thanks meow13 for the vids,pics & credit to susAmerica for translations from soompi
Ku Hye Sun - Toyota Prius CF [30s] ver 1
GHS is the sales consultant and asks the consumers to test drive and see the 29.2k/l Truth (I am assuming she is talking about the gas mileage?) GHS the sales rep says that with such Truth, people may be able to challenge the cost of travelling on public transportation with the cost of buying and using Toyota Prius. (A big challenge!)
Ku Hye Sun - Toyota Prius CF [30s] ver 2
I love the 2nd version where GHS the sales rep is talking to the innocent family with 2 little kids: The Truth about the 29.2k/l. The family wonders if that is really possible. GHS the rep says: it has two electric motors, Even though engine is turned off, the air conditioner still operates, Whenever one breaks, battery is recharged, It is possible to drive just with the battery power. The family looks happy and shocked. GHS the rep: Prius's amazing abilites..please confirm for yourself. Let's go to Toyota.
This article by Reporter Kim SeungH0 ([email protected]김승호기자) talks more about the DESIGN Korea 2010. I will just summarize.
Kim TaeHyun who is the Director of Design Korea 2010's Promotion had a press meeting on Nov 23rd at a restaurant in Seoul.
He said that he wants to make Design Korea 2010 as high quality as the world famous Milano (Italy) Design Fair.
Unlike many other functions that are promoted by the business enterprises, Design Korea is backed by the national government officials since 2003. Its work has been so far very admirable and envious.
Director Kim also states that this year, Desing Korea wanted to up the gauge to the international level. At this year's Design Korea, the public is also able to look all at one time all the designs picked as the top design from all over the world by the recently ended 20-Nation (G20) Summit Meeting. (I hope I trans that well.)That is why Design Korea also selected the location of Ko-Ex in Samsung dong in Seoul.That is the location where G20 held its meeting. Last year's location in Inchun had some limitation in terms of not getting enough spectators. So, this year is in Seoul. However, due to budgetary constraints of the government, they are also trying to attract the help of the private organizations.
As a last resort, Design Korea was trying to get private benefectors but actually the plan has become more diverse and different.
김 원장은 “영화배우이자 디자이너인 구혜선씨를 비롯해 많은 디자이너들이 서울 한남동 일대 주택에 마련된 작업 공간에서 함께 생활하며 다양한 작품활동을 통해 보여주게 되는 ‘디자인코리아 2010 인 한남’은 신선한 시도로 평가받고 있다”며 “이를 통해 우리의 디자인이 보다 대중과 가깝게 호흡할 수 있는 계기가 될 것으로 기대한다”고 말했다. Director Kim says: Actress and designer GHS, along with many designers will live and work together at a studio in Seoul HanNamdong's residential location and will exhibit their creative work. Design Korea is already praised as a refreshing venture and hopes to connect the designs to the general public in more intimate level.
앞서 지식경제부와 디자인진흥원측은 드라마 ‘동이’의 주인공 한효주씨를 홍보대사로 위촉하기도 했다. Dept of Education and Economy and Design Promotion Team have gone as far as to select Han HyoJoo of drama DongYi as its Promotion Ambassador. (I wonder if GHS going to see Han HyoJoo with that adorable Mini-Mouse cake has anything to do with this event??? I hear that right now in Korea Han Hyo Joo is considered the most marketable actress in Korea. keke You see, I am beginning to see GHS as a very silent yet very effective public relations person...keke Of course, I could be wrong. However, this article obviously says that Design Korea has had difficulty financially to get the program going this year. Their budget was cut in half and their location is also at more expensive Seoul area to attract even more spectators. GHS was a specially invited artist according to the Design 2010 blog and I would imagine they asked her for her help. With GHS and Han HyoJoo, I would think more private benefectors may step in???? Also, we have to remember that GHS has a private mission to advocate and promote unknown artists who are starting out. Right? That is the whole purpose of her Manolin Cage Gallery.)
내달 7일부터 12일까지 엿새간 열리는 디자인코리아 2010은 G20 국가 중 ‘굿 디자인(Good Design)’ 상을 운영하는 14개국의 수상제품을 모은 ‘G20 베스트디자인’을 비롯해 국내 최고의 디자인제품인 ‘2010 우수디자인(GD) 선정’, 세계가 주목하는 젊은 디자이너들의 작품을 모은 ‘디자인커넥션(디자인전문회사, 영디자인스튜디오 및 차세대디자인리더)’ 등을 비롯해 다양한 부대행사 및 국제콘퍼런스 등으로 꾸며진다. sum: It appears that Design Korea will have special events from December 7~12. There will be 14-country's 'Best Designs' from the G20's Good Design awards; Korea's best design (GD)will be selected; 'Design collection' from world-recognized young designers (Professional Design Company, Young Design Studio and New Generation Design Leader); there will also be various group/troop activities as well as International Conference at Design Korea 2010.
(I am a bit confused that the blog for Design Korea said it will run for some part of November and December. Perhaps the special activites that are mentioned above will take place during December 7~12th.??)
thanks for the article and credit susAmerica for the translation from soompi
구혜선, 디자이너들과의 유쾌한 동거 시작 '디자인코리아 2010인 한남' 프로젝트 참여 GHS: She will start living cheerfully with other designers. She is participating in the project, Design Korea 2010 In HanNam [ⓒ '글로벌 석간 종합일간지' 아시아투데이]=[@ Global Suk Ghan Jong Hap Daily Publication]
[아시아투데이=우남희 기자]배우 구혜선이 오는 12월 7일부터 12일까지 코엑스에서 열리는 디자인코리아 2010의 사전이벤트의 일환인 '디자인코리아 2010 인 한남'에 아티스트로 참여한다.
[Asia Today=Reporter Woo Nam Hee]This coming December 7~12, GHS will be participating as an artist at the Design Korea 2010's preliminary event at the Ko-X Center. This is just one part of the program of Design 2010.
'디자인코리아 2010 인 한남'은 전시주제인 '디자인을 통한 공존'에 걸맞게 다양한 영역을 넘나드는 트렌드세터, 얼리어댑터, 패셔니스타 가운데 선정된 국내외 멀티디자이너들이 함께한다. Design 2010's theme is 'Coexistence Through Design'. So appropriate to the theme, the selected designers are known as national multi-talented designers who are able to cross many domains of design and are referred to as trendsetters, early adapters and fashionistas.
이들은 한남동 일대의 10여 동의 빈 가옥을 작업실 겸 생활공간으로 사용하며 60일간 자유롭게 작품 활동을 펼칠 예정.
They are going to take over about 10 empty building structures in Han Nam dong for 60 days and work and live freely. (This reminds me of a GHS's interview where she thinks she might have become a 'freely roaming artist' if she never went into acting and direcing.)
구혜선은 이 프로젝트를 위해 자신의 방을 꾸밀 가구를 직접 구입하는 등 애정을 보이고 있다. 그는 색감이 강하고 선의 쓰임이 매력적인 다양한 일러스트 작품을 선보인다.
GHS is showing her excitement/love for this project by planning to bring in some of her own furnitures to decorate her room. She is planning to display her illustrations with strong sense of colors and diverse and attractive lines.
구혜선은 "평소 다같이 보고 즐길 수 있는 문 턱 낮은 아트를 하고 싶었다"며 프로젝트 참여 계기를 밝혔다.
GHS says:"For a while now, I have wanted to do/make art that can be shared and enjoyed by everyone. Kind of art with low doorsill." (I remember GHS has said this before in her previous interviews--she wants to erase the myth that art is understood and enjoyed by the select and elite few.)
한편 구혜선은 현재 드라마 '더 뮤지컬' 촬영 중이며, 내년에 본격적으로 촬영을 진행할 장편영화의 시나리오 작업을 마친 상태다. At the same time, GHS is in the middle of filming for the drama, THE MUSICAL. She has already completed the script for her next feature-length movie that she plans to start next year full-fledged. (So, when is she going to Taiwan to do AD?)
thanks for the article and credit to susAmerica for the translation from soompi
I will just summarize.
[Union Press Intern Reporter Kim HyeRim] Currently chic and/or lovely hair styles are popular. Gone are the age of long hair that represented women as pure and sunny. Here comes the various short hair cuts that give women feelings of chic, boyish, tough and also cute and lovely.
It talks about the popularity of wigs among women who want to try short styles especially like HaJiWon who cut her hair short to play a stunt woman in drama Secret Garden (I am kind of liking this drama. Ha's kicks remind me of Geum JanDi and wealthy Hyun Bin who is scared of elevators remind me of Goo Joon Pyo who is scared of bugs. Keke The drama also has a feel of fantasy like BOF. keke)
I am going to skip talks of other stars' hair cuts. GHS is (the bolded part)characterized as
a young-looking actress whose hair style gives off feeling of being adorable, neat and smart.
thanks natali for the article and credit to susAmerica for the translation from soompi
신인가수 명희, 구혜선과 “특별한 인연” 화제
구혜선의 감독 데뷔작 ‘요술’의 주제곡 불러
New singer MyungHee's special relationship with GHS is creating big news. MyungHee sang the theme song for the GHS's movie, YoSool.
신인가수 명희와 구혜선의 특별한 인연이 화제를 모으고 있다.
최근 첫 번째 싱글 <그대가 온다…>를 발표한 명희는 2008년 MBC 대학가요제 대상 출신임이 알려지며 뜨거운 관심을 받고 있는데 이어 ‘구혜선의 뮤즈’였음이 밝혀지며 또 한번 화제를 모으고 있다. The new singer, NyungHee, came out with her first single, <He is Coming..>. MyungHee started out by winning the highest award at the 2008 MBC College Singing Show. This news created big news around MyungHee. On top of that the fact that she is known as GHS's Muse is also creating another big news around MyungHee.
명희는 지난 여름 구혜선의 감독 데뷔작 영화 <요술>의 주제곡을 불렀던 ‘구씨네밴드’의 보컬로서 음악뿐만 아니라 직접 영화에 출연하였으며, 당시 구혜선은 영화 홍보를 위해 구씨네밴드와 함께 공연을 가지며 폭발적인 가창력을 지닌 명희를 극찬하는 등 아낌없는 애정을 드러내기도 했다. MyungHee came out in the GHS's movie, YoSool and also sang the theme song for the movie. She also participated as the vocal in the GooCine Band that performed to promote the movie. GHS could not praise MyungHee enough for her exploxive vocal ability and displayed much affection for MyungHee.
이후 명희는 연기뿐만 아니라 미술과 음악적인 재능도 뛰어난 구혜선과 함께 음악적인 교감을 나누며 지금까지도 깊은 우정을 쌓아오고 있는 것. Since then, MyungHee continues to share with GHS their love for music and deep friendship.
명희과 구혜선이 함께한 사진이 공개되면서 네티즌들은 “실력파 명희가 이런 숨은 보석이였다니…”, “시원한 가창력의 소유자라 생각했는데, 경력이 예사롭지 않다.”, “구혜선과 명희의 인연이 오래갔으면 좋겠다.”등의 글들을 올리며 뜨거운 반응을 보이고 있다. As the pix of GHS and MyungHee came out, many netizens are leaving these messages: Talented MyunHee was this hidden treasure...I thought she has such refreshing vocal ability but her career history is unique...I hope that GHS and MyungHee's friendship last long time..etc.
한편 명희는 지난 19일 첫 번째 싱글 <그대가 온다...>를 발매하고 본격적인 활동에 들어갈 예정이다. MyungHee came out with her first single on the 19th with <He is Coming..> and plans to plot ahead full force as a singer.
The tweeter says: Since the afternoon, at the D.K 2010 In HanNam, actress GHS has been decorating her work space. Despite her busy schedule, her deligence/working hard looks beautiful.
GHS's postcard is upside down but it says: I would like to ask for all of your participation/visit. I hope that you will have a good time. To December's Freedom!! (sorry, I cannot read that very tiny print on her postcard.)
Since I do not know how the tweeter works, I am not sure why the RED CROSS sent a message to GHS. Maybe she inquired about the crisis resulting from the North and South firing at each other? Not sure. Also, the Red Cross seems to be addressing the Tweeter administrator? due to many misinformation about blood donation going around in the tweeter. The second tweet talks about what Red Cross is doing to help the victims and residents at the YunPyungDo through various aids (I think this is the town where North Korea fired?)
Webby! thanks for the article on Design Korea 2010.
Yes, you are right!
Those pix are some of the rooms that the artists will be staying to work freely on their art. I am not going to translate the whole article but here is the excerpt pertaining to GHS.
31-4번지 주택에 입주한 그래픽 아티스트 유대영은 찜질방 불가마에 까는 옥잠화 매트를 방에 들여놨다. "집보다 여기가 훨씬 좋다"며 며칠째 이곳에 살고 있다. 옆옆방은 미국에서 활동하고 있는 미술가 고상우의 방. 그는 "다양한 분야의 디자이너와 함께 있으면서 네트워킹을 할 수 있는 매력적인 곳"이라며 미국에서 날아왔다. 이 집에는 탤런트 구혜선도 들어올 예정이다. 그녀가 일러스트 작업을 할 방은 한창 단장을 하고 있다.
It appears that about 6 houses in HanNamdong are being used by the artists. 31-4 is the address of the house that GHS will be staying. Her house mates are: graphic artist Yoo DaeYoung who brought a mat used in steam-houses. He says that he loves his work space which he considers better than his home and he has been already living there for few days. Two doors down is an artist who work in America. He flew back to Korea to participate in DK2010 in order to newwork and work on his art. In this house, talent GHS will also live and she will work on her illustration. She is working hard on decorating.
(According to the pix on the article, the rooms in these houses look awful to me. One part of the article said that some rooms smelled like mold. These houses were already empty and used to house restaurants and residents.)
There are 30 teams of 78 artists living at these locations until the end of next month--so, until end of December. (I guess it started in November?--what happened to 60 days? I wonder if they are sleeping there too? Those GHS house-mates are so lucky!!)
The article also says that people can visit and open doors to any artists' rooms and see the artists' work in progress. It is live art--as Park TaeEun, project manager, says, it will be a program where artists's lives are broadcast live like 'real variety town'.
(Hey!! are any soompi sunnies visiting Korea this December? You will be very lucky to see GHS live working on her art at HanNamDong!! I hope that some TV stations will televise these artists! keke)
thanks again siidudul & susAmerica for the pic & translation from soompi
초록색대문집에는 배우 구혜선씨가 작업공간 꾸미고 맞은편 다세대주택에서는 파티 준비로 분주하고 이렇게 한남동은 뜨거운 열기가 가득합니다^^=DAROCKOO tweeted and he is the one who tweeted before to say that GHS's deligence makes her beautiful: (On the map posted by siidudul is the house number 31-4 which is in blue and is where GHS is living.) The tweet: The green front door leads to the house where actress GHS-ssi is decorating her work area. Across from her house is ?dhasedeh? residence where people are busy preparing a party. HanNamdong is a place full of heated enthusiasm. (Wow, I wish I could be there right now to see! keke)
'구혜선, 디자인코리아2010 작품준비를 위해 한남동 빈집에서 디자이너들과 동거' ...ㅋ....ㅋㅋ...진짜 싫어...ㅡㅡ=tweet: GHS is participating in Design Korea 2010 and living with other artists in an empty house in HanNamdong to work on her own art really hate it. 디자인 코리아에서 잠시 동거중입니다. 새로운 그림들과 한컷인데요. 의미있는 일이 되기를 소망합니다.=GHS's tweet (thanks to first_snow): I am temporarily living at the Design Korea. This is a cut with new drawings. I hope that it will become a meaningful work. (Thanks to siidudul, pink fairy and meow13, we find out that GHS edited her own tweet--it is same as the one first_snow posted but GHS added <hek-hek> at the end--that is the sound of being out of breath and GHS also added in parenthesis that tweeting is hard. (perhaps she had hard time uploading her pix.)
(Her room in Design Korea look like her gallery in Cafe Manolin. She started those drawings of child-like faces long time ago--I guess she knew of her purpose then? Also, she is venturing into new type of art---scultpuring--do you see?--wow!!! She never ceases to amaze us. We are still in the dark about THE MUSICAL; whether she is really attending the Asian Pacific Film Festival; does she have a roomate at Design Korea?; can you imagine living next door to GHS and you can knock on her door any time?? kkyahkkk!!; when is she going to film the AD in Taiwan; when is she really making her next movie; is she really going to make the first day of her new college??) http://img26.imagesh...6/9606/16u0.jpg
구혜선님의 싸인을 받다!!! 신났네요 혼자 ㅎ=This person tweeted that s/he is so excited by her/him-self about getting GHS's autograph!!!
Actress Goo Hye-sun to serve as South Korea's film ambassador in Asia Pacific Film Festival despite brewing anti-Korean sentiments in Taiwan
Written by: Pauli on 11/26/2010
Next week marks the 54th Asia Pacific Film Festival, a prestigious film festival held in Taiwan this year which gathers top filmmakers and entertainers from around the region to celebrate the joys of film. In an effort to expand the film festival to a larger and more general audience, organizers for the festival hoped to continue inviting popular pop groups from South Korea to take part in musical performances since South Korean boy band Super Junior's participation at last year's festivities.
Due to the recent row stemming from female Taiwanese taekwondo athlete Yang Shu-chun's disqualification from the recent Asian Games by a South Korean sports official not present at the match, brewing anti-Korean sentiments in Taiwan led to organizers of the festival to terminate those original plans. "We were considering inviting South Korean groups to perform but we decided to drop the idea as the atmosphere is wrong," Justin Chou, an organizer of the Asia Pacific Film Festival, told reporters.
Rumors had been circulating by the media that the organizers had already invited groups such as SNSD and SS501 to take part in this year's festivities, but the organizers clarified that invitation letters were never sent out since the original plan was never finalized, thus no rude behavior was committed in having to retract invitations since none were ever sent out.
Despite the lack of Korean pop groups taking part in music performances at the film festival, the target audience of filmmakers and actors that include those from South Korea were still welcomed to take part in the festivities. Popular Korean actress Goo Hye-sun -- who starred in the South Korean idol drama adaptation Boys Over Flowers and is currently filming for the Taiwanese idol drama adaptation Absolute Boyfriend -- has not been fazed from attending the festivities, and is in fact taking part to serve as the ambassador for her native country's films.
Taiwan is the host country for this year's Asia Pacific Film Festival, which will take place next week on December 2-4, 2010.
Yo Sool received high attention before screening (about APFF)
The 54th Asia Pacific Film Festival(APFF) will be having a film-fest at Cinemark Theatres for two consecutive days (2nd Dec-3rd Dec). A total of 9 films will be having premiere show within the two days. There were two films received high interest from the fans. One of them is YoSool which directed by Ku HyeSun, who gained her popularity after acted as Geum Jandi in Boys Over Flowers. The other one is The Drunkard starring by Irene Wan Bik-ha and Zhang GuoZhu.
The details about free screening ticket giveaway event have been published in Facebook fans page. After the information were released, all of the tickets for YoSool have been redeemed/claimed within six hours followed by The Drunkard. The redemption for tickets can be done within 24th Nov to 25th Nov, many fans did not able to redeem/get the free screening ticket, hence they hope the organizer will giveaway more tickets so that they have the chance to watch it. The organizer of the event said, YoSool and The Drunkard received high interest from the fans, the reaction for redemption of ticket is very enthusiastic. To express our gratitude towards the fans support, we will giveaway more tickets. We believe that the good news will lead to an active response in APFF Facebook fans page.
Besides having film-fest on the 2nd Dec and 3rd Dec, there will be a seminar about movie on the 28th Dec. This seminar will be held at the National Palace Museum and well-known film director, Xu Ligong will be the speaker. Reservation for the movie seminar can be done via the official website, many fans already started to book seats for the seminar.
For more information about the 54th APFF, please visit the official site ( )or Facebook fans page.
Ku HyeSun acted as Geum Jandi in Boys Over Flowers, because of the superb acting skills, she gained her popularity and gained a lot of fans in Taiwan. This year, she directed a movie, her full-length featured film YoSool. Many fans and netizen already started to discuss about the movie although it is yet to be shown in Taiwan. Ku HyeSun will be participating APFF as a director. Her multitalent is well-known in the Korean entertainment industry. Besides acting in dramas, she directed short films, published book, do drawings and some music composition. YoSool which is going to screen in APFF is her first feature film. The movie mainly is about a story happened in a music school, love and friendship between the music school students and conflicts that happened during the growth. YoSool received good reviews from the Korean movie industry after it was released.
Information about YoSool's screening in APFF:-
Date: 2nd of Dec (Thursday)
Time: 1530 to 1730
Venue: Cinemark Theatre, Theatre 1
Some description about YoSool:-
Country: Korea
Director: Ku HyeSun
Actor: Seo HyunJin
Motion picture rating system: General. The content is very mild in impact.
thanks meow13 for the pics and credit susAmerica for the translation from soompi
with bling _ 구혜선씨 인터뷰하던 날..The day GHS-ssi was interviewed...
날씨 좋은 날 구혜선씨의 인터뷰가 있었습니다. GHS-ssi was interviewed on a very good weather.
연기자가 아닌 일러스트레이터. 작가로써의 구혜선씨를 인터뷰 하던 날이였죠.=...not as an actress but as an illustrator and author/composer.
벽지가 덕지 덕지 뜯어진 반지하에서 촬영이 이루어 졌는데요.=We filmed at ?half-basement area filled with layers and layers of torn wall papers.
먼지 덕분에 모든 스텝들이 목이 좀 아프고 코가 좀 간지러웠었지만..All the staff were feeling a bit sick in the necks and itchy in the noses from all the dust
촬영은 강행!But film/work must go on!
여리여리한 외모지만...Even though she looks tender and soft...
그녀는 굉장히 털털했습니다. she was amazingly tul-tul=free and easy/unaffected ](that is, by soial expectation/norm---that is the amazing thing about GHS--she looks soft and appears shy on stage, but where it counts on person to person level, she is just free and easy and herself.)
날씨도 좋았지만. The weather was good, but
구혜선씨 덕분에 촬영장 스텝들 얼굴도 맑아지는 것을 저 혼자 만큼은 느꼈습니다.It was because of GHS-ssi that staff's faces were cheerful. I really felt that.
표정들이 서글 서글..Her expressions were broad-minded and generous.
블링의 김용현 에디터!=Bling's Editor Kim Yong Hyun!
\구혜선씨의 인터뷰에 헤드이셨던..He is in charge of the GHS-ssi Inteview.
편하게 분위기를 이끌어 수다타임의 느낌으로 인터뷰가 진행되었습니다.The interview atmosphere was so comfortable that it felt like carrying on a gossip time.
작품 이야기를 할 때는 더더욱 신중하고 진솔하게 말씀하시더군요. But, when she talked about her art work, she was very prudent/careful and ?jinsol?~maybe poster meant jinshil?-authentic?.
어제는 또 한남동에 오셔서 하루 종일 작얼실을 꾸미고 가셨는데요.She also came to HanNamdong yesterday to work on decorating her room all day long and left.
작은 체구에 여리여리한 구혜선씨는 생각보다 작업하는 모습은 톰보이 같기도 했습니다. She may be small and fragile in appearance but when I see her work, she really seems like a tomboy.
털털한 모습에 필자는 약간 반했답니다.This author also kind of fell for her free and easy way about her
여자가 봐도 여자로써 많은 매력이 있는 분이더군요. As a woman watching her, I really saw her so many charms.
연기자로써의 구혜선의 모습보다는 친구같은 모습이였죠.Instead of seeing her as an actress, she seemed more like a friend.
망치까지 들어 뚝딱뚝딱 못을 박는 모습...She was hammering in the nails..
스프레이를 뿌려가며.... 냄세에 취하면서도 끝까지 작업하던 모습.she also sprayed,,,even though she was drinking in all the fumes, she never stopped working until finished.
곧........... 개봉하겠습니다.We will...soon open.
사실 이런 멘트는 뻔하지만...Of course nothing new in that statement..but..
작업하는 열정있는 모습은 TV에 나와서 소근소근 이야기 하는 그녀의 다른 면도 볼 수 있었습니다.To see her work with such passion is yet another side of GHS that I never saw when she is interviewed on TV and talking so affably.
이거 정말 리얼하게 느꼈습니다. I really felt this for real.
앞으로는 왠지 구혜선씨의 드라마를 더욱 챙겨 보게될 것 같네요. I suddenly felt very strongly that from now on I am going to make sure I see GHS-ssi's dramas very deligently.
소탈한 그녀의 작업 공간도 곧 보여드릴께요 I will also soon show you her unceremonious (free and easy) work space.
from DC: http://gall.dcinside...809&page=1&bbs=
yosooljengyi of DC found out that GHS left a message on a Fan Cafe (not DCinside).
GHS left one line that said: 사랑합니다. 여러분! =I love you. Everyone!
GHS's tweet: Ah Ha! I am going to work at 'Design Korea'. I am going to do some construction. I realized the easier way to put a nail through concrete. You can do it using wooden chopsticks! Stick a nail between the still-attached wooden chopsticks, then just hammer down hard with all your might!
(OMG, please be careful GHS-ssi! But she is not new to this type of construction. I wonder how the outdoor house for her greyhound puppy, BHAP, turn out? keke What Design Korea is doing seems kind of realistic. Poor starving artists find a run-down space which they must decorate to inspire them with their work. Cannot wait to see the finished room--I guess that could be an art itself--interior decorating at fast speed.)
Once we had a question about whether RED CROSS actually was following her and leaving messages throuh tweet? I checked her Tweeter and saw that GHS is following the Korean RED CROSS and also another person who is part of the Korean Social Welfare AGency. I guess GHS like everybody in Korea and beyond is worried about North and South Korea. I pray it is resolved before more death and injuries.