MH will spare time for anexcusive fan-meeting and promotion in Asian countries such as China,Taiwan and Hong Kong during October. Detailed schedule is not come outyet but he will visit three or four countries and meet overseas fans.However, to avoid any other damages, this time he decided not to visitThailand where recently occurred a disturbance of fraud for fan meeting.
Ley Post at 15-9-2009 22:12
xyah pegi thailand..tu la..sape suh suka sgt ngan thailand tu...
padan muka fans thailand xdpt tgk minho lagik..
minho apa lagi???meh ar mai mesia....
negara yg aman damai dan bebas H1N1 :pompom:
xyah pegi thailand..tu la..sape suh suka sgt ngan thailand tu...
padan muka fans thailand xdpt tgk minho lagik..
minho apa lagi???meh ar mai mesia....
negara yg aman damai dan bebas H1N1 :pompom:
minho_nora Post at 15-9-2009 22:29