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Author: juliez

[Jenayah] #KimJongNam - Kim Chol Sah Jong Nam #1290

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Post time 7-3-2017 11:40 PM | Show all posts
dodolgemok replied at 7-3-2017 11:37 PM
Kahkahkah dodol tgok cite ni byk kali pon masih mampu ketawa tergolek2

dodol ni pun ada sense of humour ke

alya ingatkan manusia macam dodolgemok ni tak ada life

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Post time 7-3-2017 11:41 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
mat_arof replied at 7-3-2017 09:36 PM
itulah saya pun pelik...

bila duta balik..staff yang lain tu..kot ye pun hantar lar anak bini k ...

Itu lah sis. Sgat kecewa dgan siapa yg buat keputusan tu, xbaca mengenai kisah2 kejam jong un terhadap pegawai tentera tertinggi dia ke? Setakat berapa ketul org malaysia tu kalau dia ikut perangai gila dia macam2 boleh jadi. Even kuasa besar amareka pon xdpt buat apa2 bila sorang student rakyat amareka dipenjara dan denda hard labour 15tahun sebab amek poster propaganda diorang. Takkan lah si pemikir2 dlm gomen xtau kisah ni kot?? North korea bukan nak ikut sgat perjanjian geneva ke, united nation kejadah apa semua tu. Seriously pecat the decision maker dlm hal ini.

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Post time 7-3-2017 11:41 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
alya_daniela replied at 7-3-2017 11:40 PM
bukankah dia pening pening kepala kerana menerima radiasi dari pyongyang

Itule    Aku pun x baik demam sejak hari tu sampai sekarang    

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Post time 7-3-2017 11:41 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
spiderman80 replied at 7-3-2017 10:42 PM
Salam Mod Dauswq,
Sebenarnya beberapa hari lalu Spidey nak saja merge kan beberapa threads yang m ...

Sister noob ke? Mohon merepot

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Post time 7-3-2017 11:42 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
alya_daniela replied at 7-3-2017 11:40 PM
dodol ni pun ada sense of humour ke

alya ingatkan manusia macam dodolgemok ni tak ada life

Mencikkk chuols! Peyno bila nak berambus?

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Post time 7-3-2017 11:43 PM | Show all posts
Edited by dani-rox at 7-3-2017 11:46 PM
lilo_stitch replied at 7-3-2017 11:21 PM
Bagi je lah mayat abang dia. Kita nak simpan pun buat apa. Keselamatan rakyat kita yg masih bernya ...

anak jong nam nak datang msia tu rumour jah katanya. post mortem dah semua dah, tinggal nak check dna jah lg utk identity confirmation. pastuh barulah kerajaan msia serahkan mayatnya kpd ahli keluarga terdekat.

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Post time 7-3-2017 11:43 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sebu replied at 7-3-2017 09:24 PM
Tak abis lagi kamu

Purapura,  aku rase sedih sgt sb ada malaysian  yg dijadikan tahanan  ...

Sbb najib bodohla jd mcm ni, nak buat taik sekalipun biarlah xde rakyat msia tertinggal kat situ, nak tunjuk hero la kat dunia hambat2 duta org,alih2 rakyat sendiri jd tawanan,bongok

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Post time 7-3-2017 11:44 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
lilo_stitch replied at 7-3-2017 11:21 PM
Bagi je lah mayat abang dia. Kita nak simpan pun buat apa. Keselamatan rakyat kita yg masih bernya ...

Xde pon waris atau anak dia dtg amek dna. Ru semua gosip fesbuk jah

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Post time 8-3-2017 12:02 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
juliez replied at 7-3-2017 04:25 PM

Utk kali ni je, aku sokong jibby. Wlupun dia tu xboleh pakai dlm byk benda, tp jibby mmg ada skill memujuk negara2 yg tgh panas or puak2 penentang. So jibby, good luck! Laksanakan tugasmu!

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Post time 8-3-2017 12:46 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
dodolgemok replied at 7-3-2017 11:44 PM
Xde pon waris atau anak dia dtg amek dna. Ru semua gosip fesbuk jah

Laaa.. anak dia x datang ek. Hari tu baca dlm The Star kata anak dia datang siap depa pakaikan dia pakaian UTK untuk kelirukan reporter..


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Post time 8-3-2017 02:01 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by pyropura at 8-3-2017 02:05 AM
sebu replied at 7-3-2017 09:24 PM
Tak abis lagi kamu

Purapura,  aku rase sedih sgt sb ada malaysian  yg dijadikan tahanan  ...

...mereka jadi mangsa tahanan sebab dasar luar negara Umno yang tongong, bila parti pemerintah sesuatu negara  baik dgn umno aje, terus dianggap sesuatu negara itu baik... warga komunis hardcore pun dibagi kemudahan bebas visa

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Post time 8-3-2017 07:37 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Nak wat cane. .jual dpt jutaan. .barang2 mesia mahal skrg. .

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Post time 8-3-2017 08:21 AM | Show all posts
True-X replied at 7-3-2017 09:11 PM
Tv3 tengah tayang kehebatan UTK kt 999... nak psiko rakyat jelata kot...

Tp bape kerat je yg teng ...

teringat ke azilah..
hanya mampu nyorok dalam timbunan kain..
UTK tu uolssss...
tu je yg mampu bila kene tangkap khalwat...
kata UTK hebak2 debak..

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Post time 8-3-2017 08:44 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Ya Allah semoga selamat rakyat malaysia semuanya.. Juga buat keluarga PTD ni ..

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Post time 8-3-2017 08:45 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Mcm ada bau ikan dlm kes ni.
Sebodoh tu buat  keputusan putuskan hubungan dgn KU.
Sepatutnya pastikan keselamatan rakyat
Kedua-dua negara dahulu.

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Post time 8-3-2017 09:49 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Perumpamaan dekat sini, kau nak cari gaduh putus hubungan dgan jiran kau, tpi anak beranak kau tinggal dengan jiran kau tu. Lepastu kau expect jiran kau nak lepaskan anak beranak kau yg tgah tinggal dalam rumah dia tu? Dodol nampak ni kelemahan pihak kerajaan utk expect the unexpected atau expect the worst. Apa2 pon benda dah berlaku, kerajaan kena make up for the mistake.

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Post time 8-3-2017 09:56 AM | Show all posts
gelabah betul acik2 ni semua...

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Post time 8-3-2017 09:57 AM | Show all posts
NK bukan kisah sangat pun pasal rakyat depa.... pak sedara depa pun bagi makan kat anjing ja.... ni kan rakyat depa.....

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Post time 8-3-2017 10:26 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
True-X replied at 7-3-2017 10:07 PM
"Bergegas ke Lapangan Terbang sehelai sepinggang"

Published On 05:38 | Admin

Boleh tak lepaskan wifey dan anak-anak tu balik dulu NK oiiii.. jaat!

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 Author| Post time 8-3-2017 02:17 PM | Show all posts

The son of Kim Jong-nam, the murdered half brother of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, has claimed his father was murdered... in a new video posted online.

Our Hwang Hojun reports.

A YouTube video emerged on Tuesday featuring a man claiming to be the son of Kim Jong-nam, the half brother of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un.

"My name is Kim Han Sol, from North Korea, part of the Kim family."

Korea's National Intelligence Service says it has confirmed the man is Kim Jong-nam's son.

In the video, titled "KHS Video," the man displays his passport to prove his identity, but most of it is blacked out.

He then claims his father was murdered, dismissing North Korea's claims to the contrary.

"My father has been killed a few days ago. I'm currently with my mother and my sister. We are very grateful to..."

...and the audio cuts off.

The 40-second-long video was uploaded onto the YouTube page of a group called Cheollima Civil Defense, which also uploaded it to its website.

The group claims that it will help and protect anyone who wishes to flee from North Korea and says that it has already done so for many people without seeking any rewards.

The group posted a statement along with the video that says the group is protecting members of Kim's family upon their request,... adding that "the present whereabouts of this family will not be addressed."

It also said this is its first and last statement on the matter.

The group also thanked countries that it claimed helped it provide protection for Kim's family, including the Netherlands, China, the U.S. and an unnamed fourth country.

The group also singled out Netherlands ambassador to South Korea for his involvement and humanitarian response.

Kim Jong-nam was killed at Kuala Lumpur International Airport last month by two suspects carrying the deadly nerve agent VX.

North Korea has repeatedly disparaged the investigation, accusing Malaysia of colluding with its enemies.

It also wants the Malaysian government to hand over Kim Jong-nam's body, but Malaysia rejected the request, insisting that it can only be claimed by the person's his next-of-kin.


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