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Author: holmes

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Post time 11-4-2007 02:32 PM | Show all posts

Reply #100 holmes's post

sibuk ah kau :@

agak agak berlian tu berapa juta eh?..

jeles aku

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Post time 12-4-2007 01:16 PM | Show all posts
Jerudong Arabic School Maulidur Rasul 1428H/2007M Celebration
Jerudong Arabic School is organising Maulidur Rasul 1428H/2007M Celebration on Thursday, April 12 at 7.30 am located at Jerudong Arabic School Hall.

Gold Project Signing Ceremony
Gold Project Signing Ceremony will be held on Thursday, April 12 at 2.30 pm located at the Royal VIP Lounge, Hassanal Bolkiah National Stadium, Berakas.

Maulidur Rasul 1428H/2007M Celebration
Ministry of Finance is organising Maulidur Rasul 1428H/2007M Celebration on Thursday, April 12 at 2 pm located at Theater Hall, Ministrry of Finance Building, Commonwealth Drive, Jalan Kebangsaan.
The guest of honour is Yang Berhormat Pehin Orang Kaya Laila Setia Dato Seri Setia Awang Haji Abdul Rahman bin Haji Ibrahim, Ministry of Finance II, Ministry of Finance

Maulidur Rasul 1428H/2007M Celebration
Ministry of Education organising Maulidur Rasul 1428H/2007M Celebration on Thursday, April 12 at 2 pm located at The Main Conference Hall (P1), Ministry of Education.
The guest of honour is Yang Berhormat Pehin Orang Kaya Seri Lela Dato Seri Setia Haji Awang Abdul Rahman bin Dato Setia Haji Mohamed Taib, Minister of Education.

The Borneo Bulletin Brunei Yearbook 2007
The Borneo Bulletin Brunei Yearbook 2007 will be issued on Thursday, April 12 & 13.

Registration for Standard Chartered Bank Seminar
Standard Chartered Bank holds a Seminar on Saturday, April 14. Last day for registration is on Thursday, April 12.
Registration for Morning session at Oil & Gas Discovery Centre, Seria, Kuala Belait, please contact 3334245/3222357. Meanwhile the Afternoon session at Business Centre, The Empire Hotel & Country Club, Jerudong contact 2366020

Post Mortem Meeting
Ministry of Culture, Youth & Sports holds Post Mortem Meeting for ASEAN Youth Football Championship (Hassanal Bolkiah Trophy) 2007 on Thursday, April 12 at 9 am located at Attaqwa Meeting Room, 3rd Floor, Ministry of Culture, Youth & Sports.

Registration for Government Schools Pre-School 2008
Registration for Government Schools Pre-School 2008 opens from Thursday, April 12 to June 30.
Registration forms can be obtained from Government Schools Nationwide.

Launching of Brunei Gold Project & Elite Athletes Contract Signing Ceremony 2007
Department of Youth & Sports, Ministry of Culture, Youth & Sports holds the Launching of Brunei Gold Project & Elite Athletes Contract Signing Ceremony 2007 on Thursday, April 12 at 2 pm located at the Grand Ballroom, 8th Floor, Orchid Garden Hotel, Berakas.

[ Last edited by  TheHawk at 12-4-2007 01:35 PM ]



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Post time 12-4-2007 01:18 PM | Show all posts
Maulidur Rasul 1428H/2007M Celebration
Youth & Sports Department, Ministry of Culture, Youth & Sports is organising Maulidur Rasul 1428H/2007M Celebration on Thursday, April 12 at 1.30 pm located at the Betabur Hall, 1st Floor, Ministry of Development.
The guest of honour is Yang Berhormat Pehin Orang Kaya Hamzah Pahlawan Dato Seri Setia Haji Awang Abdullah Bin Begawan Mudim Dato Paduka Haji Bakar, Ministry of Development

Story Telling Contest (Tutong District)
Language & Literature Bureau is organising Story Telling Contest (Tutong District) on Thursday, April 12 at 8 am located at Tumpuan Telisai Tutong Primary School.
The guest of honour is Yang Mulia Awang Mohd. Rizal bin Haji Zainal Abidin.

Family Development Program in Belait District
Department of Community Development is organising Family Development Program in Belait District on Thursday, April 12 at 8 am located at Liang Lumut Recreational Club, Lumut.

Nusa Laila Puteri School's Registration for Pre School 2007
Nusa Laila Puteri School's Registration for Pre School 2007 is still open.
For more information, please contact 2651954 / 2651995. (No:2, Simpang 148, Jalan Telanai, Kampong Beribi, Gadong.)

Mitsubishi Pajero Service Campaign
GHK Motors Sdn Bhd holds a Mitsubishi Pajero Service Campaign in conjuction with Pajero's 12th Overall Victory at The Dakar Rally from Sunday, April 1 to 30 located at G.H.K Motors Sdn Bhd, Beribi Industrial Complex II, Km. 7, Gadong.
For more information, please call 2430392 / 2423032 / 2423033.

Bright Ideas Workshop
LiveWire is organising Bright Ideas Workshop from Wednesday, April 11 to 12 locaetd at Oil & Gas Discovery Centre (OGDC), Seria.
For more information, please call 2220964, 2220962, 2220951 (Monday - Friday) Fax: 2220952 or email
[email protected] This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it

The 4th Southeast Asian Youth Al-Quran Reading Competiton
The 4th Southeast Asian Youth Al-Quran Reading Competiton will be held from Wednesday, April 11 to 13 at 8 pm located at Plenary Hall, International Convention Centre, Berakas.

Brunei PC Fair 2007
AMF Mas Event Management Services is organising Brunei PC Fair 2007 from Thursday, April 5 to 14 at 10 am to 10 pm located at the Atrium Mall, The Mall, Gadong.     
Yayasan Complex Food Festival
Archmedia Advertising is organizing Yayasan Complex Food Festival on 8 April untuil 17 April 2007 at Yayasan Complex, Bandar Seri Begawan. For more information please call 8610083.
Notice to Mariners
Mariners are advised that Brunei Shell Petroleum is carrying out exploratory drilling for the Seria North Flank Area (SMRNF - APP/S-858) from Monday, February 26 (for 82 days).
Meanwhile, exploratory drilling for the Champion Field Area APP/S-858 commencing on Sunday, January 21 and estimated to be completed in 105 days.

[ Last edited by  TheHawk at 12-4-2007 01:27 PM ]



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 Author| Post time 12-4-2007 01:26 PM | Show all posts

Reply #101 Browneyes's post

  mana bleh kak B sengsorg jerkk..

sharing is caring maa...Kak B nak tau brpa harga berlian tu?

kena tanya Hawk eye taw..


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Post time 12-4-2007 03:03 PM | Show all posts

[ Last edited by  TheHawk at 27-4-2007 09:55 AM ]



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Post time 12-4-2007 04:12 PM | Show all posts

[ Last edited by  TheHawk at 27-4-2007 09:59 AM ]



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Post time 13-4-2007 06:57 AM | Show all posts

Reply #96 TheHawk's post

membari malu jua eh.. mun kan mau $1 , LT membari... sukur2 kan minta jail ah..

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Post time 13-4-2007 11:12 AM | Show all posts
Pengiran Hj Kamarulzaman and Mr Kinya Tsuji exchanging the agreement.

Methanol Plant Marks Milestone For Brunei
By Kartika Rahman & Yusrin Junaidi

Bandar Seri Begawan - In A major push towards further industrialisation and economic diversification, the Brunei Methanol Company Sdn Bhd (BMC ) yesterday reached an important milestone when it signed six project agreements for the construction of a world-class Methanol Plant in the Sultanate at a cost of US$600 million.

"The Brunei methanol plant will be one of the landmark projects in Brunei Darussalam of this generation. It will be the first petrochemical plant in Brunei and for the first time our gas will be used to manufacture other products," said Minister of Energy, Pehin Orang Kaya Seri Utama Dato Seri Setia Awang Haji Yahya, who was the guest of honour at the signing ceremony held at the Jerudong Park Polo Club. "The information and constituents of this project encompass top-class technologies, expertise and experiences of various parties in their respective fields: bringing along with it top-tiers standards, qualities and benchmarks which have the potential to make the Brunei Methanol project a leading beacon and leader in the Asia-Pacific region," added the minister.

"The successful conclusion of the Brunei Methanol project agreement is a testimony to the intense and good multi-

parties professional symbiotic relationship between all the corporate parties from various backgrounds, which have been critical in facilitating and achieving successful cooperation in all areas of the Brunei Methanol project. It is with great optimism and hope that this positive accomplishment will provide the basis and foundation for the successful development," Pehin Dato Awang Haji Yahya said. The construction of the plant itself will cost approximately US$400 million. The plant, which will have a production capacity of 850,000 metric tonnes per year, will be located on a 16-hectare site within an industrial park situated at Sungai Liang.

The ceremony began with the signing of the gas sales agreement between Mr Hideki Odaka, President of Mitsubishi Gas Chemical Co Inc (MGC), Mr Grahaeme Henderson of Brunei Shell Petroleum (BSP), Mr Kinya Tsuji, Chief Executive Officer of BMC and Mr Kobayashi, President and CEO of ITOCHU Corporation (ITC).

Under the long term sales and supply agreement with BMC, Brunei Shell Petroleum will supply natural gas, the main source of energy for the methanol plant.

The signing of a land lease agreement between Pengiran Kerma Raja Pengiran Haji Kamarulzaman bin Pengiran Pekerma Setia Diraja Sahibul Bandar Pengiran Haji Ali from the Sungai Liang Authority and Mr Kinya Tsuji of BMC followed.

Mr Kinya and Mr Hideki also signed agreements for marketing, technical services, licence and catalyst supply.

When BMC was established in March 2006, it conducted a detailed feasibility study for the development of the Brunei Methanol project. Recently, all the required conditions for the joint venture project were satisfactorily achieved and the final investment decision for the project was made with the consent of BMC's shareholders, namely MGC, Petroleum Brunei and ITC. -- Courtesy of Borneo Bulletin

[ Last edited by  TheHawk at 13-4-2007 01:48 PM ]

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Post time 13-4-2007 11:12 AM | Show all posts

Sungai Liang

One Stop Authority For SLIP To Hasten Approval Process
By Sonia K

Bandar Seri Begawan - The Brunei Economic Development Board (BEDB) yesterday announced the establishment of a One Stop Authority for the Sungai Liang Industrial Park (SLIP).

A press statement from BEDB yesterday stated, "His Majesty the Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam has consented to the establishment of a One Stop Authority for investors in the 271-hectare Sungai Liang Industrial Park or SPark.

"The Sungai Liang Authority, which was created on April 6, 2007, will have the authority to undertake all approvals required for projects in Spark.

"His Majesty has also consented to the appointment of Peng Man Kenna Raja Pg Hj Kamarulta bin PPSDSB Pg Hj Ali as the Chairman of the Authority. Other appointed members to the authority's board are Dato Paduka Timothy Ong, Dato Paduka Hj Metassan bin Momin, Dato Paduka Hj Kamis bin Hj Tamin, Dato Paduka Hj Hamid bin Hj Mohd Jaafar and Mr Pierre Imhof," the press statement added.

The first project to be sited in SPark is the 13$600 mil lion Methanol Plant developed by the Brunei Methanol Company, a joint venture between Mitsubishi Gas Chemical, Petroleum Brunei and Itochu Corporation.

The Methanol Plant's location in SPark was formalised yesterday with the signing of the lease agreement for the Methanol Plant's site between Pengiran Kamarulzaman, the Authority's Chairman, and Mr Kinya Tsuji, CEO of the Brunei Methanol Company.

The press statement also stated that other projects planned for SPark are a world class fertiliser plant proposed by

Australian and Japanese investors and a bio-diesel plant proposed by Malaysian investors.

Dato Paduka Timothy Ong, Acting Chairman of the Brunei Economic Development Board said, "The establishment of this One Stop Authority for the Sungai Liang Industrial Park will greatly enhance the BEDB's ability to facilitate and promote investment in Brunei Darussalam by reducing the time taken to grant and process approvals." -- Courtesy of Borneo Bulletin

[ Last edited by  TheHawk at 13-4-2007 01:50 PM ]

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Post time 13-4-2007 11:13 AM | Show all posts
Boosting ICT Cooperation With China
By Lyna Mohamad

Bandar Seri Begawan - The history of the relationship between Brunei Darussalam and China dates back many centuries that was started by our ancestors and has been continued and strengthened to this day, said the Minister of Communications, Pehin Orang Kaya Seri Kerna Dato Seri Setia Hj Awg Abu Bakar bin Hj Apong.

"Our relationship has also evolved along with the advanced technologies as well as the needs of our people. Our cooperation in the ICT sector is indeed very important as ICT is regarded as an engine of growth."

Speaking at a bilateral meeting with Jiang Yaoping, Vice Minister of Information Industry,

People's Republic of China, the minister added that it is therefore important to pave the way for the benefits of ICT to trickle down to the people, and the participation of the private sector is also crucial in order to support and contribute to the economy.

The bilateral meeting yesterday at the Ministry of Communications, amongst others, discussed ways to strengthen the relationship between the two countries as well as issues of mutual interest in the field of ICT.

Also present at the bilateral meeting were Deputy Minister of Communications, Dato Paduka Hj Yusof bin Hj Abd Hamid, Permanent Secretary, Dato Paduka Hj Yussof bin Hj Hassan and the Ambassador of the PR of China, Mdm Tong Xiaoling. Others in attendance included senior officers both from the Ministry of Communications, Brunei Darussalam and Ministry of Information Industry, PR of China.

The minister in his welcoming remarks said both have come a long way, noting the recent 15th anniversary of the Asean-China dialogue.

"Over the past few years, the ICT cooperation between Asean and China has been significantly strengthened on a wide range of areas."

"Particularly, we note with satisfaction that our business communities have established closer ties through various programmes, on infrastructure, investment and commercial projects, research and development, training and capacity building" highlighted the minister.

Yesterday's bilateral meeting was aimed at enhancing the cooperation in ICT between the two countries not only between the governments but also importantly between the private companies of both countries.

The officials also discussed the implementation of the 'Plan of Action to Implement the Beijing Declaration on Asean-China ICT Cooperative Partnership for Common Development' that was the output document of the 2nd Asean-China ICT Ministerial Forum held in Penang Malaysia last April 2006 that was discussed further at the 1st Asean Telecommunications & IT Ministers + China Meeting (1st Asean TELMIN + China) held in the sultanate last September. -- Courtesy of Borneo Bulletin

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Post time 13-4-2007 11:14 AM | Show all posts

Senior Fishiries Officer Haji Ajamain bin Haji Sawal (second left)
delivering his welcoming remarks

Moratorium To Reduce Pressure On Marine Resources
By Liza Mohd

Bandar Seri Begawan - A moratorium to be enforced by January 2008 on fishing activities within Zone I (three miles from shore) is expected to reduce resource pressure to 22 per cent.

This is in view of the 43 per cent reduction in fish resources from 1980 to 2000, particularly in Zone I at a depth of zero to 50 metres.

The steady decrease of fisheries resources indicates the occurrence of overfishing in the area.

This was yesterday highlighted by Senior Fisheries Officer Haji Ajamain bin Haji Sawal during a Belait District roadshow on the implementation of a moratorium on fishing operations in Zone I.

The moratorium will be enforced by the Department of Fisheries - under the Ministry of Industry and Primary Resources (MIPR) - in Zone 1, and it will extend three nautical miles from shore.

This is to reduce fishing activities in the area and ensure marine resources will recover and benefit on a long-term basis.

In her presentation, Senior Fisheries Officer Ranimah binte Hj Abdul Wahab explained that the moratorium brings a temporary ban or suspension of any fishing activity in a given period of time until the full recovery of fishing resources has been achieved.

The moratorium will be imposed to provide opportunity for local fishermen who rely on Zone I, and also to assure the fishing resources are constantly at a sustainable level.

The temporary ban involves relocating fishing companies utilising foreign workers from Zone to Zone.

However, full-time or part-time private fishermen will not be affected and involved in the moratorium programme.

The execution of the moratorium in Zone I further involves putting off or freezing the issuance of licences on new and fishing equipment exceeding the limit used in Zone I - such as ring net (ancau), trammel gill net (andang karan ), bottom set gill net (andang jarang), fish trap (bubu), shallow-water fish corral (lintau), pomfret seine net (pukat duai/ panau), beach seine (pukat ambit/kikis), barrier gill net pukat kembura/kuasi), cast net (rambat), tiff net (selambau) and conical tidal trap (tugu).

Meanwhile, fishing equipment not included in the moratorium programme are handline (jaul), intertidal fish trap (kabat), deep-water fish corral (kilong), seine net penguyat), drill grill net (rantau), longline (rawai ) and barrier (tambak).

However, the implication of a moratorium would result in an increase in competition as a result of sharing marine resources in Zone II, with 12 pukat tundan, five pukat lingkong, six longli nes and 147 small fishing companies.

To ensure members of the public - especially fishermen in the country - fully understand the impact of such moratorium and for them to prepare themselves for whatever eventualities that could affect them, the Department of Fisheries will be conducting roadshows throughout the four districts.

Some 100 participants attended the road show yesterday comprising commercial small-scale fishermen, mukim penghulus and village heads from the Belait district.

Later, another presentation on the moratorium - under the legal context - was presented by Assistant Fisheries Officer Ishak bin Jarudin. -- Courtesy of Borneo Bulletin

[ Last edited by  TheHawk at 13-4-2007 01:56 PM ]

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 Author| Post time 13-4-2007 11:45 AM | Show all posts

Reply #107 LailaTempawan's post

Ia tah LT...desperate banar jua eh...

jgn2 slalu udah dibuatnya... ani baru kedapatan..


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 Author| Post time 13-4-2007 11:47 AM | Show all posts

Reply #109 TheHawk's post

Do you people think kilang methanol ani safe kah?

maksud hom...environment wise?


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Post time 13-4-2007 12:34 PM | Show all posts
yatah..time ku baca newspaper about that news,ketawa ku.ahahahahahah..sekadar sal atu..desperadooo

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 Author| Post time 13-4-2007 12:46 PM | Show all posts

Reply #114 hakeemm's post

Hi hakeemm

org Brunei jua ni kah?  welkam aboard..

rajin2 tah masuk sini...join us dlm thread MUN PAHAM BISAI atu..


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Post time 13-4-2007 01:55 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by holmes at 13-4-2007 11:45 AM
Ia tah LT...desperate banar jua eh...

jgn2 slalu udah dibuatnya... ani baru kedapatan..

Yup maybe he was really desperate!

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Post time 13-4-2007 02:06 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by holmes at 13-4-2007 11:47 AM
Do you people think kilang methanol ani safe kah?

maksud hom...environment wise?

I am not really worried so much on whether the plan is safe or not since it is located around the gas plan area. What I would like to know is how much Brunei is investing financially. What I am worried is whether it is a sound investment. I just hope that the investment made would be as good as projected. There has been many investments that we made with little benefit to us if any. Infact there seems to be many investments where we have lost money, lots of money!

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 Author| Post time 13-4-2007 02:10 PM | Show all posts

Reply #117 TheHawk's post


Is there any transparency on who and what has been invested in this multi-million dollar project?  any idea ?

[ Last edited by  holmes at 13-4-2007 02:12 PM ]

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Post time 13-4-2007 02:12 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by hakeemm at 13-4-2007 12:34 PM
yatah..time ku baca newspaper about that news,ketawa ku.ahahahahahah..sekadar sal atu..desperadooo

Jangan di ketawakan. Kitani mana tau problem nya. Di you ever experienced that you have no money in your pocket, not even a single cent? Did you ever experienced that when you ask people for help, no one help you? Besyukur tah that you have never experienced such life. Hawk have gone through so much because Hawk come from a very poor family and I can tell you that it is not a laughing matter!

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Post time 13-4-2007 02:23 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by holmes at 13-4-2007 02:10 PM

Is there any transparency on who and what has been invested in this multi-million dollar project?  any idea ?

I don't think that we ever have a full transparency on Government investments! Look at RBA, Our Cattle farm in Darwin, the OPV Vessels, Our hotels around the world, etc etc! I say no more than that!

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