate. They are also having a signing event together. (I don't know why but this news feels very old to me--is this new??) |
thanks susAmerica for translations from soompi
errkkk..den tempek jer...miannn
Above are quotes of tweeters who are responding to GHS's recent tweets about gratitude and inviting people for jjajangmyun meetings.
The top tweeter cannot believe that GHS is asking people to really meet.
The second one is stating how her tweets are so like GHS to do so. S/he can just imagine GHS's face with black bean sauce all over her lips.
The 3rd and the longest tweet is describing GHS and who she is in case other tweeters do not know her. S/he exclaims how can someone be so pretty like this.
The last tweet says that s/he does not just like GHS but truly respects her as she does not promote her name for advertising sake but she truly challenges herself with her abilities and efforts.
DC says that first tweet is by Reporter Yang HyungMo who is in charge of the cultural affairs at Donga Daily News.
Second and the rest of the tweets are from Park Yoon Joo who is a CeCi Model and part of Model Association
source: http://gall.dcinside...651&page=1&bbs=
In Korea, they are also having a poll/questionair of some sort among all the tweeters to vote for the best tweeters. There are many questions to answer. One DC member wishes that GHS wins. SOrry,,I did not look very carefully. I also agree--GHS is a tweeter that I really enjoy reading--creative, so so interesting..love it.
http://blog.kt.com/248 |
thanks susAmerica for translation from soompi
쿠님이 수정된 그것을 보내왔다. 참 부지런하다. 멋지다. 부럽다.
나도 이쁘고 부지런해지고 싶다.
Above is a post by goddessku from DC who quoted YG's RJ's me2day post:
Ku-nim sent over 'that thing' she has revised. She is truly deligent. She is awesome. I envy her. I also want to be pretty and deligent. |
thanks dewimoar and credit to susAmerica for the translation from soompi
'창의적 스타' 김제동, 노홍철, 구혜선 뽑혀=Stars with Originality' Kim JaeDong(a mc/comedian and I believe GHS asked him out in public television while she was being interviewd during Danahan CF shoot..keke..KJD is known as extremely intelligent and redently faced some difficulty due to his political views), No Hong Chul(outrageous and fearless comedian), Goo HyeSun.
연말특집 '창의성시대 어울리는 스타' 설문조사=Year End Special: A poll to find 'Stars who fit the Generation of Originality/Creativity'
<스타가 공모전에 도전한다면>=Question is what if the stars challenge themselves in some type of public contest or stocks market?? (sorry, not sure)
○ 2030선정, 창의적인 스타 1위 -김제동=2030 picked Kim Jae dong as the number 1 star with original ideas.
○ 광고공모전 대상 차지할 스타 1위 - 노홍철=No Hong Chul will place first for advertisement contest
○ 학술논문공모전 대상 차지할 스타 1위 - 김제동=Scholarly Essay Contest first place-Kim Jae Dong
○ 디자인아트 공모전 대상 차지할 스타 1위 -구혜선=Design art contest first place-GHS
○ UC★C영상 공모전 대상 차지할 스타 1위 -구혜선=image/film contest first place--GHS
○ 기업마케팅전략 공모전 대상 차지할 스타 1위 -유재석=Business marketing strategy first star--Yoo JaeSuk (known as the best mc in Korea for many years--runs several variety programs especially on MBC and he co-starred in CF with GHS and Cha TaeHyun in that Financial Banking CF)
○ 국가정책 아이디어 공모전 대상 차지할 스타 1위 -김제동=Person with the best national policy idea contest first place--Kim Jae Dong
○ ‘창의적 스타이미지’ - 김제동, 노홍철, 구혜선 3인방='Originality Star Image'--Kim Jae Dong, No Hong Chul and GHS--3 at once
http://www.thinkcont...e=0507&seq=6204 |
thanks susAmerica for translation from soompi
김현중 “'꽃남' 출연진과 여전히 깊은 우정 나눠”(인터뷰②)=Kim Hyun Joong still keeps friendship with the BOF cast members.
노컷뉴스 입력 2010.11.22 09:03=No Cut News posted on Nove 22, 2010
-'꽃남' 출연진과는 여전히 연락하고 지내나요?= (Q) Do you still keep in touch with BOF cast?
▲ 그럼요. 제가 1주일에 한번씩 축구단 활동을 하는데 '꽃남'에 함께 출연했던 범이랑 같이 하고 있어요. 제가 술을 좋아하는 편인데 범이도 주량이 좀 되거든요. 안 그래도 조만간 '꽃남' 출연진들이 모두 뭉치기로 했어요. 준이 형, 혜선이 누나, 민호 등등 모두 모일 예정이에요.=(A) Of course. Once a week, BOF's Kim Bum and I play soccer with a team. I like to drink and Kim Bum can hold his liquor pretty well. Actually, in a little while, all the BOF cast are planning to get together. Joon-yi hyung, HyeSun noona, Minho and more are planning to get together.
어제 강남거리 전광판에서 혜선님이 나오는 자동차 광고를 봤습니다. 일반회사에 들어가 정장입고 다니셨어도 참 잘 어울리실거 같더군요^^==Yesterday, at an exclusive Kang Nam street area, I saw the automobile CF that HyeSun-nim made. If she worked at a regular company wearing a suit, she would have looked good too.
uwaaaaaaaaaaaa~~~muahhhhhh JH sunbae{:1_147:}*MinSun Poreber*~! |
thanks to siidudul and credit to susAmerica for translation from soompi
스카이 ‘이자르’ 판매 호조 힘입어 후속 광고 진행=
SKY Izar presents new CF after gaining motivating strength from its satisfactory sales.
스카이(대표이사 부회장 박병엽)는 ‘이자르, 여자를 빛나게 하다’라는 슬로건의 이자르(IM-A630K) 후속 광고를 지난 23일부터 온에어했다.=SKY's Representative VP Park Byung Yub says: "Izar has launched on 23rd a new advertisement slogan, 'Izar makes a woman shine'."
지 난 7월 업계 최초 여성 타겟 스마트폰 ‘이자르’가 출시되면서 ‘스마트, 뷰티를 수혈받다’라는 컨셉의 광고가 온에어된 바 있으나, 일 개통 최대 2천대, 판매량(공급기준) 23만대를 넘어서는 등 뜨거운 반응을 얻고 있는‘이자르’의 인기에 힘입어 후속 광고가 다시 한 번 제작된 것이다. sum: The last July's ad slogan to target woman buyers: 'Izar transfuses smart beauty' had amazing outcome: One day biggest sale of 2000 phones and over 230,000 phones sold. Due to its success, another ad campaign produced.
이렇게 동일한 제품의 후속 광고가 온에어 되는 것은 업계에서도 이례적인 일이며, 출시 이후에도 꾸준한 사랑을 받고 있는 ‘이자르’의 인기를 반증해 주는 것이다. For a same product to make sequential ad is an unusual activity in the business world. AFter its new launch, it continues to receive much popularity.
이번 광고는 ‘이자르’ 광고 모델인 구혜선이 카피라이터로 변신해 광고의 최종 카피를 생각해내는 콘셉트로 제작되었다. This time, the ad concept involves the Iazr model GHS to become a ad copywriter who is trying to think of the best ad campaign slogan or copy.
파 스텔 톤과 아기자기한 소품으로 꾸며진 공간에서 구혜선이 색상, 컴팩트한 사이즈, ‘이자르’의 ‘7가지 컬러라이팅’, DMB 기능 등 수 많은‘이자르’의 특징을 생각하면서 최종 카피를 만들어내기 위해 노력하는 모습과 최종 카피인‘이자르, 여자를 빛나게 하다’를 생각해내는 모습이 담겨있다. GHS the copywriter is stationed inside a very feminine room with pastel colors with adorable knick-knacks with hue and compact size. GHS pondering over all the qualities of Izar phone: 7 types of color lighting, DMB capability and more so that she can come up with the most appropriate slogan. Then, she does come up with the slogan of : Izar makes a woman shine.
최종 카피 ‘이자르, 여자를 빛나게 하다’는 주얼리에서 볼 수 있는 크리스탈 라이팅을 휴대폰 하부 라인에 적용한 ‘이자르’의 ‘7가지 컬러라이팅’에서 모티브를 얻은 것으로, 여성 특화 스마트폰인‘이자르’는 ‘이자르’를 사용하는 여성 소비자를 돋보이게 하는 매력적인 제품이라는 메시지를 전달한다. sum: The new slogan for Izar received inspiration from the phone's 7 color lighting at the bottom part of the phone. Izar is particularly attractive product for the female consumers. |
한편 지난 7월에 출시된 ‘이자르’는 기존의 기계적이며 투박한 남성중심적 스마트폰 일색에서 크기, 기능 및 디자인 등 모든 면에서 여성 고객의 기호를 고려한 업계 최초 여성 타깃 스마트폰이다..Unlike the Iazr's male-targeted phones which is somewhat mechanical and bulky and manly, Izar's female-targeted phones are designed in every ways with women in mind.
스 카이(http://www.isky.co.kr) 국내마케팅실장 이용준 상무는“하루에 최대 2천대가 개통되고, 누적 판매량(공급기준)이 23만대를 돌파하며 꾸준한 사랑을 받고 있는 ‘이자르’의 인기에 힘 입어 후속 광고가 제작되었다”라며 “이 광고를 통해 ‘이자르’가 여성 소비자에게 더 큰 관심을 받는 것은 물론 여성 타깃의 아름다운 스마트폰인 ‘이자르’의 콘셉트를 다시 한 번 부각하는 계기가 될 것”이라고 포부를 밝혔다.=sum: National Marketing Leader Lee YongJoon also gives credit for the amazing popularity of the Izar phone for the new CF. Izar receives much interest from the female consumers and the new ad will further etch the beauty of the smartphone in the consumers.
http://news.nate.com.../20101124n23759 |
| |