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Author: melayucyber

Senarai harga kereta CBU sebelum tax...sakitnyer hati aku tengok!!!

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Post time 15-5-2009 09:38 PM | Show all posts

The Star Today

Friday May 15, 2009
Literally paying to own a car
Why Not?

A car that of late became a hot topic in the news pages only costs a buyer in the US half what a Malaysian has to fork out.

I’M a big fan of Top Gear. Besides the cool cars, you just have to love the wit of Jeremy Clarkson and Co. They are hilarious.

Top Gear is probably the best TV show on cars, and one of the best TV shows on whatever as far as I’m concerned.

I have also been buying the magazine since they launched the Malaysian edition some time back.

At RM10, it’s cheap, far cheaper than the UK edition. And at that price, it is an unbelievable bargain.

You not only get very informative car reviews and interesting features in the magazine, but there are also columns by Clarkson, Richard Hammond and James May (Clarkson’s partners in crime) as well as other writers on the editorial staff to look forward to.

From the reviews, columns and features, you learn a lot about the workings of the global auto industry.

When you start to know how cars are made, marketed and sold in other parts of the world, you begin to understand that there are several things that badly need fixing in the local auto sector, primarily because car buyers here are made to literally pay for it.

First of all, while Top Gear Malaysia is much cheaper than Top Gear UK, you can’t say the same about car prices here and over there.

Take, for example, the new BMW X5. Over here, prices start from slightly less than RM490,000. Over there, it starts from slightly more than £40,000.

How much is £40,000 at current exchange rates? About RM220,000.

Let’s take a more down to earth car as an example, say, the Toyota Camry, which can be frequently seen on our streets.

It’s a popular car, especially among those who can afford to pay about RM140,000 for a car.

In the US, car buyers can get a Camry from about US$19,200. That’s around RM67,700 at today’s rates.

The most expensive model in the US, the Camry Hybrid, starts at US$26,150, or about RM92,200.

Why the huge difference between the prices? Why do we need to pay twice the price of what the British and the Americans do for the cars mentioned above?

Several factors contribute to Malaysia having some of the highest car prices in the world, and among them are the duties and taxes that the Government levies on cars – whether locally manufactured or assembled or imported.

It is a lucrative source of revenue for the Government, as about 500,000 vehicles are sold every year in Malaysia.

More importantly for us, the bulk, if not all, of the cost is generally passed on to Malaysian car buyers.

Now, I understand the need for the Government to generate revenue. After all, there are various public needs that have to be fulfilled.

There is also the argument that local car manufacturers need protection before they are ready to compete openly, although I think they have been protected long enough.

But try seeing it from the consumer’s point of view.

Most car buyers pay a small down payment and get a loan to finance the remaining cost of their purchase.The interest-bearing loan pays for not just the actual cost of the car, but for the taxes and duties as well.

I know I’ve said this before, but it’s worth mentioning again, especially as there is now talk of doing away with that other bane of car buyers – approved permits (APs) for imported cars.

International Trade and Industry Deputy Minister Datuk Mukhriz Mahathir said that ending the scheme (oh, what a scheme it is) was among the many options being considered to ensure that “any levy or tax should benefit the Government”.

He added that “cost savings, if any, should go to the rakyat”.

Although Mukhriz’s mention of taxes benefiting the Government probably puts paid to any hopes that I might harbour of deep cuts in the duties and taxes levied on cars, I’m all for major changes to the AP scheme (better still, end it) if it means the cost savings from doing so “go to the rakyat”.

If this had happened earlier, I probably would have had to pay much, much less for the car I own today.

The holder of the AP used to import my car, bought about two years ago, had very little to do with the making, transporting, marketing and selling of the car.

And it kind of gets to me pretty badly that part of the loan I took to pay for the car went to the AP holder as payment for what is supposed to pass for “effort”.

At least the Government uses my money to build roads, schools and hospitals.

I’m looking forward to Mukhriz’s announcement on the APs, and I have a feeling that it would be one that would put a bit of a smile on the faces of those who sell and buy cars.

Maybe, someday, we’ll see a serious reduction in duties and taxes on imported cars, and be able to do more than just drool at the prices people overseas pay for their cars.

Raslan Sharif looked up the price of the Porsche Cayenne GTS in the UK, which is about £55,000, or RM295,000. Go check how much it costs here. ... 5&sec=Why%20Not

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Post time 15-5-2009 10:05 PM | Show all posts

Balas #100 mikasa\ catat

nak menjaga kepentingan individu tertentu je, mana ada nak jg industri automotif, malahan quality kita rejek terkebelakang

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Post time 15-5-2009 10:24 PM | Show all posts
adik sepupu aku yg blajar kat jepun.. kat sana depa cerita.. honda ferio tu depa kasi free aje kat student junior.. just renew insurans ngan roadtax aje.. taktau la betul ke tidak.. tapi aku percaya benda ni..

bab tax tu mmg la camtu.. tp pd aku mmg tak patut loan smpai 9 atau 12thn.. mmg sungguh tak berbaloi..

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Post time 15-5-2009 10:57 PM | Show all posts
apla nsb kte n..
trpakse pkai kter cikai smate2 nk bg poket org len kembong...

kalo roton ad persaingan yg kuat sket,konpem derg keje kwat sket 2 build bttr cars..
tp kte end up buying cars yg problematic...

dh bli2 mhal2 then nk woksyop lg..

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Post time 15-5-2009 11:03 PM | Show all posts
tax yg tgg mybbkan malaysia trtggal jauh dr thailand dlm industri automotif...
just look at thailand...

siap dpt nickname detroit of the east...

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Post time 16-5-2009 07:10 AM | Show all posts
kerajaan malaysia suka rakyat hidup berhutang sampai mati...katanya, kerajaan prihatin dan PM untuk rakyat, dan berkerja demi rakyat..

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Post time 16-5-2009 09:17 AM | Show all posts

Balas #106 KTMan\ catat

kerajaan berjiwa raja , sebab raja je yg mampu pkai kete mahal2

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Post time 16-5-2009 09:23 AM | Show all posts
ni kira riba tak???

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Post time 16-5-2009 12:07 PM | Show all posts
tak nak berhutang beli la keter yg murah2 je ,, tak payah berlagak.

takdak segala mak nenek cukai tu camana kerajaan nak mentadbir? susah la duit kurang... ataupun kalau kurangkan gaji pegawai kerajaan nanti korang bising pulak....    aku lagi suka kalau semua dipaksa pakai keter proton je.. padan muka... hahahaha.  

ada orang kaitkan kalau takdak proton maka keter import akan murah. jangan haraplah... cukai tu antara kemasukan kerajaan.  kalau takdak proton aku rasa cuka keter semakin tinggi macam singapore...

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Post time 5-9-2009 10:41 PM | Show all posts
Jangan sokong umno..... baru dapat keta murah. Bayng kan kena bayar anusran kereta sampai rm1k sebelum selama 10 tahun, sedangkan haraganya hanya patut bayar rm5oo je. rm

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Post time 6-9-2009 12:21 AM | Show all posts
wah.. rupenye kereta proton wira aku lagi mahal dari harga asal honda jazz.. nih yang aku rasa terharu sangat nih.. menitik rasa airmata ku..

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Post time 6-9-2009 12:28 AM | Show all posts
memang susah nak ubah tax keter ni sebab ianya akan membawa kesan kepada banyak pihak terutamanya kedai yg jual keter terpakai...kereta recond..sapa yang dah beli kete..

pada pendapat aku ,

atleast kalau kerajaan betul-betul nak tolong rakyat..turun kan saja harga mintak kepada rm1/seliter.Jadi kalau kena bayor tax keter yg tinggi pun takda laa sakit hati sangat  sebab minyak murah...

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Post time 6-9-2009 01:53 AM | Show all posts
wah.. rupenye kereta proton wira aku lagi mahal dari harga asal honda jazz.. nih yang aku rasa terharu sangat nih.. menitik rasa airmata ku..
iey_iyda Post at 6-9-2009 00:21

aku lg kecewa, tambah 4k lg boleh topup gen2 2nd hand aku yg berusia dekat 5 tahun dgn honda jazz.

argh nak marah kat sapa ni?
proton ke kerajaan?

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Post time 6-9-2009 06:21 AM | Show all posts
aku lg kecewa, tambah 4k lg boleh topup gen2 2nd hand aku yg berusia dekat 5 tahun dgn honda jazz.

argh nak marah kat sapa ni?
proton ke kerajaan?
otai_g Post at 6-9-2009 01:53

aku takleh marah kat proton, sebab nanti orang kata aku tak patriotik.. so aku marah lah diri sendiri sebab tak mampu nak kaya dan beli kereta bukan proton.. tapi kan, kadang rasa ralat jugak kalau aku beli kereta luar, sebab kena bayar tax sampai berpuluh2 ribu kat gomen.. errrr... cam tak sanggup plaks aku.. banyak tu wehhh...

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Post time 6-9-2009 06:32 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by iey_iyda at 6-9-2009 06:33

Aku kadang tensen gaks perihal kereta nih.. macam2 nak kena bayar..

baru nih aku renew insurans + road tax, kena RM400, dulu RM300 jer... naik banyak tuh.. tuh belum masuk duit minyak + tol lagi tuh, memang around RM400++ sebulan..
nasib kereta wira aku dah abih bayar, kalau tak kena RM700++ sebulan.. dengan bunge bank yang berwarna-warni.. kalau kereta import, tax pulak melampau memang tak bleh blah..
itu nak kena servis lagi.. tempat aku servis biasa mau cecah RM100.. kalau ada rosak sana-sini, top-up lagi sampai pernah kena RM700.. menggigil kuar duit..

tengok la berapa banyak kena spend untuk sebijik kereta.. memang duit gaji kita nih abih kat kereta jer... belum masuk rumah lagi tuh..

kereta wira aku skarang usia dah 7 tahun, dah mula sakit2 badan.. tingkap kalau nak tutup, kena tolak pakai tangan, kalau tak sangkut.. radio memang dah kong, aku maleh nak ganti, duit lagi kang.. aku pakai mp3 player je dalam kereta.. mana aku rasa aku bleh sabar tuh, aku sabar jer la dulu.. aku memang plan nak beli kereta baru, sebab sekarang ni family's car.. tapi tuh la, duit lagi...

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Post time 6-9-2009 10:38 AM | Show all posts
BMW M5 harga cuma RM239,125.00 tapi di auto bavaria...harga on the road adalah RM898,000.00
melayucyber Post at 25-1-2008 11:39

Begitu murah? I check kat, lepas convert RM424645.
Kalau tak silap, kete import sebenarnya half price sebelum tax :geram:

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Post time 6-9-2009 10:44 AM | Show all posts
116# shianghorng

tu la...klu duk kat labuan sabah, langkawi dpt la rege tnpa tax tu tp x boleh bwk ke semenanjung la....huhuhu! klu kete import smua halfprice smua pakai beli kete import la....dh rege civic sama dgn rege waja/persona kan.....

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Post time 6-9-2009 04:53 PM | Show all posts
Walaupun tak dinafikan kat tempat lain kete lagi murah......tapi aku tak nampak pulak Merc, Beemer, Honda high-end, Toyota high end berlambak kat 'sana'......nape ek?

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Post time 6-9-2009 05:46 PM | Show all posts
ah...daripada aku sakit ati dengan harga kereta..baik aku pikir mcm mana nak tambah income aku...
xabis2 nak tuding jari...

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Post time 6-9-2009 05:58 PM | Show all posts
Keta mahel pun ramai org beli jugak...Aku tengok kat jalan raya ramai org yg berkemampuan pakai keta import nie baru2 pulak tue kata ekonomi tak bagus tapi banyak keta baru atas jalan....Bagus laa kalau diaorang mampu rezeki masing2 cari dgn usaha sendirikan..Rakyat Malaysia memang mewah....Kalau bertukar kerajaan pun aku rasa dasar nie tetap sama aje lebih kurang...Keta Local pun!!! Boleh kena tax kalau Persona/Waja misalnya lebih RM10K kalau tak salah... Aper daaa gomen...

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