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Author: i212

About GOD

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Post time 13-11-2006 03:09 PM | Show all posts
Mencelah sket..Isn't the Jews prays to yahweh, a God that cannot be seen or touch? A God which is not samiliar with any beings in this world, same as Muslims?

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Post time 14-11-2006 08:08 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by rurouni_khairul at 13-11-2006 03:09 PM
Mencelah sket..Isn't the Jews prays to yahweh, a God that cannot be seen or touch? A God which is not samiliar with any beings in this world, same as Muslims?

Sorry, Jewish God is NOT Allah and Allah is not Yahweh. :no:

Teaching of Moses and Abraham are not teaching of Muhammad nor Muhammad have any relationship with Moses or Abraham. :no:

Muhammad proclaims that he is direct descendant of Abraham BUT there is no actual proof of this. No chronological data, no historical data, no nothing.

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 Author| Post time 14-11-2006 11:35 AM | Show all posts
by me that still not answer by Sephiroth
Why you create illustration or image or idols to represent God Image and bow to it or worship it even though you NOT EVEN SEEN GOD.
ANY Reference in your scripture that telling about God Image so you can create one?

response from Seph
Same can be asked about you - why give names to some god who you never seen before?

Please Think....
God create universe so we call Him the ALL-MIGHTY.
and what behind All-MIGHTY?... its All-Knower etc
We dont need to see God in order to know what His power.
and those 99 names not represent God Image its what God's ability.

p/s.. I already answer your question.. Now Your turn to answer mine.

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sentaja This user has been deleted
Post time 14-11-2006 02:37 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Sephiroth at 14-11-2006 08:08 AM

Muhammad proclaims that he is direct descendant of Abraham BUT there is no actual proof of this. No chronological data, no historical data, no nothing.  

Liar. Go check the Arab traditions. they take proud on their lineage and who's who. and they memorize the lineage.

thats what malay call bodoh sombong. dah tau bodoh, sombong nak bertanya pulak.

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Post time 14-11-2006 02:51 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Sephiroth at 13-11-2006 01:31 PM
Fuzz: That's more like being in contact with your inner conscience. Many people have that when in deep meditation or calm. It's just the classic case of you speakin to yourself. If you had said that you can hear God in a external fashion, then only do you have  a case of direct contact.
--And does one's "inner conscious" tell you when disaster like earthquake going to struck, Fuzzy?

What you have is called premonition. That is a very common occurance. You see when you alledgedly heard God speak to you about the coming earthquake, it was actually your premonition doing the math on the already occuring series of earthquakes in the region. And finally add in the possibility of chance. If you can hear God from not within but in a external method, then only can your case be considered as direct contact. And moroever what is the duration and length of your "hearing contacts" with your God?
Originally posted by Sephiroth at 13-11-2006 01:31 PM
Fuzz: So what is the reward? And what is the Islamic prescriptive way of obtaining it? Like you too, you do good on Earth for what? For just nothing? Tell me you do good for nothing and wish for nothing?
-- I do good FOR GOD and EXPECT NOTHING from Him. Thank you.

You see that's your folly. Like it or not God REWARDS A FAITHFUL BELIEVER. And God does so in small and realistic ways even as I speak to you. So like it or not. Take it or leave it, your are in the reward loop my friend. Revel in that joyous fact. If a God doesn't reward its believer, I take that to be not a God but of formation of something else.
Originally posted by Sephiroth at 13-11-2006 01:31 PM
Fuzz: When you say you live for something. In this case living for your God, it automatically adds up to living for something or a specific cause or self-motivited regime. You just said you lived for God. Good. So what does your God give you in return for living out "properly"?  You still haven't defined  "properly"?
--I don't need to do anything JUST so you can confuse yourself. Just fine by me saying - I live for God and that's enough. You want something on top of something on top of something like a house of cards, that's your wish, not mine.

Don't worry it is not me that's the one confused here. I perfectly alright -- believe me when I tell you so aight? You still have not defined "LIVING PROPERLY FOR GOD". So what gives for an explanation?
Originally posted by Sephiroth at 13-11-2006 01:31 PM:
Fuzz: I personally think you speak for yourself on this matter and I know all humans live out good for a better After-life. That's the motivation. Living out good is the instrument to get there. I have yet to meet another soul [other then you of course] who "signs the contract but does not read the fine print!"
--Godless people read the fine print, because they don't trust anyone and they live solely for themselves. To trust or not to trust is not written in words, it is written on the faces of people who claims to speak the truth. One look on your face and I could know whether you speak the truth or false. So why do I need to read anything else?

Tsk tsk tsk, the opposites my friend. Godless people DO NOT READ the fine print. With God, there's always a catch. Always the fine print. Maybe you know not of the permission God gave to Evil to seduce his creations? Unless of course Devil-worshippers have no need for fine print! You say one look is all it takes? How many faces have you read already? From the read of it, looks likes you're making yourself out to be some form of demi-God. Congrats to you Sephy.


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Post time 14-11-2006 02:53 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Sephiroth at 14-11-2006 08:08 AM

Sorry, Jewish God is NOT Allah and Allah is not Yahweh. :no:

Teaching of Moses and Abraham are not teaching of Muhammad nor Muhammad have any relationship with Moses or Abraham. :no:

Muha ...

if not same, then the type of God are the same...the unseen, untouch etc....

not the one with many hands which very doubtfull and suspicious type of god...

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 Author| Post time 16-11-2006 01:10 PM | Show all posts
Seph.. Need you answer on this.

Why you create illustration or image or idols to represent God Image and bow to it or worship it even though you NOT EVEN SEEN GOD.
ANY Reference in your scripture that telling about God Image so you can create one?

I already answer your question about God names. post #103.

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Post time 17-11-2006 08:12 AM | Show all posts
by i212   

ANY Reference in your scripture that telling about God Image so you can create one?

I couldn't know, you should ask Scuptors that.

God create universe so we call Him the ALL-MIGHTY.
and what behind All-MIGHTY?... its All-Knower etc
We dont need to see God in order to know what His power.
and those 99 names not represent God Image its what God's ability.

Same lah ... bodoh ... you have named your god this and that because YOU THINK it is true, not because god asked you to do it. In another word, your names for your god itself is IDOL because it is made by man. Only difference between Non-Muslims' idols and Muslims' names is - one is created by hand while another is created by the person's mouth. But both have the same source - HUMAN MIND.

by sentaja   

Liar. Go check the Arab traditions. they take proud on their lineage and who's who. and they memorize the lineage.
thats what malay call bodoh sombong. dah tau bodoh, sombong nak bertanya pulak.   

So, Muhammad's claims of lineage to Abraham is based on MUHAMMAD'S OWN WORDS. And whatever Muhammad said, you think it is true automatically because to doubt Muhammad is to doubt your god.

Sorry, in MY opinion, Muhammad have no bloodline with Abraham. It MUST be proven because you can claim anything and Muhammad or Muslims have NO PROOF of this claims. :no:

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Post time 17-11-2006 08:27 AM | Show all posts
by Fuzzman   

What you have is called premonition. That is a very common occurance. You see when you alledgedly heard God speak to you about the coming earthquake, it was actually your premonition doing the math on the already occuring series of earthquakes in the region. And finally add in the possibility of chance. If you can hear God from not within but in a external method, then only can your case be considered as direct contact. And moroever what is the duration and length of your "hearing contacts" with your God?

And WHICH part of the Brain does this Premonition lies in? It is so common occurance, then everyone should have it and if everyone should have it, then it must be originated from the Brain. So, which part? :hmm:

You see that's your folly. Like it or not God REWARDS A FAITHFUL BELIEVER. And God does so in small and realistic ways even as I speak to you. So like it or not. Take it or leave it, your are in the reward loop my friend. Revel in that joyous fact. If a God doesn't reward its believer, I take that to be not a God but of formation of something else.

Your god, Fool ... not mine. :no:
I don't believe my God is like that. Why must I follow your crap?

Don't worry it is not me that's the one confused here. I perfectly alright -- believe me when I tell you so aight? You still have not defined "LIVING PROPERLY FOR GOD". So what gives for an explanation?

You don't know what Proper living is, because you don't live, you just daydream of dying and going to some heaven. People like this, you explain how many times also, NO USE. They will not understand. :no:

Tsk tsk tsk, the opposites my friend. Godless people DO NOT READ the fine print. With God, there's always a catch. Always the fine print. Maybe you know not of the permission God gave to Evil to seduce his creations? Unless of course Devil-worshippers have no need for fine print! You say one look is all it takes? How many faces have you read already? From the read of it, looks likes you're making yourself out to be some form of demi-God. Congrats to you Sephy.

Wrong ... Godless people are the one who read the Fine Print. They behave with God the same way they do with authorities. With authories, you deal with them with Lawyers. With God, you deal with Him with this sort of "sacred books" - pointing at the book and telling Him you did this and that and therefore, God are entitled to give you this and that. Religion and "sacred books" meant for Man alone, it has no hold on God.

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 Author| Post time 17-11-2006 09:25 AM | Show all posts
by Seph
I couldn't know, you should ask Scuptors that.

as one of the Believer of your faith, you should know which scripture teach how to create God image.

by Seph
Same lah ... bodoh ... you have named your god this and that because YOU THINK it is true, not because god asked you to do it. In another word, your names for your god itself is IDOL because it is made by man. Only difference between Non-Muslims' idols and Muslims' names is - one is created by hand while another is created by the person's mouth. But both have the same source - HUMAN MIND.

Nope... not the same.
the 99 names are extracted from our Holy Scripture (Al-Quran) and its not an image but the common thing that exist around us. The Power of God that create all the universe and its content.

I wonder where the reference in your scripture that ask you to illustrate or crafting idols to represent God image and the functionality.
If you say the Idol from HUMAN MIND, then why should you bow and worship it?
please explained.

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 Author| Post time 17-11-2006 09:28 AM | Show all posts
by Seph

Wrong ... Godless people are the one who read the Fine Print. They behave with God the same way they do with authorities. With authories, you deal with them with Lawyers. With God, you deal with Him with this sort of "sacred books" - pointing at the book and telling Him you did this and that and therefore, God are entitled to give you this and that. Religion and "sacred books" meant for Man alone, it has no hold on God.

So... in your religion, you dont have any sacred books?

by Seph
You don't know what Proper living is, because you don't live, you just daydream of dying and going to some heaven. People like this, you explain how many times also, NO USE. They will not understand.

So... what is Proper Living?

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Iman_6 This user has been deleted
Post time 17-11-2006 12:57 PM | Show all posts


Sorrylah Seph. Its high time to burst your balloon about the inner conscious thing.

What you抮e facing is common symptom among women in their 30s. It is just a coincidence that when you抮e feeling that way, something bad happened. You might ask why not every women, the answer is purely biological happening inside your body, your hormone factor.

Same goes for your temperament , I am not bother at all.

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Post time 17-11-2006 04:08 PM | Show all posts
Regarding the topic, God doesn't exist as you all believe (Muslim, Christian, etc), and if some kind of God does exist, he doesn't give a damn about you all the way you think he does. You're debating/ranting/mocking each other over something you don't have the slightest clue about, well, only from books supposedly written by messengers/avatars/self-proclaimed gods/etc. Faith is a silly thing.

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Post time 17-11-2006 04:11 PM | Show all posts
The nature of things is simple. Survival of the fittest. And the fittest are always godless. This is something we can perceive with our sense, not from some book. This is the truth.

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 Author| Post time 17-11-2006 05:38 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by reinloch at 17-11-2006 04:11 PM
The nature of things is simple. Survival of the fittest. And the fittest are always godless. This is something we can perceive with our sense, not from some book. This is the truth.

The presure mind not believe in God due to their presure.
The fittest mind not believe on God due to their wellness.
Not all the Fittest are always Godless.
Not all the Losers are always Godless.

All the sense within this world not really depends on book but the way we live in this world need some book.
Is like you only need sense to find enemy but you need protocol to fight enemy.
and those protocol come from some book and its use to guide all responsibility.

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Post time 17-11-2006 08:16 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by reinloch at 17-11-2006 04:11 PM
The nature of things is simple. Survival of the fittest. And the fittest are always godless. This is something we can perceive with our sense, not from some book. This is the truth.

All speaking the truth now  :tq:....but the problem is nobody want to believe the truth if the truth isnt aligned with their own version of truth eventho it is the truth abd real truth.

And your truth is NONSENSE to me...:geram:

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Post time 21-11-2006 01:11 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Sephiroth at 17-11-2006 08:27 AM
by Fuzzman   
What you have is called premonition. That is a very common occurance. You see when you alledgedly heard God speak to you about the coming earthquake, it was actually your premonit ...
---And WHICH part of the Brain does this Premonition lies in? It is so common occurance, then everyone should have it and if everyone should have it, then it must be originated from the Brain. So, which part?

Premonition is defined as 搕he anticipation of an event without conscious reason or previous warning枛knowing what is going to happen by purely psychic means.

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Post time 21-11-2006 08:10 AM | Show all posts
by Fuzzman   

Premonition is defined as 搕he anticipation of an event without conscious reason or previous warning枛knowing what is going to happen by purely psychic means.

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Post time 21-11-2006 09:47 AM | Show all posts
[quote]Originally posted by Sephiroth at 21-11-2006 08:10 AM
by Fuzzman   
Premonition is defined as 搕he anticipation of an event without conscious reason or previous warning枛knowing what is going to happen by purely psychic means.

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Post time 21-11-2006 12:47 PM | Show all posts
by Fuzzman   

The common scholarly view is that premonition occurances are much more common in comparison to external or direct contact with God. So tell me, between the both, how many instances of Godly contacts amongst Man and his Creator have been known to scientifically or religiously occur and recorded? And the same, in comparison how many of that for occurances of premonition?  

This is why I called you Godless. ;)
You believe in a religion which based on Muhammad and his claims, YET you can ask others for "scientific" records. ;)

Fact - No one except myself have stated that something bad was going to happen and it did. Earthquake 2004 - your theory of "bad feeling" doesn't work here because NO RECORDS of such occurance have reported to occur before (except maybe when krakatoa blew up).

This is Masyitah Sembiring. She survived the tsunami and this is what she had to say: 揟he day before the tsunami I had a premonition and that night I stayed with my brother.

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