fuuhh...ko beli yg ori nye ke? apasal tak beli yg lanun nye? ko tak support lanun ke??!! :laugh3 ...
R3X Post at 29-8-2010 22:25
sebelum ori aku download semua yg lanun dulu.. tp tkleh multiplayer bile lanun ni.. liberty & reloaded released kan?
tp memember asyik bakar online game.. apelagi... korban sket demi member huhuhuhuhu
lmbt lg la kawen gamaknyerrrrrrrrrrrrr |
ini aku nak share tips untuk defence dgn kombinasi attacker group, kalau korang boleh multitask dgn keyboard lagi senang cthnye templar2
1 - attacker wave 1 - 5 x marauder + 10 x marine + 2 x medivac - jgn lupa research stimpack utk max damage
2 - attacker support 1 - 3 x siege tank + 1 x raven + 5 x marine - jgn lupa research siege mode
1 - attacker wave 1 - 8 x stalker + 2 x immortal + 2 x collossus - mmg gile babi kalau combo ini
2 - attacker support 1 - 4 x zealots + 6 x high templars + 3 x immortals - kalau kena rush dgn zerg , psionic storm la kekdahnye |
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patch dah hampir nak kuar.....
Greetings, citizens of the Koprulu sector! StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty is celebrating its one-month anniversary and we’re extremely excited to witness the amazing community that’s come together around the game. To that end, we want you to know we are hard at work on the first feature and balance patch, and expect to have it completed and available by the middle of September. Patch 1.1 will contain a number of improvements including additional mod features, Editor improvements and bug fixes, some custom game improvements, support for NVIDIA’s 3D Vision, and more. We'd also like to share some specific plans for this patch with you.
To begin, we've heard a lot of feedback from our global community about standardized hotkey options. We're happy to announce that in patch 1.1 we are going to make the Standard (US) and Standard for Lefties (US) hotkey options available in all regions.
source...Starcraft II Patch 1.1 |
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Reply 103# allsparks
kelebihan ori nie boleh upgrade patch laaaa yer bro...? |
nak tye.. windows7 64bit support tak klu nak main game ni? |
Reply 106# anticuado
terbaca kat forum lain - katanya takde masalah kalau windows 7 - 64bit |
dah start main starcraft II |
Post Last Edit by dauswq at 26-11-2011 15:56
zerg mmg terbaik arr...
dlm mana2 league pun, zerg plg mengungguli top 10
tak caya korg tgk latest one...
league yg lame pun, bangsa alien plg byk menang wlpn diorg tak superior berbanding terran + protoss.
seriously, tuk STARCRAFT II, dlm 1000++ battles bayangkan ~99.00% aku guna adalah Zerg...
punyalah addicting kt bangsa alien ni{:1_270:}
sbb tu jugak aku lemah pki terran atau protoss...
dlm zerg aku suka pki combination berikut with upgrade 3 attack + 3 defense:
(aku selalu main group)
1) mass zerglings + ultralisks (5)
2) hydralisk (20) + roaches (15)
3) hydralisks (20) + corruptors (5) + infestors (5 )
4) brood lord (6) + corruptor (10)
5) mutalisk (20)
6) bannelings + zerglings untuk rush....guna bannelings untuk hancurkan marines, zerglings yg terlalu ramai
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zerg ni kena pndi guna fungal growth, neutral parasite, corruption bile lwn byk2 musuh...
tak reti pki fungsi ni, mmg susah nak menang in late period..
tangan plak kena pndi kwl..
selain tu, expand guna creep supaya cepatkan perjalanan+ attack aliens2 ni... |
Post Last Edit by dauswq at 26-11-2011 15:59
Sedikit strategi untuk pemain bangsa ZERG
zerg ni sgt bagus for early period klu korg jenis malas upgrade..
hantar zerglings/mutalisks dh boleh menang
tp make sure pndi guna...klu tak, membazir jek units tersebut
early period:
-zerglings + bannelings byk2....bannelings pecahkan wall, zerglings serang workers...
- buat mutalisk byk2 untuk serang workers dan musnah pangkalan jika tiada units yg jaga..
late period:
-terran & protoss mmg lagik superior...time ni tak guna fikir lwn pki hydralisks, roaches, lings suma tu...mase ni brood lord sgt penting, buat byk2 ngan sokongan corruptors...
bile byk void rays/vikings dtg menyerang, gunakan fungsi corruption supaya damage lagik kuat...brood lord pulak leh hancurkan pangkalan dlm sekelip mata tp make sure upgrade (3 +3 fly - untuk brood lord attack & 3 + 3 bwh - untuk broolings attacks)
- klu tak suka pki brood lord, gunakan ultralisks + corruptors (bunuh collosus protoss) + infestors + zerglings.... |
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wah bestnya.. bila ler expantion pack dia nak kuar, tak sabar dah ni. |
tak de org ke main starcraft 2?
aku terlalu excited ngan game ni smpi nonton tournaments 2 besar melibatkan pemain2 prof
suka tgk yg kuat belasah yg lemah..
tiil nw, my favorite race always ZERG...
nmpknye games sgt kurang popular di Msia
ttp sgt popular di US, Europe dan Soutn Korea
apa yg ak perhatikan bile tournament2 besar ni apabila pemain prof ni selalu praktikkan:
- massive infestors selalu digunakan....spell yg digunakan selalunya fungal growth yg mane boleh menyebabkan kecederaan & pergerakan terbatut selama 4 saat..ni dh cukup tuk musnahkan mass rines yg sikit nyawa dan unit lain yg guna melee attack...
-b lord/ ultralisk selalu digunakan dlm late game...for me, b lord + infestors berbahaya kpd terran ..
-semua unit selalunya digunakan, plg jarang adalah HYDRA dan MUTALISK...
-pemain2 prof ZERG yg suka gunakan teknik ni ialah Stephano, dongraegu, violet, nerchio..
-combo marines+tanks+medievac mmg akn selalu digunakan terutamanya lawan zerg dan protoss..disebabkan protoss ade colossus dan storm ability, jadi ghost fungsinya "EMP SHOCKWAVE" ngan hilangkan energy/shield protoss
-combo mass marines, mauraders dgn medivac..
-jarang guna thor, raven, bcruiser
-pemain2 prof TERRAN yg suka gunakan teknik ni ialah MarineKingPrime, MVP, MMA, LiquidTaeja, Polt
-early game: jrg sgt zealot dihasilkan, selalu diorg wat stalker terus dulu
-mass stakers+immortals+2 colossus selalu sgt digunakan
-early game: force field (ability yg ade pd sentries_ selalu sgt digunakan tuk counter serangan awl mass marines atau mass lings/roach
- klu tak colossus, high templar digunakan sebaliknya...combo ngan stalker+archons
-dulu pemain prof suka gunakan mothership, ttp sbb senang nak counter (zerg:guna infestor, terran: guna mass viking) unit ni dh jarang dgunakan...
-jarang guna dark templar, carriers dan mass void rays...lebih bergantung kpd ground units
-pemain2 prof PROTOSS yg suka gunakan teknik ni ialah MC, Creator
Last edited by dauswq on 3-8-2012 04:58 PM \n\n Last edited by dauswq on 3-8-2012 05:05 PM \n\n Last edited by dauswq on 3-8-2012 05:10 PM \n\n |
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dauswq posted on 3-8-2012 04:43 PM
tak de org ke main starcraft 2?
aku terlalu excited ngan game ni smpi nonton tournaments 2 besar ...
Bro dulu mmg salah satu favourite game yang selalu aku main dgn geng2 gaming.
Skrang slow sikit dah. Dah kahwin geng2 pun dah bawa haluan masing dah kawin dah koje tempat lain.
Yang aku peratikan game ni.....kepantasan adalah kunci. Kalau lambat segala2nya pasti akan kalah mati katak style.
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