Bossned Sentap Dikatakan Mirip DS Bung Mokhtar Radin /Bahasa Ingeris Bossned D
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kiambang replied at 22-5-2017 10:50 PM
Me baru rp 5 ... gigih tu nak sampai rp8.
Kan.. I pkai henpon lg la terasa mcm smp kiamat xkan jejak rp8 nak tgk sebutir sebutir thread |
wikedsaikel replied at 22-5-2017 07:22 AM
Letih juga buat ayat dalam tu. Ingat nk buka benang? Berapa tachang ek kalau buka benang? Iols tra ...
Nak tacang bnyk tanpa perah otak..pegi je ke bod lawak & jenaka..spam je la icon ketawa sebanyakkk2 tidak..cepat la naik kedit nya nanti. |
Belah Emak c bungned ni mmg family kaya ker? atau hasil kautan dari apaknya bungned?
Sebab iols nampak kaya walau pun ramai kata apak emak bungned dah berpisah..
Iols harap bungned ni akan dapat lah something yang bole sedarkan dia. Jangan pikir sentiasa hidup kat atas selamanya.
Bungned ni sangat bodoh sombong, kalo bukan sebab apak.. tak adanya hidup mendongak ke atas..
Sujak family ni memang well-to-do jugak.
tunggu dia jatuh terduduk baru nk terngadah uolss
sujak ni nama atok dia eh..maaf soalan noob 
Edited by mewo at 23-5-2017 08:04 AM
Patut la bungned tak kisah kerja ke tak.. family akan support habis habisan..
Tak apa la bungned, engko masak & jaga anak aje la kat rumah. 
Yes uols. Nama atuk Ned. Takpe dimaafkan  |
ooo i see
tq u 
Heols kerja la uols. Heols kan chairman Harrisons Holdings. Uols ni ..
Iyer la uolls  
vanillaninja replied at 23-5-2017 04:08 PM
Heols kerja la uols. Heols kan chairman Harrisons Holdings. Uols ni ..
Patut la memasak aje kerja nyaaaa. Masyukkk bulan bulan.. pandai nowaaa ngapppp |
Harrisons Holdings (Malaysia) Berhad is an investment holding company. The principal activities of the Company and its subsidiaries consist of marketing, sales and distribution of building materials, industrial and agricultural chemical products, liquor products, consumer goods, engineering and the operation of shipping, insurance and travel agencies. The Company's segments are Trade and distribution, and Others. The Company's subsidiaries include Harrisons Sabah Sdn. Bhd. and Harrisons Sarawak Sdn. Bhd., which are engaged in marketing and distribution of consumer, engineering, building and agricultural chemical products, operation of shipping and investment holding; Harrisons Peninsular Sdn. Bhd., which is engaged in marketing, sales and distribution of building materials, industrial and agricultural chemical products, liquor products and the operation of shipping and insurance agencies, and Harrisons Marketing & Services Sdn. Bhd., which is engaged in trading of consumer products.
Betul la tu.
tula pandai nora tu. power.
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