salam tuan rmh.... rmh sy tinggal 4A-rms flat with opened concept balcony.... bot @ $169k.... dpt rmh ni tahun 1998... of cos kita da pre-booked d flat few yrs back.... skrg nk jual rmh mmg tk balik modal rasanya.... lg skrg house loan guna bank... bahaya.... |
The ST.......
HDB grants up by $10,000
The monthly household ceiling for eligibility to buy HDB flats will also be raised from $4,000 to $5,000. -- PHOTO: HDB
FIRST-TIME Housing Board flat buyers who qualify for the additional housing grant will get $10,000 more.
To ensure that public housing remains affordable to this group of home buyers, Finance Minister Tharman Shanmugaratnam on Thursday said the Government has decided to increase and broaden the Additional CPF Housing Grant (AHG) for first-time HDB flat buyers.
'We will increase the maximum AHG quantum from $30,000 to $40,000,' he said in his Budget statement in Parliament.
In a parallel move, the monthly household ceiling to qualify for the additional housing grant will be raised from $4,000 to $5,000.
Currently, the maximum grant under this scheme is $30,000.
Mr Shanmugaratnam said another 2,700 first-time home buyers will benefit from the enhanced AHG every year, bringing the number to 8,000 yearly.
The enhancements will more than double the estimated cost of the AHG scheme to about $150 million per year, he said. |
Berita Harian
Singapura : 31 Januari 2009
Hisham Hambari
APABILA mereka memohon flat lima bilik di The Premier@Tampines lebih tiga tahun lalu, Encik Mohd Hamdan Wakimin dan isterinya, Cik Anmilia Anwar Datt, baru berumah tangga.
Selain tidak mempunyai banyak simpanan pasangan itu juga bimbang sekiranya flat yang berharga $350,000 itu terlalu tinggi.
Namun pasangan itu meneruskan tekad mengejar rumah impian mereka itu kerana ia dekat dengan rumah ibu bapa mereka.
Setelah menunggu begitu lama, pasangan itu kini dapat tersenyum lebar apabila menerima kunci flat baru mereka bulan ini.
'Ketika baru kahwin dulu, kami fikir belum ada lagi flat-flat HDB yang akan dibangunkan di kawasan Tampines buat masa terdekat dan harus memohon flat-flat di Sengkang atau Punggol.
'Namun apabila mendapat tahu tentang flat Skim Reka, Bina dan Jual (DBSS) ini dan membuat taksiran nilai jualan semulanya kelak, selain menerima geran dekat dengan keluarga berjumlah $40,000, kami meneruskan niat untuk membelinya,' ujar Encik Mohd Hamdan, 30 tahun, seorang penyelia pusat pendidikan.
Projek perumahan The Premier@Tampines kini telah mula didiami setelah menerima Permit Penginapan Sementara (TOP) pada 15 Disember lalu.
Projek itu merangkumi lapan blok setinggi 17 tingkat yang menawarkan 616 unit, sebahagian besarnya flat lima bilik.
Ia hanya menawarkan 36 flat empat bilik dan empat flat dua bilik.
Namun, harganya lebih tinggi daripada flat biasa kerana antara lain ia dilengkapi ciri-ciri ala kondo seperti almari pakaian, hawa dingin dan ruang beranda yang luas.
Menurut Encik Mohd Hamdan, pada mulanya mereka agak bimbang kerana perlu mengeluarkan wang pendahuluan sebanyak 5 peratus daripada harga flat iaitu $17,000.
'Maklumlah ketika kami mengemukakan permohonan pada Ogos 2006, kami baru berumahtangga pada bulan Mac dan simpanan juga agak berkurangan,' ujarnya lagi.
Encik Mohd Hamdan dan isteri yang juga berumur 30 tahun, merancang menginap di flat barunya itu Mac ini.
'Kami bercadang membelanjakan sekitar $10,000 membuat sedikit ubah elok untuk memanfaatkan sepenuhnya ruang flatnya yang kecil (107 meter persegi) bagi menyimpan barang-barang keperluan kami, di samping perabot rumah,' kata ayah dua anak lelaki berumur dua tahun dan bayi tujuh bulan itu.
Pasangan itu, yang mengambil pinjaman 30 tahun, membayar hutang bulanan flat itu sepenuhnya menggunakan wang CPF mereka. |
Berita Harian
Singapura : 31 Januari 2009
Hisham Hasim
KEGAWATAN ekonomi tidak menghalang pemaju swasta, Sim Lian Land, membangun dan memasarkan projek perumahan awam keduanya di Simei menjelang pertengahan tahun ini.
Projek perumahan pertamanya yang dibina di bawah Skim Reka, Bina dan Jual (DBSS), The Premier@Tampines, telah mula didiami setelah menerima Permit Penginapan Sementara (TOP) pada 15 Disember lalu.
Pengarah Eksekutif Sim Lian Land, Cik Diana Kuik, dalam jawapan e-mel kepada Berita Harian berkata kejayaan syarikat itu menjual 615 daripada 616 flat The Premier@Tampines memberangsangkan.
Ekoran itu, Sim Lian Land berhasrat meneruskan projek DBSS keduanya di Simei, yang dijangka dilancar dalam enam bulan pertama tahun ini walaupun keadaan ekonomi suram dan permintaan bagi projek terbaru DBSS pemaju swasta lain agak hambar.
Projek DBSS kedua Sim Lian Land di Simei Road dan dijangka merangkumi 360 flat.
'Ada hanya dua projek DBSS di kawasan timur Singapura, satu di Tampines dan satu kelak di Simei. Tiada flat baru di Simei sejak beberapa tahun lalu, oleh itu ada permintaan baginya di situ.
'Flat HDB biasanya menjadi pilihan pertama pemohon flat baru. Dalam keadaan ekonomi baik atau suram, masih ada orang berumah tangga dan ingin membeli rumah,' kata Cik Kuik, yakin ada permintaan pada flat di Simei itu.
Harga flat DBSS lebih tinggi dariapda harga flat biasa antara lain kerana ia dilengkapi ciri-ciri ala kondo seperti almari pakaian, alat penyaman udara dan ruang beranda luas. |
En bloc units being rented out at half price
By Valarie Tan/Teoh Song Keng, Channel NewsAsia | Posted: 31 January 2009 2141 hrs
SINGAPORE: Here's good news if you are looking for a place to rent. Property developers are renting out en bloc units at half the usual price.
Many new property projects have been put on hold due to the economic uncertainty.
In the meantime, developers are renting out the existing units, acquired over the last two years, to cover their costs.
Mark Teo, ERA's senior group division director (real estate), said: "These holding costs are tremendous, because projects like these, some of them are worth a few hundred million to maybe close to a billion dollars.
"So they would just have to perhaps rent them out to collect as much as they can in terms of rental."
But to do so, some developers may have to do some touch-up work.
Mr Teo said: "These so-called en bloc projects, they're pretty old - perhaps more than 20 or 30 years old - and coupled with the fact that usually the owners did not do too much to maintain the houses, so the conditions of these en bloc developments are actually quite poor.
"So in order to be able to attract tenants, developers may have to repaint or do some maintenance to the houses.
"On top of these, generally the rental would have to be lower. I've seen some of these asking for even 50% below the usual rents."
Analysts say that given the right price and location, some developers can expect to see all the units they hold fully rented out.
But most developers are generally satisfied with just renting out at least one third of the entire project.
And it will be a tenants' market with overall rents expected to fall, as some 30,000 brand new units will come onstream over the next two years.
Analysts say that most of these have been bought by investors intending to rent them out.
- CNA/ir |
Tougher rules cut queue for new HDB flats
By Jessica Cheam
THE queue of buyers for new Housing Board flats has become shorter and it is moving faster too.
Serious house-buyers are getting the flats they want sooner because a group of 'frivolous' buyers, who used to clog up the queue and waste everyone's time by rejecting flats offered to them, appear to have dropped out.
The change has followed new HDB rules introduced last May to deter time-wasters from applying for flats they are not really keen to buy.
The HDB says that since the change, the number of applications has dropped. It now gets two to three times the number of applications than flats available; previously, the number received could be 5.6 times the number of flats.
Fewer are also turning down the flats offered to them. The rejection rate used to be between 22 and 77 per cent; now it is between 14 and 50 per cent.
The changed behaviour of applicants is seen as a vindication of the HDB's 'two strikes and you're out' approach to discourage frivolous applications. People appear to be more selective when applying and more likely to say yes when offered a flat.
The rule change meant that a first-time buyer who rejects an offer to buy a flat twice or more in any HDB sales exercise, loses his first-timer priority for a year. That effectively moves him to the back of the queue with second-timers.
Mr Mark Zhou, 26, a first-time home buyer working in the financial industry, said the change made him think twice before applying. 'I think the new rules have changed the behaviour of home buyers for the better,' he said. 'It makes getting a flat more efficient, and people give it more serious thought before applying.'
Chesterton Suntec International head of research and consultancy Colin Tan said the change has likely 'shortened the whole booking process'.
Property agency ERA Asia-Pacific's associate director Eugene Lim said latest data has proved that the new rules do work. 'Demand has stabilised due to the tweaking of rules, and also due to market sentiment. First-timers are shown to be taking their applications seriously,' he said.
The changes have also reduced the HDB's administrative load considerably.
Previously, a new HDB project would see many more applicants than units, but the high rejection rate would see many flats still available for sale in the end.
After the rule change, projects such as Compassvale Pearl in Sengkang last May saw no units left over.
The tougher HDB regime was put in place to allay growing concern that the thousands of applications for HDB's build-to-order (BTO) projects bore little relation to the actual take-up rate.
Demand for new flats picked up at the end of 2007 and shot up last year after young couples priced out of the resale market swamped the HDB with applications for new homes.
Such homes are only built when a set demand level is reached, take up to three years to complete, and are typically cheaper than flats in the resale market. |
Decision on Gillman Heights' en bloc sale expected on Wednesday
Posted: 03 February 2009 2110 hrs
Gilman Heights
SINGAPORE: Residents of Gillman Heights condominium could learn by Wednesday if the S$548 million collective sale of their estate - to CapitaLand, Hotel Properties and two private funds - will go ahead.
That is when the Court of Appeal is expected to decide whether the law governing collective sales should have applied to former Housing and Urban Development Corporation (HUDC) estates, such as Gillman Heights, prior to last year's amendments.
And if so, what date should be used to determine the age of the condominium for the purpose of deciding whether 80 or 90 per cent of the owners need to consent to the en bloc sale.
About 87 per cent of owners had consented to the collective sale.
Last June, ten minority owners had unsuccessfully appealed in the High Court against the Strata Titles Board's decision to allow the sale to proceed.
Representing them, Senior Counsel Michael Hwang argued in the Court of Appeal on Tuesday that the sale needed 90 per cent consent since the estate only received its Certificate of Statutory Completion in 2002.
Lawyer for the purchasers, Senior Counsel Andre Yeap, disagreed, saying that the development was much older as it had been completed in the mid-eighties.
Chief Justice Chan Sek Keong, Judges of Appeal Justice Andrew Phang and Justice V K Rajah are expected to deliver their judgement on Wednesday afternoon. - CNA/vm |
Berita Harian...
Singapura : 6 Februari 2009
Sazali Sarwan
SALAM sejahtera kepada semua.
Terima kasih kerana mengirim pertanyaan menerusi e-mel. Salah satu e-mel yang saya terima menanyakan tentang flat pusaka.
Biasanya, flat yang dimiliki selalunya dibeli secara Pemilikan Bersama (Joint Tenancy). Jika berlakunya kematian salah seorang pemilik, pemilik yang hidup akan memiliki keseluruhan flat tersebut secara automatik.
Tetapi, berbeza pula keadaannya jika flat itu dibeli secara Tenancy in Common , di mana kedua-dua pemilik bersetuju memiliki flat itu mengikut pembahagian. Contohnya, 70 peratus bagi pemilik A dan 30 peratus bagi pemilik B.
Ini bermakna jika berlaku kematian salah seorang pemilik, hak ahli waris terjamin mengikut pada bahagian sahaja. Cara ini lebih praktikal jika pembelian flat dilakukan oleh dua pembeli bujang.
Di sini, ingin saya tekankan pentingnya pemilik membeli insurans rumah.
Insurans rumah, yang dibeli bagi melindungi hutang rumah jika berlaku kematian atau seseorang itu tidak berkeupayaan untuk bekerja disebabkan masalah kesihatan atau kemalangan, amat penting.
Dengan adanya insurans ini, pemilik yang hidup akan terlepas daripada beban hutang rumah.
Insurans rumah walaupun boleh dibayar menerusi Tabung Simpanan Pekerja (CPF), ia dilunaskan secara tahunan. Pastikan CPF anda mempunyai simpanan yang cukup setiap tahun. Anda juga akan diingatkan menerusi surat agar memperbaharui insurans anda.
Jika mampu, anda juga boleh membeli insurans tambahan daripada syarikat insurans lain secara tunai.
Jika semua pemilik meninggal dunia, salah seorang ahli waris mestilah dilantik sebagai Pentadbir atau lebih dikenali sebagai Administrator yang mesti berusia 21 tahun ke atas.
Sebagai pentadbir, beliau diberi surat kuat kuasa bagi menguruskan flat si mati serta urusan lain seperti simpanan bank, saham, insurans, kereta dan sebagainya. Biasanya, surat pentadbir dapat disiapkan dalam masa tiga hingga lima bulan.
Jika tiada ahli waris yang tampil, pihak Lembaga Perumahan dan Pembangunan (HDB) akan menyerahkan urusan itu kepada Pengamanah Awam (Public Trustee). Jika tiada juga pihak waris yang tampil membuat tuntutan, hasil penjualan flat itu akan diberikan kepada baitumal.
Bagi pemilik yang sudah melunaskan hutang flat mereka dan tidak mempunyai waris, saya nasihatkan agar anda membuat wasiat atau nuzriah.
Baru-baru ini, saya dapati pertanyaan mengenai nuzriah dan wasiat semakin bertambah. Ini mungkin disebabkan bilangan warga tua semakin meningkat.
Wasiat atau nuzriah ini juga amat penting untuk memberi ketenangan kepada pemilik yang warisnya bukan warga negara Singapura atau penduduk tetap (PR). |
rumah aku ade retak kat sana sii mozek tu
tapi dah dibaiki |
The ST.....
Feb 9, 2009
Prime projects take a hit
By Joyce Teo, Property Correspondent
SOME uncompleted residential properties in the prime districts have changed hands recently at prices below that which they were sold initially.
These may be merely a handful, but it reflects the extent of the damage wrought by the economic downturn on the high-end market, analysts say.
According to data compiled by consultancy Savills Singapore, sub-sale prices at some popular projects are edging close to the average prices sold by the developers.
At several yet-to-be-completed prime projects, many units were even done recently at prices below their launch average.
The data is culled from recent sub-sale deals done at 39 prime non-landed residential projects that were launched from 2005 to 2008. They are located in the core central districts of 1, 4, 9, 10 and 11.
A transaction is known as a sub-sale when a buyer acquires a property and sells it before its completion.
The conclusion: Recent transacted prices for projects that were launched in 2005 remain well above their average launch levels.
But the situation is not so sanguine for buyers of properties that were launched for sale in 2006 or later.
Based on caveats lodged, units at 11 developments that were launched between 2006 and 2008 have come down to below their launch levels.
These include projects that saw overwhelming interest during their launch, such as the 175-unit The Sixth Avenue Residences in Sixth Avenue. |
No-frills housing please, say some MPs
By Ansley Ng, TODAY | Posted: 09 February 2009 0818 hrs
SINGAPORE: No playgrounds or covered walkways in new HDB estates. Nor any barbecue pits. New flats should have very basic floor tiles, meanwhile.
It is hardly the usual call from Members of Parliament (MPs), who tend to push for upgrading in their constituencies. But two among their ranks are making the call for 搉o-frills |
Nearly a quarter of units at new condo in Jurong West snapped up
By Teoh Song Keng, Channel NewsAsia | Posted: 08 February 2009 1624 hrs
SINGAPORE: Property prices may have dipped due to the economic recession. But that has not weakened the demand for some private condominiums.
Crowds flocked to the showroom of Caspian development near Lakeside MRT station in the Jurong Lake District.
Nearly one quarter of the 712-unit development in Jurong West was snapped up within the first two days of its opening.
The first 250 units were sold at $540-$640 per square foot.
Residents living nearby are looking forward to the completion of the condominium.
They hope it will bring about more amenities in the area.
- CNA/ir |
Berita Harian....
Komentar : 13 Februari 2009
Jumaat, 13 Februari 2009
MEMANG tepat masanya pemerintah memperkenal Skim Beli Semula Pajakan Flat mulai Mac ini sedang watan ini dilanda kemelesetan. Ia berita gembira terutama buat golongan tua yang kesempitan. Malah bagi orang tua yang banyak anak yang sudah dewasa dan turut menampung mereka, skim ini ibarat pelega bebanan. Namun pengertian skim ini bukanlah baru. Suatu ketika dulu, syarikat insurans NTUC Income pernah mencubanya tetapi kurang popular. Oleh itu, cara menampilkannya perlulah cukup menarik.
Skim terbaru ini sudah diumumkan Perdana Menteri Lee Hsien Loong pada Rapat Hari Kebangsaan 2007. Dengan mendedahkan perinciannya baru-baru ini, warga Singapura perlu meneliti syarat dan pelaksanaannya. Pemilik flat kecil (tiga bilik ke bawah) yang terlibat perlulah berusia 62 tahun ke atas. Mereka pula tidak pernah memiliki flat besar atau privet. Ertinya, hanya segelintir pemohon yang dapat menikmati skim ini. Namun di sini terpapar kewajaran skim ini. Iaitu, lazimnya pasaran hanya cenderung pada flat besar. Dengan skim ini, warga tua kita yang berpendapatan kecil itu dapat terbela dalam menghadapi sisa usianya daripada 'modal terkunci' flatnya.
Skim ini juga tidak merampas warga tua daripada haknya iaitu terus diam di rumahnya sehingga diundang waktu. Malah jika tempoh mereka terbabas, Lembaga Perumahan dan Pembangunan (HDB) mungkin sama ada melanjutkan tempoh pajakan di flat yang sama atau mencarikan penginapan lain. Dalam pada itu, warga tua yang terbabit menerima habuan dalam bentuk tunjangan (anuiti) daripada jualan sisa pajakan dan sebahagian daripada geran $10,000 daripada HDB.
Rancangan ini diharap dapat mengelakkan Singapura daripada masalah warga tua yang tanpa rumah dalam jangka panjang. Ia suatu pendekatan terhormat tetapi tidak wajar dibanding dengan tawaran gadai janji atau pajakan balikan yang lain. Selain HDB, wajar skim ini diuar-uarkan oleh gerakan akar umbi. Syaratnya yang jelas dan mudah perlu ada agar orang ramai tidak keliru. Namun terpulanglah pada pemilik flat kecil yang berusia senja untuk memikirkan. Pokoknya, watan ini masih tetap memelihara kebajikan mereka sehingga akhir hayat. |
LTA to spend S$43m on building cycling tracks in HDB estates
Posted: 12 February 2009 2010 hrs
A cycling sign
SINGAPORE: More is going to be done to promote cycling in Singapore. The Land Transport Authority (LTA) will spend S$43 million to design and construct dedicated cycling tracks next to pedestrian footpaths in HDB estates.
The first phase of this programme will be implemented in Tampines, Yishun, Sembawang, Pasir Ris and Taman Jurong.
Foldable bicycles will also be allowed on MRT trains and public buses during off-peak hours on weekdays and all-day on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays, from March 15.
The scheme follows an earlier six-month trial where an average of 70 foldable bicycles were brought on board trains and two foldable bicycles on board public buses each week.
LTA said eight out of 10 train commuters and about seven out of 10 bus commuters surveyed support the initiative. - CNA/vm |
Solar energy to power common services piloted at two HDB estates
By Imelda Saad, Channel NewsAsia | Posted: 24 February 2009 1744 hrs
SINGAPORE: Singapore's public housing estates could well be powered by sunlight in future, if a pilot project currently underway proves successful.
Already, the Energy Save Programme - spearheaded by the Housing and Development Board (HDB), the National Environment Agency and the Energy Market Authority - has shown positive results.
The aim of the programme is to bring down energy consumption in all HDB estates by 10 per cent in five years.
Futuristic-looking solar PV panels were spread across 14 HDB blocks in two precincts located in Serangoon and Sembawang.
At Block 552 Serangoon Avenue 3, about 70 panels were used to capture the sun's rays, generating enough energy to power common services like lights, lifts and water pumps.
Seven such blocks generate about 220 kilowatts per hour of energy every day.
However, cost is still a factor as the technology is relatively new. Some S$600,000 was spent on buying and installing the panels for just one precinct, which covers seven blocks of flats.
Investment also went into installing the energy-efficient lights and sensors at stairwells that trigger off the lights at full capacity when someone passes through.
As this was a trial project, the money came from the Economic Development Board's Clean Energy Research and Test-Bedding Fund.
But the investment has reaped benefits - all precincts involved in the trial achieved some 40 per cent energy savings. A 30 per cent reduction in energy translates to savings of some S$36 million a year.
Common areas account for 10 per cent of total energy usage in HDB estates. But whether the savings would translate to lower service and conservancy charges for households remain to be seen.
Deputy director, Sustainability and Building Research, HDB, Johnny Wong, said: "In terms of renewable energy, because PV panels are quite costly, we need more data to see how we can lower this cost. And in the long run when the cost of solar power is reduced, we can see the benefits we get from this."
The Energy Save Programme also involved households. Two four-room units which took part in the trials replaced home appliances like the fridge and washing machine with energy efficient models and adopted simple energy saving habits. Each household saved up to S$80 a month in utility bills.
Currently, households account for 90 per cent of total energy usage in HDB estates.
More than 80 per cent of Singaporeans live in HDB estates and the households consume energy at a rate of some S$1.2 billion a year.
- CNA/yt |
The ST.....
Feb 26, 2009
815 BTO flats for sale
By Joyce Teo, Property Correspondent
THE Housing Board on Thursday launched its first build-to-order flat sale this year, with 815 flats in Woodlands up for grabs.
Called Champions Court, the batch of flats will include 224 units of studio apartments - offered for the first time in Woodlands.
There are also 182 units of three-room flats, 224 units of four-room flats and 185 units of five-room flats.
Champions Court is near Woodlands Regional Centre.
In a statement on Thursday, HDB said the new flats in Champions Court are priced below their equivalent market prices to ensure that they are affordable to first-time buyers.
The three-room flats range from $118,000 to $142,000, four-room flats from $194,000 to $227,000 and five-room flats from $247,000 to $296,000.
In the resale market, comparable three-room flats go for $200,000 to $209,000, while the four-room units go for $255,000 to $278,000, according to data provided by HDB.
Comparable five-room flats cost $304,000 to $345,000, it said.
The studio apartments are priced from $57,000 to $80,000.
Applications can be submitted online from Feb 26 to March 11.
http://www.hdb.gov.sg/ |
March 1, 2009
Property market stirring
Success of two new launches encourages a few developers to release their projects
By Joyce Teo, Property Correspondent
Thanks to the mini-buzz created by two new successful launches - Caspian in Jurong and Alexis @ Alexandra - a few developers have decided to release their projects for sale.
It is an improvement, even if it is just a slight one, from the very sombre mood a month ago, when market watchers were expecting the lull in the market to continue.
Over the weekend, TG Development launched 30 units of the freehold, 102-unit St Patrick's Residences in St Patrick's Road in the East.
On average, prices start at around $675 per sq ft (psf) for a two-bedroom unit and rise to about $900 psf for a four-bedroom penthouse.
Unit sizes range from 1,152 sq ft for the two-bedroom units to 3,423sqft for the four-bedroom penthouses. Some three-bedroom units can cost just under $1 million.
The interest absorption scheme, which allows buyers - if they take a loan from the start - to defer making any payments beyond the initial down payment until the project is completed, is offered at a 3 per cent premium.
Marketing agent Savills said the condominium offers quality furnishings and fittings usually associated with prime projects, and that a few units have been sold since the preview a week ago.
Near Upper Bukit Timah, Hiap Hoe has launched The Beverly, its 118-unit condo in Toh Tuck Road.
Each unit is served by a private lift. Prices start at $648 psf; the average price is $750 psf. This means that the total price per unit should start from just below $1 million.
Unit sizes range from 1,120 sq ft for the two-bedders to 4,187 sq ft for the four-bedders. There are also double-storey penthouses from 2,099 sq ft to 3,757 sq ft. Hiap Hoe is not offering the interest absorption scheme. |
Channel NewsAsia - Monday, March 2
HDB Lease Buyback Scheme kicks off
SINGAPORE : Singapore抯 Housing and Development Board Lease Buyback Scheme started on Sunday, after two years in the works.
Five applications were received in the first hour.
The scheme is designed to help cash梡oor, asset梤ich seniors meet their retirement needs.
72梱ear梠ld Koh Chiong Eng is afraid he may lose his petrol pump attendant job soon because of his age.
If that happens, meeting daily expenditure will become difficult, as his wife does not work.
Hence, they were among the first in Singapore to sign up for the Lease Buyback Scheme |
Berita Harian...
Singapura : 4 Mac 2009
PEMBELI rumah di Singapura boleh menjangkakan lebih banyak projek hartanah privet dilancarkan pada bulan-bulan mendatang dan pada harga yang lebih rendah.
Para pengamat pasaran berkata pemaju kini menghadapi kesukaran dalam mengimbangi antara meraih keuntungan lebih rendah dengan menanggung kos lebih tinggi jika terus tidak melancarkan projek mereka.
Malah difahamkan, sekitaran pasaran yang lemah memaksa sesetengah pemaju mengecilkan unit-unit rumah privet mereka agar lebih mampu dibayar oleh pembeli.
Ini adalah senario berbeza berbanding dengan masa pasaran menjulang, apabila unit-unit rumah lebih besar lebih popular, menurut beberapa pengamat hartanah.
Malah, menurut mereka, penjualan rancak bagi hartanah yang dilancarkan baru-baru ini seperti Caspian, mungkin disebabkan oleh harga lebih rendah yang ditawarkan oleh para pemaju.
Unit-unit dijual pada harga $600 bagi setiap meter persegi atau kurang $50 setiap meter persegi sebagaimana yang dirancangkan sebelum ini.
'Para pemaju tidak mempunyai banyak pilihan kecuali memotong harga bagi merancakkan penjualan mereka kerana kos menyimpan tanah yang belum dibangunkan juga tinggi.
'Sebidang tanah bagi pembinaan pasaran perumahan umum boleh menelan faedah lebih $500,000 setiap tahun, termasuk kos-kos lain,' ujar seorang pengamat semalam.
Kadar faedah ke atas tapak tanah lazimnya sekitar 4 hingga 6 peratus dan para pemaju selalunya mengambil pinjaman sebanyak 60 peratus.
Ini bermakna tapak tanah yang diperuntukkan bagi pasaran perumahan sederhana sehingga pasaran umum, yang dibeli pada harga $20 juta, akan mengumpul kadar faedah lebih $500,000 dalam masa setahun di samping kos yang lain.
Ketua Pegawai Operasi (COO) syarikat Development & Property Frasers Centrepoint, Encik Cheang Kok Kheong, berkata ia merupakan harga yang sangat baik dalam keadaan ekonomi sekarang ini dan ia memenuhi keperluan serta bajet para pelanggannya.
'Kami telah membuat komitmen bagi kos binaan dan sudah pun memulakan kerja-kerja pembangunan dan kini sedang meneliti aliran wang tunai kami bagi memastikan pembinaan projek tepat pada jadualnya tanpa banyak masalah kewangan,' ujarnya.
Frasers juga mahu mendapatkan wang tunai bagi pemerolehan tanah pada jangka masa terdekat.
Para pemaju lain yang memilih untuk memotong harga termasuk City Developments.
Baru-baru ini, ia melancarkan fasa terkini bagi projek Livia di Pasir Ris, pada harga $620 setiap meter persegi, berbanding $650 setiap meter persegi.
Dalam pada itu, firma GuocoLand melancarkan semula projek pembinaan berdekatan dengan stesen MRT Buangkok - The Quartz, pada harga purata $595 setiap meter persegi, iaitu 8 peratus lebih rendah daripada yang ditawarkan semasa pelancaran awal pada 2007.
Tetapi, para pengamat akur bahawa para pemaju tidak akan menurunkan harga bagi jangka waktu yang lama.
Ramai pengamat percaya, pasaran hartanah akan cergas semula pada pertengahan 2010. |
Singapura : 16 Mac 2009
Flat jualan semula dijual di bawah harga taksiran
Saini Salleh
BAHANG kegawatan ekonomi kini menyaksikan pembeli flat jualan semula tersenyum lebar kerana tidak perlu mengeluarkan wang tunai yang besar untuk memiliki rumah idaman.
Pemeriksaan Berita Harian melalui temu bual dengan ejen-ejen perumahan mendapati bahawa flat-flat jualan semula, khususnya jenis lima bilik dan eksekutif, dijual di bawah harga taksiran.
Bagi flat tiga bilik dan empat bilik, komponen wang tunai yang perlu dikeluarkan oleh pembeli hanyalah antara $5,000 dengan $10,000.
Ini berbeza dengan jumlah antara $9,000 dengan $20,000 yang didesak oleh penjual pada suku terakhir tahun lalu.
Ejen perumahan dari ERA, Encik Shaerul Nizam Amir, menyatakan bahawa memang perit bagi mereka yang mahu membeli flat jualan semula tahun lalu kerana harga rata-rata 20 peratus lebih tinggi daripada taksiran.
'Tetapi, mulai Januari lalu apabila orang ramai mula merasai bahang kegawatan ekonomi dan ada yang telah dibuang kerja, komponen wang tunai yang diminta penjual mula merosot.
'Bulan lalu, mereka yang terdesak sanggup menjual flat mereka dengan harga bawah taksiran. Mereka terpaksa berbuat begitu kerana jika tidak harga taksiran akan terus turun.'
Perangkaan Lembaga Perumahan dan Pembangunan (HDB) menunjukkan bahawa komponen wang tunai atas taksiran yang dibayar pembeli pada suku keempat tahun lalu secara keseluruhannya ialah $15,000 bagi flat tiga bilik dan empat bilik, $11,000 (flat lima bilik) dan $12,000 (Flat eksekutif).
Encik Ahmad Ibrahim, juga dari ERA, menyatakan kini adalah pasaran bagi pembeli - iaitu mempunyai kuasa untuk menentukan harga.
'Mereka yang ingin membeli flat jenis besar kini boleh tawar-menawar, boleh memilih dan boleh jual mahal kerana pasaran jualan semula tampak sudah mula terjejas akibat kegawatan ekonomi.
'Malah, sesetengah pemilik flat tiga dan empat bilik pun ada yang sanggup jual pada harga taksiran atau hanya $5,000 atau $10,000 atas taksiran.'
Menurut beliau, pasaran flat jualan semula telah merosot antara 5 peratus dengan 10 peratus.
'Nampaknya trend ini akan berterusan setahun atau dua tahun lagi. Kalau ekonomi cepat pulih, lagi cepat pasaran naik semula,' tambah beliau.
Encik Ahmad juga mendapati bahawa harga taksiran masih tinggi seperti flat lima bilik di Punggol yang berkisar antara $390,000 dengan $420,000.
Harga taksiran yang disifatkan tinggi itulah yang menbolehkan pemilik sanggup menjual antara $10,000 dengan $20,000 di bawah harga taksiran.
Seorang lagi ejen perumahan yang hanya mahu dikenali sebagai Encik Michael ketika ditemui di HDB Hub, menyatakan pemilik kini lebih suka menjual flat mereka dahulu dan membeli kemudian.
'Beli dahulu boleh menimbulkan masalah kalau flat yang dimiliki tidak boleh dijual atau lambat dijual.
'Mereka rasa lebih selamat jual dahulu dan beli kemudian kerana banyak pilihan dan tidak perlu banyak menggunakan wang tunai atau sifar tunai,' tambahnya.
Namun, beliau mengingatkan pemilik yang ingin menjual beli flat supaya lebih berhemah kerana pinjaman perumahan kini tidak semudah didapati dari bank atau HDB. |
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Category: Negeri & Negara