Plus, she must stop this nonsense of running away.
She hardly remember the main reason of she running away.
Why was she afraid of Daniel, of her past, of her own fate.?
Life (and all its ups and downs ) is to be live on. She knows she cant cheat her
own life and destiny. So, here she is now.
She thinks she is a new person now. She is going to face her life now. Braver than she had ever felt |
PeNinGLaLaT This user has been deleted
She called Daniel's office and asked his secretary to make an appointment for her to see him as soon as possible. |
Daniel looks the same. Maybe a bit grimmer. Yet, still handsome...in my eyes that's it... |
PeNinGLaLaT This user has been deleted
The meeting with the lawyers went smoothly. Daniel was slightly aloof to me during the negotiations. I think he must be feeling the same way as me. We both know that the end is coming nearer and nearer.....yet the feeling of heaviness to part is there. |
At the airport. How time flies by...Memories crowded me. All around...
Oh no! Not again... |
Maria turned around and was approached by a middle aged man in a white suit and black bow tie. He resembled a bellman at a hotel in New Zealand.
"Are you Maria Maria binti Semaon?" asked the man with a big grin:bgrin:."Yes" she replied.
"Your uncle would like to see you, Miss"
" lease walk this way" said the man.
Maria was wondering whether she should just follow him or follow the way he walk which is with a limp. |
PeNinGLaLaT This user has been deleted
Chain Story - Compilation II
Our story so far.....
I looked at his face and at that instance I knew that he would break down soon.I am such a helpless little fool, yet I must be strong.I know that the road ahead will not be an easy one for me.He used to be my pillar- my Rock of Gibraltar...But for now , I have to be his pillar instead.
"Honey, what are we going to do?" he lamented.
"I'm at a loss for words , Dear...."
She went for the door determinedly, with upstraight shoulder.No, this is only a dream. I am dreaming, right?
Reality struck me as I threw away all these negative thoughts out of my head.Daniel called out my name urgently, pitifully.I glanced at him , but silently refused to answer it.
I am driving to nowhere now...screaming silently inside of me....
Daniel...Daniel...Daniel...I keep chanting.Suddenly , I became aware of the slow traffic around me.
Suddenly I was awaken from the day dreaming by a man passing by my car with an old Honda bike between his legs yelling, "Woi Nyonya, lampu sulah hijau, kasi jalan lah. Lagi apa mau tunggu."
I just drove on and realised that that was the same junction the last time I saw Daniel riding on his Yamaha C70 motorcycle and wearing his favourite orange coloured Garfield t-shirt. That was 3 years ago just after September 11th.
As if sharing my thoughts and memories, "Sonata Musim Salju" by Hazami is on the air through Radio Muzik on my car stereo.
Daniel's smile lingers on.
How happy we were during those days. Laughters, smiles and love mingled.
I can still remember the times when we both would spend our Saturday afternoons by the river.
Suddenly Daniel had a change of heart........"why should i succumb myself for such a stupid thing called love?"
And today....... I went to the theatre with my sister and cousin.... just to
filled up my dayyy...... watching Meriam and Danial ( wht a coincidence.... )
in tht movie.... make me long for u my dear Danial.......
God!!!!!!! How I wished u were there with me...... to hold me in ur muscular
arms....... to put away my tears....... I cried for them....... such a tragic love story.....
but I cried for u even more.....
I hate myself for being so pitiful.....so weak....... but I just couldnt help myself...
I pray to GOD everyday..... since u gone..... plsss make me a better woman...
plsssss make me stronger..... much more stronger than the day before.....
I wish......... I wishhhhhh......
But now...it was all washed away by my sudden tears...I stopped the car
in the middle of nowhere...I will divorce Daniel!
Yes....i regretted the very day we met Meriam....should i've known that you were that cheap..and i cherish my freedom away from you today!But what should I do?? What could I do??
Meriam....the name that spells trouble. I should never have been too friendly with that lady.I also rued the day that I invited you to our lovenest. You're just like a serpent being let loose into Paradise!
I decided there and then that life had to go on. I began making step calculations about my immediate future. I remember a quotation from Mother Teresa , "The hunger for love is much more difficult to remove than the hunger for bread." Well , I need to remove that hunger. I was determined to begin life anew.
I started the engine. Purposely, going forward to the unknown. I will let destiny dictates my life now since I, myself, messed up my own destiny before. What I have with me is my possessions. I have started out with less before and i'm feeling like just another berg tottering from one dodgy job to another and now i'm groping my way into the world of vellum............anyhow i must muster all my strenght to fight this feeling of loneliness and void. I must strive hard not to be insane!!!
Now, I'm turning a new leaf. Here, in a place like no other. Hopefully, Daniel won't find me here.I walked slowly up the footpath , heading towards the old dilapidated house. I thought it to be cosy. Here I am .... in a place I would call home from now on.
A year had gone by, I had put away everything down in my recesses of mind. I am now doing my own small business. Who would think me, a businesswoman! Despite my career successes , I still feel the emptiness in my heart.
Oh no , it's my mobile again.... a private number. Should I pick up the call , or not ? My heart pounds. Nope. Can't be Daniel. Stop it. You have put it all behind.
I answered the call slowly and reluctantly.
"Hmmmm......Hello.." I muttered hesitantly , not my usual confident self.
There was just silence at the other end.
"Hell...lo?" Who could it be??? My dried palm began to wet the mobile.
"Is that you ?" a familiar voice came on slowly.
I recognised that voice anytime , anywhere. My hands trembled , and I quickly hung up the phone.
Tears started rolling down my eyes. I wiped it away as quickly as possible. Grabbing my handbag , I left my office , slamming the door behind me. I could see the startled look on my secretary's face as I dashed past her. I practically ran all the way to my car as if to seek solace there.
Meriam! The bitch! What does she want? How did she get my number? Obviously Cipan Shook has betrayed my trust..........I'm going to get that guy.....wait till I get my hands on him....
Just as i reached home, I saw Daniel waiting on the doorsteps. Oh God!
"I've told you not to come to my place, Daniel. Let's meet at Central Park, same time, same tree, same bench, tomorrow, okay?"
"Okay Maria," Daniel reluctantly agreed and head for his C70 bike but he could not start the engine.
Maria just watched from a distance. Daniel walked away cursing whilst pushing his troubled bike. What a day for him.
It's 5.00 pm Sunday. They met at the agreed place, KLCC Park, but they used to call it Central Park, reminiscing of the one in New York.
As the Symphony Fountain of KLCC sprouted their magnificent water display, Daniel too poured his heart out. Maria just listened attentively. She thought of yawning but decided not to.
After a long pause, Maria bathed her throat with mineral water and began her long awaited speech.
"Daniel, I've thought over and over and over of our ongoing relationship and I've come to my decision. No matter how hard it is to be, please understand and accept it. Let's just be friends. You've all this while been very loving and caring towards me but you're not fun to be with. I need someone who's cheerful, funny and can always make me happy. With you, it's always that mushy-mushy lovey-dovey, straight forward type of relationship. Sometimes I do get bored, you know. Just look at the couples around here, full of laughter between them."
"I'm not trying to offend you, my dear Daniel but this is the new millenium. People don't do that anymore. It's no more that 'boy meets girl-fell in love-have relationship-dating-engaged-go for marriage course-get married-have kids-get old-end of story'- kind of thing."
"Can you see my tears rolling down my face?. Now I'm smiling. It's not easy, you know. Crying and smiling at the same time. But that's how I intend to overcome my heartfelt pain towards our relationship. So let's just be friends from now on, okay? Let's go separate ways. You go to the Artic, I'll go to Antartica. Only time will tell. From now on I want to focus on my business. I'm a businesswoman now. Pray for my success. Adios Amigos".
Daniel was utterless but nevertheless accepted her painfull explanation. How hard Daniel begged to reconsider, Maria still stand on her decision. With that, they parted ways.
However, just before they go their separate ways, Maria gave a sarcastic comment to Daniel, "You sounded just like the Great Eastern Insurance salesman this morning, trying to sell his policy to me. Luckily, I managed to evade him. Ha Ha Ha..."
My memory took me to our first meeting. It's just like the Groundhog Day.
My past kept coming back again and again.
"Maria..." Daniel's voice beckoned me to the present.
"I know that you do not want to be with me anymore."
"And you know what?"
"I don't even care!"
" I used to care but I'm too exhausted by all this nonsense, all this mind games you insist on playing..."
"I'm not going to waste more time with you anyway."
"And before I go, it pain me to say this but you're such a stuck up, whiny little girl who never quite grown up. Be gone my lady, there's no more space for you inside my heart."
"Goodbye, for good".
Numbed. Shocked. I lashed out, " You hypocrite! *****! Who is the two-timer here? Stuck up, whiny little girl...Don't you dare heap the blames on me...You..you...urgh..." Lost.
I left the scene as fast as my two legs could carry me. Enough is enough....I'm not going to go through hell again , just like this. I have had ENOUGH !!!!!
Hands roughly pulled me to a halt. "What do you mean two-timing? I had explained to you what happenned. Enough of explanations!"
"Ah.... I've had enough fighting in one day. Why don't both of us go to get a cup of coffee or something. Maybe...just maybe we can talk about our relationship over a warm cup of coffee. Anyway...how are you?" (i hope you will die from a painful death tomorrow)
"Why don't you come inside and i make each of us a cuppa. " I invited Daniel wearily. |
PeNinGLaLaT This user has been deleted
Fifteen minutes later , we were all sitting with a cup of coffee in our hands. The silence was deafening. You could hear a pin drop. No one wanted to start the discussion rolling.
"Maria...I've explained to you about Meriam. You still did not get it. She's a Judas. Don't let her comes between us" pleaded Daniel.
"Hmm" sighed Maria. "You still don't get it, do you Daniel?" "I know the government is promoting a Recycling Campaign nationwide, 'think first before you throw' but I don't think that I need to recycle my speech to you at KLCC Park that day. I hope you will understand what I've told you.
"Bee tee double you, by the way, Meriam has nothing to do with us so forget Meriam, forget Paris, forget Semenyih, whatever.."
"Maybe we could be better off being friends from now on."
"I intended to speak to you in ONE sentence today but I just couldn't help it." With that Daniel left and head for his Yamaha C70 outside.
Maria watched from her doorstep as Daniel failed to start his engine yet again. Daniel grumbled as he pushed, yet again, his troubled bike.
Maria just couldn't control her composure seeing that same scene. She quickly went into her living room and burst out laughing. Or burst out with tears. Daniel, her husband, wouldn't care nor feel anything for her. She knew that these emotional roller-coasters were not good for her health. Her heart started beating very fast. She went to her handbag and took out her "favourite" small bottle of pills , the pills that will calm her nerves.
Ring! Ring! The bottle went flying in the air. My God! My nerves are all jumbled up. That surely will be Meriam, the bitch, the Judas...
I do not want to pick up the phone. Go away...... I screamed silently. Leave me alone , you bit*h ..........
At that point , I could not take it any longer. I burst out into loud sobs. tears were rolling down like rain.
She was at her cybercafe. Her mind went wandering to what happenned a few days ago. A big weary sigh burst out of her lung.
God, why do I have to go through all of this...I've never been a bad person in my life... Stealing paper clip is the worst thing I ever do...
"Whatever happen in your life is not necessarily God's punishment on you!"
Startled, I look up. Matt, what the hell is he doing creeping up on me like that? Eventhough he is fairly good looking, he always seem a bit mysterious to me. No, creepy is more like it. Can he read my mind?
"Huh, why the starange look?"
"If you think I'm reading your mind, forget it. Anyone could see that you're depressed," continued Matthew.
Such a honey. Always showing a bit of care, although there's just something not right about him.
"Daniel's travelling tonight on a plane..." sang Elton John on Radio Muzik. A sentimental number that caught Maria's attention as it coincidentally related to her present predicament. She laid back on the sofa with her eyes closed recollecting fond memories of her moments with Daniel.
She made up her mind at that instance. She went home , packed her bags , called the airport and book the earliest flight to New Zealand.
I'm running away again. Coward. Chicken. Loser. That's what I am. I heaved a sigh of relief as the plane touched down on the runaway of Wellington airport. For once I'm glad to be leaving Malaysia.
The land of the Kiwis and the Maoris seems foreign to me. The welcoming All Black poster lifts up my flagging spirit a bit.
I hailed a taxi and made my way to Kingsgate Hotel Oriental Bay. The hotel overlooks Wellington's spectacular inner harbour and is only a 10 minute walk from the city's shopping and commercial centre. I knew that I would be comfortable there temporarily.
Walking down the street, trying to regroup my thoughts. Suddenly a horn blared. I startled at the sound of it. I calmed my nerves back again , and then made my way slowly to K-Mart. I needed a few household items to use in my new house which I just bought. All purchasing transactions have been completed. I will be able to move in next week , once minor renovations on the house have been completed.
As I crossed Cable Street , I heard as if someone called out my name.Then the screech of brakes. All turned black. Nothing.
Where am i? Is this the end for me? Am i dead?
If I am, why I still have the images of Daniel on my mind?
I don't want to die with his name, images, memories on my mind.
I don't have anything to do with him.
Ohh God, help me... why I can't move my leg.....where's my left leg?
Nooooooooooo...God...please noooooooooo...
Let me live...Give me a chance!
I looked out of the windows and saw Frank Kitts Park . A knock on the door saw a nurse coming in with a tray of breakfast. I nodded my head at her silently.
"Your breakfast , Mam ..." she said softly.
"Thank you , Abigail ..."
She closed the door behind her quietly. I rolled my wheelchair to the small dining table at the corner of my room. Abigail , the petite Maori nurse , had put a single stalk of rose on my breakfast tray this morning. I smiled.
Thank God, my left leg was only broken. Knock! Knock! Who could that be?
"Good morning , my favourite patient..."
"Mornin' Doc. How are you this morning ?" I replied , giving the young and handsome Doctor David Whelsh a big warm smile.
" You know , I will definitely miss you when you leave us tomorrow , don't you ?" he said.
I smiled shyly.
Tomorrow is today. What will today bring for tomorrow?
I got inside the cab.
I have to map out a new life for myself yet again |
PeNinGLaLaT This user has been deleted
Back at Kingsgate Hotel Oriental Bay. Brooding...
I packed my bags slowly and put the little belongings that I have into boxes. I called the reception counter and asked them to book a cab for me. I want to move to my little house that has been waiting for me for the last 3 months. Packing my things. The house seems to welcome me. I can feel its happy vibration tickling my pores.
"Hello house.......
" Maria yelled as if the house have ears and could post a reply. The cab driver's hand was trembling as he grabbed the money from Maria's hand. He thought Maria must have been discharged from the mental ward at the hospital for greeting the house that way. He quickly stepped on the accelerator making the tyres burned on the tarmac.
"Apo kono eh kau jang.." spoke Maria in the famous dialect as she watched the speeding cab disappeared round the corner. She then walked towards the door.
"hmm.." I lay down on my new bed, staring at the ceiling my mind is empty.
there are 1001 plans and things-to-do. "Where should I begin?"
I have this feeling of happiness, satistaction and lonely at the same time.
I'm glad I bought this house. The streets here are quiet and there's a feeling of peace and serenity surrounding it. I value the tranquility I am feeling right now.
Ring....ring..... my handphone beeps.....
I looked at the screen and see the name - Dr Whelsh.....what does he want ????
"Hello, Maria. Sorry for disturbing your peace and tranquillity. May I see you today?"
My heart stopped.
My hands started to shiver.... I tried to sound cool.
"Why not , Dr Whelsh ? You wanna come over to my place ?"
" If that's okay with you , I'd love to , " he replied softly and gently.
I shivered in excitement.... he is good-looking after all. Why not .... I asked myself.
He's here! My o my...I quickly opened the door. Smiling broadly, as broad as the sky above...
Dr Whelsh came in and sat down on my sofa comfortably. I could see his eyes darting around my living room. Silent admiration could be felt coming out from him.
I went to my modest kitchen and poured him a glass of juice. I laid out some roasted chicken sandwiches onto my bone China and brought out a few napkins.
I placed the tray on the coffee table in front of him.
"Help yourself , Dr Whelsh..." I invited him.
His dimpled cheeks smiled back at me. His arresting green eyes melt my heart. Uh uh! I am in deep shit!
I think I am falling in love with him.... Ya Allah.... inikah cinta ?????
We talked and exchange views on a variety of topics that afternoon.
Just before he left , David , as he wants me to call him , asked me , " Can you introduce your religion , Islam , to me ? "
In seventh Heaven, my heart leaps with joy. Could I be so lucky? Oh God...please...please...
It has been 6 months since David became known as Daud Abdullah. He has been faithfully attending classes at Wellington Islamic Centre in Daniel Street , Newtown. He has also been religiously praying 5 times a day. I noticed the calmness that seems to always surround him. He smiles more often now and even his staff at the hospital noticed the positive change in him. David wants to marry me, but I'm still a married woman. The past still haunts me, it seems. Its tentacles squeezing the life out of me. The love.
Love hurts. And it is true. The price I pay for falling in love cost me my life. MY LIFE!!! It is easy to fall in love. It is easy to fall out of love. But the scars of "falling" remains throughout your life.
I need to contact Daniel. To finalise our divorce. Daud is a good man. Should I go back? Uncertainty envelops me... |
PeNinGLaLaT This user has been deleted
I picked up the phone and dialled Daniel's number.
"Hellooooo...." a child's voice answered. It sounds like a girl. I was stunned for a minute. Did I dial the right number ???? I quickly put down the phone.
Shocked. Dismayed. Thinking. Who is that girl? I stared at my telephone screen. The dialled number just now is positively Daniel's.
I waited till the following day to make the call to Daniel again. I dialled his number slowly and carefully , and waited in anticipation for the line to be picked up.
The phone rang continuously but nobody picked it up. I put down the phone , and stared at it dejectedly.
Malaysia. How I missed you! Your warmth envelops me. Hope I get to see Daniel to settle our score.
I told David that I needed to go back to Malaysia for a while to settle some personal "problems". He agreed with much reluctance. At the same time, I had to reassure him of my feelings towards him and our relationship.
I book the earliest flight out of Wellington. I was also longing to see my homeland which I greatly missed. It had been over a year since I last saw KLIA.
KLIA looks the same. How I mooned over Malaysian soil. Finally, I'm back!!!Come to think of it, Maria thought she actually cannot leave Malaysia for too long. She longed for the roti canai mamak behind the Concorde Hotel in KL, the famous Cendol Pulut in Batu Tiga Shah Alam dan Nasi Lemak Kukus of Makcik Tipah Tertipoo in Tangling, near Bukit Aman. Suffice to say, she missed it all Malaysian.
Plus, she must stop this nonsense of running away. She hardly remember the main reason of she running away. Why was she afraid of Daniel, of her past, of her own fate.?
Life (and all its ups and downs ) is to be live on. She knows she cant cheat her own life and destiny. So, here she is now. She thinks she is a new person now. She is going to face her life now. Braver than she had ever felt.
She called Daniel's office and asked his secretary to make an appointment for her to see him as soon as possible.
Daniel looks the same. Maybe a bit grimmer. Yet, still handsome...in my eyes that's it...
The meeting with the lawyers went smoothly. Daniel was slightly aloof to me during the negotiations. I think he must be feeling the same way as me. We both know that the end is coming nearer and nearer.....yet the feeling of heaviness to part is there.
At the airport. How time flies by...Memories crowded me. All around...
Oh no! Not again...
Maria turned around and was approached by a middle aged man in a white suit and black bow tie. He resembled a bellman at a hotel in New Zealand.
"Are you Maria ? Maria binti Semaon?" asked the man with a big grin."Yes" she replied.
"Your uncle would like to see you, Miss"
"Please walk this way" said the man.
Maria was wondering whether she should just follow him or follow the way he walk which is with a limp. |
Now what! This is very interesting...hem...what can it be??
I received an inheritance or what??? |
The man lead her to a sprawling white limousine parked at the end of the airport. "I don't recall having a wealthy uncle"."Who could this be?" Thought Maria curiously.
When she reached the car, there was another man in a red jacket holding the door open. She felt uneasy and thought something fishy is going on. She reached for her spray perfume in her sling bag and held the small bottle in her palm. "Get in the car and greet your uncle", said the limp man from behind.
"This is not my uncle" said Maria as she lowered her head to see who was in the back seat.
"Just get in, lady" said the limp man harshly and started to push her in. She managed to hold onto the car seat. She reacted quickly and with one swift back kick, her right foot hit the limp man's groin. He felt in pain. When the man in red jacket tried to grab her, she sprayed the perfume into his face.
"Ahh..what is this?" shrieked the man when the perfume hit his eyes.
"This is my original 'Chanel No.5 Viole Parfum', you idiot." Maria said jokingly,trying to stay calmed and alert.
She turned around and tried to run away but the limp man managed to grab her left foot. |
PeNinGLaLaT This user has been deleted
She screamed and shriek as loud as she could to attract attention , and it worked. |
PeNinGLaLaT This user has been deleted
As soon as she reached her home , she closed and locked the door securedly behind her....she felt relieved... |
Now, I'm just like a fugitive. Who is after me now? Is it Meriam? Can't be Daniel! |
PeNinGLaLaT This user has been deleted
I couldn't get the events out of my head. I went to the kitchen , poured myself a glass of water and sat down at the kitchen table.
I started to recount the string of events that happened to me since I touchdown at the airport. |
PeNinGLaLaT This user has been deleted
Recalling the sequence of events that happened was not an easy task. I decided to make a list to help me stay focus. |
Oh! There's somebody at the door. Are they here already? What should I do! |
PeNinGLaLaT This user has been deleted
I decided not to open the door. I tiptoed up to my room and hid behind the curtains. |
The door opened noiselessly and a silhouette was seen shadowing over it. My heart arrested and felt like suspended in limbo land. |
| |
Category: Belia & Informasi