Permurtadan Datuk Azhar Mansor adalah PEMBOHONGAN
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KENNKID This user has been deleted
Originally posted by Truth.8 at 18-11-2006 12:06 PM
....but ur moh says that Abraham build it? than why none prophets before mo performs hajj over there or performs pilgrimages over there?
You are a Christian. In Christianity the prophets of Islam were not prophets (Nabi). Jesus was not a prophet in Christianity. Abraham was not a prophet. Noah was not a prophet. Ishmael was not a prophet. Isaac was not a prophet. Moses was not a prophet. Joseph was not a prophet. etc etc etc
Not until the revelation of the Qur'an were those holy men (peace be upon them) known to be prophets.
So, stop using, stealing, borrowing Islamic terms when you are not a Muslim
[ Last edited by KENNKID at 18-11-2006 12:15 PM ] |
Originally posted by KENNKID at 18-11-2006 12:12 PM
You are a Christian. In Christianity the prophets of Islam were not prophets. So, stop using Islamic terms. Jesus was not a prophet in Christianity. Abraham was not a prophet. Noah was not a pr ...
....but none of prophets never pay Pilgrimages s at mecca. that is the fact |
KENNKID This user has been deleted
Originally posted by Truth.8 at 18-11-2006 12:15 PM
....but none of prophets never pay Pilgrimages s at mecca. that is the fact
so, you recognise them as prophets? Give me that answer first, then I will answer you |
Originally posted by KENNKID at 18-11-2006 12:16 PM
so, you recognise them as prophets? Give me that answer first, then I will answer you
We called them as God messenger. simple as that. We do not create stories like kaba build by Abraham.
Show me one verses that any of our God messenger performs pilgrimages at mecca? |
Originally posted by Truth.8 at 18-11-2006 12:06 PM
....but ur moh says that Abraham build it? than why none prophets before mo performs hajj over there or performs pilgrimages over there?
yelah,kaabah tu memang dah ada sejak zaman Nabi Adam lagi,tapi runtuh masa banjir zaman Nabi Nuh,pastu Allah SWT perintahkan Nabi Ibrahim bina balik Kaabah,pastu dia tawaf tanda kesyukuran kepada kebesaran Allah..dan ko benar2 pasti ke Nabi2 dulu xtawaf Kaabah?Tadi ko tanye aku,aku jawab perintah untuk menunaikan Haji diturunkan secara Mutlak pada zaman Nabi Muhammad SAW..ape aku boleh kata kalau Nabi dulu2 pergi ke Mekah punitu mmg hak mereka dan perkara itu berlaku antara Nabi tersebut dengan Allah...aku nak kata ye pun xbleh nak kata x pun xbleh jugak...paham x,sengal? |
Originally posted by BeachBoys at 18-11-2006 12:21 PM
yelah,kaabah tu memang dah ada sejak zaman Nabi Adam lagi,tapi runtuh masa banjir zaman Nabi Nuh,pastu Allah SWT perintahkan Nabi Ibrahim bina balik Kaabah,pastu dia tawaf tanda kesyukuran kepa ...
kalau betul, napa Yesus atau sebelum Nabi2 Yesus tidak menyebut hal ini?? |
KENNKID This user has been deleted
Originally posted by Truth.8 at 18-11-2006 12:19 PM
We called them as God messenger. simple as that. We do not create stories like kaba build by Abraham.
Show me one verses that any of our God messenger performs pilgrimages at mecca?
Show me where all the prophets known in Islam is described as God's messengers in the bible - all |
Originally posted by KENNKID at 18-11-2006 12:25 PM
Show me where all the prophets known in Islam is described as God's messengers in the bible - all
What u called Jospeh, Moses, Abaraham and few other??
The question now that u could not answer :
You say "Islam is the religion of Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus..." Do you think Adam, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, etc al. journeyed to the idol temple, the Kaaba, and kissed its Black Stone? Impossible! Not one follower of the God of the Bible would ever have gone near the Kaaba, because the God of the Bible forbids any association with idols; and you admit (as history tells us) that the Kaaba was filled with idols before Muhammad destroyed them all. In history and the Bible, you will find no mention of Islam or any religion like it. How could you have Islam without the Koran and Muhammad?
The only people who journeyed to the Kaaba and kissed the Black Stone were pagan Arabs who worshiped one or more of the idols within and around it. Muhammad started a new religion called Islam to which Arabs, Persians, Egyptians, Turks and everyone else in the region had to convert at the point of the ....... They became Muslims, and there is no way you can say that Islam was the original religion of that or any other region.
Answer me this first than question abt God messenger unless u are lost.
[ Last edited by Truth.8 at 18-11-2006 12:38 PM ] |
Originally posted by Truth.8 at 18-11-2006 12:22 PM
kalau betul, napa Yesus atau sebelum Nabi2 Yesus tidak menyebut hal ini??
macam mane orang kristian nak tahu,Injil pun diorang selewengkan.abih hilang ayat2 yang benar dan diganti dengan ayat2 yang direka2 oleh paderi2 kristian yang menurut hawa nafsu mereka.sebab tu aku suruh puak2 kristian ni,kalu nak bercakap pasal agama dengan kami,bawakan Injil Isa.tapi masalahnya sekarang,Injil tu dah xde,paham x?kami,orang2 Islam beriman kepada Injil Isa sahaja bukan yang dah diselewengkan...pikir la baik2..
aku mengajak kamu kepada Islam selagi nyawa kamu dikandung badan..jangan sekali2 berputus asa terhadap Allah.apabila masuknya kamu ke dalam Islam,that's mean,kamu akan menempuh ujian yang berat daripada Allah sebagai tanda kamu adalah orang2 yang Beriman...jangan kamu berkata" aku adalah orang yang beriman" sebelum kamu diuji dengan sehebat-hebatnya.Imanmu digoncang-goncang...dan sekiranya kamu berjaya, ganjaran yang besar menanti kamu di Akhirat kelak... |
KENNKID This user has been deleted
Originally posted by Truth.8 at 18-11-2006 12:31 PM
What u called Jospeh, Moses, Abaraham and few other??
The question now that u could answer :
You say "Islam is the religion of Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus..." Do you thi ...
The only thing for certain and known in CLEAR terms is that the term ISLAM means submission to the will of The Creator. The name of The Creator is ALLAH. What is the name of your religion and what does the term mean?...
and who is Allah?
It is also very clear.
Is Islam against idolatry & paganism?
It is very clear that it is..
Do Muslims worship the black stone?
It is very clear that we do not ..
so all your accusations are baseless... just blurted out without any other reason but jealousy |
Originally posted by BeachBoys at 18-11-2006 12:36 PM
macam mane orang kristian nak tahu,Injil pun diorang selewengkan.abih hilang ayat2 yang benar dan diganti dengan ayat2 yang direka2 oleh paderi2 kristian yang menurut hawa nafsu mereka.sebab tu ...
sebenarnya injil tak ujud. kami percaya Bible simple as that and not injil |
KENNKID This user has been deleted
Originally posted by Truth.8 at 18-11-2006 12:39 PM
sebenarnya injil tak ujud. kami percaya Bible simple as that and not injil
sebab itulah kamu sesat |
Originally posted by KENNKID at 18-11-2006 12:38 PM
The only thing for certain and known in CLEAR terms is that the term ISLAM means submission to the will of The Creator. The name of The Creator is ALLAH. What is the name of your religion and w ...
not interested ur allah or black stone but I am asking:
You say "Islam is the religion of Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus..." Do you think Adam, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, etc al. journeyed to the idol temple, the Kaaba, and kissed its Black Stone? Impossible! Not one follower of the God of the Bible would ever have gone near the Kaaba, because the God of the Bible forbids any association with idols; and you admit (as history tells us) that the Kaaba was filled with idols before Muhammad destroyed them all. In history and the Bible, you will find no mention of Islam or any religion like it. How could you have Islam without the Koran and Muhammad?
The only people who journeyed to the Kaaba and kissed the Black Stone were pagan Arabs who worshiped one or more of the idols within and around it. Muhammad started a new religion called Islam to which Arabs, Persians, Egyptians, Turks and everyone else in the region had to convert at the point of the ....... They became Muslims, and there is no way you can say that Islam was the original religion of that or any other region.
touching and kissing it . what u called it?? did not they taking as an idols before true God
[ Last edited by Truth.8 at 18-11-2006 12:43 PM ] |
KENNKID This user has been deleted
Originally posted by Truth.8 at 18-11-2006 12:40 PM
The only people who journeyed to the Kaaba and kissed the Black Stone were pagan Arabs who worshiped one or more of the idols within and around it. Muhammad started a new religion called Islam to which Arabs, Persians, Egyptians, Turks and everyone else in the region had to convert at the point of the ....... They became Muslims, and there is no way you can say that Islam was the original religion of that or any other region.
You keep repeating your memorised nonsense |
Originally posted by KENNKID at 18-11-2006 12:40 PM
sebab itulah kamu sesat
apa yang dia merambu tu
Injil dan bible tak sama |
KENNKID This user has been deleted
Originally posted by WLIO at 18-11-2006 12:42 PM
apa yang dia merambu tu
Injil dan bible tak sama
memang tak sama ... Injil ialah kitab yg diturunkan kepada Nabi Isa alaihissalam... cebis2 injil yg ader dlm gospel yg terkandung dlm bible itu pun telah diubahsuai mengikut selera mereka. Bible tu ciptaan manusia, ditulis oleh manusia sesat mengikut nafsu mereka |
Originally posted by KENNKID at 18-11-2006 12:41 PM
You keep repeating your memorised nonsense
did not u repeat all the time when u pray?
does my repeating sound nonsense or it hurt u? |
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