aja-cute - bear in mind, november sudah mula peak season tau.. so be prepared to pay extras ... and the crowd bila nak gie tours tu.. |
Post Last Edit by lilyflower at 15-7-2009 08:56
betul ckp adnil.... berbaloi lagi pergi low season org tak ramai bila ke island hopping tu aman jer sebab tak crowded yg penting sekali everything can get cheap... kalu pegi high season aku rasa maya bay tu mesti dah tak nampak pantai and nak amik gambar pun susah sebab port baik dikerumuni oleh org..... kalu aku nak pergi lagi definately aku akan pergi low season.... aku pergi ari tu cuaca pun cun tak panas terik sgt dan tak hujan.. hujan waktu 1st day aku sampai jer tapi pas check in dok dlm bilik 10 min hujan pun berhenti.... |
aku mmg akan gie lagi 2 thn lagi.. dah janji dah ... mmg cannot go wrong lah gi krabi nih, the place is beautiful, soft on our pockets gak..
blue pool nih aku rasa ko kena gie hiking jauh lagi.. kal ...
adnil Post at 14-7-2009 09:46 
idak la perasan wujudnye blue pool tu aritu...waaaa
harus ku pegi lagi ni! yaya we cant go wrong with krabi...
krabi best! good for those need to relax dr kesibukan & those yg nak mcm2 aktiviti but on budget..
i will sure gi lagi dan lagi ;-) |
nak menyampuk! i rindu kat krabi sesangat! im suppose to go this month tp tak jadi sbb kes ura2 "tsunami alert" tu lah. i ok jer, tp hubby plak nak cuak lebih. but next year definitely pergi lagi! bulan depan dah genap setahun i pegi sana! |
ye ke adnil.. abis tu bila low season nya? |
High Season November – May
Low Season June to Nov
Krabi has two quite dramatic seasonal changes.
It’s very unlike the Gulf side of Thailand where the rainfall at any given month is relatively low. However, it’s this high annual rainfall that gives Krabi the amazing colors that are experienced within its lush green interior.
Upper Thailand usually experiences dry weather in winter because of the northeast monsoon which is a main factor that controls the climate of this region. Later period, summer, is characterized by gradually increasing rainfall with thunderstorms.
High Season
Between the beginning of November and the end of April, Krabi is in high season where there is very little rain (although still a little in November) with temperatures ranging from 24 c in the night time to a scorching 31 c in the day, but with the effects often reduced by a soothing sea breeze.
Low Season
Between May and November, Krabi is in low season. During this time the weather is difficult to predict. It may rain one day and then be beautiful and clear the next. It may rain for two days and then be beautiful for five.
It really is pot luck!
One thing that is fairly consistent is the temperature, which doesn’t change too significantly, with lows of 25 c and highs of 30 c. A good thing to point out is that during the low season the beaches tend to be deserted and beautiful rooms are offered at equally beautiful prices. The only consequence is the possibility of changeable weather. |
tapinya 2x aku gi krabi ni - first in oct 2008 and second june 2009, both trips were wonderfully sunny.. ada tak de ms trip oct tu, mainlaind ujan, tapi kitaorg ms tu kat pulau, tak ujan pun.. |
huhuhu ni nampak gayanya aku kena booking betul2 lepas raya.. baru sesuai kot! |
Baru balik dari Krabi 2 Ogos yang lalu. Best sangat walau mabuk laut masa pergi ke Phi Phi Island. Hot spring dan Crystal Pool memang tempat yang best dan cantik amat.
I tinggal di Royal Nakara for 4H/3M. Habis RM 800 untuk flight and penginapan for my son and i. Include food for B/L/D for 3H/2M. Last day cari makan sendiri. Waktu low season May ke September memang tak ramai orang. Kalau ada pun yang dari Australia dan New Zealand sebab tengah musim sejuk di sana.
Nantilah senang2 boleh upload gambar dari sana...... |
Salam semua,
Nak gak ler menyampuk, I miss Krabi especially food - Laksa sana. Sedapnya |
blue pool
http://photos-d.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs182.snc1/6080_1172747472225_10 ...
lilyflower Post at 9-7-2009 22:54 
wah Lily, siap bawak tripod shot gambar air terjun tu :-) |
Post Last Edit by lilyflower at 10-7-2009 09:43
Post Last Edit by lilyflower at 9-7-2009 23:12
Post Last Edit by lilyflower at 9-7-2009 23:07
bilik aku kat aree tara.. view hutan... oklah ...
lilyflower Post at 9-7-2009 23:06 
Lily, brp semalam bilik kart Tara tu and dekat area mana? |
kwn aku tu masih lagi kemaruk psl pankek tuh.. tiap kali jumpa sure akan mention nih.. siap msk website hotel yg kitaorg gi ari tu.. reminisce trip kitaorg ari tu...klakar tul dak berdua tu.. |
Adnil, mmg sedap pun pancake tu, sini mana ada. |
Adnil, mmg sedap pun pancake tu, sini mana ada.
Suhazlina Post at 4-8-2009 13:34 
Kalau nak yg ala2, beli Nutella, pergi kedai mamak, mintak dia buat Roti Pisang, nipis2 garing2. Pastu kasi potong2, sapu Nutella kat atas. Yummy. |
1156# lilyflower
bukan ker diving course/license neh kat tanah melayu paling murah??
biasanya org ambik diving license kat redang/perhentian gitu?? |
1149# lilyflower
mcm best jah those places...

blue pool tu di benarkan mandi manda ker?
mcm takde org mandi pun? |
ha ha ha ada benar gak tuuuuu, ptg nie gak aku suruh mamak Mahboob buat kan utk aku :-) |
ha ha ha ada benar gak tuuuuu, ptg nie gak aku suruh mamak Mahboob buat kan utk aku :-)
Suhazlina Post at 4-8-2009 14:42 
Tapi takleh buat selalu, Nutella botol kecik pun dekat RM9 sebotol... hehe... |
akak nak pegi tengahari esok..isnin baru balik...tenkiu kepada kawan2 kat thread ni utk macam2 info |
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