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ipes2 replied at 7-2-2021 01:13 AM
Code mender ni |
ipes2 replied at 7-2-2021 01:13 AM
oh silap!
Talking to yourself?
tak kuor gambo tu
Yg org salu pi kat Sg. Dua tu nom nom...
Edited by seribulan at 7-2-2021 08:00 AM
Cam kenduri plak sekawah tu teringat gulai kawah kat Pantai Dalam...lama x pi...huhu...
tu lah
nak try lagi
kuar ke tak?
keypochino replied at 7-2-2021 01:16 AM
Apa nama kedai dia? Dlm giant tu ke atau area shoplot yg dekat .pasaraya hero?
eh x.. kat dalam giant je tu.. kat deret deret food court tu |
ipes2 replied at 7-2-2021 02:13 AM
ehhhh awak mencarut ke ni... hehehhe.. ngek! |
Xde...cuba try pandu lagi
Nah baca ni-
Whether you've read about it in the news or heard personal accounts from friends and family, COVID-19 vaccines can cause side effects – but there are ways to minimize symptoms.
Dr. Michael Daignault, an emergency physician in Los Angeles, tells USA TODAY that common post-vaccine symptoms shouldn't make people wary of getting vaccinated against the coronavirus.
"The side effects of the vaccine are 100 times better than getting COVID itself," he said. "I've seen firsthand what COVID does to people and does to their body – having symptoms for a few hours or even a day is much more agreeable."
He added having a vaccine reaction is actually a good sign. "It means your immune system is working," he explained.
If you're looking to lessen some of the potential side effects, however, here's how to treat some common symptoms:
How to treat COVID-19 vaccine injection site pain:
One area that may react to the vaccine is the arm where you received the shot. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention lists injection site pain and swelling as normal side effects. Here are some things you can do:
Pain relievers: Though the CDC and the World Health Organization recommend against the preventive use of over-the-counter pain relief medications such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen, they do allow them if symptoms develop after the shot. Daignault recommends checking with your doctor first, however, if you're already taking other medications.
Cool it down: "Ice is a great treatment for swelling – plus for pain, and it's often overlooked but it's something we all have and it doesn't interact with any medications you have already," Daignault said. Out of ice? The CDC says you can use a "clean, cool, wet washcloth over the area" as well.
Epsom salt baths: "If it's really sore or if you have general body aches," Daignault said, "just take 2 cups of Epsom salt, put it in some relatively warm water and soak in there for 20 minutes, finish with a cold shower and get into bed."
Exercise your arm: "The muscle ache comes from localized inflammation," Dr. Richard Pan, a pediatrician and California State Senator who chairs the Senate Committee on Health, explained to USA TODAY. "So moving the arm around can sometimes make it feel better."
How to treat general COVID-19 vaccine symptoms:
You may also experience symptoms including fever, chills, tiredness and headaches.
Rest up: "I would say rest as much as you can," Daignault said, before advising not to over-do it. "I'm also encouraging people to go about their daily activities... because you always want to maintain the best cardiovascular system as possible."
Drink fluids: The CDC recommends this as a way to "reduce discomfort from fever."
Dress lightly: The CDC also recommends this for fevers.
When should I see a doctor for my vaccine symptoms?
Pan said that if you feel like your reactions are "particularly severe" without relief or "prolonged" – lasting more than the typical few days – you should call your doctor.
COVID-19 vaccine:Jeff Goldblum, Tyler Perry, Queen Elizabeth II, more celebs who got it
Pan also points out that "not everything that happens after you get a vaccine is necessarily due to the vaccine," meaning another illness could be causing more severe symptoms.
"So call you doctor... certainly if you feel like you need medical care," he said. "If you're short of breath, that shouldn't be from the vaccine. So don't think, 'Well, maybe that's just the vaccine.'"
CDC also recommends seeing your doctor if redness or pain at your injection site increases after 24 hours.
Daignault noted the "most severe" side effects people could experience from the vaccine are usually allergic reactions shortly after the shot. For that reason, he asks patients to wait in their car or at their testing center for about 15 to 30 minutes after the injection.
"Usually if you can make it through that without any severe symptoms, the chances of having any severe symptoms hours or days after that are very unlikely," he assured.
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Berhati-hati main kutu - Peguam
Februari 7, 2021 09:54 MYT
KUALA LUMPUR: Tidak syak lagi bahawa pandemik COVID-19 telah menjejaskan sumber pendapatan sebilangan besar rakyat Malaysia.
Dalam keadaan sedemikian, ramai yang mungkin terdorong untuk beralih kepada cara mudah dan singkat, mengumpul wang tunai secara bermain kutu.
Tetapi pengamal undang-undang menasihatkan rakyat Malaysia untuk berhati-hati apabila bermain kutu, kerana ia boleh menyebabkan anda terjerumus melakukan kesalahan dari segi undang-undang.
Peguam Teeruvarasu K. Muthusamy berkata, secara ringkas, takrifan bermain kutu melibatkan sekumpulan kecil orang yang berpakat untuk menyumbangkan sejumlah wang yang dipersetujui, dalam tempoh masa yang ditetapkan secara mingguan atau bulanan.
Duit itu kemudiannya diserahkan oleh ketua kumpulan atau ibu kutu kepada peserta, yang dijalankan secara undian.
Teeruvarasu berkata, main kutu tradisional dalam kalangan rakan atau keluarga adalah sah mengikut Pendaftar Pertubuhan (RoS), tetapi ia boleh menyalahi undang-undang dalam dua situasi.
"Menjadi satu kesalahan apabila ibu kutu mengenakan yuran keahlian daripada peserta untuk melanggan atau menyertai skim kutu. Ia juga menjadi tidak sah apabila ibu kutu itu menuntut keuntungan daripada ahli yang menyumbang untuk memperkayakan dirinya," katanya kepada Bernama.
Teeruvarasu berkata, senario lain yang akan menyebabkan aktiviti itu menyalahi undang-undang adalah apabila dana itu diiklankan atau dipromosikan kepada masyarakat umum.
Beliau menegaskan bahawa perkara itu melanggar iaitu Seksyen 3 Akta (Larangan) Kumpulan Wang Kutu 1971 (Akta 28).
"Akta 28 dengan jelas menyatakan bahawa tidak ada individu mahupun syarikat di negara ini dibenarkan menganjurkan pelaburan wang kutu termasuk aktiviti mengutip wang orang lain bagi tujuan membina rangkaian perniagaan," katanya.
Beliau berkata, perkara berkaitan Akta 28 adalah di bawah bidang kuasa Kementerian Perdagangan Dalam Negeri dan Hal Ehwal Pengguna dan sebarang penyelewengan kutu boleh dilaporkan kepada Pendaftar Syarikat (ROC) dan polis.
Seorang lagi peguam, Nor Zabetha Muhammad Nor pula menasihatkan orang ramai, agar tidak melibatkan diri bermain kutu, kerana mereka berisiko kehilangan wang atau boleh diheret ke mahkamah.
"Ada banyak cara permainan kutu yang dijalankan hari ini dan mereka juga jalankan melalui kumpulan WhatsApp. Ramai yang menyertai skim ini tanpa mengetahui siapa ibu kutu itu.
"Bila makin banyak kumpulan, dana kutu terus meningkat, simpanan makin banyak, ia jadi wang gelap dan itulah yang biasa mengubahnya menjadi satu kesalahan," jelasnya.
Peguam jenayah terkemuka Datuk N. Sivananthan, yang senada dengan Nor Zabetha, berkata sekiranya ahli membuat laporan terhadap ketua kumpulan itu, kedua-dua pihak iaitu peserta dan ibu kutu boleh didakwa.
"Secara teorinya, pihak polis boleh mendakwa peserta kerana main kutu dan ketua kumpulan kerana mengutip (wang) dan juga mencuri atau menipu bergantung pada fakta," katanya.
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My sarapan today, keypo nasi lemak, @Kak-Leen? @sarah82? |
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yg dressing bedsore tu sampai bila?
i kdg2 beli nasi arab kat vista kedai hujung
oo dlu kat pantai dlm selalu mkn ayam golek.. kalau order dia letak sekor x potong2.. mkn mcm canibal plak rasa.. haha
ooyeke.. ye la kot.. haha keypo ni xtau sgt sbb bkn org penang..
ooyeke, ada kedai arab dlm giant eh.. nmpk sgt lama xpi sana.. dlu kalau gi foodcourt mkn sizzling noodle je. hihi
Lupa ke ABC la...haha...
Saya kale petang, suka goreng puyuh berempah sedap...
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