Reply 1180# AnisSuraya
I am welcoming myself hehehe
BM350 ada tak function utk auto masukkan beans/kismis etc after certain time? rasanya after 2nd kneading kut, before bakar.
mlm ni nak try lah... dulu ngan empress, wire pembakarnya tuh belah bawah, kenwoodnyer tengah, harapnya lebih "menjadi" dari empress ler kikiki |

roti kentang resepi chanel |
I read in a blog someone bought the Berjaya BM7 mixer for RM780 this June. I bought mine for RM695 last month during their sales. So it's advisable to buy during their sales period.
Recently I use my BM7 to make sponge cakes. The cake turns out soft and fluffy. With my old conventional mixer, it takes me at least 15 mins to beat the batter. Whereas with the BM7 it takes less than 5 mins on high speed  |
Reply 1183# lwyl
lwyl.. wahh kalau pukul telur putih ni cepat je ler gebu yerr.. kalau kneading utk roti berapa lama yer? |
Reply 1184# rimbun
I knead the bread according to the time stated in the recipe. Can only use medium speed for dough function.
As for the sponge cake, I use sweet4ever's recipe. I do not have to beat egg whites separately.
Maybe one day I will try to beat egg whites using BM7 and see how it goes. |
Reply rimbun
I knead the bread according to the time stated in the recipe. Can only use medium ...
lwyl Post at 22-6-2011 13:14 
Off topic(sory MOD)sya pnh buat sponge kek resipi sweet4ever..guna berjaya mixer BM7..so far OK.
mgu lps try sponge kek segera(kedai bakery) guna 250g + 5bj telor...high speed pukul 6min(ikut ckp chef dr Bakels)..dukacita..ms pukul mcm x naik sgt..pindaha dunan ke hnd mixer..>< mcm tu jugk..kesimpualn..kek tu x gebu mcm chef bakels ajar...x tahu la sbb mixer @ sbb apa..sudahnye kek tu tersadai..diri sdiri pun x mo mkn..syg tpg & telor huhuhu |
Reply rimbun
I knead the bread according to the time stated in the recipe. Can only use medium ...
lwyl Post at 22-6-2011 13:14 
lwyl, u boleh guna bm7 utk pukul putih telor..tp make sure bowl kasi pgg..kalu biar dia putar sdiri..kembang lmbt..sbb pemukul x smpi bwh bowl...i selalu merajin kn diri pgg bowl..kasi angkat..bru cntik adunan  |
Reply 1186# azzu_me1
I like the vanilla sponge mix from Manis Bakery but the one from Yen is not so good.
Thanks for the tips on beating egg whites. The bowl is so heavy . |

Bun kosong diadun dengan Noxxa Breadmaker |

Sweet potato bun |

raisin bun |

raisin bun |

roti benggali versi bun |

roti benggali kecil |
smlm gie lah tesco damansara.. breadmaker tak tinggal sebutir pun... punah harapan. |
sitipayung, I like your breads. If I have the time, I'll post pics of the bread I've made. |
saya pon nak tengok picture awak juga |
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