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Author: din_hbl

Weight Loss Challenge November - Disember 2011 (start Page 80)

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 Author| Post time 22-9-2011 08:36 PM | Show all posts
semua2 pemenang ultraman mode dijemput share apa rahsia turun byk ngan geng2 kat sini

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Post time 22-9-2011 08:39 PM | Show all posts
Reply  rose_liz

hehe..jgn konpius rose...
yg menggila makan mandy tu, 2 minggu lepas..
tu yg n ...
Swift Post at 22-9-2011 15:37

    oooh ye ke...berkat da bertaubat terus dapat ultraman mode...hihi.tahniah2!..

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Post time 22-9-2011 08:52 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by rose_liz at 22-9-2011 20:55
Reply  rose_liz

rose, timbang kiok lagi ke?
din_hbl Post at 22-9-2011 17:33

aah ... tak sempat nak gi cari bateri....emosi tgh down...

sy tak update minggu ni, sorry.
minggu dpn insyaAllah boleh recover emosi nih...harap2 la...
tak tau la berat ni naik ke maintain, bila emosi down mmg sy cenderung mkn banyak.
mlm tadi makan lamb chop kat kg pelet. kawan belanja makan, farewell kiranya...


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Post time 22-9-2011 11:49 PM | Show all posts
memang best sgt baca citer kawan2 kat sini.macam sumber inspirasi gitu dan motivate sy utk terus berdiet.(kdg2 tu cam malas sgt nak berdiet)

repot hari ni:

hari ni sy puasa 6.(tinggal sehari).

sahur-just minum air puih suam
buka- ratah sayur pucuk manis masak lemak, sayur kangkung goreng,sayur bendi goreng dan telur(1/4 drpd telur dadar). semuanya small portion. pastu makan nasi goreng ayam-small portion(guna piring kecil). pastu makan kek tiramisu semalam dan biskut raya 3 biji.air minum air pepsi segelas.air nescafe segelas(sip sikit2-still ada lagi air sampai la ni) dan air putih suam sejag.

kali terakhir sy timbang ialah minggu lepas-66.5kg.

kari jumaat/sabtu/ahad lepas memang makan tak hingat.maklumlah rumah terbuka bagai. sy dapat rasakan berat sy naik skit ni.tapi takut nak timbang hari ni. hari selasa minggu depan insya allah sy akan timbang.

walaupun 66.5kg tu taklah dikira obese dgn tinggi 178cm, tapi sy determine untuk kelihatan langsing utk kepuasan diri.

berat masa ngandung anak pertama dulu cecah 80 lebih kg.kira2 dua tahun yg lepas.

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Post time 22-9-2011 11:55 PM | Show all posts
sy baru je baca kat internet. doktor tu kata any diet will work.yg penting konsisten dan disiplin.sama macam encik din_hbl cakap.

cara sy berdiet.

1) sy jenis boleh makan sekali sehari dan tak rasa apa2. so biasanya, sy just makan sekali sehari.biasanya waktu petang.pukul 6-8mlm. sy banyakkan minum air putih suam. in between,kalau lapar pun sy makan makanan yg ringan seperti biskut or roti.

2) sy banyakkan berjalan(ini shj senaman sy)-contoh boleh nak lif nak prgi tingkat lain, tapi sy naik guna kasut yg leper. contoh lain, sy berjlan kaki jika kuar ofis nak pergi mana2 waktu lunch time.

3) tabiat lain-sy AMAT menyukai buah limau.everyweek mesti beli 20 biji. makan macam tu je.setahu sy limau ni boleh menghuraikan lemak.betul ke?

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Post time 23-9-2011 12:03 AM | Show all posts
ala...ari ni lak tetiba en.B datang...

terus naik

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Post time 23-9-2011 01:08 AM | Show all posts
hey uols. sori aku lambat update. kemarin bz sangat. tak dapat online. hopefully aku blom kena kick  ...
chazey Post at 21-9-2011 20:32

    uolsss...dari 79 ke 76...waaa seronok...  no 3 tuuu...

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 Author| Post time 23-9-2011 06:49 AM | Show all posts
3) tabiat lain-sy AMAT menyukai buah limau.everyweek mesti beli 20 biji. makan macam tu je.setahu sy limau ni boleh menghuraikan lemak.betul ke?
sixret Post at 22-9-2011 23:55

pasal menghuraikan lemak tu tak sure, tapi limau n buahan lain boleh membantu kita mendapatkan berat badan ideal dgn fungsi sbgai snek sihat.. makan buahan umumnya lebih baik daripada makan manisan yg lain macam kek, kuih etc yg selalu kita pilih sebagai snek.. sebab gula buah ialah gula yg natural dan tak ganggu tahap gula dalam badan, tak macam gula pasir atau makanan berkanji macam nasi, roti putih, mee, mihun.. buah pun byk serat, bantu penghadaman n pencernaan perut..

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Post time 23-9-2011 04:17 PM | Show all posts
pasal menghuraikan lemak tu tak sure, tapi limau n buahan lain boleh membantu kita mendapatkan b ...
din_hbl Post at 23-9-2011 06:49

   thanks din_hbl for the info.

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Post time 23-9-2011 11:08 PM | Show all posts
minggu ni turun 1.5. sy xmkn nasi. cuma lebih kan mkn tempe, roti, ikan, sayur, ayam, daging ataupun telur..tapi kalu mkn pun xbyk sangat terutamanya ayam @ daging.. tambhan pula saya ni sdng menyusukan anak..takut2 xda lak zat kalu xmkn.. alhamdulillah dah 3minggu xmkn nasi, tp susu still ada dah masuk 7bulan menyusukan ank..

saya xbuat senaman, xsmpat nak buat. kat rumah ada la sauna, tapi tak buat..sbbnya malas plak nak suana..bila la mode nak bersauna ni dtg kmbali...

sekrng berat 65.4kg tinngi lak 150cm  ja. nak teruskn smpai dpt berat ideal, xkisah la sampai hujung bln 12 pun xpa...wishh me luck..hehehe

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Post time 23-9-2011 11:35 PM | Show all posts
Tahniah nurul146 sebab dapat ranking pertama...

I pn nak usaha lebih supaya dapat naik ranking and of course untuk turun kan lebih byk berat badan...

Chaiyok semua!!!

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Post time 24-9-2011 01:00 AM | Show all posts
menu hari ni:

pagi seperti biasa tak makan.

lunch tadi teringin sgt makan megi buatlah satu kat ofis.

malam makan yong tau fu-beli kat pasar malam.just amik kangkung dua ikat dan tauhu 2 keping.tu je.pastu minum cendol segelas dan taufufah semangkuk.

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Post time 24-9-2011 08:58 AM | Show all posts
I weighting myself 58.6kg's on scales this morning.. It's scary me alots.. Oneday before the running event & my bodyweight + bodyfat + inches drop.. ! Hopefully it will still drop & all the fat around my body keep burning !

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Post time 24-9-2011 08:18 PM | Show all posts
uolsss...dari 79 ke 76...waaa seronok...  no 3 tuuu...
rose_liz Post at 23-9-2011 01:08

thanks. tapi kena usaha banyak lagi...tak cukup lagi tu...

taget baru ai adelah harus mencecah 70kg by the end of otcober...harap2 terlaksana impian.

tapi mencik ah time peyed nih...berat susah sangat nak

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Post time 24-9-2011 09:28 PM | Show all posts
menu hari ini:

pagi sampai pukul 7.30- tak makan apa2. just minum air suam dan segelas besar nescafe(sip bukan teguk).

makan malam: sayur pucuk ubi masak lemak cili padi. ayam goreng(drumstick seketul),kentang goreng bercili(sikit). tu je.

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Post time 24-9-2011 09:29 PM | Show all posts
minggu ni turun 1.5. sy xmkn nasi. cuma lebih kan mkn tempe, roti, ikan, sayur, ayam, daging ataupun ...
nurul146 Post at 23-9-2011 23:08

    3 minggu tak makan nasi????!!!! tabahnya pn nurullllll! mmg patut dapat rank 1st.

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Post time 24-9-2011 09:33 PM | Show all posts
thanks. tapi kena usaha banyak lagi...tak cukup lagi tu...

taget baru ai adelah harus menceca ...
chazey Post at 24-9-2011 20:18

    or mr B tu piyed ek? tapiiii, stands for??

now 76...lagi sebulan lebih target 70...u have about 5 weeks dear.

adakah tercapai? sama2 kita nantikan! ai sapot usaha u chazey!! chaiyyokkk

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Post time 24-9-2011 09:44 PM | Show all posts
I weighting myself 58.6kg's on scales this morning.. It's scary me alots.. Oneday before the running ...
ms_green Post at 24-9-2011 08:58

looks like we hv about the same weight.
btw, what scares u?

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Post time 24-9-2011 11:37 PM | Show all posts
today was my cheat day of the week...
sementelah byk open house decided to take this as my cheat day..
sepatutnya my cheat day shouldn't be this late into the week..
so , hari ni makan - mee kari, birthday cake (small portion - tp sedappp..hehe), nasi ayam, some raya cookies...then on the way home anak2 nak makan icecream kat ummi nya pon tumpang sekaki... (dah lama tak makan chocotop...huhuhu..)

tomorrow is another day...
get back on track...
until the next cheat day...lalalalala....

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Post time 24-9-2011 11:40 PM | Show all posts
stumble upon this

Q: Look skinnier but same weight?
I started working out about 3 weeks ago and i can tell I'm getting smaller because people are noticing and I just look skinnier. But when i measure if i lost any inches, it's about the same number, maybe a little less? Why is that?

Hey. Fat Loss/Gain-right?! This is what everyone is hoping for: to lose fat! Gaining fat is the result of your body burning fewer calories than it is taking in. On the flip side, losing fat is the result of your body burning more calories than what it is taking in.

Say you step on scale and you see a 5 pound weight gain in a day or two? How do You know that You didn't gain three pounds of fat or lose five pounds of fat in one day? One pound is equal to 3,500 calories. In order for you to gain three pounds in one day, You would have had to consume 10,500 calories in that one day! For you to have lost five pounds in one day means your body would have had to burn 17,500 calories in that one day!

Another thing to consider is Muscle Gain/Loss! When you introduce your body to a new exercise that works muscles that are not regularly in use, those muscles begin to strengthen and build in mass. As they build in mass, they gain weight. This is not a bad thing! Remember, muscle is more dense than fat. Two people who weight the same with different fat-to-muscle ratios are going to look different; one will look much slimmer and leaner while the other will look more "fleshier". If you have just started exercising and your weight scale says you have gained weight since you started, it's because your muscles have built in mass quicker than your body has been able to burn the fat. Rest assured: your body has been burning fat. Eventually your body will be able to even out its efforts and the results will register on the weight scale!

The truth about scales and weight:
Weight scales do their jobs; they tell you how much you weigh. But they do not tell you whether your weight gain or weight loss was water, fat, or muscle. If you have ever wondered why the scale seems to fluctuate so much and how it's possible to gain two or three pounds overnight, then you know just how fickle scales can be. They never seem to tell the whole story. Did you know that an overcast or stormy day can actually add several pounds to the scale? Low pressure holds water in your tissues and since our bodies are mostly water, an overcast day can make us gain weight (or fluid). Another culprit…hormones. They can add two to six pounds over a three- to seven-day period while anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen as well as steroids may cause fluid retention. Even not getting enough sleep may slow down your body's ability to burn carbohydrates thus making more glucose available for fat storage and increasing your appetite through rising cortisol levels (the stress hormone). And just three shakes of salt, or ½ teaspoon, can add one pound of body weight since one gram of sodium can hold onto 16 ounces (or 1 pound) of water. This explains why your clothes fit tighter the day after a salty meal.
Here are some links for you dear: This is a chart of weight to height ratio.

For caloric needs: (best one I've found)

Exercises for slimmer thighs:

Write down what you eat so buy a little book and call it your food diary (or whatever you want to call it) and calculate what you eat with this:

Refined foods:

To calculate your bmi:

To help you loose some weight:

This will help you with nutrient claims when shopping:

What labels truly say:

Hope this helps and email me anytime!

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