Istana Bawang 4 : Welcome Baby Sussex, #1762
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dani-rox replied at 2-5-2019 12:36 AM
yup, hopefully benar2 kejadian. buat masa sekarang, takmo la letak harapan tinggi sgt... nanti kuc ...
But i think eventually even on the surface nampak mcm takda apa, something mmg really is happening kat KP. Its BRF prerogative to keep it mum, a secret.
We all can kecewa but seeing someone dah malukan the sussexroyal by unfollowing all BRF accounts had really made my day LOL |
happy birthday Princess Charlotte |
234126 replied at 2-5-2019 07:58 AM
i tgk movie yang colin firth berlakon tu i was so touched dgn semangat dia. Screw edwards tinggal ...
yeap.. I saw that movie too. My husband really loves movie The King's Speech tu and Colin Firth mmg buat betul2 kan watak King George (Prince Albert)tu..And Helena Bonman Carter doing great as Queen Elizabeth, bini King George..kesian tengok dia berusaha utk bg ucapan tu.. sian sgt.. tp dia dpt isteri sgt membantu.Bini dia nie which is today kita call dia the Queen Mother. dlu nama dia Queen Elizabeth. Bila anak dia naik takhta, dia pun ambik gelaran the Queen Mother tu.
Now you can see kenapa Queen Mary ambik keputusan drastic bila King Edward kejar isteri orang si Wallis tu sis..si Wallis tu masih jd isteri Simpson Wallis masa jumpa Edward tu. Pompuan tu x getek ke nak sgt jd Queen, dia dah x kisah dah psl King Edward family. mmg goal satu kan.. jd Queen. Keputusan abdication tu dtg dr Parliament dan juga dr Queen Mary. Marah betul dorg kan bila raja spt Edward rela buat apa saja utk Wallis.
King George masa dia masih jd prince lagi was a spare. Childhood dia pula menyedihkan sbb masa parents dia King George dan Queen Mary pergi buat lawatan ke negara Commonwealth berbulan2, royal nanny dorg suka abused dorg. Pukul dorang, cubit dorg hingga King George x boleh nak bercakap dgn lancar kan sbb sering kena pukul dan cubit.Sian pula Queeb Mary bila dia balik dr Commonwealth tau anak2 dia kena abuse mcm tu sekali last2 dia fired royal nanny tu. Sbb years of abuse tu la menyebabkan dia jd stutter x boleh nak berckp dgn konfiden dan sgt shy.
Masa dlu anak2 raja dikahwinkan dgn pilihan raja atau permaisuri. During masa muda king George, dia seorg je yg kahwin dgn pilihan hatinya Elizabeth. Memula brf kurang bersetuju tp bila dorg tengok Elizabeth ni byk membantu Albert(king george) sbb Elizabeth nie anak aristrokat Scottish, anak Earl of Sthrathmore dia sgt confident last2 King George atuk QEII bagi la anak dia Prince Albert bapak QEII kawin dgn pilihan hati. Moreover Prince Albert kan spare mcm Harry dlu so dia x risau la dgn wife yg bukan princess.
Masa King Edward abdicated dr takhta tu ramai menentang.. termasuk Churchill tapi sapa nak King yg playboy dan gila nak berjoli je. Sama mcm perangai PH.
Prince Albert, bila naik takhta gantikan abg dia was more suitable jd king. Bini dia pun more suitable jd Queen.. and it must be hard utk Wallis nak terima sbb Queen Elizabeth tu x la sophiscated mcm dia, x la lawa mcm dia tp boleh pula rakyat terima jd Queen
haa.. pepagi I merempan bagi lecture in UK history to you all
hahhahaa enjoy hehehe |
eva replied at 2-5-2019 08:18 AM
aaaa.. bahayaaa..
hihi.. batting eyelashes tu hanya jd klau dia marah..
PH pun macam dah berjangkit kadang mata berkelip camtu. Rimass i tgok |
eva replied at 2-5-2019 09:33 AM
yeap.. I saw that movie too. My husband really loves movie The King's Speech tu and Colin Firth ...
Good info |
Guys . OT sat. I tak dapat notify yg uols reply .. Nape ek? Last i dapat pukul 2 pm semalam. Sejenis kegigihan i back log thread. Nape jd camni |
chip92 replied at 2-5-2019 08:47 AM
Princess charlotte elizabeth diana, ikut mummy dia middle name elizabeth
no wonder QE syg mak dia.. sama sama elizabeth hehehe |
yarabi. muka william sangat.
234126 replied at 2-5-2019 08:48 AM
make sense. BRF tak weak but they underestimate the soc media even before letting the faggot in.
I think PW will tackle this problem.jgn bg harry sbb dia punya pics x senonoh merata rata |
eva replied at 2-5-2019 08:21 AM
salah nie.. byk kali salah.
brf nie memiliki UK, rakyat yg hidup atas tanah dorg kena bayar ta ...
Kalau i jd QE i buat penjara kat tgh pulau. Khas utk org org macam maggot. Padan muka .. |
eva replied at 2-5-2019 08:32 AM
dah.. I choose middleton wedding drama.. sbb nya marah ngan Charlotte over baju nya yg sik berapa. ...
Me dad drama. Always have soft spot towards elderly n kids. Tak suka org kurang ajar dgn elderly, parent lagi tu! It say a lot about her personality. Jaik perangei |
234126 replied at 2-5-2019 08:52 AM
But i think eventually even on the surface nampak mcm takda apa, something mmg really is happeni ...
as DD said, brace for anything.. sabar je. have faith.
meaning apa pun tindakan brf maybe sebahagian akan kecewa..sebahagian lagi akan disbelief.. I am in the position of I dont care about announcement knowing she is a liar. Through and through a liar, and we know how BRF operates under such circumstances, my heart is with them.
What Meggot doing to the Crown is uncalled for. And who the hell she and her backers think they are, BRF known for having best intelligent, best communication and the ONLY country in Europe where Nazi x pernah jajah.
and UK ni latihan dia dorg ingat cikai2 je ye.. walaupun di Europe, Brits armies sll buat latihan di negara negara commonwealth. Yg selama nie kita tengok guerilla attack dan tracking technic tu dorg ingat belajar gitu saja. Dorg belajar tracking dr negara kita from Sarawak Rangers, teknik bertempur di padang pasir dorg belajar dr bekas jajahan di arab and many more. Africa pun helping juga in many ways.
I think meggot backers are delusional nak take down brf sbb x menang jadi POTUS. sick people kan.. dorg nak jdkan UK tu tmpt mrk belindung..dpt meggot yg mmg gila harta.. haa menjd la .
JRmommy replied at 2-5-2019 09:36 AM
PH pun macam dah berjangkit kadang mata berkelip camtu. Rimass i tgok
dia kena belakon.. start from the wedding |
234126 replied at 2-5-2019 08:22 AM
Memang sah gila isim dah meggot. Macam iqram danzly
Dia caras project mental health kate. D ...
Atleast iqram dinzly tu tade la pulak sampai nak rampas harta org lain. Kan? Tahap bingai sama la tapi dedua ni. Hahaha. Adoii mcm mcm hal la dorg ni |
Edited by eva at 2-5-2019 10:04 AM
far_072 replied at 2-5-2019 09:38 AM
Good info
tq tq.. confident women in keluarga InI adalah Queen Mary, bonda King George, Queen Elizabeth, isteri King George dan finally Queen Elizabeth II anak sulung King George. He was blessed with strong and powerful women in his life |
JRmommy replied at 2-5-2019 09:39 AM
Guys . OT sat. I tak dapat notify yg uols reply .. Nape ek? Last i dapat pukul 2 pm semalam. Sejeni ...
kol 3 depa buat mentenan sis..
u jgn online time tu. I online bila I sahur je hahaha |
what i love love love about kate is how genuine she looks bila interact dgn marhaen..like she's really interested in interacting with them, bukan buat sbb tugasan (terpaksa). her body language shows that. unlike her biras
eva replied at 2-5-2019 09:33 AM
yeap.. I saw that movie too. My husband really loves movie The King's Speech tu and Colin Firth ...
oh my this weekend harusla i tgk movie ni..i suke sejarah raja2 dulu kt sane.. |
JRmommy replied at 2-5-2019 09:52 AM
Kalau i jd QE i buat penjara kat tgh pulau. Khas utk org org macam maggot. Padan muka ..
bg la pulau Gallapalagos kat dia. Theory evolution start dr snaa.. maybe lepas nie meggot boleh bertukar kpd gorilla dia kan suka pisang... haaaa |
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