Reply miyoma
2.7k tu sorang ker?
cn7 Post at 14-1-2011 14:39 
hm...1 pax.... |
miyoma...i ade inbox u, tp u xreply... |
Reply 1126# miyoma
boleh tahan costly gak |
Reply 1124# gilakentang
thanks for the info.
i pun banyak refer kat blog orang when it comes to research for travelling. if perlu, i will email the blogger sendiri...
i tunggu boocik buat blog dia jer....hehehehehe |
Reply 1125# miyoma
tak silp i, pernah dulu AA buat 0 fare ke London, tapi pas campur tax bagai, still dapat harga lebih kurang ke Paris. Sebab 0 diorang pun bukanla betul2 0 pun kan... if tak, nak makan apa pulak cabin crew diorang nanti.
hopefully they open more route to europe countries. Or gi Switzerland terus ker |
If direct flight dari KL ke Paris ni, sama duration macam KL-London ker? around 13 hours yer? |
Reply 1132# cn7
12 hours klu xsilap..kurang skit dr london... |
Reply miyoma
tak silp i, pernah dulu AA buat 0 fare ke London, tapi pas campur tax bagai, ...
cn7 Post at 14-1-2011 22:17 
tgh sbr menanti AA wak promo la skang ni... |
Reply 1124# ...
cn7 Post at 14-1-2011 14:14
nama blog tu nanti OCDtravels.blogspot.com :) he he he...
(posted by mobile) |
Reply 1135# boocik04
hahahahaa......good one boocik |
Reply 1133# didie80
the lesser the better...kurang sikit berkematu duk lama2 dalam flight |
ade sape2 berminat nak pg paris or london dlm bulan 2 or 3 ni can pm ni.... |
Boocik (or anyone yang boleh tolong),
kat airport Orly tu ada makanan halal tak? |
Post Last Edit by boocik04 at 18-1-2011 14:07
Boocik (or anyone yang boleh tolong),
kat airport Orly tu ada makanan halal tak?
cn7 Post at 18/1/2011 13:47 
kat airport orly tu boocik tak sure sebab tak makan kat situ tapi kalau naik easyjet, memang dorang ada offer halal food inflight...
kalau you nak cuba fast food kat paris boleh try "quick".
ni macam mc donald's and no.2 popular after mc donald's
semua outlet dia halal... |
Reply 1140# boocik04
Yay! happy to know that... memang tulisan dia "QUICK" ek...bukan ejaan french ke apa ker |
Reply 1140# ...
cn7 Post at 18-1-2011 06:34
yes, memang ejaannya "QUICK" gitewww :)
(posted by mobile) |
station eurostar kat Paris nama apa? Yang kat London St Pancrass King Cross kan? Paris punya Gare Du Nord ker? dari stesen eurostar Paris nak ke Orly berapa lama (and by train ker?) How bout ke central Paris (yang tempat Printemps suma tu la) |
station eurostar kat Paris nama apa? Yang kat London St Pancrass King Cross kan? Paris pun ...
cn7 Post at 19-1-2011 16:23
yes, eurostar train station kat paris tu kat gare du nord...
kalau nak naik train ke orly kena pastikan naik RER ligne B (line B).
naik sampai ke antony then turun and naik orlyval (orly airport bus)...
perjalanan dalam 20-30 minutes je sebab tak jauh pun. about 20km je...
(posted by mobile) |
Reply 1143# cn7
printemps yang kat area mana you nak pegi tu?
kalau nak ke 1st arrondisement tu, you boleh naik train ke chatelet-les-halles :)
(posted by mobile) |
Kat dlm disneyland paris ada proper prayer room ker? |
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