All About Ikan/Fish (tips bela/ternak & pelbagai spesis)
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Reply #42 cakpong's post
kalau gitu,ko jgn makan ayam,lembu tu sumer..pasal pas kena sembelih, depa tu pun still idup lg...ko makan sayur je,k?jadi vegetarian.. |
Reply #43 firdaruddin's post
loh, jgn la emo..kita kan ada persepsi masing2. mls la aku nk explain in details awat aku rasa mcm tu. |
aku nya akuarium diserang siput kecik2...banyak pulak tu..ada sesapa tau camna nak hilangkan siput2 ni tanpa cuci whole aquarium...sian ikan2 aku |
smlm bru bli ikan....
bli yg kecik2 jek...
tetra, barb...
tp pg td.. seme dh mati... tinggal guppy ngn catfish jek....
ape pesal agaknyer yer......... |
Reply #1 pinky_gurl_2007's post
erm mmg sonok pun kalo tgk ikan...tenang jer rasa.
kite dah dekat 50 ekor dah ada ikn gupy tu.. dia membiak.mulanya just ada 10 ekor.
dl memula mmg asyik mati jer ntah la mybe air tak sesuai kot
tp bila pindah ikn mkn membiak..senang jer just letak klorin n bg mkn pg n ptg.
air pun tak slalu kena tukar.. mmg senang sgt nak jg. |
Reply #2 diana04's post
emm brape kerap ek nak tukar air ikan nih? n macamne tau kalo kita tukar tu pastu telur2 dia pon terbuang skali..huhu..kita bela ikan tapi tak penah membiak.. |
ikan guppy ni senang dibela.. aku dulu biasa menangguk dalam parit ke utk bela...
ikan ni jugak senang membiak.. cukup dengan seekor jantan dgn 2 ekor betina, tgk2 dalam masa 2-3minggu dah byk dia membiak...
kalau ikan ni buleh hidup dalam parit, maknanya dia tidak memerlukan penjagaan yang rapi... tapi pastikan air didalam akuarium itu cukup dengan bekalan oksigen... makanan pulak jgn berlebihan kerana ikan ni suka makan, maka dia juga suka berak yg mengakibatkan air cepat tercemar...
Reply #3 roquezz's post
2 bln skali kita tukar. takder kotor sgt pun tp yela tahi dia byk gak terkumpul kat bwh dicelahan batu |
Saya berminat untuk kongsi pendapat dan pengetahuan mengenai pembenihan dan penternakan keli. Sebagai pembuka kata saya kopipes maklumat tentang ikan keli dari wikipedia.
Diharap thread ini dapat membantu peminat dan usahawan KELI bumiputera yg sesetengahnya sudah kantoi membela KELI kerana kurang research dan pengetahuan terutama dari segi kimia dan biologi air serta teknik penternakan yang betul esp. dari segi pemakanan, dll.
Klip video ini kelakar, seorang usahawan KELI yang telah gagal.
Insyaallah jika ada masa saya akan sambung...
p/s: Mod, saya punya thread 'ALL about BETTA' dah ke mana? Dah mergekan ke atau saya browse cari tak jumpa?
Ikan Keli adalah ikan air tawar yang banyak terdapat di negara-negara ASEAN, khususnya di Malaysia. Di sesetengah tempat khususnya di Selangor, ikan keli disebut sebagai "ikan semilang". Bagi orang Perak, ikan semilang hanya hidup di laut.Ikan keli boleh didapati di kebanyakan sawah padi, contohnya di Pahang, di Paya Pahang Tua, Mambang, Ganchong dan Paloh Hinai, Pekan. Ia juga banyak terdapat di Tasik Chini, Paya Bungor atau Bera. Keli juga menghuni di kuala anak sungai kecil seperti Sungai Lepar di Paloh Hinai hingga ke Jerantut dan Kuala Lipis, selain di Sungai Bera dan Sungai Serting.
Ikan Keli yang dijual di pasar.
Antara jenis-jenis ikan keli yang boleh didapati adalah:-
Ikan keli boleh dipelihara di dalam kolam besar atau sekadar di dalam kolah. Ia mudah membiak dengan memberi makan reja daging ayam, lemak ayam dan sebagainya. Harga sekilo ikan keli yang sudah disiang hanya RM5.00 di pasar Semenyih.
Dalam bahasa Jawa dan di Indonesia pada amnya, ikan keli disebut "ikan lele".
- Bagi sesetengah tempat khususnya di Hilir Perak dan Kampung Gajah, Perak, ikan keli tidak dimakan atau kurang dimakan kerana kepercayaan 'kuno' ikan keli berasal daripada berudu, iaitu anak katak.
- Jika orang mati lemas di Sungai Perak,mayat yang hanyut dan telah reput itu biasanya dimakan oleh ikan keli.Mereka menjumpai dalam mayat tersebut beberapa ekor ikan keli. Mungkinkerana cerita-cerita sebegini, ikan keli 'kurang digemari' di Hilir Perak dan Kampung Gajah, Perak.
- Sebaliknya di Semenyih, Selangor, ikan keli menjadi hidangan istimewa dalam kenduri keluarga.
[ Last edited by OJey at 20-11-2008 02:26 PM ] |
Clarias batrachus (Linnaeus, 1758)
This is certainly one of these catfish that you should keep "home alone" as it is a voracious predator when it starts growing from the small cute catfish that you bought from the local fish shop to the fast growing predator that you see before your eyes!.
Clarias batrachus = Pair of Piebald/Pink
There is a few varieties of Clarias batrachus, the normal coloured which is a slate grey to olive colouration with a white underbelly and an albino variation which unusual to most fish species, occurs in nature. The albino is of course white all over with red eye's. Another much prettier one is is the above image, piebald/pink, and has normal eye's.
It received its common name of the 'Walking Catfish' on its ability to walk overland from pond to pond when their original habitat dries up or after a heavy rainfall. They possess a much reduced air-bladder and their gills are stiffened to prevent their collapse when out of water and in a special part of the gill chamber are spongy arborecent (tree-like) organs growing from the upper ends of the gill arches. These and the skin surrounding them, are well supplied with blood vessels and operate efficiently in water lacking in oxygen or when the fish is out of water. They of course keep their gills closed when out of water and as long as their body is kept moist they can stay on land for a considerable length of time.
Clarias batrachus = Albino
Their distinguishing features are of course its long dorsal fin ( 62-77 rays) without a spine and its long anal fin (45-63 rays). Both these fins usually have a break before the small rounded caudal fin but sometimes in odd specimens the fins of the dorsal and anal fuse to the caudal. Its pectoral spines are very strong ( 1 spine 8-11 rays) especially the leading spine which of course helps its odd lifestyle of moving about on dry land. It possess 4 pair of barbels, one pair of nasal, one pair of maxillary and two pairs of mandibular barbels.
Clarias batrachus = Normal Variety
It is native to Southeastern Asia but was brought into the U.S. in the 1960's for fish farming and it was out of one of these farms in Florida in the mid 60's that the first escape occurred and the first catch of this fish was by an angler on the 15th March 1967. The first escapees originated from wild stock which was exported from Thailand. It is a threat to the native fish populations in the Florida and Gulf of Mexico areas and the only enemy of this fish (apart from the anglers) is if there is a very cold winter and they can not survive the long cold spell.
As mentioned at the start of this factsheet, they are predators and very good escape artists as well so if you do fancy keeping them a tight lid is essential with large hiding places, a soft bottom ( sand or rounded gravel) and of course a large tank of 4ft or larger and outside filtration.
The male of this species is usually more colourful than the female with a dark spot on the rear of the dorsal fin, the female does not possess this. This of course relates to the normal variety and I'm not sure if this could be applied to the albino, but the larger girth of the female in breeding condition would set them apart.
[ Last edited by OJey at 20-11-2008 02:17 PM ] |
Dorsal fin 62-77 rays without a spine. Anal fin 45-63 rays. Both these fins usually have a break before the small rounded caudal fin but sometimes in odd specimens the fins of the dorsal and anal fuse to the caudal. Pectoral;1 spine 8-11 rays. 4 pair of barbels, one pair of nasal, one pair of maxillary and two pairs of mandibular barbels.
There is a few varieties of Clarias batrachus, the normal coloured which is a slate grey to olive colouration with a white underbelly. Albino, white all over with red eye's. Another variety is piebald/pink and has normal eye's.
Very much a predator so would need to be kept alone or with its own kind as in a pair.
It is reported that they engage in mass spawning migrations in late spring and early summer. Adhesive eggs are laid in a nest or in submerged vegetation and the males guard the eggs. There is a breeding report published in the German magazine DATZ (7/04, pages 12-15) by Wolfgang Ros. To get this article you can order DATZ 7/04 at the publishing house "ulmer" (for more information: [email protected]). You can read ( in German) an abstract and pictures on the Predator-talk forum.
Below is a short extract in English kindly supplied by Wolfgang from his article:
"At least in the breeding time of Clarias batrachus there seems to be a kind of pair connection. The mating altogether takes about 20 hours. Before both partners are digging a hollow, which has a diameter of approximately 12 inch. In some descriptions also the building of a nest is described. I cannot confirm that. There are some hundreds up to a thousand eggs. As soon as the female delivered all eggs, it avoids the mating hollow. This part is guarded only by the male, the female secures the place behind. The embryos slipped out after approximately 30-40 hours. After further two days both partners are no more protecting the spawn."
In its native habitat it is a scavenger and will eat smaller fish and are opportunist feeders and so will eat just about anything!. In the aquarium they are not fussy feeders but fish of some sort should be on the menu but does not necessary need to be live food.
Clarias: Clear or shining.
batrachus: From 慴atrachus |
The non-native walking catfish, Clarias batrachus. Photo courtesy USGS.
A group of walking catfish crosses a parking lot on a rainy day. Photo courtesy USGS.
Species Name:
Clarias batrachus Linnaeus, 1758
Common Name(s):
Walking Catfish, Magur
Species Description:
Clarias batrachus, the walking catfish, has an elongate body that is broader at the head, tapering toward the tail. It is readily recognizable as a catfish with four pairs of barbels (whiskers) and fleshy, papillated lips. The teeth are villiform (small and bristle-like), occurring in patches on the jaw and palate (Jayaram, 1981). The eyes are small. The pectoral spines are large and robust and finely serrate along the margins. There is no dorsal spine. The dorsal fin is continuous and extends along the back two-thirds of the length of the body. The dorsal, caudal, and anal fins together form a near-continuous margin; the caudal fin is rounded and not eel-like though it is occasionally fused with the other fins (Talwar and Jhingran 1991). The complete spine/ray count is: Dorsal = 62-72; Anal = 45-58; Pectoral = I + 8-11 (Sen 1985).
Color is drab but variable among individuals: olive to dark brown or purple to black on the dorsal surface; pale to white on the ventral surface; and blue-green on the sides. The fins are grey-green and small white specks are present on the back half of the body (Page and Burr 1991). An albino variant occurs naturally and has been commercialized for the aquarium hobby trade.
Potentially Misidentified Species:
In Florida, novices may confuse this species with the native Ariid marine hardhead catfish (Ariopsis felis) and gafftopsail catfish (Bagre marinus). However, the forked tail, adipose fin set anterior to the caudal peduncle, and the presence of a dorsal spine on the native species are among the many features that easily differentiate them from C. batrachus. Similar distinguishing features can be used to distinguish C. batrachus from resident freshwater Ictalurid catfish such as the brown bullhead (Ictalurus nebulosus) and channel catfish (I. punctatus).
[ Last edited by OJey at 20-11-2008 02:17 PM ] |
Age, Size, Lifespan:
Walking catfish typically attain a standard length of 225-300 mm, although animals twice that size are encountered (Courtenay and Miley 1975; Hensley and Courtenay 1980).
Small, isolated ponds are reported to be particularly vulberable to walking catfish infestation. As early as 1970, researchers were reporting C. batrachus abundance in small Florida ponds in excess of 3,000 pounds per acre (Lachner 1970).
Individuals become sexually mature at approximately one year of age (Talwar and Jhingran 1991). Where populations are established, walking catfish exhibit rainy season mass migration and spawning events. Adhesive egg masses containing as many as 1,000 eggs are laid in nesting hollows prepared by the breeding pair. Egg masses are found on on aquatic vegetation or within other suitable nest sites. They are guarded by the males until they hatch (Courtenay et al. 1974, Hensley and Courtenay 1980). The female, leaving care of the eggs to the male, guards the area around the nest.
http://www.flmnh.ufl.edu/fish/Ga ... walkingcatfish2.JPG
Embryonic development within the egg is rapid. Embryos hatch out in approximately 30 hours at 25癈. For the first two days after hatching, parents still remain by the nest to protect the fry. At this stage, the fry are egg-sac larvae that do not yet feed, but instead live off of energy reserves stored in the yolk sac for the first two to three days after hatching (Rao et al. 1995). When the free-swimming young have consumed the remaining yolk reserves, they begin to forage for themselves.
[ Last edited by OJey at 20-11-2008 05:21 PM ] |
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