xpe ke kalau pangkal nama ditulis dengan huruf kecik contohnya Mohd al Hafiz
ejaan sebenar pada pasport Mohd Al Hafiz
korg cube try web cek in dah ok kot
just now pia baru web cek in lepas dh print boarding pass
padahal nk fly besok ni
Edited by gebuzz at 19-11-2015 01:40 PM
ha'ah web check-in mmg ade problem due to server upgrading..tp since last nite dh okay..
pasal ejaan nama tu i penah ade experience..bukan setakat salah eja lg bunyi pun dh xsama tp...alhamdulillah lepass jgk smpi ke vietnam.
tetiba i jd blurr nk tanya u all luggage yg perlu di declare utk flight international 20 kg keatas kan...tp kalau luggage kite hanya 13 kg camne..boleh terus drop kt kaunter jer kan tanpa bayaran i means percuma..betoii ke idokk...tq
yang FREE tu 7kg hand carry (means u taruk dlm kabin atas kepala dlm plane)kalau drop luggage airasia tu mmg kene byr la...

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Post time 19-11-2015 03:22 PM
From the mobile phone
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cik_kalerluna replied at 19-11-2015 12:07 PM
xpe ke kalau pangkal nama ditulis dengan huruf kecik contohnya Mohd al Hafiz
Takde masalah takat huruf kecik asalkan ejaan still sama. |

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Post time 19-11-2015 03:25 PM
From the mobile phone
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gebuzz replied at 19-11-2015 01:35 PM
ha'ah web check-in mmg ade problem due to server upgrading..tp since last nite dh okay..
pasal ...
Air asia takdela nak bagi sampai 20kg free. Hehehe. Yg free yg untuk bawak naik cabin sebanyak 7 kilo. Kalau yg check in kena beli dari 20kg. |
tq owen81... dah confirm ngan kaunter airasia klsentral... xde masalah asalkan ejaan sama
Alhamdulillah, sistem dah ok. Orait jer check-in tadi & dpt not bad seat. |
Dah chck in tadi, tapi tak jumpa boarding pass kat email.
Macam mana nak retrieve boarding pass?
And satu, kalau dah chck-in masih bole add on ke? Tadi excited kekdahnya sampai lupa nak add on ha |

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Post time 20-11-2015 08:57 AM
From the mobile phone
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suesz replied at 20-11-2015 12:18 AM
Dah chck in tadi, tapi tak jumpa boarding pass kat email.
Macam mana nak retrieve boarding pass?
Pegi web check in balik. Ada option reprint boarding pass. Boleh lagi add on asalkan sebelum 4 jam dari waktu flight. |
TQ sume..yg bg info psl luggage..7kg tu person ke..klau i 3 beranak = 21kg cmtu ker..xyah nk add on beg.. |

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Post time 20-11-2015 12:24 PM
From the mobile phone
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gebuzz replied at 20-11-2015 11:41 AM
TQ sume..yg bg info psl luggage..7kg tu person ke..klau i 3 beranak = 21kg cmtu ker..xyah nk add on ...
Haah 7 kilo seorang tapi make sure sorang satu beg je. So, total 3 beg. |
kengkawan, promo airasia starts hari ahad ni utk Big card members
owen81 replied at 20-11-2015 08:57 AM
Pegi web check in balik. Ada option reprint boarding pass. Boleh lagi add on asalkan sebelum 4 jam ...
Ok. Thanks.
Hehe. option utk merchandise items mmg dah takde kan. |
xde sapa2 yg rembat promo kali ni ke |
As salam
Nak reconfirm..
Utk bayi umur 2 thn ke bwh tak perlu beli tiket online kan?
Boleh beli kat kaunter nt kemudian..betul x
Thanks |
tiket AA kata promo tp nan hado..macam mahal je |
Airasia ni kalau time promo jer mesti ade problem tang payment
dah bayar elok2 thru m2u pun masih dapat notice 'Need Payment'  |
kan..tak menarik langsung promo lately...
mahal pulak tu..
| |