matz_rockz This user has been deleted
GEORGE BEST the football legend passed away...... |
Legenda Man United tiada harapan lepas alami perdarahan
LONDON - Legenda Manchester United, George Best, 51 tahun, menghembuskan nafasnya yang terakhir semalam, demikian diumumkan oleh seorang jurucakap hospital.
Bekas pemain Ireland Utara itu, yang dimasukkan ke hospital sejak Oktober lalu, menghadapi masalah ketagihan arak pada sebahagian besar kehidupannya dan telah menjalani pembedahan hati pada 2002.
Mengulas tentang kematian Best, editor sukan Belfast Telegraph, Steven Beacom, berkata: 'Beliau adalah salah seorang ahli sukan yang terbaik dan barangkali terunggul yang pernah dilahirkan di Eropah. Beliau benar-benar adalah ahli sukan terbaik Ireland Utara.
'Selain daripada karisma dan kebolehannya di padang bola, Best adalah seorang yang agak pemalu.'
Seorang pengulas sukan BBC, Jackie Fullerton, yang juga rakan karib Best, memberitahu: 'Beliau sungguh berani menghadapi kesakitan sebagaimana beliau berani di medan pertempuran.'
Awal sebelum itu, doktor yang merawatnya, Profesor Roger Williams, memberitahu bahawa Best tidak mungkin hidup lama selepas keadaan bekas pemain bola sepak itu bertambah tenat.
'Best berada pada tahap teruk penyakitnya itu... Saya akan berasa terkejut sekiranya Best dapat bertahan dalam 24 jam lagi,' beliau menambah.
'Kami telah melakukan segala-galanya tetapi Best mengalami perdarahan lagi pada waktu malam,' katanya kepada wartawan di luar Hospital Cromweel.
Menurutnya, perdarahan itu telah merebak dari bahagian paru-paru kepada anggota badan yang lain.
Gara-gara kaki botol, Best terpaksa menjalani pembedahan hati pada 2002. Pada Oktober lalu, beliau telah dimasukkan ke hospital kerana dijangkiti kuman yang dikatakan ada kaitan dengan ubat yang diambilnya itu.
Keadaannya bertambah teruk apabila buah pinggangnya turut dijangkiti kuman. Selepas itu, ia merebak kepada paru-parunya.
Dianggap antara pemain terkemuka dunia sebaris Pele dari Brazil dan Diego Maradona dari Argentina, Best begitu popular bukan sahaja di medan pertempuran, bahkan di kalangan peminat wanita.
Beliau mula muncul sebagai pemain profesional apabila menyertai Manchester United pada 1963 pada usia semuda 17 tahun.
Pada 1968, Best membantu United menjuarai Piala Eropah. Pada tahun yang sama, beliau telah dipilih sebagai Pemain Terbaik Eropah.
Beliau turut menyarung jersi Ireland Utara sebanyak 37 kali. Beliau mengundurkan diri secara mengejut pada usia 28 tahun gara-gara ketagihan kepada minuman keras. - Agensi. |
Lelaki hanya didakwa miliki surat nikah palsu, wanita terbabit gagal dikesan
Saini Salleh
POLIS Batam tidak akan mengenakan tuduhan tambahan - memperdagangkan wanita Batam ke sini - ke atas seorang rakyat Singapura yang ditahan sejak 5 Oktober lalu kerana kesalahan nikah palsu dengan 23 wanita di pulau itu.
Ini kerana mereka gagal mengesan wanita-wanita yang menjadi korban kegiatan haram lintas sempadan Batam dan Singapura itu.
Seorang lelaki Batam yang dipercayai menguruskan buku nikah palsu dan membekalkan wanita-wanita kepada 'Seman' (bukan nama sebenar), telah menghilang diri.
Mengesahkan demikian, pegawai penyiaaat Polis Kota Besar Batam-Rempang-Galang (Poltabes Barelang), Sarjan Theohardi, ketika dihubungi semalam, berkata:
'Setakat ini kami belum menemui wanita-wanita yang menjadi mangsa. Disebabkan itulah kami tidak dapat mengenakan tuduhan tambahan.'
Namun, beliau tidak menolak kemungkinan Seman dikenakan tuduhan tambahan jika pihaknya menemui wanita-wanita yang dipercayai datang dari serata Indonesia itu.
Seman diberkas di Batam apabila tembelang 'mengeksport' 23 'isterinya' ke Singapura menggunakan buku nikah palsu, bocor dan polis Batam memberkasnya 5 Oktober lalu.
Dalam serbuan ke rumah sewanya di Hapi Garden dekat Nagoya, Polis Batam merampas 14 buku nikah palsu yang kesemuanya menyertakan nama Seman sebagai suami.
Apabila disoal siasat, Seman, duda yang menetap di Teck Whye itu, mengaku membawa tujuh 'isterinya' ke Singapura untuk bekerja sebagai pelayan di pusat-pusat karoke dan pelacur.
Buku nikah itu membolehkan wanita yang dibawanya diberi pas lawatan lebih lama - sekurang-kurangnya 14 hari.
Seman, seorang pekerja kontrak, mendakwa menerima $100 daripada seorang 'bapak ayam' sebagai upah bagi setiap wanita yang dibawa ke Singapura.
Polis Batam setakat ini memutuskan untuk me nuduhnya atas kesalahan memiliki surat nikah palsu - satu kesalahan yang boleh membawa kepada penjara sehingga lapan tahun.
Sarjan Theohardi memberitahu bahawa pihaknya hampir selesai menyiasat kes melibatkan Seman itu dan dia dijangka dihadapkan ke mahkamah di Batam bulan depan. |
Botox cepatkan muka kerepot
Oleh Zainal Zawawi Mohamed
[email protected]
Disondol babi tunggal
Oleh Sulaiman Salleh
[email protected]
SEREMBAN: Seorang kanak-kanak berusia empat tahun terkoyak kulit kepala selepas disondol babi tunggal ketika mengikuti kelas tuisyen di sebuah rumah di Taman Angsa Mas, Kuala Sawah, Rantau, kelmarin.
Dalam kejadian kira-kira jam 4 petang itu, Tan Pei Fong, 4, menerima lebih 10 jahitan di kepala, mulut, tangan dan kaki manakala seorang lagi kanak-kanak berusia enam tahun cedera ringan.
Kumpulan 15 murid tuisyen itu sedang mengadakan aktiviti luar kelas di tempat letak kereta apabila secara tiba-tiba seekor babi hutan masuk melalui pintu pagar yang terbuka.
Babi tunggal setinggi kira-kira semeter itu terus menyondol mangsa di situ manakala guru wanita tidak sempat berbuat apa-apa untuk membantu sehingga binatang liar berkenaan melarikan diri.
Tan dihantar ke sebuah hospital swasta untuk rawatan manakala kanak-kanak berusia enam tahun itu menerima rawatan pesakit luar di Hospital Seremban.
Ibu mangsa, Fong Poh Ping, 33, yang ditemui ketika dikunjungi Exco Alam Sekitar dan Sumber Manusia negeri, Datuk Peter Lai Yit Fee, pagi semalam, berkata anaknya masih trauma dengan serangan babi hutan itu.
揂nak saya masih kecil. Dia meracau-racau dan amat takut dengan kejadian ini. Saya cuba beri semangat dan duduk bersamanya sepanjang masa bagi memulihkan semangat, |
DAD'S PSLE SHOCK: He goes to collect her daughter's exam results, he's told:
No payment, no result slip
He has not paid her fees for several months.
By Shree Ann Mathavan
November 26, 2005
WHILE others rejoiced or cried over their PSLE results yesterday, she was stuck in the middle of a standoff between her father and her school.
Mr Ikhsan and his daughter outside Fuchun Primary. --KUA CHEE SIONG
The school's stand: Pay your school fee arrears before you can get your result slip.
Her father's stand: I have no money, so how can I pay?
So the 13-year-old Fuchun Primary student was left in limbo, wondering how she had fared in the Primary School Leaving Examination.
The EM3 pupil was repeating her PSLE, after failing last year.
She started crying as she spoke about not receiving her result slip.
'I'm very shocked and sad,' was all she muttered.
Her father, Mr Ikhsan Ahmad, 35, was more vocal.
The dispatch rider told The New Paper that he and his daughter had been looking forward to her results.
He took a day's no-pay leave to accompany her to her school in Woodlands, but was shocked to find out that his daughter could not get her results.
'The principal, Mrs Koh, told me they can't release my daughter's results because of our outstanding payments,' he said.
The school confirmed it had withheld the girl's result slip, but said she had been told in detail on how she fared. (See report on top of facing page.)
Mr Ikhsan disputed this, saying his daughter was only told that she had passed.
He admitted owing the school $566 for her fees because he had no money.
The sole breadwinner in an extended family of nine, he said he was heavily in debt.
This was not immediately apparent when The New Paper visited his four-room flat in Woodlands yesterday afternoon.
It was simply furnished and neat, with a large TV set in the living room.
Mr Ikhsan said he takes home $1,100 a month after his CPF deduction.
Besides his daughter, he has three other children in primary school.
He said his wife recently had surgery to remove a tumour from her stomach.
Also living with them are his mother-in-law, who has breast cancer, and two brothers-in-law, one of whom has Down's Syndrome.
The other brother-in-law, 26, works as a part-time security guard but is unable to contribute money as he has to pay for the maintenance of his ex-wife.
The family's monthly expenses include the children's school transport of about $160, utility bills of about $200, instalments of $250 on Mr Ikhsan's motorcycle and $200 for petrol.
He also owes Fuchun Primary more than $800 in fees for his three other children. He showed The New Paper invoices for their school fees as of 5 Nov. On top of this, he owes Singapore General Hospital more than $4,000, following his wife's surgery. He said his wife has been in and out of hospital since the operation and was admitted again on Wednesday. He claimed he tried to show proof of this to the school principal.
Eventually, he said he called the Ministry of Education (MOE) and was told after an hour to return and see the school clerk.
'They asked me how I intended to pay the school fees. I told them if they want to talk money, I'm not interested. What I want is to get my daughter's results,' he said.
'They asked for an instalment plan to pay them. I can make a thousand and one instalment plans, but if I can't make payment, how? People will say I only know how to plan, but never pay.'
He said he was told by the school that he would be informed of a decision in two or three days.
'So I told them if you can't release the results today, you keep it then. My daughter does not need to go to school. I said this because I hoped they would release the results.'
The last date for the submission of Secondary 1 school options is 30 Nov.
Mr Ikhsan said he was worried that by the time the school gets back to him, he might not have much time to decide on a secondary school for his daughter.
It would be a rush to submit the forms by the deadline, he said.
She will get result slip on Monday, school says
MR IKHSAN'S daughter is not the only one affected by non-payment of school fee arrears, said the Fuchun Primary principal-designate.
And if others have accepted the school's conditions, why can't he?
Said Mrs Koh Ai Lay, 37: 'Mr Ikhsan was not able to receive his daughter's results because he had accumulated fee arrears.
'As the school has other Pri 6 students who are making attempts to pay off their fee arrears, we decided to release the result slips for all affected students on Monday.' So how many such cases were there?
'About 10,' she said, adding that no one else had complained.
Said Mrs Koh: 'We verbally gave him his daughter's results today, and her teacher gave her an individual breakdown of the grades of each subject.
'We also encouraged Mr Ikhsan to use a proxy form if he was unable to accompany his daughter for the registration. The proxy form enables him to authorise another person to register his daughter in the Secondary 1 option in his absence.'
Did the school know the family was in hardship and had problems paying their fees?
Mrs Koh said: 'We are fully aware that Mr Ikhsan is the sole breadwinner of his family as we have been helping them. His children have received assistance under the MOE Financial Assistance Scheme.'
She said his son in Primary 2 was receiving the School Advisory Committee Financial Assistance, and his son in Pri 5 had been given a book assistance grant sponsored by an external agency.
'We are also in the midst of our application for free textbooks for two of his children who are going to Pri 4 and Pri 6 in 2006.'
Mrs Koh also pointed out that admission to Sec 1 was not on a first-come first-served basis.
'My intention is to release the result slips by the 28th, so there is time. Parents need not rush to register.' |
Michelle Leslie flies into media storm in Sydney
'I am not a fake Muslim'
Convicted model met the mysterious Mia for coffee in Singapore and they're still friends, says spokesman
November 23, 2005
CONVICTED drug user Michelle Leslie arrived home in Sydney this morning with little to say to the media pack that descended upon her as she stepped out of the arrival hall.
'The events of the last few months have just really turned my life upside down,' she said. 'I'm so happy to be home and see my family and Scott (her fiance, car empire heir Scott Sutton) and my friends.'
Asked about her religion, she refused to say anything more and tried to pass through the crowd to a waiting car. In the jostle, she lost one of her shoes.
Before boarding the flight to Sydney at Changi Airport last night (where she was pictured above), Ms Leslie vehemently denied faking her conversion to Islam to win favour with the judges during her ecstasy possession trial.
'I am not a fake Muslim,' she told the Daily Telegraph.
'I was a Muslim long before any of this happened. I found that this is the religion for me.'
The 24-year-old said she found claims that her conversion was a sham 'very upsetting'.
Ms Leslie's appearance in a Bali court wearing a Arab-style burqa and later a headscarf caused an outcry in Australia, where she is best known as the face of the underwear brand Ants Pantz.
The anger intensified when she emerged from prison on Saturday wearing a singlet and tight jeans with her midriff exposed.
Some Muslim leaders accused her of faking her faith in a bid to avoid a long jail term for Ecstasy possession.
But the 24-year-old told the paper that she had been a Muslim for some time and planned to continue to both model and practise her chosen faith.
'I'm a Muslim and I practise these beliefs in the best way that I can. You can be a Muslim regardless of your clothes.'
She said she was determined to balance her Muslim beliefs with rebuilding her reputation as an international model.
But first, she planned to take time off and relax in Sydney with Mr Sutton.
'I need to take some rest and re-evaluate my life and what's happened to me in Bali,' she said.
Ms Leslie's spokesman, Mr Sean Mulcahy, told the Telegraph that the model had stopped over in Singapore en route from Bali to Sydney so she could talk to Mia, the friend she claimed she was holding two Ecstasy tablets for when she was arrested at a Bali dance party.
'She found her. She has always known where she was,' he said.
'Michelle was very relieved to see her and she was very relieved to see Michelle out of jail.'
Mr Mulcahy said there was no animosity between them.
'They were relieved to see each other. They are friends.'
The Sydney Morning Herald reported that Ms Leslie spent two hours talking to Mia in a Singapore cafe yesterday.
It reported that Mia was an Indonesian model and may be planning to speak publicly in support of Ms Leslie.
Mr Mulcahy told the Herald that Ms Leslie had been threatened with death while in jail if she spoke out about the night of her arrest, but denied the threats were from Mia.
The paper alleged that the models were partying with the sons of influential Indonesians when Ms Leslie was arrested.
It also claimed that bribes were paid to reduce the charges against her and secure her release the day after she was found guilty on account of the three months she had spent on remand.
Mr Mulcahy said such claims 'are issues Michelle will deal with at an appropriate stage'.
But he hinted that the results of Ms Leslie's positive blood and urine tests for Ecstasy were faked. |
SYDNEY - Model warga Australia yang didapati bersalah memiliki dadah di Indonesia semalam meminta maaf kerana menyinggung perasaan masyarakat Islam dengan memakai pakaian menutup aurat semasa perbicaraannya.
Dengan berlinangan air mata, Michelle Leslie, 24 tahun, menolak dakwaan yang dia berpura-pura memeluk Islam untuk meraih simpati daripada hakim Indonesia di Bali.
Pembebasan Leslie Selasa lalu selepas meringkuk di penjara mencetuskan kritikan penganut Islam di Australia apabila dia memakai jeans ketat dan berpakaian mendedahkan aurat apabila dibebaskan.
Ini berbeza daripada imejnya semasa perbicaraan apabila dia sering bertudung, malah pernah memakai burqa.
'Mengenai tuduhan pedas yang saya berpura-pura menjadi seorang Muslim, biar saya katakan, pertama sekali bukan niat saya untuk menyinggung sesiapa dalam masyarakat Islam.
'Saya seorang Muslim dan saya faham kepentingan memakai burqa. Saya sepatutnya lebih berhati-hati sebelum memakainya dalam keadaan serupa itu dan saya meminta maaf jika menyinggung perasaan,' katanya dalam satu sidang akhbar semalam.
Leslie turut terkejut dengan kenyataan Perdana Menteri John Howard yang berkata model itu tidak seharusnya meraih keuntungan daripada pengalamannya.
'Saya menjangka jika saya dibebaskan, saya dapat memberitahu rakyat Australia apa sebenarnya berlaku. Tetapi sekarang saya sudah pulang, saya masih tidak yakin ia selamat bagi saya berbuat demikian kerana masih ada beberapa warga muda Australia di penjara Indonesia dan saya tidak mahu mengambil risiko memburukkan keadaan mereka,' katanya. - Agensi. |
today sunday times ader article pasal those people yang cheat kena tangkap.. among them dis guy from sia.. rumah2 dia very lavish seh.. |
MAYAT seorang lelaki berusia 33 tahun dan seorang wanita berumur 19 tahun ditemui dalam sebuah kereta di tempat meletak kereta Blok 462A, Chua Chu Kang Avenue 4, malam kelmarin.
Polis menerima panggilan sekitar 9.45 malam tentang penemuan itu, dan mereka disahkan mati pada 10.20 malam.
Mayat Encik Jerome Peck terduduk di atas Cik Linda Giam di tempat duduk penumpang depan kereta kelabu milik Encik Peck itu.
Menurut seorang saksi, mereka dalam keadaan berpelukan dan enjin kereta itu dalam keadaan mati ketika mayat mereka ditemui.
Saksi tersebut juga berkata hanya tiga daripada empat pintu kereta itu terkunci.
Cik Giam memakai kemeja-T polo biru dan seluar pendek manakala Encik Peck memakai kemeja-T berkolar dan seluar panjang.
Mereka teman sekerja di ST Logistics. Encik Peck seorang pengurus manakala Cik Giam seorang kerani.
Menurut kakak Cik Giam, Cik Giam Bao Ling, adiknya itu sudah bekerja di sana selama dua tahun. Beliau tinggal di Kim Keat bersama ibu bapanya.
Encik Peck, bapa dua anak berusia setahun dan enam tahun, tinggal di Blok 461, Chua Chu Kang Avenue 4.
Beliau telah berkahwin dengan isterinya, seorang pekerja bank, selama lapan tahun.
Beberapa jiran Encik Peck menyifatkannya sebagai suami dan bapa penyayang yang selalu keluar bersama keluarganya.
Menurut Cik Bao Ling, mereka hanya mengenali Encik Peck sebagai teman Cik Giam dan kali terakhir beliau bertemu dengan adiknya itu ialah Jumaat lalu.
Malam tersebut, Cik Giam menonton wayang bersama Cik Bao Ling dan seorang lagi adik Cik Bao Ling.
Selepas menonton wayang di Plaza Singapura, Cik Giam meninggalkan mereka dengan alasan hendak mengambil sesuatu daripada seorang temannya, dan berjanji akan pulang ke rumah kakaknya.
Bagaimanapun, beliau tidak pulang semalaman dan keluarganya hanya mendapat berita mengejut itu kelmarin.
Polis menyifatkan kes itu sebagai kematian luar biasa.
mesti ada cerita di sebalik kejadian... :cak: |
matz_rockz This user has been deleted
semalam on sunday papers....ada gambar 3 girls doing bar top dancing....
i've never seen one before.... |
matz_rockz This user has been deleted
masih hangat cerita pasal recording kat police station in kl... |
buat malu department aje. tapi sebalik fikir.. amoi tu pun bukan suci nah.. :bgrin: |
matz_rockz This user has been deleted
Originally posted by Browneyes at 29-11-2005 08:45 AM
buat malu department aje. tapi sebalik fikir.. amoi tu pun bukan suci nah.. :bgrin:
akak tu fierce seh.... |
matz_rockz This user has been deleted
SEA are out again...... |
Originally posted by matz_rockz at 29-11-2005 09:01 AM
SEA are out again......
nothing usual  |
Originally posted by Browneyes at 29-11-2005 08:45 AM
buat malu department aje. tapi sebalik fikir.. amoi tu pun bukan suci nah.. :bgrin:
mana tau...suci dalam debu ke...:cak: |
Originally posted by matz_rockz at 29-11-2005 08:47 AM
akak tu fierce seh....
akak polis tu eh?...fierce ke haper...ada ke dah bagus2 pakai unifom, dia pakai selipar... |
Originally posted by SQ154 at 26-11-2005 08:21 PM
DAD'S PSLE SHOCK: He goes to collect her daughter's exam results, he's told:
No payment, no result slip
He has not paid her fees for several months.
By Shree Ann Mathavan
November 26, 2 ...
Zaman skarang , smua is duit duit duit...
boring sey, ni baru primary 6, budak tu tak tahu apa2 pun..and yet jadi mangsa duit |
Originally posted by matz_rockz at 29-11-2005 09:01 AM
SEA are out again......
Memang padan...:pray:
Ni bukan Spore team pun...Pakai Nigeria, Pakai China.. Apa sey... Gaji Agu $50,000 tau setahun, ni belum campur allowances and bonuses.
Tu la...Aku rasa ramai celebrate Spore nye bola out...
At least Water Polo, smua true Sporeans...memang gold alrite..
lumba lari 100m pun dua2 budak2 spore jugak, tak dapat medal takpe...tapi top 8. |
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Category: Negeri & Negara