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Author: airahthislove

★ SUPER JUNIOR HOUSE 22 ~ 5th Album Comeback ★

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Post time 5-7-2010 02:05 PM | Show all posts
Reply 102# airahthislove

    huhuhhu sedih la pulak....huhuhuhuu

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Post time 5-7-2010 02:11 PM | Show all posts

100705 Dont Cry, Kangin

cr: as tagged || reup by stalker93

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Post time 5-7-2010 02:18 PM | Show all posts
Reply 102# airahthislove

    byk pic kne pangkah kat opis ni...hu3
nmpk kangin berisi la plak...

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Post time 5-7-2010 02:18 PM | Show all posts
more ...of kangin n others...


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 Author| Post time 5-7-2010 03:10 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by airahthislove at 5-7-2010 15:23

this is not a double posting...I deleted my post at pg 4

updated mode now , TQ for understanding...

Kangin & SJ members

(click the small pics to view original size image)

credit as tagged + reupload by [email protected]

* will be updated *

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Post time 5-7-2010 03:36 PM | Show all posts
anyeong uolsss~~~

MIA je keje aku nih!sob..sob..

airah, tahniah umah baru sudah~~hehe

kepada sume, hello!!

aku masuk ni sbb tringat kangin enrolled ke army arinih~~sedih giler tgk gmbr2 atas tuh....boifren pertama dlm sj~sob..sob...sedih sbb pasni rase mcm akan makin jarang dgr news psl die...

harapnye, die sntiasa sihat, bule grad awal dari army, tabah menghadapi pressure dlm army, dan paling penting dpt buat comeback, bersama other members, dgn daebak!!!!i'll b missing you, kangin..

kangin, hwaiting!!!we'll wait for you...

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Post time 5-7-2010 03:38 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by isabel at 5-7-2010 15:42
@ kak bel
thanks kak bel for the credit. x sangka pulak dpt gak credit biler sy wat cap tuk perf smlm even 1 gmbr jer... nnt kalo sy rajin, sy wat caps lg tuk perf arini biler dah hbs donlot perf nyer!! rukiaichigo Post at 3-7-2010 21:24


bukan rukia aje yg lain2 pun klu ada hasil usaha sendiri pun bel akan bagi kredit....
mcm semua tau buat screencap sendiri...upload video sendiri...or apa saja hasil kreativiti masing2 akan dibagi kredit....
dan mintak pertolongan semua sbb bukan selalu bel or MOD yg lain check thread so bila ada apa2 hasil kerja ko org...dan layak diberi kredit..sila pm dan gitau MOD...

kat sini bel post logo AC utk kegunaan semua klu nak guna logo ni....

Attention and Warning to all SuJu Fans.... kbel nak ckp sikit psl thread ni...
dpt a few complaint psl spamming and bashing others member SuJu dlm ni..bukan kbel seorg aje dpt complaint tapi MOD juga terima complaint berkenaan gan thread ni...

1st of all....kbel nak welcome gan sukacita dan gembira gan kedatangan forumer baru dlm thread ni...

dulu case complaint bila ada forumer baru nak joint tapi x dialu2kan oleh forumer lama....that one is already settle sbb kbel dah warning dan marah kat forumer lama..(forumer lama ni semua anak2 yg baik sbb dgr you alll...muah...{:1_147:} )

dan skrg ni pulak bila ada forumer baru dan kedtgan diorg ni dah dialu2kan gan senang hati ni bertukar lak... kali ni forumer baru main msk suka hati dan x ikut rules yg ditetapkan dlm forum ni....

oleh tu kbel mewakili suara ramai...kbel nak nasihatkan para forumer yg baru dlm thread ni supaya memberi kerjasama sikit...ini adalah demi kebaikan semua org....biar berposting, berforum dan berkongsi maklumat gan gembira dan senang hati...biarpun thread ni x sehebat soompi tapi boleh dikatakan Bod AC Suju ni adalah satu2nya diMalaysia Bod yg berbahasa melayu jadi seboleh2nya semua org dlm ni nak jadikan thread ni salah satu thread yg berinformasi utk dikongsikan oleh semua org...

akhir sekali kepada forumer baru kat sini...
kbel dan para MOD yg lain mintak maaf klu teguran ni membuatkan ko org terasa hati...
cuma permintaan kbel, MOD dan forumers lama adalah cuma sikit aje...rules dia x ler sesusah mana oleh tu try follow the rules yg dah ditetapkan didlm thread ni...

dan ingatan kepada forumers lama pula cuba bimbing dan bagi tunjuk ajar kepada yg baru...
jgn kasar2 oke....
kbel sayang kat ko org semua...

sekali lagi kepada forumer baru...

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Post time 5-7-2010 03:40 PM | Show all posts
Reply 105# airahthislove

Thank you Airah for all the updates Sgt sedih ok tgk picture sorang2. Huuuu~ seb baik x kuar gamba sume org duk hug nangeh. lagi la xlh tahan kalo gitu.


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 Author| Post time 5-7-2010 03:56 PM | Show all posts
Reply 106# jeanlouisfinch

annyeong jean...dapat gak mu menebeng kat sini..
stay updated nae ^^

Reply 107# isabel

ok k.bel noted

Reply 108# m[a]x

kwencanayo...sama2 kita berupdate untuk hr nih..
a tibute for kangin :cry:

a compilation pics and stories of kangin entering military

credit 41lumiere@yt

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Post time 5-7-2010 04:07 PM | Show all posts
Reply 109# airahthislove

em, komawo airah~hii

tuhla, sntiasa kene apdet diri dgn kegiatan diorg skrg nih...ade bace, kyu, wonnie dgn yg lelain ade kat strong heart kan~ tmpt keje me skrg xbule view video, kat umah dh xde tenet. so kene harapkn description korang jela, xpon tepon adik kat umah, time nak tau show2 yg diorg terlibat~gagaga

neway, diorg akan pomot no others smpai bile eh?ade info x? hihi

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Post time 5-7-2010 04:31 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by rukiaichigo at 5-7-2010 16:35

[100705] Super Junior Kangin Enters the Army (with Super Junior's member)

credit: uploader

sedih giler tgk clip ni. tp nasib baik la x tunjuk sekali part dorg dok nanges2 bersama... kalo tidak, mmg haru la ofis aku banjir dgn air mata!! dan la td even mula2 tgk gmbr2 yg fans jer sblm dorg sampai, mmg dh menitis air mata, nasib baik kat meja ada tisu. and biler tgk gmbr2 kangin & suju, mmg dah menanges giler2 punyer sampai x lalu dah nak turun lunch td. tp perut perlu diisi kan, so nasib baik still lg lalu mkn!! and nasib baik la dr pg td kena flu sikit, so xder la org lain pasan sgt aku tgh dok meratapi pemergian kangin ke military service!!  

@ kak bel
thanks again, kak bel.... wokeh, noted. sy akan menurut perintah... sy syg kak bel jugak, & AC too!!

@ madus aka jean
sempat gak ko masuk kan dlm ni. nea, meh la sama2 berdoa utk kesejahteraan kangin tyme dia kat army. stay healthy & fighting, kangin!!

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 Author| Post time 5-7-2010 04:32 PM | Show all posts
Reply  airahthislove

em, komawo airah~hii

tuhla, sntiasa kene apdet diri dgn kegiatan diorg ...
jeanlouisfinch Post at 5-7-2010 04:07 PM

blom tau lg no other promo sampai bila...
kalo ade sure ado member2 update kn

[Official] 04/07/10 BSX Endorsement

credits: BSX Official Website
reup: hyukxenhae

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Post time 5-7-2010 05:39 PM | Show all posts
Reply 111# rukiaichigo

    adeh...akhirnya aku balik kat umah... the first thing aku buat tgk klip nih.. omo sedih giler wei.. mula2 nampak kangin dtg sorang2 aku dah rase cam.. huargh!!!! airmata tak berhenti2... tgk cam kangin ckp slow tak der semangat.. cam vulnerable sgt... KELFs... komawo. sebab tolong wakil kan ELFs all the over the world anto kangin masuk army... ya Allah tak leh mention memang aku sedih sgt tgk nih.. i'll be missing him.. i'll be waiting for him... biler dia nampak dak2 suju dtg.. adeh memang confirm aku nangis cam nak rak... sedihnyer...bagus member2 len dtg bagi support .. sakit tekak aku.. huhuhuhu dak2 len macam kureng nangis sgt... pandai diorg cover...

Kanginaa hwaiting!!! Super Junior Hwaiting!! ELFs Hwaiting!!!

@bel... thanks.. noted....

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 Author| Post time 5-7-2010 06:17 PM | Show all posts
[SJblueCN] 100705 ETN 演藝 station KangIn 強仁 入伍新聞

credit suju13aza@yt

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Post time 5-7-2010 06:30 PM | Show all posts
alahai sedihnya tgk pic kangin nih

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Post time 5-7-2010 08:10 PM | Show all posts
[050710] Super Junior’s Friendship Shines! Voluteer to film all Night to see Kangin off

On July 5th afternoon, at Choongnam Nonsan army training center, they saw Kangin off who’s the first in the group to enter the army. It has been known that they did not mind filming all night to accompany Kangin. One representative said, “the members gladly volunteered to do it.”

They exhibited their concerns for one another making onlookers heart-warmed. Leeteuk said, “rather than crying and feeling sad, cheer for Kangin so that he can come back safely and accomplish great works.” Kangin who was moved to tears added, “When I’m not there, take care of my members”

Last year, Kangin stopped all activity and had a time of self-reflection when a scandalous event occurred. He surprised the fans with his appearance during May fan meeting and told the fans the news about him entering the army. He participated on the 4th repackaged album song called “A Short Journey.” However, he did not go on stage. Instead, the money earned from the song will be donated.

Today, 400 fans from all over Asia came to the site. They cheered Kangin with various placard and the picket signs. Recently, Super Junior released their repackaged album. They are currently promoting their title song, “No Other.”

Source: The Korean Times
Translated by Minnie @ SUJUISM.BLOGSPOT.COM
Reup/Shared: minoko2440 @
Take out with full credits

hwaiting kangin...


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Post time 5-7-2010 08:12 PM | Show all posts

sila dapatkan epop malay edisi july...
cover gambo poster 4th jib suju...

nnt ada masa ai tepek gambo...

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Post time 5-7-2010 08:17 PM | Show all posts
[Info] Kangin top the search engines because of his enlistment to the army today

Kangin's enlistment to the army has become a 'hot topic' in korea and he is one of the most search topics today on many korea search engines and sites. These sites include, and naver etc.

Its good to hear that people are concern and curious about his enlistment but on the other hand, fans are feeling sad because of his enlistment too.

Local Artists Standings

Featured Trend Search

Reported by Ting18♥@dailykpopnews
Credits: ting18♥ & sj-world

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Post time 5-7-2010 08:21 PM | Show all posts
[News] BoA, SJ, SNSD SM singers, August-September Large Scale World Tour

Kangta, Super Junior, BoA, SNSD

The singers of SM Entertainment: BoA, Kangta, Super Junior, SNSD, SHINee, and f(x) will hold a large scale joint world tour.

On the 2nd, according to SM, SM Entertainment singers will begin their large scale joint performance of 'SM Town Live WOrld Tour' in Seoul on August 21st and move onto other major American and Asian cities such as LA, Tokyo, and Shanghai.

In this world tour, there will be appearances from all of the company's artists which includes: Kangta, BoA, Uknow Yunho, Choikang Changmin, Super Junior, SNSD, SHINee, f(x), and Trax. The showy stage will last for 5 hours. Also, plans for joint stages among artists are in the works.

SM revealed, "The Seoul performance that kicks off world tour will be held on August 21st at 5PM at the Seoul Olympic Stadium" and "(The world tour) will be held at several of the world's major cities. September 4th will be America's mega venue: LA Staples Center, September 11th will be China's Shanghai Hongkou Gymnasium, and plans are underway to include Tokyo as well."

Also they anticipate, "We will hold our concert at the Staples Center, a venue where only the top American artists can perform. We predict that we will capture the attention of the entire world this way."

The Seoul concert's ticket sales will happen on July 15th at 8PM while fan clubs will be able to buy tickets in advance on the 13th.

Article by: Gil Hyesung
Translated by: [email protected]/forums
Original article: [Click]

err.... ble nk start SS3 neh....
oktober ka...

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Post time 5-7-2010 08:32 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by miss_mulan77 at 5-7-2010 20:33

Reply 119# airwickss

    SS3 start bulan 8 nih 14 & 15 ogos nih kat seoul.. kat tempat len lum ada tarikh lagi just tau bulan jer...

biler tgk list SMtown Tour to cam pelik jer Thai tak masuk list... maybe sebab diorg takut keadaan politik Thai ta ok lagi kot...

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