ALL ABOUT EBI KORNELIS - Dulu & Kini : Volume 2
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Reply #1175 rubi_perez's post
tau ke apa sbb sebenar terjadinye peristiwa tersebut? |
Reply #1176 mrcrab's post
stuju ngan ahkak.biarkan saja.......
((abe rob)) kata injured....dah hokey kaaa |
Reply #1183 mrcrab's post
wakakakak.....koser taw |
hokey la... iols nak solat dulu
baibai uols c ya tomorrow |
what is love ?
what is love between two hearts ?
what is love between two hearts that thought could be one ?
what is love between two hearts that thought could be one but failed ?
to fall in love ......
might be easy ......
but to be loved ......
might face a little difficulty ......
to fall out of love ......
is nothing to be surprised ......
to stay in love ......
that one has to work hard for ......
what has been said about the hearts ......
all these months.....
were mere judgemental ......
but what lays deep down inside ......
only GOD knows ......
thus it is unfair to reason them out from facade speculation .......
cause the words of truth only lies whats in their mind .....
which is unread .....
because no matters what is utter through their mouth ......
those are only words .....
that could be true .....
that could be not ......
having said all these ......
ebi has all the rights that has being ripped ......
by those he used to trust .....
by those whom he may used to care .....
silence might be golden ......
and at this moment ......
all the patience is gathered to strenthen his soul .....
all the strength he needs to cleansen his image ......
all the support he seeks ......
all the prays he needs .......
to calmed him as soundly as he can ......
to face the accusations .....
that he could not be trialed ......
as only one party is heard ......
as only one sided words seems to be taken ......
give ebi a chance ......
give ebi some space ......
for ebi is a victim .......
of things being blown out of proportion ......
for ebi has been the target ......
of hatred and betrayal ......
to those who just do not understand the whole situation ......
and having said all .......
please ......
give ebi a break ......
Boleh tanye tak..what exactly yang Mila kata kat Melodi? Teringin gak nak tahu. |
Robbie is fine kat sana..that was his old injury during his 2-months' stint of dancing training.
about that statement. from one party.
only GOD really knows exactly what happened besides them.. and remember.. HE is great..
HE sees, listens and hears makhluknya berkata-kata......... catatan di bahu kiri kanan itu le penentunya..
ahkak ketam pun dah berkata2. .. itu le yang sebaiknya...
[ Last edited by tweetytweety at 10-3-2008 08:48 AM ] |
mornin' and salam semua
another version of the said story
(from www.gua.com.my)
by gua.com.my
8 Mac 2008
Ebi Tak Salah?
Baru-baru ini GUA ada terbaca kisah pergaduhan antara Ebi dengan Mila, kedua-duanya bintang AF5, dalam sebuah website. Sebelum ini masing-masing menafikan percintaan mereka. Pandai betul kedua-duanya 'coverina', sehingga para wartawan tidak dapat menghidu kisah mereka.
Sebenarnya GUA sudah lama mendengar kisah mereka, tetapi tidak dapat dipastikan kerana ketika itu ramai kawan GUA, reporter yang khabarnya comolot dengan Ebi dan Mila, menafikan pertanyaan GUA mengenai kisah cinta mereka. Sengaja GUA tidak mahu bertanya terus kepada pasangan ini kerana jawapannya akan sama |
Reply #1194 tweetytweety's post
kopipes jek lah.... |
Reply #1166 tudik's post
Assalamualaikum fan2 Ebi...sorry masuk sini...
Aku tengok pengakuan Mila dalam Melodi tadi...tapi rasa kesian pulak pada Ebi..
Kalau betul2 bercinta...Mila xpatut buat statement macam tu sbb dasar bercinta memang macam2 berlaku :
Aku kesiankan Ebi bukan apa...org tak kaji pun puncanya...asyik Mila je yg dibela ish,ish,ish
Korang ni bagusle..relax je...tapi korang taknak backup Ebi ke? Kesian dia
Tudik, my personal opinion - first and foremost, sekarang ni seolah2 nampak segala yg buruknya kat Ebi sorang hasil dr kompang yg bertubi2 regardless whether all the stories yg diada2kan dan ditokoktambah dan diulang2 itu betul atau tak asalkan matlamat dan niat pihak2 tertentu tercapai.
Lama2 akan ada jugak org terfikir betulke kes ludah tu as bad as it made out to be, betulke kena kat muka, tp org akan terfikir jugak mesti ada sbb yg kukuh kenapa ebi bertindak begitu.
Right now hanya pihak sapa yg sebenarnya menjaja2 citer ni, utk apa, sbb apa, dalang sapa....sampaikan wartawan dah sebut Mila hanya famous dgn citer gosip, bukan citer perkembangan career.
Ebi has yet to make any statement to the media about this......my personal opinion, most probably ada wartawan yg dah tau citer sebenar, tak akan diorang tak selidek kan, dan mungkin wartawan ada kata 'kita tengok sejauh mana sandiwara yg dikompang2kan ini akan pergi'. Mungkin....
As for now, so far.....very very very one-sided story
[ Last edited by lailamajnun04 at 10-3-2008 09:16 AM ] |
Reply #1192 tweetytweety's post
Robbie is fine kat sana..that was his old injury during his 2-months' stint of dancing training.
about that statement. from one party.
only GOD really knows exactly what happened besides them.. and remember.. HE is great..
HE sees, listens and hears makhluknya berkata-kata......... catatan di bahu kiri kanan itu le penentunya..
ahkak ketam pun dah berkata2. .. itu le yang sebaiknya...
Ya betul....Allah swt yg Maha Mengetahui......dr berkompang2 perkara2 yg diada2kan dan ditokoktambah dan diperbesar2kan sampai melalut2 dr citer sejengkal dah jadi berekar2....jadi lebih baik stay calm dr meroyan tak tentu hala cam neknak terlebih watak. |
Monday 10 march 2008
The issue of the suppowsed lovers' spat between MIla and Ebi has been re-ignited, no thanks to fanss of the latter's camp, now claiming that the petite winner of last season's Akademi Fantasia has been seeing an elder man on the side.
The vicious rumours on the Internet are disturbing, but more so perhaps due to the intentions of the fans.
After all, we hear the two have buried the hatchet. So why are the fans raging on?
*dah hobi suker berkompang.... kan..
[ Last edited by tweetytweety at 10-3-2008 09:44 AM ] |
Reply #1196 lailamajnun04's post
setujusangat. memang very2 one sided storykan....
Mila ckp tak nak perbesar2kan story ni tapi siapa sebenarnya yg
dok ceritakan perkara ni pada org lainkan....tepuk dada tanya selera.
memang dari dlm Akedemi lagi dia da suka jaja cerita org.ingat tak dia
cerita psl heliza dulu?? |
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